This document describes the ML.TFDV_DESCRIBE function, which you can use to generate fine-grained statistics for the columns in a table. For example, you might want to know statistics for a table of training or serving data statistics that you plan to use with a machine learning (ML) model. Calling this function provides the same behavior as calling the TensorFlow TensorFlow tfdv.generate_statistics_from_csv API. You can use the data output by this function for such purposes as feature preprocessing or model monitoring.


  { TABLE `project_id.dataset.table` | (query_statement) },
    [num_histogram_buckets AS num_histogram_buckets]
    [, num_quantiles_histogram_buckets AS num_quantiles_histogram_buckets]
    [, num_values_histogram_buckets AS num_values_histogram_buckets]
    [, num_rank_histogram_buckets AS num_rank_histogram_buckets])


ML.TFDV_DESCRIBE takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.
  • dataset: a STRING value that specifies the BigQuery dataset that contains the table.
  • table: the name of the input table that contains the training or serving data to calculate statistics for.
  • query_statement: a query that generates the training or serving data to calculate statistics for. For the supported SQL syntax of the query_statement clause, see GoogleSQL query syntax.
  • num_histogram_buckets: an INT64 value that specifies the number of buckets to use for a histogram with equal-width buckets. Only applies to numerical, ARRAY<numerical>, and ARRAY<STRUCT<INT64, numerical>> columns. The num_histogram_buckets value must be in the range [1, 1,000]. The default value is 10.
  • num_quantiles_histogram_buckets: an INT64 value that specifies the number of buckets to use for a quantiles histogram. Only applies to numerical, ARRAY<numerical>, and ARRAY<STRUCT<INT64, numerical>> columns. The num_quantiles_histogram_buckets value must be in the range [1, 1,000]. The default value is 10.
  • num_values_histogram_buckets: an INT64 value that specifies the number of buckets to use for a quantiles histogram. Only applies to ARRAY columns. The num_values_histogram_buckets value must be in the range [1, 1,000]. The default value is 10.
  • num_rank_histogram_buckets: an INT64 value that specifies the number of buckets to use for a rank histogram. Only applies to categorical and ARRAY<categorical> columns. The num_rank_histogram_buckets value must be in the range [1, 10,000]. The default value is 50.


ML.TFDV_DESCRIBE returns a column named dataset_feature_statistics_list that contains a TensorFlow DatasetFeatureStatisticsList protocol buffer in JSON format.


The following example returns statistics for the penguins public dataset and uses 20 buckets for rank histograms for string values:

  TABLE `bigquery-public-data.ml_datasets.penguins`,
  STRUCT(20 AS num_rank_histogram_buckets)


Input data for the ML.TFDV_DESCRIBE function can only contain columns of the following data types:

  • Numeric types
  • BOOL
  • BYTE
  • DATE
  • TIME
  • ARRAY<STRUCT<INT64, FLOAT64>> (a sparse tensor)
  • STRUCT columns that contain any of the following types:
    • Numeric types
    • STRING
    • BOOL
    • BYTE
    • DATE
    • TIME
  • ARRAY columns that contain any of the following types:
    • Numeric types
    • STRING
    • BOOL
    • BYTE
    • DATE
    • TIME