This document describes the ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function, which lets you create embeddings that describe an entity—for example, a piece of text or an image.

Embeddings are high-dimensional numerical vectors that represent a given entity. Machine learning (ML) models use embeddings to encode semantics about entities to make it easier to reason about and compare them. If two entities are semantically similar, then their respective embeddings are located near each other in the embedding vector space.

Embeddings help you perform the following tasks:

  • Semantic search: search entities ranked by semantic similarity.
  • Recommendation: return entities with attributes similar to a given entity.
  • Classification: return the class of entities whose attributes are similar to the given entity.
  • Clustering: cluster entities whose attributes are similar to a given entity.
  • Outlier detection: return entities whose attributes are least related to the given entity.
  • Matrix factorization: return entities that represent the underlying weights that a model uses during prediction.
  • Principal component analysis (PCA): return entities (principal components) that represent the input data in such a way that it is easier to identify patterns, clusters, and outliers.
  • Autoencoding: return the latent space representations of the input data.

Depending on the task, the ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function works in one of the following ways:

  • To generate embeddings from text or visual content, ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING sends the request to a BigQuery ML remote model that represents one of the Vertex AI embedding models, and then returns the model's response.
  • For PCA and autoencoding, ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING processes the request using a BigQuery ML PCA or autoencoder model and the ML.PREDICT function. ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING gathers the ML.PREDICT output for the model into an array and outputs it as the ml_generate_embedding_result column. Having all of the embeddings in a single column lets you directly use the VECTOR_SEARCH function on theML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING output.
  • For matrix factorization, ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING processes the request using a BigQuery ML matrix factorization model and the ML.WEIGHTS function. ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING gathers the factor_weights.weight and intercept values from the ML.WEIGHTS output for the model into an array and outputs it as the ml_generate_embedding_result column. Having all of the embeddings in a single column lets you directly use the VECTOR_SEARCH function on theML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING output.

The ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function works with the Vertex AI model to perform embedding tasks supported by that model. For more information on the types of tasks these models can perform, see the following documentation:

Typically, you want to use text embedding models for text-only use cases, and use multimodal models for cross-modal search use cases, where embeddings for text and visual content are generated in the same semantic space.


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING syntax differs depending on the BigQuery ML model you choose. If you use a remote model, it also differs depending on the Vertex AI model that your remote models targets. Choose the option appropriate for your use case.


# Syntax for visual content
  MODEL project_id.dataset.model_name,
  { TABLE table_name | (query_statement) },
    [flatten_json_output AS flatten_json_output]
    [, start_second AS start_second]
    [, end_second AS end_second]
    [, interval_seconds AS interval_seconds]
    [, output_dimensionality AS output_dimensionality])
# Syntax for text content
  MODEL project_id.dataset.model_name,
  { TABLE table_name | (query_statement) },
    [flatten_json_output AS flatten_json_output]
    [, output_dimensionality AS output_dimensionality])


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.

  • dataset: the BigQuery dataset that contains the model.

  • model_name: the name of a remote model over a Vertex AI multimodalembedding@001 model.

    You can confirm what LLM is used by the remote model by opening the Google Cloud console and looking at the Remote endpoint field in the model details page.

  • table_name: one of the following:

    • If you are creating embeddings for visual content, the name of a BigQuery object table that contains the visual content to embed.
    • If you are creating text embeddings, the name of a BigQuery table that contains a STRING column to embed. The text in the column that's named content is sent to the model. If your table doesn't have a content column, use a SELECT statement for this argument to provide an alias for an existing table column. An error occurs if no content column exists.

  • query_statement: If you are creating text embeddings, a query whose result contains a STRING column that's named content. For information about the supported SQL syntax of the query_statement clause, see GoogleSQL query syntax. To create embeddings for visual content from an object table, you can also specify query_statement. The subquery of an object table can only support WHERE, ORDER BY, and LIMIT clause.

  • flatten_json_output: a BOOL value that determines whether the JSON content returned by the function is parsed into separate columns. The default is TRUE.

  • start_second: a FLOAT64 value that specifies the second in the video at which to start the embedding. The default value is 0. If you specify this argument, you must also specify the end_second argument. This value must be positive and less than the end_second value. This argument only applies to video content.

  • end_second: a FLOAT64 value that specifies the second in the video at which to end the embedding. The end_second value can't be higher than 120. The default value is 120. If you specify this argument, you must also specify the start_second argument. This value must be positive and greater than the start_second value. This argument only applies to video content.

  • interval_seconds: a FLOAT64 value that specifies the interval to use when creating embeddings. For example, if you set start_second = 0, end_second = 120, and interval_seconds = 10, then the video is split into twelve 10 second segments ([0, 10), [10, 20), [20, 30)...) and embeddings are generated for each segment. This value must be greater than or equal to 4 and less than 120. The default value is 16. This argument only applies to video content.

  • output_dimensionality: an INT64 value that specifies the number of dimensions to use when generating embeddings. Valid values are 128, 256, 512, and 1408. The default value is 1408. For example, if you specify 256 AS output_dimensionality, then the ml_generate_embedding_result output column contains 256 embeddings for each input value.

    You can only use this argument when creating text or image embeddings. If you use this argument when creating video embeddings, the function returns an error.


The model and input table must be in the same region.


  MODEL project_id.dataset.model_name,
  { TABLE table_name | (query_statement) },
    [flatten_json_output AS flatten_json_output]
    [, task_type AS task_type]
    [, output_dimensionality AS output_dimensionality])


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.

  • dataset: the BigQuery dataset that contains the model.

  • model_name: the name of a remote model over a Vertex AI Vertex AI PaLM API embedding LLM.

    You can confirm what LLM is used by the remote model by opening the Google Cloud console and looking at the Remote endpoint field in the model details page.

  • table_name: the name of the BigQuery table that contains a STRING column to embed. The text in the column that's named content is sent to the model. If your table doesn't have a content column, use a SELECT statement for this argument to provide an alias for an existing table column. An error occurs if no content column exists.

  • query_statement: a query whose result contains a STRING column that's named content. For information about the supported SQL syntax of the query_statement clause, see GoogleSQL query syntax.

  • flatten_json_output: a BOOL value that determines whether the JSON content returned by the function is parsed into separate columns. The default is TRUE.

  • task_type: a STRING literal that specifies the intended downstream application to help the model produce better quality embeddings. The task_type argument accepts the following values:

    • RETRIEVAL_QUERY: specifies that the given text is a query in a search or retrieval setting.
    • RETRIEVAL_DOCUMENT: specifies that the given text is a document in a search or retrieval setting.

      When using this task type, it is helpful to include the document title in the query statement in order to improve embedding quality. You can use the title option to specify the name of the column that contains the document title, otherwise the document title must be in a column either named title or aliased as title, for example:

      SELECT *
        MODEL `mydataset.embedding_model`,
        (SELECT abstract as content, header as title, publication_number
        FROM `mydataset.publications`),
        STRUCT(TRUE AS flatten_json_output, 'RETRIEVAL_DOCUMENT' as task_type)
    • SEMANTIC_SIMILARITY: specifies that the given text will be used for Semantic Textual Similarity (STS).

    • CLASSIFICATION: specifies that the embeddings will be used for classification.

    • CLUSTERING: specifies that the embeddings will be used for clustering.

  • output_dimensionality: an INT64 value that specifies the number of dimensions to use when generating embeddings. For example, if you specify 256 AS output_dimensionality, then the ml_generate_embedding_result output column contains 256 embeddings for each input value.

    You can only use this argument if the remote model that you specify in the model argument uses one of the following models as an endpoint:

    • text-embedding-004 or later
    • text-multilingual-embedding-002 or later


The model and input table must be in the same region.


  MODEL project_id.dataset.model_name,
  { TABLE table_name | (query_statement) },
    [flatten_json_output AS flatten_json_output]
    [, task_type AS task_type]
    [, output_dimensionality AS output_dimensionality])


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.

  • dataset: the BigQuery dataset that contains the model.

  • model_name: the name of a remote model over a Vertex AI Vertex AI PaLM API embedding LLM.

    You can confirm what LLM is used by the remote model by opening the Google Cloud console and looking at the Remote endpoint field in the model details page.

  • table_name: the name of the BigQuery table that contains a STRING column to embed. The text in the column that's named content is sent to the model. If your table doesn't have a content column, use a SELECT statement for this argument to provide an alias for an existing table column. An error occurs if no content column exists.

  • query_statement: a query whose result contains a STRING column that's named content. For information about the supported SQL syntax of the query_statement clause, see GoogleSQL query syntax.

  • flatten_json_output: a BOOL value that determines whether the JSON content returned by the function is parsed into separate columns. The default is TRUE.

  • task_type: a STRING literal that specifies the intended downstream application to help the model produce better quality embeddings. The task_type argument accepts the following values:

    • RETRIEVAL_QUERY: specifies that the given text is a query in a search or retrieval setting.
    • RETRIEVAL_DOCUMENT: specifies that the given text is a document in a search or retrieval setting.

      When using this task type, it is helpful to include the document title in the query statement in order to improve embedding quality. You can use the title option to specify the name of the column that contains the document title, otherwise the document title must be in a column either named title or aliased as title, for example:

      SELECT *
        MODEL `mydataset.embedding_model`,
        (SELECT abstract as content, header as title, publication_number
        FROM `mydataset.publications`),
        STRUCT(TRUE AS flatten_json_output, 'RETRIEVAL_DOCUMENT' as task_type)
    • SEMANTIC_SIMILARITY: specifies that the given text will be used for Semantic Textual Similarity (STS).

    • CLASSIFICATION: specifies that the embeddings will be used for classification.

    • CLUSTERING: specifies that the embeddings will be used for clustering.

  • output_dimensionality: an INT64 value that specifies the number of dimensions to use when generating embeddings. For example, if you specify 256 AS output_dimensionality, then the ml_generate_embedding_result output column contains 256 embeddings for each input value.

    You can only use this argument if the remote model that you specify in the model argument uses one of the following models as an endpoint:

    • text-embedding-004 or later
    • text-multilingual-embedding-002 or later


The model and input table must be in the same region.


  MODEL project_id.dataset.model_name,
  { TABLE table_name | (query_statement) }


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.

  • dataset: the BigQuery dataset that contains the model.

  • model_name: the name of a PCA model.

    You can confirm the type of model by opening the Google Cloud console and looking at the Model type field in the model details page.

  • table_name: the name of the BigQuery table that contains the input data for the PCA model.

  • query_statement: a query whose result contains the input data for the PCA model.


The model and input table must be in the same region.


  MODEL project_id.dataset.model_name,
  { TABLE table_name | (query_statement) },
  STRUCT([trial_id AS trial_id])


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.

  • dataset: the BigQuery dataset that contains the model.

  • model_name: the name of an autoencoder model.

    You can confirm the type of model by opening the Google Cloud console and looking at the Model type field in the model details page.

  • table_name: the name of the BigQuery table that contains the input data for the autoencoder model.

  • query_statement: a query whose result contains the input data for the autoencoder model.

  • trial_id: an INT64 value that identifies the hyperparameter tuning trial that you want the function to evaluate. The function uses the optimal trial by default. Only specify this argument if you ran hyperparameter tuning when creating the model.


The model and input table must be in the same region.

Matrix factorization

  MODEL project_id.dataset.model_name,
  STRUCT([trial_id AS trial_id])


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING takes the following arguments:

  • project_id: your project ID.

  • dataset: the BigQuery dataset that contains the model.

  • model_name: the name of a matrix factorization model.

    You can confirm the type of model by opening the Google Cloud console and looking at the Model type field in the model details page.

  • trial_id: an INT64 value that identifies the hyperparameter tuning trial that you want the function to evaluate. The function uses the optimal trial by default. Only specify this argument if you ran hyperparameter tuning when creating the model.



ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING returns the input table and the following columns:

  • ml_generate_embedding_result:

    • If flatten_json_output is FALSE, this is the JSON response from the projects.locations.endpoints.predict call to the model. The generated embeddings are in the textEmbedding, imageEmbedding, or videoEmbeddings element, depending on the type of input data you used.
    • If flatten_json_output is TRUE, this is an ARRAY<FLOAT64> value that contains the generated embeddings.
  • ml_generate_embedding_status: a STRING value that contains the API response status for the corresponding row. This value is empty if the operation was successful.

  • ml_generate_embedding_start_sec: for video content, an INT64 value that contains the starting second of the portion of the video that the embedding represents. For image content, the value is NULL. This column isn't returned for text content.

  • ml_generate_embedding_end_sec: for video content, an INT64 value that contains the ending second of the portion of the video that the embedding represents. For image content, the value is NULL. This column isn't returned for text content.


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING returns the input table and the following columns:

  • ml_generate_embedding_result:

    • If flatten_json_output is FALSE, this is the JSON response from the projects.locations.endpoints.predict call to the model. The generated embeddings are in the values element.
    • If flatten_json_output is TRUE, this is an ARRAY<FLOAT64> value that contains the generated embeddings.
  • ml_generate_embedding_statistics: a JSON value that contains a token_count field with the number of tokens in the content, and a truncated field that indicates whether the content was truncated. This column is returned when flatten_json_output is TRUE.

  • ml_generate_embedding_status: a STRING value that contains the API response status for the corresponding row. This value is empty if the operation was successful.


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING returns the input table and the following columns:

  • ml_generate_embedding_result:

    • If flatten_json_output is FALSE, this is the JSON response from the projects.locations.endpoints.predict call to the model. The generated embeddings are in the values element.
    • If flatten_json_output is TRUE, this is an ARRAY<FLOAT64> value that contains the generated embeddings.
  • ml_generate_embedding_statistics: a JSON value that contains a token_count field with the number of tokens in the content, and a truncated field that indicates whether the content was truncated. This column is returned when flatten_json_output is TRUE.

  • ml_generate_embedding_status: a STRING value that contains the API response status for the corresponding row. This value is empty if the operation was successful.


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING returns the input table and the following column:

  • ml_generate_embedding_result: this is an ARRAY<FLOAT> value that contains the principal components for the input data. The number of array dimensions is equal to the PCA model's NUM_PRINCIPAL_COMPONENTS option value if that option is used when the model is created. If the PCA_EXPLAINED_VARIANCE_RATIO option is used instead, the array dimensions vary depending on the input table and the option ratio determined by BigQuery ML.


ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING returns the input table and the following column:

  • trial_id: an INT64 value that identifies the hyperparameter tuning trial used by the function. This column is only returned if you ran hyperparameter tuning when creating the model.
  • ml_generate_embedding_result: this is an ARRAY<FLOAT> value that contains the latent space dimensions for the input data. The number of array dimensions is equal to the number in the middle of the autoencoder model's HIDDEN_UNITS option array value.

Matrix factorization

ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING returns the following columns:

  • trial_id: an INT64 value that identifies the hyperparameter tuning trial used by the function. This column is only returned if you ran hyperparameter tuning when creating the model.
  • ml_generate_embedding_result: this is an ARRAY<FLOAT> value that contains the weights of the feature, and also the intercept or bias term for the feature. The intercept value is the last value in the array. The number of array dimensions is equal to the matrix factorization model's NUM_FACTORS option value.
  • processed_input: a STRING value that contains the name of the user or item column. The value of this column matches the name of the user or item column provided in the query_statement clause that was used when the matrix factorization model was trained.
  • feature: a STRING value that contains the names of the specific users or items used during training.

Supported visual content

You can use the ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function to generate embeddings for videos and images that meet the requirements described in API limits.

There is no limitation on the length of the video files you can use with this function. However, the function only processes the first two minutes of a video. If a video is longer than two minutes, the ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function only returns embeddings for the first two minutes.

Known issues

Sometimes after a query job that uses this function finishes successfully, some returned rows contain the following error message:

A retryable error occurred: RESOURCE EXHAUSTED error from <remote endpoint>

This issue occurs because BigQuery query jobs finish successfully even if the function fails for some of the rows. The function fails when the volume of API calls to the remote endpoint exceeds the quota limits for that service. This issue occurs most often when you are running multiple parallel batch queries. BigQuery retries these calls, but if the retries fail, the resource exhausted error message is returned.

To iterate through inference calls until all rows are successfully processed, you can use the BigQuery remote inference SQL scripts or the BigQuery remote inference pipeline Dataform package.



This example shows how to generate embeddings from visual content by using a remote model that references a multimodalembedding model.

Create the remote model:

CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `mydataset.multimodalembedding`
  REMOTE WITH CONNECTION `us.test_connection`
  OPTIONS(ENDPOINT = 'multimodalembedding@001')

Generate embeddings from visual content in an object table:

  MODEL `mydataset.multimodalembedding`,
  TABLE `mydataset.my_object_table`);


This example shows how to generate an embedding of a single piece of sample text by using a remote model that references a text-embedding model.

Create the remote model:

CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `mydataset.text_embedding`
  REMOTE WITH CONNECTION `us.test_connection`
  OPTIONS(ENDPOINT = 'text-embedding-004')

Generate the embedding:

    MODEL `mydataset.text_embedding`,
    (SELECT "Example text to embed" AS content),
    STRUCT(TRUE AS flatten_json_output)


This example shows how to generate embeddings from a table and specify a task type by using a remote model that references a text-multilingual-embedding model.

Create the remote model:

CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `mydataset.text_multi`
  REMOTE WITH CONNECTION `us.test_connection`
  OPTIONS(ENDPOINT = 'text-multilingual-embedding-002')

Generate the embeddings:

    MODEL `mydataset.text_multi`,
    TABLE `mydataset.customer_feedback`,
    STRUCT(TRUE AS flatten_json_output, 'SEMANTIC_SIMILARITY' as task_type)


This example shows how to generate embeddings that represent the principal components of a PCA model.

Create the PCA model:

CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `mydataset.pca_nyc_trees`
AS (

Generate embeddings that represent principal components:

    MODEL `mydataset.pca_nyc_trees`,


This example shows how to generate embeddings that represent the latent space dimensions of an autoencoder model.

Create the autoencoder model:

CREATE OR REPLACE MODEL `mydataset.my_autoencoder_model`
    model_type = 'autoencoder',
    activation_fn = 'relu',
    batch_size = 8,
    dropout = 0.2,
    hidden_units =
    learn_rate = 0.001,
    l1_reg_activation = 0.0001,
    max_iterations = 10,
    optimizer = 'adam')

Generate embeddings that represent latent space dimensions:

    MODEL `mydataset.my_autoencoder_model`,
    TABLE `bigquery-public-data.ml_datasets.ulb_fraud_detection`);

Matrix factorization

This example shows how to generate embeddings that represent the underlying weights that the matrix factorization model uses during prediction.

Create the matrix factorization model:

  AVG(rating) as rating
GROUP BY user_id, item_id;

Generate embeddings that represent model weights and intercepts:

  ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING(MODEL `mydataset.my_mf_model`)


The ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function must run in the same region or multi-region as the model that the function references.


Quotas apply when you use the ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function with remote models. For more information, see Vertex AI and Cloud AI service functions quotas and limits.

For the multimodalembedding model, the default requests per minute (RPM) for non-EU regions is 600. The default RPM for EU regions is 120. However, you can request a quota increase in order to increase throughput.

To increase quota, first request more quota for the Vertex AI multimodalembedding model by using the process described in Manage your quota using the console. When the model quota has been increased, send an email to and request a quota increase for the ML.GENERATE_EMBEDDING function. Include information about the adjusted multimodalembedding quota.

What's next