The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STORAGE_BY_ORGANIZATION view contain one row for each table or materialized view for the whole organization associated with the current project. The data in this table is not kept in real time, and might be delayed by a few seconds to a few minutes.

The table storage views give you a convenient way to observe your current storage consumption, and in addition provide details on whether your storage uses logical uncompressed bytes, physical compressed bytes, or time travel bytes. This information can help you with tasks like planning for future growth and understanding the update patterns for tables.

Data included in the *_BYTES columns

The *_BYTES columns in the table storage views include information about your use of storage bytes. This information is determined by looking at your storage usage for materialized views and the following types of tables:

  • Permanent tables created through any of the methods described in Create and use tables.
  • Temporary tables created in sessions. These tables are placed into datasets with generated names like "_c018003e063d09570001ef33ae401fad6ab92a6a".
  • Temporary tables created in multi-statement queries ("scripts"). These tables are placed into datasets with generated names like "_script72280c173c88442c3a7200183a50eeeaa4073719".

Data stored in the query results cache is not billed to you and so is not included in the *_BYTES column values.

Clones and snapshots show *_BYTES column values as if they were complete tables, rather than showing the delta from the storage used by the base table, so they are an over-estimation. Your bill does account correctly for this delta in storage usage. For more information on the delta bytes stored and billed by clones and snapshots, see the TABLE_STORAGE_USAGE_TIMELINE view.

Forecast storage billing

In order to forecast the monthly storage billing for a dataset, you can use either the logical or physical *_BYTES columns in this view, depending on the dataset storage billing model used by the dataset. Please note that this is only a rough forecast, and the precise billing amounts are calculated based on the usage by BigQuery storage billing infrastructure and visible in Cloud Billing.

For datasets that use a logical billing model, you can forecast your monthly storage costs as follows:

((ACTIVE_LOGICAL_BYTES value / POW(1024, 3)) * active logical bytes pricing) + ((LONG_TERM_LOGICAL_BYTES value / POW(1024, 3)) * long-term logical bytes pricing)

The ACTIVE_LOGICAL_BYTES value for a table reflects the active bytes currently used by that table.

For datasets that use a physical billing model, you can forecast your storage costs as follows:

((ACTIVE_PHYSICAL_BYTES + FAIL_SAFE_PHYSICAL_BYTES value / POW(1024, 3)) * active physical bytes pricing) + ((LONG_TERM_PHYSICAL_BYTES value / POW(1024, 3)) * long-term physical bytes pricing)

The ACTIVE_PHYSICAL_BYTES value for a table reflects the active bytes currently used by that table plus the bytes used for time travel for that table.

To see the active bytes of the table alone, subtract the TIME_TRAVEL_PHYSICAL_BYTES value from the ACTIVE_PHYSICAL_BYTES value.

For more information, see Storage pricing.

Required permissions

To query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STORAGE_BY_ORGANIZATION view, you need the following Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions for your organization:

  • bigquery.tables.get
  • bigquery.tables.list

Each of the following predefined IAM roles includes the preceding permissions:

  • roles/bigquery.admin
  • roles/bigquery.dataViewer
  • roles/bigquery.dataEditor
  • roles/bigquery.metadataViewer

This schema view is only available to users with defined Google Cloud organizations.

For more information about BigQuery permissions, see Access control with IAM.



Column name Data type Value
PROJECT_ID STRING The project ID of the project that contains the dataset.
PROJECT_NUMBER INT64 The project number of the project that contains the dataset.
TABLE_CATALOG STRING The project ID of the project that contains the dataset.
TABLE_SCHEMA STRING The name of the dataset that contains the table or materialized view, also referred to as the datasetId.
TABLE_NAME STRING The name of the table or materialized view, also referred to as the tableId.
CREATION_TIME TIMESTAMP The creation time of the table.
TOTAL_ROWS INT64 The total number of rows in the table or materialized view.
TOTAL_PARTITIONS INT64 The number of partitions present in the table or materialized view. Unpartitioned tables return 0.
TOTAL_LOGICAL_BYTES INT64 Total number of logical (uncompressed) bytes in the table or materialized view.
ACTIVE_LOGICAL_BYTES INT64 Number of logical (uncompressed) bytes that are younger than 90 days.
LONG_TERM_LOGICAL_BYTES INT64 Number of logical (uncompressed) bytes that are older than 90 days.
CURRENT_PHYSICAL_BYTES INT64 Total number of physical bytes for the current storage of the table across all partitions.
TOTAL_PHYSICAL_BYTES INT64 Total number of physical (compressed) bytes used for storage, including active, long-term, and time travel (deleted or changed data) bytes. Fail-safe (deleted or changed data retained after the time-travel window) bytes aren't included.
ACTIVE_PHYSICAL_BYTES INT64 Number of physical (compressed) bytes younger than 90 days, including time travel (deleted or changed data) bytes.
LONG_TERM_PHYSICAL_BYTES INT64 Number of physical (compressed) bytes older than 90 days.
TIME_TRAVEL_PHYSICAL_BYTES INT64 Number of physical (compressed) bytes used by time travel storage (deleted or changed data).
STORAGE_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME TIMESTAMP The most recent time that data was written to the table.
DELETED BOOLEAN Indicates whether or not the table is deleted.
TABLE_TYPE STRING The type of table. For example, EXTERNAL or BASE TABLE.
FAIL_SAFE_PHYSICAL_BYTES INT64 Number of physical (compressed) bytes used by the fail-safe storage (deleted or changed data).
LAST_METADATA_INDEX_REFRESH_TIME TIMESTAMP The last metadata index refresh time of the table.

Scope and syntax

Queries against this view must include a region qualifier. The following table explains the region scope for this view:

View name Resource scope Region scope
[`PROJECT_ID`.]`region-REGION`.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_STORAGE_BY_ORGANIZATION Organization that contains the specified project REGION
Replace the following:

  • Optional: PROJECT_ID: the ID of your Google Cloud project. If not specified, the default project is used.

The following example shows how to return storage information for tables in a specified project in an organization:


The following example shows how to return storage information by project for tables in an organization:



The following example shows you which projects in an organization are currently using the most storage.

  SUM(total_logical_bytes) AS total_logical_bytes
  total_logical_bytes DESC;

The result is similar to the following:

|     project_id      | total_logical_bytes |
| projecta            |     971329178274633 |
| projectb            |     834638211024843 |
| projectc            |     562910385625126 |