Use a LangGraph agent

In addition to the general instructions for using an agent, this page describes features that are specific to LanggraphAgent.

Before you begin

This tutorial assumes that you have read and followed the instructions in:

Supported operations

The following operations are supported for LanggraphAgent:

  • query: for getting a response to a query synchronously.
  • stream_query: for streaming a response to a query.
  • get_state: for getting a specific checkpoint.
  • get_state_history: for listing the checkpoints of a thread.
  • update_state: for creating branches corresponding to different scenarios.

Stream a response to a query

LangGraph supports multiple streaming modes. The main ones are:

  • values: This mode streams the full state of the graph after each node is called.
  • updates: This mode streams updates to the state of the graph after each node is called.

To stream back values (corresponding to the full state of the graph):

for state_values in agent.stream_query(
    config={"configurable": {"thread_id": "streaming-thread-values"}},

To stream back updates (corresponding to updates to the graph state):

for state_updates in agent.stream_query(
    config={"configurable": {"thread_id": "streaming-thread-updates"}},

Human in the loop

In LangGraph, a common aspect of human-in-the-loop is to add breakpoints to interrupt the sequence of actions by the agent, and have a human resume the flow at a later point in time.


You can set breakpoints using the interrupt_before= or interrupt_after= arguments when calling .query or .stream_query:

response = agent.query(
    interrupt_before=["tools"], # after generating the function call, before invoking the function
    interrupt_after=["tools"], # after getting a function response, before moving on
    config={"configurable": {"thread_id": "human-in-the-loop-deepdive"}},


The output will look similar to the following:

================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
  get_exchange_rate (12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5)
 Call ID: 12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5
    currency_from: USD
    currency_to: SEK


To approve the generated tool call and resume with the rest of the execution, you pass in None to the input, and specifying the thread or checkpoint inside the config:

response = agent.query(
    input=None,  # Continue with the function call
    interrupt_before=["tools"], # after generating the function call, before invoking the function
    interrupt_after=["tools"], # after getting a function response, before moving on
    config={"configurable": {"thread_id": "human-in-the-loop-deepdive"}},


The output will look similar to the following:

================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: get_exchange_rate

{"amount": 1.0, "base": "USD", "date": "2024-11-14", "rates": {"SEK": 11.0159}}


To list all the checkpoints of a given thread, use the .get_state_history method:

for state_snapshot in agent.get_state_history(
    config={"configurable": {"thread_id": "human-in-the-loop-deepdive"}},
    if state_snapshot["metadata"]["step"] >= 0:
        print(f'step {state_snapshot["metadata"]["step"]}: {state_snapshot["config"]}')

The response will be similar to the following sequence of outputs:

step 3: {'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-ded5-67e0-8003-2d34e04507f5'}}
================================== Ai Message ==================================

The exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish krona is 1 USD to 11.0159 SEK.
step 2: {'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-d189-6a77-8002-5dbe79e2ce58'}}
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: get_exchange_rate

{"amount": 1.0, "base": "USD", "date": "2024-11-14", "rates": {"SEK": 11.0159}}
step 1: {'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-cc7f-6d68-8001-1f6b5e57c456'}}
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
  get_exchange_rate (12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5)
 Call ID: 12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5
    currency_from: USD
    currency_to: SEK
step 0: {'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-c2e4-6f3c-8000-477fd654cb53'}}
================================ Human Message =================================

What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?

Get the configuration of a step

To get an earlier checkpoint, specify the checkpoint_id (and checkpoint_ns). First, rewind to step 1, when the tool call was generated:

snapshot_config = {}
for state_snapshot in agent.get_state_history(
    config={"configurable": {"thread_id": "human-in-the-loop-deepdive"}},
    if state_snapshot["metadata"]["step"] == 1:
        snapshot_config = state_snapshot["config"]


The output will look similar to the following:

{'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive',
  'checkpoint_ns': '',
  'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-cc7f-6d68-8001-1f6b5e57c456'}}

Time travel

To get a checkpoint, the method .get_state can be used:

# By default, it gets the latest state [unless (checkpoint_ns, checkpoint_id) is specified]
state = agent.get_state(config={"configurable": {
    "thread_id": "human-in-the-loop-deepdive",

print(f'step {state["metadata"]["step"]}: {state["config"]}')

By default it gets the latest checkpoint (by timestamp). The output will look similar to the following:

step 3: {'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-ded5-67e0-8003-2d34e04507f5'}}
================================== Ai Message ==================================

The exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish krona is 1 USD to 11.0159 SEK.

Get the checkpoint of a configuration

For a given configuration (e.g. snapshot_config from the configuration of a step), you can get the corresponding checkpoint:

state = agent.get_state(config=snapshot_config)
print(f'step {state["metadata"]["step"]}: {state["config"]}')

The output will look similar to the following:

step 1: {'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive', 'checkpoint_ns': '', 'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-cc7f-6d68-8001-1f6b5e57c456'}}
================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
  get_exchange_rate (12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5)
 Call ID: 12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5
    currency_from: USD
    currency_to: SEK


To replay from a given state, pass the state configuration (i.e. state["config"]) to the agent. The state configuration is a dict that looks like the following:

{'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive',
  'checkpoint_ns': '',
  'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e95-cc7f-6d68-8001-1f6b5e57c456'}}

To replay from state["config"] (where a tool call was generated), specify None in the input:

for state_values in agent.stream_query(
    input=None, # resume

It will result in something similar to the following sequence of outputs:

================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
  get_exchange_rate (12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5)
 Call ID: 12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5
    currency_from: USD
    currency_to: SEK
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: get_exchange_rate

{"amount": 1.0, "base": "USD", "date": "2024-11-14", "rates": {"SEK": 11.0159}}
================================== Ai Message ==================================

The exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish krona is 1 USD to 11.0159 SEK.


You can branch off previous checkpoints to try alternate scenarios by using the .update_state method:

branch_config = agent.update_state(
    values={"messages": [last_message]}, # the update we want to make


The output will look similar to the following:

{'configurable': {'thread_id': 'human-in-the-loop-deepdive',
  'checkpoint_ns': '',
  'checkpoint_id': '1efa2e96-0560-62ce-8002-d1bb48a337bc'}}

We can query the agent with branch_config to resume from the checkpoint with the updated state:

for state_values in agent.stream_query(
    input=None, # resume

It will result in something similar to the following sequence of outputs:

================================== Ai Message ==================================
Tool Calls:
  get_exchange_rate (12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5)
 Call ID: 12610c50-4465-4296-b1f3-d751ec959fd5
    currency_date: 2024-09-01
    currency_from: USD
    currency_to: SEK
================================= Tool Message =================================
Name: get_exchange_rate

{"amount": 1.0, "base": "USD", "date": "2024-08-30", "rates": {"SEK": 10.2241}}
================================== Ai Message ==================================

The exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish krona on 2024-08-30 was 1 USD to 10.2241 SEK.

What's next