Use a LangChain agent

In addition to the general instructions for using an agent, this page describes features that are specific to LangchainAgent.

Before you begin

This tutorial assumes that you have read and followed the instructions in:

Supported operations

The following operations are supported for LangchainAgent:

  • query: for getting a response to a query synchronously.
  • stream_query: for streaming a response to a query.

Both query and stream_query methods support the same type of arguments:

  • input: the messages to be sent to the agent.
  • config: the configuration (if applicable) for the context of the query.

Query the agent

The command:

agent.query(input="What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?")

is equivalent to the following (in full form):

    "input": [ # The input is represented as a list of messages (each message as a dict)
            # The role (e.g. "system", "user", "assistant", "tool")
            "role": "user",
            # The type (e.g. "text", "tool_use", "image_url", "media")
            "type": "text",
            # The rest of the message (this varies based on the type)
            "text": "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?",

Roles are used to help the model distinguish between different types of messages when responding. When the role is omitted in the input, it defaults to "user".

Role Description
system Used to tell the chat model how to behave and provide additional context. Not supported by all chat model providers.
user Represents input from a user interacting with the model, usually in the form of text or other interactive input.
assistant Represents a response from the model, which can include text or a request to invoke tools.
tool A message used to pass the results of a tool invocation back to the model after external data or processing has been retrieved.

The type of the message will also determine how the rest of the message is interpreted (see Handle multi-modal content).

Query the agent with multi-modal content

We will use the following agent (which forwards the input to the model and does not use any tools) to illustrate how to pass in multimodal inputs to an agent:

agent = agent_engines.LangchainAgent(
    runnable_builder=lambda model, **kwargs: model,

Multimodal messages are represented through content blocks that specify a type and corresponding data. In general, for multimodal content, you would specify the type to be "media", the file_uri to point to a Cloud Storage URI, and the mime_type for interpreting the file.


agent.query(input={"input": [
    {"type": "text", "text": "Describe the attached media in 5 words!"},
    {"type": "media", "mime_type": "image/jpeg", "file_uri": "gs://cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/image/cricket.jpeg"},


agent.query(input={"input": [
    {"type": "text", "text": "Describe the attached media in 5 words!"},
    {"type": "media", "mime_type": "video/mp4", "file_uri": "gs://cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/video/pixel8.mp4"},


agent.query(input={"input": [
    {"type": "text", "text": "Describe the attached media in 5 words!"},
    {"type": "media", "mime_type": "audio/mp3", "file_uri": "gs://cloud-samples-data/generative-ai/audio/pixel.mp3"},

For the list of MIME types supported by Gemini, visit the documentation on:

Query the agent with a runnable configuration

When querying the agent, you can also specify a config for the agent (which follows the schema of a RunnableConfig). Two common scenarios are:

  • Default configuration parameters:
  • Custom configuration parameters (via configurable):

As an example:

import uuid

run_id = uuid.uuid4()  # Generate an ID for tracking the run later.

response = agent.query(
    input="What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?",
    config={  # Specify the RunnableConfig here.
        "run_id": run_id                               # Optional.
        "tags": ["config-tag"],                        # Optional.
        "metadata": {"config-key": "config-value"},    # Optional.
        "configurable": {"session_id": "SESSION_ID"}   # Optional.


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