Use an agent

The code for querying an agent is the same regardless of whether it is running locally or deployed remotely. Therefore, in this page, the term agent refers to either local_agent or remote_agent interchangeably. As the set of supported operations varies across frameworks, we provide usage instructions for framework-specific templates:

Framework Description
LangChain Easier to use for basic use cases because of its predefined configurations and abstractions.
LangGraph Graph-based approach to defining workflows, with advanced human-in-the-loop and rewind/replay capabilities.
AG2 (formerly AutoGen) AG2 provides multi-agent conversation framework as a high-level abstraction for building LLM workflows.

For custom agents that are not based on one of the framework-specific templates, you can follow these steps:

  1. User authentication.
  2. Get an agent instance.
  3. Look up supported operations.
  4. Query the agent.
  5. (If applicable) Stream responses from the agent.

Step 1: User authentication

Follows the same instructions as setting up your environment.

Step 2: Get an instance of an agent

To query an agent, you first need an instance of an agent. You can either create a new instance or get an existing instance of an agent.

To get the agent corresponding to a specific resource ID:

Vertex AI SDK for Python

Run the following code:

from vertexai import agent_engines

agent = agent_engines.get(RESOURCE_ID)

Alternatively, you can provide the full resource name of the agent:

agent = agent_engines.get("projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/reasoningEngines/RESOURCE_ID")


Run the following code:

from google import auth as google_auth
from google.auth.transport import requests as google_requests
import requests

def get_identity_token():
    credentials, _ = google_auth.default()
    auth_request = google_requests.Request()
    return credentials.token

response = requests.get(
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {get_identity_token()}",


curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \

The rest of this section assumes that you have an instance, named as agent.

Step 3: Supported operations

When developing the agent locally, you have access and knowledge of the operations that it supports. To use a deployed agent, you can enumerate the operations that it supports:

Vertex AI SDK for Python

Run the following code:



Run the following code:

import json



Represented in spec.class_methods from the response to the curl request.

The schema for each operation is a dictionary that documents the information of a method for the agent that you can call. The following is an example of the operation schema for a synchronous operation:

The following command provides a list of schemas in JSON format that correspond to the operations of the remote_app object:


As an example, the following is the schema for the query operation of a LangchainAgent:

{'api_mode': '',
 'name': 'query',
 'description': """Queries the Agent with the given input and config.
        input (Union[str, Mapping[str, Any]]):
            Required. The input to be passed to the Agent.
        config (langchain_core.runnables.RunnableConfig):
            Optional. The config (if any) to be used for invoking the Agent.
        The output of querying the Agent with the given input and config.
""",            '        ',
 'parameters': {'$defs': {'RunnableConfig': {'description': 'Configuration for a Runnable.',
                                             'properties': {'configurable': {...},
                                                            'run_id': {...},
                                                            'run_name': {...},
                                             'type': 'object'}},
                'properties': {'config': {'nullable': True},
                               'input': {'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object'}]}},
                'required': ['input'],
                'type': 'object'}}


  • name is the name of the operation (i.e. agent.query for an operation named query).
  • api_mode is the API mode of the operation ("" for synchronous, "stream" for streaming).
  • description is a description of the operation based on the method's docstring.
  • parameters is the schema of the input arguments in OpenAPI schema format.

Step 4: Query the agent

To query the agent using one of its supported operations (e.g. query):

Vertex AI SDK for Python

agent.query(input={"messages": [
    ("user", "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?")


from google import auth as google_auth
from google.auth.transport import requests as google_requests
import requests

def get_identity_token():
    credentials, _ = google_auth.default()
    auth_request = google_requests.Request()
    return credentials.token
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {get_identity_token()}",
    data=json.dumps({"input": {
        "input": {"messages": [
            ("user", "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?")


curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{
  "input": {
    "input": {"messages": [
      ("user", "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?")

The query response is a string that is similar to the output of a local application test:

{"input": "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?",
 # ...
 "output": "For 1 US dollar you will get 10.7345 Swedish Krona."}

Step 5: Stream responses from the agent

If applicable, you can stream a response from the agent using one of its operations (e.g. stream_query):

Vertex AI SDK for Python

agent = agent_engines.get("projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOCATION/reasoningEngines/RESOURCE_ID")

agent.stream_query(input={"messages": [
    ("user", "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?")


from google import auth as google_auth
from google.auth.transport import requests as google_requests
import requests

def get_identity_token():
    credentials, _ = google_auth.default()
    auth_request = google_requests.Request()
    return credentials.token
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {get_identity_token()}",
    data=json.dumps({"input": {
        "input": {"messages": [
            ("user", "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?")


curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{
  "input": {
    "input": {"messages": [
      ("user", "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?")

Agent Engine streams responses as a sequence of iteratively generated objects. For example, a set of three responses might look like the following:

{'actions': [{'tool': 'get_exchange_rate', ...}]}  # first response
{'steps': [{'action': {'tool': 'get_exchange_rate', ...}}]}  # second response
{'output': 'The exchange rate is 11.0117 SEK per USD as of 2024-12-03.'}  # final response

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