Use an AG2 agent

In addition to the general instructions for using an agent, this page describes features that are specific to AG2Agent.

Before you begin

This tutorial assumes that you have read and followed the instructions in:

Supported operations

The following operations are supported for AG2Agent:

  • query: for getting a response to a query synchronously.

The query method support the arguments:

  • input: the message to be sent to the agent.
  • max_turns: the maximum number of conversation turns allowed. When using tools, a minimum of max_turns=2 is required: one turn to generate tool arguments and a second to execute the tool.

Query the agent

The query() method provides a simplified way to interact with the agent. A typical call looks like this:

response = agent.query(input="What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?", max_turns=2)

This method handles the underlying communication with the agent and returns the agent's final response as a dictionary. It is equivalent to the following (in full form):

from autogen import ConversableAgent
import dataclasses
import json

input_message: str = "What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?"
max_turns: int = 2

with agent._runnable._create_or_get_executor(
    tools=agent._ag2_tool_objects,            # Use the agent's existing tools
    agent_name="user",                        # Default
    agent_human_input_mode="NEVER",           # query() enforces this
) as executor:
    chat_result = executor.initiate_chat(
        clear_history=False,                  # Default
        summary_method="last_msg"             # Default

response = json.loads(
  json.dumps(dataclasses.asdict(chat_result)) # query() does this conversion

You can customize the agent's behavior beyond input and max_turns by passing additional keyword arguments to query().

response = agent.query(
    input="What is the exchange rate from US dollars to Swedish currency?",
    msg_to="user"  # Start the conversation with the "user" agent

See the documentation for a complete list of available parameters. However, keep in mind that user_input will always be overridden to False by the AG2Agent template.

What's next