Importer un modèle pour expliquer le conteneur tabulaire géré

Importe un modèle pour expliquer le conteneur tabulaire géré à l'aide de la méthode upload_model.

Exemple de code


Avant d'essayer cet exemple, suivez les instructions de configuration pour Python décrites dans le guide de démarrage rapide de Vertex AI à l'aide des bibliothèques clientes. Pour en savoir plus, consultez la documentation de référence de l'API Vertex AI Python.

Pour vous authentifier auprès de Vertex AI, configurez le service Identifiants par défaut de l'application. Pour en savoir plus, consultez Configurer l'authentification pour un environnement de développement local.

from import aiplatform_v1beta1

def upload_model_explain_tabular_managed_container_sample(
    project: str,
    display_name: str,
    container_spec_image_uri: str,
    artifact_uri: str,
    input_tensor_name: str,
    output_tensor_name: str,
    feature_names: list,
    location: str = "us-central1",
    api_endpoint: str = "",
    timeout: int = 300,
    # The AI Platform services require regional API endpoints.
    client_options = {"api_endpoint": api_endpoint}
    # Initialize client that will be used to create and send requests.
    # This client only needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    client = aiplatform_v1beta1.ModelServiceClient(client_options=client_options)

    # Container specification for deploying the model
    container_spec = {"image_uri": container_spec_image_uri, "command": [], "args": []}

    # The explainabilty method and corresponding parameters
    parameters = aiplatform_v1beta1.ExplanationParameters(
        {"xrai_attribution": {"step_count": 1}}

    # The input tensor for feature attribution to the output
    # For single input model, y = f(x), this will be the serving input layer.
    input_metadata = aiplatform_v1beta1.ExplanationMetadata.InputMetadata(
            "input_tensor_name": input_tensor_name,
            # Input is tabular data
            "modality": "numeric",
            # Assign feature names to the inputs for explanation
            "encoding": "BAG_OF_FEATURES",
            "index_feature_mapping": feature_names,

    # The output tensor to explain
    # For single output model, y = f(x), this will be the serving output layer.
    output_metadata = aiplatform_v1beta1.ExplanationMetadata.OutputMetadata(
        {"output_tensor_name": output_tensor_name}

    # Assemble the explanation metadata
    metadata = aiplatform_v1beta1.ExplanationMetadata(
        inputs={"features": input_metadata}, outputs={"prediction": output_metadata}

    # Assemble the explanation specification
    explanation_spec = aiplatform_v1beta1.ExplanationSpec(
        parameters=parameters, metadata=metadata

    model = aiplatform_v1beta1.Model(
        # The Cloud Storage location of the custom model
    parent = f"projects/{project}/locations/{location}"
    response = client.upload_model(parent=parent, model=model)
    print("Long running operation:",
    upload_model_response = response.result(timeout=timeout)
    print("upload_model_response:", upload_model_response)

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