Use Secret Manager to handle secrets in Cloud SQL


Managing your sensitive information correctly is an essential part of creating a secure development workflow. For Cloud SQL, we recommend that you store your pieces of sensitive information as secrets that you create in Secret Manager. Secrets include API keys, passwords, sensitive information, or credentials that you might use to access a confidential system.

Secret Manager provides convenience and improves security. You can also apply versioning to your secrets and share them across your team. To learn more about how to share secrets with your team, see Access control (IAM).

This page describes four use cases for using Secret Manager to manage secrets with Cloud SQL:

Before you begin

Before you begin using Secret Manager to handle secrets in Cloud SQL:

Usernames and passwords

Using Secret Manager to store the usernames and passwords of your Cloud SQL user accounts as secrets is a safe and reliable way to manage this sensitive information.

First, you have to create a user in Cloud SQL. As part of creating this user, you have to supply a username and password. For more information about creating a user in Cloud SQL, see Manage users with built-in authentication.

After the user is created, create a secret in Secret Manager to store the username and password. This ensures that this sensitive information won't be lost. For more information about creating and accessing secrets in Secret Manager, see Creating and accessing secrets.

Cloud SQL instances

When connecting to your Cloud SQL instance, you can use Secret Manager to manage secrets to create a secure development workflow.

Start by connecting to your Cloud SQL instance from your local computer. After the instance is running, use environment variables to connect to it. Some values asociated with the variables are more sensitive, such as the instance connection name. For each value, you can create a secret in Secret Manager to store and manage this information. To learn more about using environment variables to connect to your Cloud SQL instance, see Configure and run sample app.

You can retrieve the instance connection name that's stored as a secret directly from Secret Manager. This provides a flexible workflow that can help your team share this sensitive information across multiple applications and manage it from a centralized location. For more information on retrieving secrets from Secret Manager, see Create a secret with Secret Manager.

An application requires the information in the secrets to start. This information includes the values associated with the environment variables that are used to connect to the application. Your application accesses the secrets when it starts, and then uses the secrets to configure a connection to Cloud SQL. If any relevant secrets are updated in Secret Manager, then you might have to restart the application.

SSL/TLS certificates

If you connect to a Cloud SQL instance using a public or private IP address, then you should use a Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate which secures data while it's transmitted. Each TLS certificate includes a public key certificate and a private key. For more information on configuring TLS certificates, see Configure SSL/TLS certificates.

You can save the TLS certificate, public key certificate, and private key as secrets to keep them safe and share them with your team. For more information on creating and accessing secrets, see Create a secret with Secret Manager. For more information on sharing secrets, see Access control (IAM).

Disaster recovery scenarios

If a primary instance in Cloud SQL fails, then you might promote a read replica to the primary instance. After the read replica becomes the primary instance, you must update the instance connection name to reflect this promotion. If the instance connection name is stored in a secret, then you must update the secret with the name of the new primary instance. For more information, see Edit a secret.

One way to use Secret Manager for failovers is to store the name of your primary instance in a secret, and then configure your Cloud SQL connector to be updated whenever the secret is updated.

You can use the following bash wrapper script with the Cloud SQL Auth proxy to detect when the value for the instance connection name is updated, and then restart the proxy with the new value:


SECRET_ID="my-secret-id" # TODO(developer): replace this value
PORT=5432                # TODO(developer): change this port as needed

# Get the latest version of the secret and start the proxy
INSTANCE=$(gcloud secrets versions access "latest" --secret="$SECRET_ID")
cloud_sql_proxy -instances="$INSTANCE"=tcp:"$PORT" &

# Every 5s, get the latest version of the secret. If it's changed, restart the
# proxy with the new value.
while true; do
    NEW=$(gcloud secrets versions access "latest" --secret="$SECRET_ID")
    if [ "$INSTANCE" != "$NEW" ]; then
        kill $PID
        wait $PID
        cloud_sql_proxy -instances="$INSTANCE"=tcp:"$PORT" &

For more information on creating and accessing a secret that contains the instance connection name of the primary replica, see Create a secret with Secret Manager. For more information on using the Cloud SQL Auth proxy, see Connect to Cloud SQL using the Cloud SQL Auth proxy.

What's next

  • You can integrate Secret Manager with other Google Cloud products such as Cloud Run.
  • To learn how to integrate Secret Manager with your development environment, see the various samples available in the All Secret Manager code samples page.