Introduction to service identity

This page describes the two Cloud Run identities, and how the Cloud Client Libraries use the service identity to call Google Cloud APIs. Examples of Google Cloud products that have Cloud Client Libraries include Cloud Storage, Firestore, Cloud SQL, Pub/Sub, and Cloud Tasks. This page is for admins, operators, or developers who manage organization policies and user access, or anyone who would like to learn about such topics.

Cloud Run identities

To use Cloud Run, Google Cloud requires the Cloud Run user and the Cloud Run instance to each have an identity.

  • The identity of the Cloud Run user is referred to as the Cloud Run deployer account. When managing a revision or job, you use this identity to make requests to the Cloud Run Admin API.
  • The identity of the Cloud Run instance is referred to as the Cloud Run service identity. When the Cloud Run code you wrote interacts with Cloud Client Libraries, or calls another Cloud Run service for service-to-service communication, you use this identity to make requests from Cloud Run to Google Cloud APIs or other Cloud Run services.

In order to access and make requests to the Google Cloud APIs or communicate between services, each identity must have the appropriate permissions granted to them in Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Call the Cloud Run Admin API with the deployer account

You can call the Cloud Run Admin API from Cloud Run using the Cloud Run deployer account. The deployer account can be either a user account or a service account, and represents the account that was signed into the Google Cloud environment.

When the deployer account uses Cloud Run, IAM checks if the deployer account has the necessary permissions to perform the Cloud Run operation. The following diagram shows how a user account calls the Cloud Run Admin API to deploy a new revision from the Google Cloud console:

Call Cloud Run Admin API from the Google Cloud console.
Figure 1. A user uses the Google Cloud console to deploy a new revision by sending a request with an access token to the Cloud Run Admin API. IAM uses that access token to verify that the user account is authenticated to access the Cloud Run Admin API before performing the operation.

Call Google Cloud APIs with the service identity

When a Cloud Run instance interacts with other IAM-authenticated Cloud Run services, or calls Cloud Client Libraries either through application code or built-in features like Cloud Run integrations or Cloud Storage volume mounts, the Google Cloud environment uses Application Default Credentials (ADC) to automatically detect whether the Cloud Run service identity is authenticated to perform the API operation. The Cloud Run service identity is a service account that was assigned as the Cloud Run instance's identity when you deploy a revision or execute a job.

A service account that is used as the deployer account will only be used as the service identity if you configure the same service account in your Cloud Run configuration.

The rest of this guide describes how a Cloud Run service or job uses service identity to call and access Google services and APIs. For more information on service identity configuration, see the service identity configuration pages for services and jobs.

Types of service accounts for service identity

When your Cloud Run instance makes calls to Google Cloud APIs to perform the operations it needs, Cloud Run automatically uses a service account as the service identity. The two types of service accounts that can be used as the service identity are as follows:

  • User-managed service account (recommended): You manually create this service account and determine the most minimal set of permissions that the service account needs to access specific Google Cloud resources. The user-managed service account follows the format of
  • Compute Engine default service account: Cloud Run automatically provides the Compute Engine default service account as the default service identity. The Compute Engine default service account follows the format of

Avoid the default service account when configuring service identity

By default, the Compute Engine default service account is automatically created. If you don't specify a service account when the Cloud Run service or job is created, Cloud Run uses this service account.

Depending on your organization policy configuration, the default service account might automatically be granted the Editor role on your project. We strongly recommend that you disable the automatic role grant by enforcing the iam.automaticIamGrantsForDefaultServiceAccounts organization policy constraint. If you created your organization after May 3, 2024, this constraint is enforced by default.

If you disable the automatic role grant, you must decide which roles to grant to the default service accounts, and then grant these roles yourself.

If the default service account already has the Editor role, we recommend that you replace the Editor role with less permissive roles. To safely modify the service account's roles, use Policy Simulator to see the impact of the change, and then grant and revoke the appropriate roles.

How service identity works

When your code calls or makes requests to Cloud Client Libraries, the following happens:

  1. The client libraries detects that a request is made to a Google Cloud API or Cloud Client Libraries, and requests an OAuth 2.0 access token for the service identity from the instance metadata server.
  2. The instance metadata server provides an IAM access token for the service account that is configured as the service identity.
  3. The request to the Google Cloud API is sent with an OAuth 2.0 access token.
  4. IAM verifies the service identity referenced in the access token for the necessary permissions, and checks policy bindings before it forwards the call to the API endpoint.
  5. The Google Cloud API performs the operation.
Call Google Cloud API from Cloud Run.
Figure 1. Cloud Run generates an access token from the metadata server, and IAM uses that access token to verify that the assigned Cloud Run service identity is authenticated to access the Google Cloud APIs.

Generate an access token for the Cloud Run request to call Google Cloud APIs

If your Cloud Run code uses Cloud Client Libraries, you configure service identity in Cloud Run by assigning a service account at deployment or execution. This lets the library automatically acquire an access token to authenticate your code's request. If your Cloud Run code communicates with other authenticated Cloud Run services, you must add the access token to your requests.

To assign a service account as the service identity, see the following guides:

However, if you use your own custom code or need to make requests programmatically, you can use the metadata server directly to manually fetch identity tokens and access token described in the next section. Note that you cannot query this server directly from your local machine as the metadata server is only available for workloads running on Google Cloud.

Fetch ID and access tokens using the metadata server

The two types of tokens you can fetch with the metadata server are as follows:

To fetch a token, follow the instructions in the appropriate tab for the type of token you are using:

Access tokens

For example, if you want to create a Pub/Sub topic, use the projects.topics.create method.

  1. Use the Compute Metadata Server to fetch an access token:

    curl "" \
        --header "Metadata-Flavor: Google"

    This endpoint returns a JSON response with an access_token attribute.

  2. In your HTTP protocol request, the request must be authenticated with an access token in the Authorization header:

    Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN


    • PROJECT_ID is your project ID.
    • TOPIC_ID is your topic ID.
    • ACCESS_TOKEN is the access token you fetched in the previous step.


        "name": "projects/PROJECT_ID/topics/TOPIC_ID"

ID tokens

Use the Compute Metadata Server to fetch an identity token with a specific audience:

curl "" \
    --header "Metadata-Flavor: Google"

Where AUDIENCE is the JWT Audience requested.

For Cloud Run services, the audience should be either the URL of the service you are invoking or a custom audience, such as a custom domain, configured for the service.

For other resources, it is likely the OAuth Client ID of an IAP-protected resource:

Next steps