Alle Colocations-Einrichtungen

Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindungen sind an 159 Standorten verfügbar.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Geografie und Regionen.

Auf dieser Seite sind alle Standorte aufgeführt, an denen Sie Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindungen erstellen können. Zum Auflisten von Standorten können Sie auch die Google Cloud Console oder die Google Cloud CLI verwenden.

Anforderungen und Empfehlungen

Bevor Sie Dedicated Interconnect einrichten, muss Ihr Netzwerk in einer unterstützten Colocations-Einrichtung physisch mit dem Netzwerk von Google zusammentreffen. Diese wird auch als Verbindungsstandort bezeichnet. Diese Einrichtung ist dort, wo ein Anbieter, der Anbieter der Colocations-Einrichtung, eine Netzwerkverbindung zwischen Ihrem Netzwerk und einem Google Edge Point of Presence (PoP) bereitstellt.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Dedicated Interconnect – Übersicht.

Standort für Dedicated Interconnect auswählen

In der Standorttabelle sind für jedes geografische Gebiet die Regionen aufgeführt, in denen Sie VLAN-Anhänge erstellen können. Die von Ihnen ausgewählte Region wirkt sich auf die Latenz und die Kosten für die ausgehende Datenübertragung für Dedicated Interconnect aus. Wenn Sie z. B. VMs in der Region us-east4 haben, können Sie einen Standort in Ashburn auswählen, Ihre Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindung in Ashburn anlegen und dann einen VLAN-Anhang in us-east4 erstellen. Ihr Traffic muss dann keine so weiten Wege für die Übertragung zwischen den VMs und der Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindung zurücklegen. Dies führt zu einer geringeren Latenz als beispielsweise das Erstellen einer Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindung und eines VLAN-Anhangs in Europa.

Außerdem ist es kostengünstiger, VLAN-Anhänge in denselben Regionen wie Ihre VMs zu erstellen, da keine Kosten für die ausgehende Datenübertragung zwischen den Regionen anfallen, wenn VMs Traffic an Ihr lokales Netzwerk senden.

Standorte mit niedriger Latenz

Im Allgemeinen erreichen Sie die niedrigste Latenz in einer Region, indem Sie sich von Standorten aus verbinden, die geografisch in dem Großraum liegen, der dieser Region am nächsten ist.

Wenn Ihre Google Cloud Arbeitslast eine niedrige Latenzzeit erfordert, wählen Sie einen Standort aus der Tabelle, die eine Region in der Spalte Region mit niedriger Latenz auflistet. Erstellen Sie dann Ihre VLAN-Anhänge in dieser Region.

Weitere Google Cloud Standortoptionen

Andere Standortoptionen, wie z. B. Netzwerk-Edge-Standorte oder Cloud CDN-Standorte, finden Sie unter Produktauswahl.


In der folgenden Tabelle sind die Standorte nach Metropolregion und dann nach Edge-Verfügbarkeitsdomain (Metro-Verfügbarkeitszone) organisiert. Der Name eines Standorts gibt jeweils seine Edge-Verfügbarkeitsdomain an, z. B. zone1 in iad-zone1-1.


Das geografische Gebiet Afrika unterstützt folgende Regionen:

  • africa-south1 (Johannesburg)
  • europe-west2 (London)
Metropolregion Name der Colocations-Einrichtung Einrichtung Region mit niedriger Latenz Linktyp
und MACsec-Unterstützung [M]
Kapstadt cpt-zone1-99025 Teraco Kapstadt, Südafrika 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kapstadt cpt-zone2-99025 Teraco Kapstadt, Südafrika 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Johannesburg jnb-zone1-850 Teraco Johannesburg Campus, Südafrika africa-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Johannesburg jnb-zone2-850 Teraco Johannesburg Campus, Südafrika africa-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Johannesburg jnb-zone1-9338 Datenzentren in Afrika, Johannesburg JHB2 africa-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Johannesburg jnb-zone2-9338 Datenzentren in Afrika, Johannesburg JHB2 africa-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]


Das geografische Gebiet Asien unterstützt folgende Regionen:

  • asia-east1 (Taiwan)
  • asia-east2 (Hongkong)
  • asia-northeast1 (Tokio)
  • asia-northeast2 (Osaka)
  • asia-northeast3 (Seoul)
  • asia-southeast1 (Singapur)
  • asia-southeast2 (Jakarta)
Metropolregion Name der Colocations-Einrichtung Einrichtung Region mit niedriger Latenz Linktyp
und MACsec-Unterstützung [M]
Bangkok bkk-zone1-4001 CS LoxInfo Data Center - The Cloud 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Bangkok bkk-zone2-4001 CS LoxInfo Data Center - The Cloud 10 Gbit/s [M]
Bangkok bkk-zone1-6323 True IDC - North Muang Thong, Thailand 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Bangkok bkk-zone2-6323 True IDC - North Muang Thong, Thailand 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hongkong hkg-zone1-1118 Equinix Hong Kong (HK2) asia-east2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hongkong hkg-zone2-1118 Equinix Hong Kong (HK2) asia-east2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hongkong hkg-zone1-225 MEGA-i (iAdvantage Hong Kong) asia-east2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hongkong hkg-zone2-225 MEGA-i (iAdvantage Hong Kong) asia-east2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hongkong hkg-zone1-7911 China Mobile International – GNC Hongkong asia-east2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hongkong hkg-zone2-7911 China Mobile International – GNC Hongkong asia-east2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hsinchu hsz-zone1-10843 CHT Zhubei IDC 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hsinchu hsz-zone2-10843 CHT Zhubei IDC 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Jakarta cgk-zone1-5865 NTT Com Jakarta asia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Jakarta cgk-zone2-5865 NTT Com Jakarta asia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Jakarta cgk-zone1-8168 DCI Indonesia asia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Jakarta cgk-zone2-8168 DCI Indonesia asia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kuala Lumpur kul-zone1-1514 CSF CX2 Cyberjaya 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kuala Lumpur kul-zone2-1514 CSF CX2 Cyberjaya 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kuala Lumpur kul-zone1-460 AIMS Kuala Lumpur 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kuala Lumpur kul-zone2-460 AIMS Kuala Lumpur 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Manila mnl-zone1-99027 ePLDT Vitro Makati 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Manila mnl-zone2-99027 ePLDT Vitro Makati 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Manila mnl-zone1-99028 Globe Roosevelt (QC2) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Manila mnl-zone2-99028 Globe Roosevelt (QC2) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Osaka kix-zone2-2072 NTT Telepark Dojima Building 2 asia-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Osaka kix-zone2-2072 NTT Telepark Dojima Building 2 asia-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Osaka kix-zone1-1791 Equinix Osaka (OS1) asia-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Osaka kix-zone2-1791 Equinix Osaka (OS1) asia-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone1-3829 Sejong IX Center asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone2-3829 Sejong IX Center asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone1-7573 LG Uplus Pyeongchon IDC asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone2-7573 LG Uplus Pyeongchon IDC asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone1-7574 LG Uplus SEOCHO1 IDC asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone2-7574 LG Uplus SEOCHO1 IDC asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone1-7674 KINX Gasan asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Seoul icn-zone2-7674 KINX Gasan asia-northeast3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Singapur sin-zone1-2260 Equinix Singapur (SG3) asia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Singapur sin-zone2-2260 Equinix Singapur (SG3) asia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Singapur sin-zone1-388 Global Switch Singapur asia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Singapur sin-zone2-388 Global Switch Singapur asia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Taipeh tsa-zone1-2886 CHT Taipeh-Aikuo IDC asia-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Taipeh tsa-zone2-2886 CHT Taipeh-Aikuo IDC asia-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Taipeh tsa-zone1-456 Chief LY Building Taipeh asia-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Taipeh tsa-zone2-456 Chief LY Building Taipeh asia-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Taipeh tsa-zone2-2886 Asia Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd. asia-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Taipeh tsa-zone2-2886 Asia Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd. asia-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone1-1893 Equinix Tokyo (TY4) asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone2-1893 Equinix Tokyo (TY4) asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone1-452 Equinix Tokio (TY2) asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone2-452 Equinix Tokio (TY2) asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone1-599 ComSpace I asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone2-599 ComSpace I asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone1-738 AT Tokyo CC2 asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tokio nrt-zone2-738 AT Tokyo CC2 asia-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]


Das geografische Gebiet Ozeanien unterstützt folgende Regionen:

  • australia-southeast1 (Sydney)
  • australia-southeast2 (Melbourne)
Metropolregion Name der Colocations-Einrichtung Einrichtung Region mit niedriger Latenz Linktyp
und MACsec-Unterstützung [M]
Auckland akl-zone1-1353 Vocus Auckland - Albany 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Auckland akl-zone2-1353 Vocus Auckland - Albany 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Brisbane bne-zone1-4688 NEXTDC B2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Brisbane bne-zone2-4688 NEXTDC B2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Canberra cbr-zone1-9378 Equinix CA1 - Canberra 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Canberra cbr-zone2-9378 Equinix CA1 - Canberra 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Melbourne mel-zone1-1988 Equinix ME1/ME2 - Melbourne australia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Melbourne mel-zone2-1988 Equinix ME1/ME2 - Melbourne australia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Melbourne mel-zone1-4843 NEXTDC M2 australia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Melbourne mel-zone2-4843 NEXTDC M2 australia-southeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Perth per-zone1-5749 Equinix PE2 - Perth (früher Metronode Perth 2) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Perth per-zone2-5749 Equinix PE2 - Perth (früher Metronode Perth 2) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sydney syd-zone1-1605 Equinix Sydney (SY3) australia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sydney syd-zone2-1605 Equinix Sydney (SY3) australia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sydney syd-zone1-1660 NEXTDC S1 australia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sydney syd-zone2-1660 NEXTDC S1 australia-southeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]

Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika (EMEA)

Das geografische Gebiet EMEA unterstützt folgende Regionen:

  • europe-central2 (Polen)
  • europe-north1 (Finnland)
  • europe-north2 (Stockholm)
  • europe-west1 (Belgien)
  • europe-west2 (Vereinigtes Königreich)
  • europe-west3 (Deutschland)
  • europe-west4 (Niederlande)
  • europe-west6 (Zürich)
  • europe-west8 (Mailand)
  • europe-west9 (Paris)
  • europe-west10 (Berlin)
  • europe-west12 (Turin)
  • europe-southwest1 (Madrid)
  • me-west1 (Tel Aviv)
  • me-central1 (Doha)
  • me-central2 (Dammam)
Metropolregion Name der Colocations-Einrichtung Einrichtung Region mit niedriger Latenz Linktyp
und MACsec-Unterstützung [M]
Amsterdam ams-zone1-12 Equinix Amsterdam Schepenbergweg (AM5) (ehemals Telecity AMS5) europe-west4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Amsterdam ams-zone1-1236 Equinix Amsterdam Schepenbergweg (AM5) (ehemals Telecity AMS5) europe-west4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Amsterdam ams-zone1-1320 Equinix Amsterdam (AM3) europe-west4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Amsterdam ams-zone2-1320 Equinix Amsterdam (AM3) europe-west4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Athen ath-zone1-1949 Digital Realty Athens Campus (ATH1, ATH2, ATH3) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Athen ath-zone2-1949 Digital Realty Athens Campus (ATH1, ATH2, ATH3) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Barcelona bcn-zone1-122 Equinix BA1 - Barcelona 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Barcelona bcn-zone2-122 Equinix BA1 - Barcelona 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Berlin ber-zone1-331 Level(3) Berlin europe-west10 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Berlin ber-zone2-331 Level(3) Berlin europe-west10 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Berlin ber-zone1-478 NTT Berlin 1 Data Center (BER1) europe-west10 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Berlin ber-zone2-478 NTT Berlin 1 Data Center (BER1) europe-west10 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Brüssel bru-zone1-68 Digital Realty Brussels (BRU1) europe-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Brüssel bru-zone2-68 Digital Realty Brussels (BRU1) europe-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Bukarest otp-zone1-99039 NXDATA-1 Bucharest Romania (BU1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Bukarest otp-zone2-99039 NXDATA-1 Bucharest Romania (BU1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kopenhagen cph-zone1-148 Digital Realty Copenhagen CPH1-3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kopenhagen cph-zone2-148 Digital Realty Copenhagen CPH1-3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dammam dmm-zone1-99049 Quantum Switch DMM A me-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dammam dmm-zone2-99049 Quantum Switch DMM A me-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dammam dmm-zone1-99055 Saudi Telecom Company (STC) DMM52 me-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dammam dmm-zone2-99055 Saudi Telecom Company (STC) DMM52 me-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Doha dia-zone1-99011 Ooredoo QDC5 (Qatar Data Center Ooredoo) me-central1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Doha dia-zone2-99011 Ooredoo QDC5 (Qatar Data Center Ooredoo) me-central1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Doha dia-zone1-99036 Quantum Switch (QSDC) DOA A me-central1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Doha dia-zone2-99036 Quantum Switch (QSDC) DOA A me-central1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dubai dxb-zone1-1355 Equinix DX1 - Dubai 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dubai dxb-zone2-1355 Equinix DX1 - Dubai 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dublin dub-zone1-4484 Keppel Data Centre Dublin 1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dublin dub-zone2-4484 Keppel Data Centre Dublin 1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Düsseldorf dus-zone1-106 Digital Realty Dusseldorf DUS1-2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Düsseldorf dus-zone2-106 Digital Realty Dusseldorf DUS1-2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Frankfurt fra-zone1-277 e-shelter Frankfurt (FRA1) europe-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Frankfurt fra-zone2-277 e-shelter Frankfurt (FRA1) europe-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Frankfurt fra-zone1-58 Digital Realty Frankfurt FRA1-16 europe-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Frankfurt fra-zone2-58 Digital Realty Frankfurt FRA1-16 europe-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Frankfurt fra-zone1-683 Equinix Frankfurt West (FR4) europe-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Frankfurt fra-zone2-683 Equinix Frankfurt West (FR4) europe-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Genf gva-zone1-826 Equinix GV2 - Geneva, West 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Genf gva-zone2-826 Equinix GV2 - Geneva, West 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hamburg ham-zone1-1686 GlobalConnect Hamburg (HAM1) (war Telia) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hamburg ham-zone2-1686 GlobalConnect Hamburg (HAM1) (war Telia) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hamburg ham-zone1-427 CenturyLink Hamburg (war Level 3) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hamburg ham-zone2-427 CenturyLink Hamburg (war Level 3) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Helsinki hem-zone1-7098 Equinix HE7 Helsinki Sinimäki europe-north1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Helsinki hem-zone2-7098 Equinix HE7 Helsinki Sinimäki europe-north1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Helsinki hem-zone1-8128 Telia Helsinki Datacenter europe-north1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Helsinki hem-zone2-8128 Telia Helsinki Datacenter europe-north1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Lissabon lis-zone1-126 Equinix LS1 - Lisbon 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Lissabon lis-zone2-126 Equinix LS1 - Lisbon 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
London lhr-zone1-2262 Equinix London Slough (LD6) europe-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
London lhr-zone2-2262 Equinix London Slough (LD6) europe-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
London lhr-zone1-47 Global Switch (London 2) europe-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
London lhr-zone2-47 Global Switch (London 2) europe-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
London lhr-zone1-832 Equinix London Slough (LD5) europe-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
London lhr-zone2-832 Equinix London Slough (LD5) europe-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone1-127 Equinix MD2 – Madrid europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone2-127 Equinix MD2 – Madrid europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone1-130 Digital Realty Madrid MAD1-2 europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone2-130 Digital Realty Madrid MAD1-2 europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone1-99037 Telefónica Nabiax Alcala-Rechenzentrum europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone2-99037 Telefónica Nabiax Alcala-Rechenzentrum europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone1-99038 Telefónica Julián Camarillo europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Madrid mad-zone2-99038 Telefónica Julián Camarillo europe-southwest1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Manchester man-zone1-1403 Equinix MA3 - Manchester, Joule House 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Manchester man-zone2-1403 Equinix MA3 - Manchester, Joule House 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Marseille mrs-zone1-226 Digital Realty Marseille MRS1-3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Marseille mrs-zone2-226 Digital Realty Marseille MRS1-3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone1-1974 IRIDEOS Avalon Campus europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone2-1974 IRIDEOS Avalon Campus europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone1-3348 DATA4 Milan-Cornaredo europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone2-3348 DATA4 Milan-Cornaredo europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone1-99013 Telecom Italia Sparkle Milano Data Center europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone2-99013 Telecom Italia Sparkle Milano Data Center europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone1-99034 Telecom Italia Rozzano Data Center europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mailand mil-zone2-99034 Telecom Italia Rozzano Data Center europe-west8 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
München muc-zone1-480 Equinix Munich (MU1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
München muc-zone2-480 Equinix Munich (MU1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Oslo osl-zone1-5518 Bulk Oslo Internet Exchange - OS-IX 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Oslo osl-zone2-5518 Bulk Oslo Internet Exchange - OS-IX 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone1-1536 Digital Realty Paris PAR7 europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone2-1536 Digital Realty Paris PAR7 europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone1-181 Global Switch (Paris) europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone2-181 Global Switch (Paris) europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone1-3342 DATA4 Paris Marcoussis europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone2-3342 DATA4 Paris Marcoussis europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone1-53 Telehouse - Paris 2 (Voltaire - Léon Frot) europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Paris cdg-zone2-53 Telehouse - Paris 2 (Voltaire - Léon Frot) europe-west9 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Prag prg-zone1-214 CE Colo Prague 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Prag prg-zone2-214 CE Colo Prague 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sofia sof-zone1-663 TELEPOINT Sofia Centre 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sofia sof-zone2-663 TELEPOINT Sofia Centre 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sofia sof-zone1-7097 Equinix SO2 - Sofia 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Sofia sof-zone2-7097 Equinix SO2 - Sofia 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Stockholm arn-zone1-156 Equinix Stockholm Bromma (SK1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Stockholm arn-zone2-156 Equinix Stockholm Bromma (SK1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Stockholm arn-zone1-208 Digital Realty Stockholm STO1-6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Stockholm arn-zone2-208 Digital Realty Stockholm STO1-6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tel Aviv tlv-zone1-99030 TIS Tel Aviv Burla Hub and Data Center me-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tel Aviv tlv-zone2-99030 TIS Tel Aviv Burla Hub and Data Center me-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tel Aviv tlv-zone1-99047 SDS1 Modiin me-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Tel Aviv tlv-zone2-99047 SDS1 Modiin me-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Turin trn-zone1-99032 Telecom Italia Cebrosa Campus europe-west12 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Turin trn-zone2-99032 Telecom Italia Cebrosa Campus europe-west12 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Turin trn-zone1-99033 Telecom Italia Moncalieri Campus europe-west12 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Turin trn-zone2-99033 Telecom Italia Moncalieri Campus europe-west12 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Wien vie-zone1-67 Digital Realty Vienna VIE1-2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Wien vie-zone2-67 Digital Realty Vienna VIE1-2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Warschau waw-zone1-2570 Atman Data Center Warsaw-1 (waw-1, Grochowska) europe-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Warschau waw-zone2-2570 Atman Data Center Warsaw-1 (waw-1, Grochowska) europe-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Warschau waw-zone1-509 Equinix WA1 - Warsaw, Centrum LIM europe-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Warschau waw-zone2-509 Equinix WA1 - Warsaw, Centrum LIM europe-central2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Zürich zrh-zone1-1086 greenDatacenter Lupfig europe-west6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Zürich zrh-zone2-1086 greenDatacenter Lupfig europe-west6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Zürich zrh-zone1-81 Digital Realty Zurich ZUR1 europe-west6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Zürich zrh-zone2-81 Digital Realty Zurich ZUR1 europe-west6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Zürich zrh-zone1-83 Equinix ZH2 europe-west6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Zürich zrh-zone2-83 Equinix ZH2 europe-west6 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]


Das geografische Gebiet Indien unterstützt folgende Regionen:

  • asia-south1 (Mumbai)
  • asia-south2 (Delhi)
Metropolregion Name der Colocations-Einrichtung Einrichtung Region mit niedriger Latenz Linktyp
und MACsec-Unterstützung [M]
Chennai maa-zone1-4701 Netmagic Chennai 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Chennai maa-zone2-4701 Netmagic Chennai 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Chennai maa-zone1-552 TATA Communications Chennai 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Chennai maa-zone2-552 TATA Communications Chennai 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Delhi del-zone1-1622 TATA Communications Delhi asia-south2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Delhi del-zone2-1622 TATA Communications Delhi asia-south2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Delhi del-zone1-2411 Sify Greenfort - Noida asia-south2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Delhi del-zone2-2411 Sify Greenfort - Noida asia-south2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hyderabad hyd-zone1-6781 STT Hyderabad 1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Hyderabad hyd-zone2-6781 STT Hyderabad 1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mumbai bom-zone1-2310 Equinix MB1 - Mumbai (GPX Mumbai 1) asia-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mumbai bom-zone2-2310 Equinix MB1 - Mumbai (GPX Mumbai 1) asia-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mumbai bom-zone1-554 Tata Mumbai IDC asia-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Mumbai bom-zone2-554 Tata Mumbai IDC asia-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]


Das geografische Gebiet Nordamerika unterstützt die folgenden Regionen:

  • northamerica-northeast1 (Montreal)
  • northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto)
  • northamerica-south1 (Querétaro)
  • us-central1 (Iowa)
  • us-east1 (South Carolina)
  • us-east4 (Virginia)
  • us-east5 (Columbus)
  • us-south1 (Dallas)
  • us-west1 (Oregon)
  • us-west2 (Los Angeles)
  • us-west3 (Salt Lake City)
  • us-west4 (Las Vegas)
Metropolregion Name der Colocations-Einrichtung Einrichtung Region mit niedriger Latenz Linktyp
und MACsec-Unterstützung [M]
Ashburn iad-zone1-1 Equinix DC1-DC15, DC21 - Ashburn us-east4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Ashburn iad-zone2-1 Equinix DC1-DC15, DC21 - Ashburn us-east4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Ashburn iad-zone1-5467 CoreSite - Reston (VA3) us-east4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Ashburn iad-zone2-5467 CoreSite - Reston (VA3) us-east4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Atlanta atl-zone1-3725 Digital Realty ATL 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Atlanta atl-zone2-3725 Digital Realty ATL 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Atlanta atl-zone1-3853 zColo Atlanta - 1100 White SW 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Atlanta atl-zone2-3853 zColo Atlanta - 1100 White SW 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Atlanta atl-zone1-940 Equinix AT1 – Atlanta 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Atlanta atl-zone2-940 Equinix AT1 – Atlanta 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Aurora auz-zone1-3143 CyrusOne Aurora 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Aurora auz-zone2-3143 CyrusOne Aurora 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Austin aus-zone1-1483 CyrusOne Austin (Met 2) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Austin aus-zone2-1483 CyrusOne Austin (Met 2) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Boston bos-zone1-219 Markley Group Boston - One Summer Street 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Boston bos-zone2-219 Markley Group Boston - One Summer Street 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Calgary yyc-zone1-3251 Equinix CL3 - Calgary (formerly Q9 Calgary Three) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Calgary yyc-zone2-3251 Equinix CL3 - Calgary (formerly Q9 Calgary Three) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Chicago ord-zone1-440 CoreSite - Chicago (CH1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Chicago ord-zone2-440 CoreSite - Chicago (CH1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Chicago ord-zone1-7 Equinix Chicago (CH1/CH2/CH4) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Chicago ord-zone2-7 Equinix Chicago (CH1/CH2/CH4) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Columbus cmh-zone1-2377 Cologix COL1 us-east5 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Columbus cmh-zone2-2377 Cologix COL1 us-east5 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Council Bluffs cbf-zone1-575 Nebraska Data Centers (1623 Farnam) us-central1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Council Bluffs cbf-zone2-575 Nebraska Data Centers (1623 Farnam) us-central1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dallas dfw-zone1-4 Equinix Dallas (DA1) us-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Dallas dfw-zone2-4 Equinix Dallas (DA1) us-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Denver den-zone1-389 Coresite Denver 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Denver den-zone2-389 Coresite Denver 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Houston hou-zone1-1476 Databank Houston West 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Houston hou-zone2-1476 Databank Houston West 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kansas City mci-zone1-435 Netrality Kansas City - 1102 Grand 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Kansas City mci-zone2-435 Netrality Kansas City - 1102 Grand 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Las Vegas las-zone1-770 Switch Las Vegas us-west4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Las Vegas las-zone2-770 Switch Las Vegas us-west4 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone1-19 CoreSite - LA1 - One Wilshire us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone2-19 CoreSite - LA1 - One Wilshire us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone1-333 Equinix LA3/LA4 - Los Angeles, El Segundo us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone2-333 Equinix LA3/LA4 - Los Angeles, El Segundo us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone1-403 Digital Realty LAX (600 West 7th) us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone2-403 Digital Realty LAX (600 West 7th) us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone1-8 Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Los Angeles lax-zone2-8 Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) us-west2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Miami mia-zone1-15 Equinix Miami (MI1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Miami mia-zone2-15 Equinix Miami (MI1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Minneapolis msp-zone1-3312 Cologix MIN3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Minneapolis msp-zone2-3312 Cologix MIN3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Montreal yul-zone1-1944 Cologix MTL3 northamerica-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Montreal yul-zone2-1944 Cologix MTL3 northamerica-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Montreal yul-zone1-99002 Cologix MTL10-H northamerica-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Montreal yul-zone2-99002 Cologix MTL10-H northamerica-northeast1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone1-1422 DataBank New York (LGA1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone2-1422 DataBank New York (LGA1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone1-16 Digital Realty | Telx New York (111 8th Ave) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone2-16 Digital Realty | Telx New York (111 8th Ave) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone1-9 165 Halsey – 9th Floor MMR 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone2-9 165 Halsey – 9th Floor MMR 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone1-36 Equinix NY5 - New York, Secaucus 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
New York lga-zone2-36 Equinix NY5 - New York, Secaucus 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Philadelphia phl-zone1-146 Equinix PH1 - Philadelphia 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Philadelphia phl-zone2-146 Equinix PH1 - Philadelphia 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Phoenix phx-zone1-1488 CyrusOne Phoenix 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Phoenix phx-zone2-1488 CyrusOne Phoenix 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Phoenix phx-zone1-917 PhoenixNAP 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Phoenix phx-zone2-917 PhoenixNAP 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Portland pdx-zone1-1922 EdgeConneX Portland (EDCPOR01) us-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Portland pdx-zone2-1922 EdgeConneX Portland (EDCPOR01) us-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Queretaro qro-zone1-1778 KIO Networks QRO/1 northamerica-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Queretaro qro-zone2-1778 KIO Networks QRO/1 northamerica-south1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Salt Lake City slc-zone1-10938 DataBank Salt Lake City (SLC5) us-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Salt Lake City slc-zone2-10938 DataBank Salt Lake City (SLC5) us-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Salt Lake City slc-zone1-99001 Aligned Salt Lake (SLC-01) us-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Salt Lake City slc-zone2-99001 Aligned Salt Lake (SLC-01) us-west3 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
San Antonio sat-zone1-1484 CyrusOne San Antonio 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
San Antonio sat-zone2-1484 CyrusOne San Antonio 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
San Francisco Bay Area sfo-zone1-1619 CoreSite - Santa Clara (SV4) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
San Francisco Bay Area sfo-zone2-1619 CoreSite - Santa Clara (SV4) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
San Francisco Bay Area sjc-zone1-6 Equinix SV1/SV5/SV10 - Silicon Valley, San Jose 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
San Francisco Bay Area sjc-zone2-6 Equinix SV1/SV5/SV10 - Silicon Valley, San Jose 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Köln sea-zone1-86 Equinix Seattle (SE2/3) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Köln sea-zone2-86 Equinix Seattle (SE2/3) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Toronto yyz-zone1-2206 Equinix Toronto (TR2) northamerica-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Toronto yyz-zone2-2206 Equinix Toronto (TR2) northamerica-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Toronto yyz-zone1-392 151 Front Street West northamerica-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Toronto yyz-zone2-392 151 Front Street West northamerica-northeast2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Vancouver yvr-zone1-1881 Cologix VAN2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Vancouver yvr-zone2-1881 Cologix VAN2 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]


Das geografische Gebiet Südamerika unterstützt die folgenden Regionen:

  • southamerica-east1 (São Paulo)
  • southamerica-west1 (Santiago)
Metropolregion Name der Colocations-Einrichtung Einrichtung Region mit niedriger Latenz Linktyp
und MACsec-Unterstützung [M]
Bogotá bog-zone1-10902 Odata DC BG01 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Bogotá bog-zone2-10902 Odata DC BG01 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Bogotá bog-zone1-1354 Equinix Bogota (BG1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Bogotá bog-zone2-1354 Equinix Bogota (BG1) 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Buenos Aires eze-zone1-1550 Cirion Buenos Aires 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Buenos Aires eze-zone2-1550 Cirion Buenos Aires 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Rio de Janeiro rio-zone1-1374 Cirion Rio de Janeiro 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Rio de Janeiro rio-zone2-1374 Cirion Rio de Janeiro 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Rio de Janeiro rio-zone1-1899 Equinix RJ2 - Rio de Janeiro 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Rio de Janeiro rio-zone2-1899 Equinix RJ2 - Rio de Janeiro 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Santiago scl-zone1-1779 Cirion Santiago de Chile southamerica-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Santiago scl-zone2-1779 Cirion Santiago de Chile southamerica-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Santiago scl-zone1-7594 Ascenty - Chile 1 southamerica-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Santiago scl-zone2-7594 Ascenty - Chile 1 southamerica-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Santiago scl-zone1-99014 GTD Panamericana southamerica-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
Santiago scl-zone2-99014 GTD Panamericana southamerica-west1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
São Paulo gru-zone1-1057 Cirion São Paulo southamerica-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
São Paulo gru-zone2-1057 Cirion São Paulo southamerica-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
São Paulo gru-zone1-165 Equinix São Paulo (SP4) southamerica-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
São Paulo gru-zone2-165 Equinix São Paulo (SP4) southamerica-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
São Paulo gru-zone1-7580 Ascenty - Sao Paulo 2 southamerica-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]
São Paulo gru-zone2-7580 Ascenty - Sao Paulo 2 southamerica-east1 10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M]

Nächste Schritte