Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindungen sind an 159 Standorten verfügbar.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Geografie und Regionen.Auf dieser Seite sind alle Standorte aufgeführt, an denen Sie Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindungen erstellen können. Zum Auflisten von Standorten können Sie auch die Google Cloud Console oder die Google Cloud CLI verwenden.
Anforderungen und Empfehlungen
Bevor Sie Dedicated Interconnect einrichten, muss Ihr Netzwerk in einer unterstützten Colocations-Einrichtung physisch mit dem Netzwerk von Google zusammentreffen. Diese wird auch als Verbindungsstandort bezeichnet. Diese Einrichtung ist dort, wo ein Anbieter, der Anbieter der Colocations-Einrichtung, eine Netzwerkverbindung zwischen Ihrem Netzwerk und einem Google Edge Point of Presence (PoP) bereitstellt.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Dedicated Interconnect – Übersicht.
Standort für Dedicated Interconnect auswählen
In der Standorttabelle sind für jedes geografische Gebiet die Regionen aufgeführt, in denen Sie VLAN-Anhänge erstellen können.
Die von Ihnen ausgewählte Region wirkt sich auf die Latenz und die Kosten für die ausgehende Datenübertragung für Dedicated Interconnect aus. Wenn Sie z. B. VMs in der Region us-east4
haben, können Sie einen Standort in Ashburn auswählen, Ihre Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindung in Ashburn anlegen und dann einen VLAN-Anhang in us-east4
erstellen. Ihr Traffic muss dann keine so weiten Wege für die Übertragung zwischen den VMs und der Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindung zurücklegen. Dies führt zu einer geringeren Latenz als beispielsweise das Erstellen einer Dedicated Interconnect-Verbindung und eines VLAN-Anhangs in Europa.
Außerdem ist es kostengünstiger, VLAN-Anhänge in denselben Regionen wie Ihre VMs zu erstellen, da keine Kosten für die ausgehende Datenübertragung zwischen den Regionen anfallen, wenn VMs Traffic an Ihr lokales Netzwerk senden.
Standorte mit niedriger Latenz
Im Allgemeinen erreichen Sie die niedrigste Latenz in einer Region, indem Sie sich von Standorten aus verbinden, die geografisch in dem Großraum liegen, der dieser Region am nächsten ist.
Wenn Ihre Google Cloud Arbeitslast eine niedrige Latenzzeit erfordert, wählen Sie einen Standort aus der Tabelle, die eine Region in der Spalte Region mit niedriger Latenz auflistet. Erstellen Sie dann Ihre VLAN-Anhänge in dieser Region.
Weitere Google Cloud Standortoptionen
Andere Standortoptionen, wie z. B. Netzwerk-Edge-Standorte oder Cloud CDN-Standorte, finden Sie unter Produktauswahl.
In der folgenden Tabelle sind die Standorte nach Metropolregion und dann nach Edge-Verfügbarkeitsdomain (Metro-Verfügbarkeitszone) organisiert. Der Name eines Standorts gibt jeweils seine Edge-Verfügbarkeitsdomain an, z. B. zone1
in iad-zone1-1
Das geografische Gebiet Afrika unterstützt folgende Regionen:
- africa-south1 (Johannesburg)
- europe-west2 (London)
Metropolregion | Name der Colocations-Einrichtung | Einrichtung | Region mit niedriger Latenz | Linktyp und MACsec-Unterstützung [M] |
Kapstadt | cpt-zone1-99025 | Teraco Kapstadt, Südafrika |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kapstadt | cpt-zone2-99025 | Teraco Kapstadt, Südafrika |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Johannesburg | jnb-zone1-850 | Teraco Johannesburg Campus, Südafrika | africa-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Johannesburg | jnb-zone2-850 | Teraco Johannesburg Campus, Südafrika | africa-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Johannesburg | jnb-zone1-9338 | Datenzentren in Afrika, Johannesburg JHB2 | africa-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Johannesburg | jnb-zone2-9338 | Datenzentren in Afrika, Johannesburg JHB2 | africa-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Das geografische Gebiet Asien unterstützt folgende Regionen:
- asia-east1 (Taiwan)
- asia-east2 (Hongkong)
- asia-northeast1 (Tokio)
- asia-northeast2 (Osaka)
- asia-northeast3 (Seoul)
- asia-southeast1 (Singapur)
- asia-southeast2 (Jakarta)
Metropolregion | Name der Colocations-Einrichtung | Einrichtung | Region mit niedriger Latenz | Linktyp und MACsec-Unterstützung [M] |
Bangkok | bkk-zone1-4001 | CS LoxInfo Data Center - The Cloud |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Bangkok | bkk-zone2-4001 | CS LoxInfo Data Center - The Cloud | 10 Gbit/s [M] | |
Bangkok | bkk-zone1-6323 | True IDC - North Muang Thong, Thailand |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Bangkok | bkk-zone2-6323 | True IDC - North Muang Thong, Thailand |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hongkong | hkg-zone1-1118 | Equinix Hong Kong (HK2) | asia-east2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hongkong | hkg-zone2-1118 | Equinix Hong Kong (HK2) | asia-east2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hongkong | hkg-zone1-225 | MEGA-i (iAdvantage Hong Kong) | asia-east2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hongkong | hkg-zone2-225 | MEGA-i (iAdvantage Hong Kong) | asia-east2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hongkong | hkg-zone1-7911 | China Mobile International – GNC Hongkong | asia-east2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hongkong | hkg-zone2-7911 | China Mobile International – GNC Hongkong | asia-east2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hsinchu | hsz-zone1-10843 | CHT Zhubei IDC |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hsinchu | hsz-zone2-10843 | CHT Zhubei IDC |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Jakarta | cgk-zone1-5865 | NTT Com Jakarta | asia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Jakarta | cgk-zone2-5865 | NTT Com Jakarta | asia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Jakarta | cgk-zone1-8168 | DCI Indonesia | asia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Jakarta | cgk-zone2-8168 | DCI Indonesia | asia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kuala Lumpur | kul-zone1-1514 | CSF CX2 Cyberjaya |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kuala Lumpur | kul-zone2-1514 | CSF CX2 Cyberjaya |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kuala Lumpur | kul-zone1-460 | AIMS Kuala Lumpur |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kuala Lumpur | kul-zone2-460 | AIMS Kuala Lumpur |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Manila | mnl-zone1-99027 | ePLDT Vitro Makati |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Manila | mnl-zone2-99027 | ePLDT Vitro Makati |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Manila | mnl-zone1-99028 | Globe Roosevelt (QC2) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Manila | mnl-zone2-99028 | Globe Roosevelt (QC2) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Osaka | kix-zone2-2072 | NTT Telepark Dojima Building 2 | asia-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Osaka | kix-zone2-2072 | NTT Telepark Dojima Building 2 | asia-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Osaka | kix-zone1-1791 | Equinix Osaka (OS1) | asia-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Osaka | kix-zone2-1791 | Equinix Osaka (OS1) | asia-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone1-3829 | Sejong IX Center | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone2-3829 | Sejong IX Center | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone1-7573 | LG Uplus Pyeongchon IDC | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone2-7573 | LG Uplus Pyeongchon IDC | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone1-7574 | LG Uplus SEOCHO1 IDC | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone2-7574 | LG Uplus SEOCHO1 IDC | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone1-7674 | KINX Gasan | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Seoul | icn-zone2-7674 | KINX Gasan | asia-northeast3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Singapur | sin-zone1-2260 | Equinix Singapur (SG3) | asia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Singapur | sin-zone2-2260 | Equinix Singapur (SG3) | asia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Singapur | sin-zone1-388 | Global Switch Singapur | asia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Singapur | sin-zone2-388 | Global Switch Singapur | asia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Taipeh | tsa-zone1-2886 | CHT Taipeh-Aikuo IDC | asia-east1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Taipeh | tsa-zone2-2886 | CHT Taipeh-Aikuo IDC | asia-east1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Taipeh | tsa-zone1-456 | Chief LY Building Taipeh | asia-east1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Taipeh | tsa-zone2-456 | Chief LY Building Taipeh | asia-east1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Taipeh | tsa-zone2-2886 | Asia Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd. | asia-east1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Taipeh | tsa-zone2-2886 | Asia Pacific Telecom Co., Ltd. | asia-east1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone1-1893 | Equinix Tokyo (TY4) | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone2-1893 | Equinix Tokyo (TY4) | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone1-452 | Equinix Tokio (TY2) | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone2-452 | Equinix Tokio (TY2) | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone1-599 | ComSpace I | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone2-599 | ComSpace I | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone1-738 | AT Tokyo CC2 | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tokio | nrt-zone2-738 | AT Tokyo CC2 | asia-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Das geografische Gebiet Ozeanien unterstützt folgende Regionen:
- australia-southeast1 (Sydney)
- australia-southeast2 (Melbourne)
Metropolregion | Name der Colocations-Einrichtung | Einrichtung | Region mit niedriger Latenz | Linktyp und MACsec-Unterstützung [M] |
Auckland | akl-zone1-1353 | Vocus Auckland - Albany |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Auckland | akl-zone2-1353 | Vocus Auckland - Albany |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Brisbane | bne-zone1-4688 | NEXTDC B2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Brisbane | bne-zone2-4688 | NEXTDC B2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Canberra | cbr-zone1-9378 | Equinix CA1 - Canberra |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Canberra | cbr-zone2-9378 | Equinix CA1 - Canberra |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Melbourne | mel-zone1-1988 | Equinix ME1/ME2 - Melbourne | australia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Melbourne | mel-zone2-1988 | Equinix ME1/ME2 - Melbourne | australia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Melbourne | mel-zone1-4843 | NEXTDC M2 | australia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Melbourne | mel-zone2-4843 | NEXTDC M2 | australia-southeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Perth | per-zone1-5749 | Equinix PE2 - Perth (früher Metronode Perth 2) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Perth | per-zone2-5749 | Equinix PE2 - Perth (früher Metronode Perth 2) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sydney | syd-zone1-1605 | Equinix Sydney (SY3) | australia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sydney | syd-zone2-1605 | Equinix Sydney (SY3) | australia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sydney | syd-zone1-1660 | NEXTDC S1 | australia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sydney | syd-zone2-1660 | NEXTDC S1 | australia-southeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika (EMEA)
Das geografische Gebiet EMEA unterstützt folgende Regionen:
- europe-central2 (Polen)
- europe-north1 (Finnland)
- europe-north2 (Stockholm)
- europe-west1 (Belgien)
- europe-west2 (Vereinigtes Königreich)
- europe-west3 (Deutschland)
- europe-west4 (Niederlande)
- europe-west6 (Zürich)
- europe-west8 (Mailand)
- europe-west9 (Paris)
- europe-west10 (Berlin)
- europe-west12 (Turin)
- europe-southwest1 (Madrid)
- me-west1 (Tel Aviv)
- me-central1 (Doha)
- me-central2 (Dammam)
Metropolregion | Name der Colocations-Einrichtung | Einrichtung | Region mit niedriger Latenz | Linktyp und MACsec-Unterstützung [M] |
Amsterdam | ams-zone1-12 | Equinix Amsterdam Schepenbergweg (AM5) (ehemals Telecity AMS5) | europe-west4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Amsterdam | ams-zone1-1236 | Equinix Amsterdam Schepenbergweg (AM5) (ehemals Telecity AMS5) | europe-west4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Amsterdam | ams-zone1-1320 | Equinix Amsterdam (AM3) | europe-west4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Amsterdam | ams-zone2-1320 | Equinix Amsterdam (AM3) | europe-west4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Athen | ath-zone1-1949 | Digital Realty Athens Campus (ATH1, ATH2, ATH3) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Athen | ath-zone2-1949 | Digital Realty Athens Campus (ATH1, ATH2, ATH3) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Barcelona | bcn-zone1-122 | Equinix BA1 - Barcelona |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Barcelona | bcn-zone2-122 | Equinix BA1 - Barcelona |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Berlin | ber-zone1-331 | Level(3) Berlin | europe-west10 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Berlin | ber-zone2-331 | Level(3) Berlin | europe-west10 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Berlin | ber-zone1-478 | NTT Berlin 1 Data Center (BER1) | europe-west10 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Berlin | ber-zone2-478 | NTT Berlin 1 Data Center (BER1) | europe-west10 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Brüssel | bru-zone1-68 | Digital Realty Brussels (BRU1) | europe-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Brüssel | bru-zone2-68 | Digital Realty Brussels (BRU1) | europe-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Bukarest | otp-zone1-99039 | NXDATA-1 Bucharest Romania (BU1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Bukarest | otp-zone2-99039 | NXDATA-1 Bucharest Romania (BU1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kopenhagen | cph-zone1-148 | Digital Realty Copenhagen CPH1-3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kopenhagen | cph-zone2-148 | Digital Realty Copenhagen CPH1-3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dammam | dmm-zone1-99049 | Quantum Switch DMM A | me-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dammam | dmm-zone2-99049 | Quantum Switch DMM A | me-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dammam | dmm-zone1-99055 | Saudi Telecom Company (STC) DMM52 | me-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dammam | dmm-zone2-99055 | Saudi Telecom Company (STC) DMM52 | me-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Doha | dia-zone1-99011 | Ooredoo QDC5 (Qatar Data Center Ooredoo) | me-central1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Doha | dia-zone2-99011 | Ooredoo QDC5 (Qatar Data Center Ooredoo) | me-central1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Doha | dia-zone1-99036 | Quantum Switch (QSDC) DOA A | me-central1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Doha | dia-zone2-99036 | Quantum Switch (QSDC) DOA A | me-central1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dubai | dxb-zone1-1355 | Equinix DX1 - Dubai |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dubai | dxb-zone2-1355 | Equinix DX1 - Dubai |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dublin | dub-zone1-4484 | Keppel Data Centre Dublin 1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dublin | dub-zone2-4484 | Keppel Data Centre Dublin 1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Düsseldorf | dus-zone1-106 | Digital Realty Dusseldorf DUS1-2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Düsseldorf | dus-zone2-106 | Digital Realty Dusseldorf DUS1-2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Frankfurt | fra-zone1-277 | e-shelter Frankfurt (FRA1) | europe-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Frankfurt | fra-zone2-277 | e-shelter Frankfurt (FRA1) | europe-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Frankfurt | fra-zone1-58 | Digital Realty Frankfurt FRA1-16 | europe-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Frankfurt | fra-zone2-58 | Digital Realty Frankfurt FRA1-16 | europe-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Frankfurt | fra-zone1-683 | Equinix Frankfurt West (FR4) | europe-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Frankfurt | fra-zone2-683 | Equinix Frankfurt West (FR4) | europe-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Genf | gva-zone1-826 | Equinix GV2 - Geneva, West |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Genf | gva-zone2-826 | Equinix GV2 - Geneva, West |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hamburg | ham-zone1-1686 | GlobalConnect Hamburg (HAM1) (war Telia) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hamburg | ham-zone2-1686 | GlobalConnect Hamburg (HAM1) (war Telia) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hamburg | ham-zone1-427 | CenturyLink Hamburg (war Level 3) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hamburg | ham-zone2-427 | CenturyLink Hamburg (war Level 3) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Helsinki | hem-zone1-7098 | Equinix HE7 Helsinki Sinimäki | europe-north1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Helsinki | hem-zone2-7098 | Equinix HE7 Helsinki Sinimäki | europe-north1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Helsinki | hem-zone1-8128 | Telia Helsinki Datacenter | europe-north1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Helsinki | hem-zone2-8128 | Telia Helsinki Datacenter | europe-north1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Lissabon | lis-zone1-126 | Equinix LS1 - Lisbon |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Lissabon | lis-zone2-126 | Equinix LS1 - Lisbon |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
London | lhr-zone1-2262 | Equinix London Slough (LD6) | europe-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
London | lhr-zone2-2262 | Equinix London Slough (LD6) | europe-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
London | lhr-zone1-47 | Global Switch (London 2) | europe-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
London | lhr-zone2-47 | Global Switch (London 2) | europe-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
London | lhr-zone1-832 | Equinix London Slough (LD5) | europe-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
London | lhr-zone2-832 | Equinix London Slough (LD5) | europe-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone1-127 | Equinix MD2 – Madrid | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone2-127 | Equinix MD2 – Madrid | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone1-130 | Digital Realty Madrid MAD1-2 | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone2-130 | Digital Realty Madrid MAD1-2 | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone1-99037 | Telefónica Nabiax Alcala-Rechenzentrum | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone2-99037 | Telefónica Nabiax Alcala-Rechenzentrum | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone1-99038 | Telefónica Julián Camarillo | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Madrid | mad-zone2-99038 | Telefónica Julián Camarillo | europe-southwest1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Manchester | man-zone1-1403 | Equinix MA3 - Manchester, Joule House |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Manchester | man-zone2-1403 | Equinix MA3 - Manchester, Joule House |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Marseille | mrs-zone1-226 | Digital Realty Marseille MRS1-3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Marseille | mrs-zone2-226 | Digital Realty Marseille MRS1-3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone1-1974 | IRIDEOS Avalon Campus | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone2-1974 | IRIDEOS Avalon Campus | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone1-3348 | DATA4 Milan-Cornaredo | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone2-3348 | DATA4 Milan-Cornaredo | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone1-99013 | Telecom Italia Sparkle Milano Data Center | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone2-99013 | Telecom Italia Sparkle Milano Data Center | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone1-99034 | Telecom Italia Rozzano Data Center | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mailand | mil-zone2-99034 | Telecom Italia Rozzano Data Center | europe-west8 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
München | muc-zone1-480 | Equinix Munich (MU1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
München | muc-zone2-480 | Equinix Munich (MU1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Oslo | osl-zone1-5518 | Bulk Oslo Internet Exchange - OS-IX |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Oslo | osl-zone2-5518 | Bulk Oslo Internet Exchange - OS-IX |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone1-1536 | Digital Realty Paris PAR7 | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone2-1536 | Digital Realty Paris PAR7 | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone1-181 | Global Switch (Paris) | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone2-181 | Global Switch (Paris) | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone1-3342 | DATA4 Paris Marcoussis | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone2-3342 | DATA4 Paris Marcoussis | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone1-53 | Telehouse - Paris 2 (Voltaire - Léon Frot) | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Paris | cdg-zone2-53 | Telehouse - Paris 2 (Voltaire - Léon Frot) | europe-west9 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Prag | prg-zone1-214 | CE Colo Prague |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Prag | prg-zone2-214 | CE Colo Prague |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sofia | sof-zone1-663 | TELEPOINT Sofia Centre |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sofia | sof-zone2-663 | TELEPOINT Sofia Centre |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sofia | sof-zone1-7097 | Equinix SO2 - Sofia |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Sofia | sof-zone2-7097 | Equinix SO2 - Sofia |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Stockholm | arn-zone1-156 | Equinix Stockholm Bromma (SK1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Stockholm | arn-zone2-156 | Equinix Stockholm Bromma (SK1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Stockholm | arn-zone1-208 | Digital Realty Stockholm STO1-6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Stockholm | arn-zone2-208 | Digital Realty Stockholm STO1-6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tel Aviv | tlv-zone1-99030 | TIS Tel Aviv Burla Hub and Data Center | me-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tel Aviv | tlv-zone2-99030 | TIS Tel Aviv Burla Hub and Data Center | me-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tel Aviv | tlv-zone1-99047 | SDS1 Modiin | me-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Tel Aviv | tlv-zone2-99047 | SDS1 Modiin | me-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Turin | trn-zone1-99032 | Telecom Italia Cebrosa Campus | europe-west12 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Turin | trn-zone2-99032 | Telecom Italia Cebrosa Campus | europe-west12 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Turin | trn-zone1-99033 | Telecom Italia Moncalieri Campus | europe-west12 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Turin | trn-zone2-99033 | Telecom Italia Moncalieri Campus | europe-west12 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Wien | vie-zone1-67 | Digital Realty Vienna VIE1-2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Wien | vie-zone2-67 | Digital Realty Vienna VIE1-2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Warschau | waw-zone1-2570 | Atman Data Center Warsaw-1 (waw-1, Grochowska) | europe-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Warschau | waw-zone2-2570 | Atman Data Center Warsaw-1 (waw-1, Grochowska) | europe-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Warschau | waw-zone1-509 | Equinix WA1 - Warsaw, Centrum LIM | europe-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Warschau | waw-zone2-509 | Equinix WA1 - Warsaw, Centrum LIM | europe-central2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Zürich | zrh-zone1-1086 | greenDatacenter Lupfig | europe-west6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Zürich | zrh-zone2-1086 | greenDatacenter Lupfig | europe-west6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Zürich | zrh-zone1-81 | Digital Realty Zurich ZUR1 | europe-west6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Zürich | zrh-zone2-81 | Digital Realty Zurich ZUR1 | europe-west6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Zürich | zrh-zone1-83 | Equinix ZH2 | europe-west6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Zürich | zrh-zone2-83 | Equinix ZH2 | europe-west6 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Das geografische Gebiet Indien unterstützt folgende Regionen:
- asia-south1 (Mumbai)
- asia-south2 (Delhi)
Metropolregion | Name der Colocations-Einrichtung | Einrichtung | Region mit niedriger Latenz | Linktyp und MACsec-Unterstützung [M] |
Chennai | maa-zone1-4701 | Netmagic Chennai |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Chennai | maa-zone2-4701 | Netmagic Chennai |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Chennai | maa-zone1-552 | TATA Communications Chennai |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Chennai | maa-zone2-552 | TATA Communications Chennai |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Delhi | del-zone1-1622 | TATA Communications Delhi | asia-south2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Delhi | del-zone2-1622 | TATA Communications Delhi | asia-south2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Delhi | del-zone1-2411 | Sify Greenfort - Noida | asia-south2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Delhi | del-zone2-2411 | Sify Greenfort - Noida | asia-south2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hyderabad | hyd-zone1-6781 | STT Hyderabad 1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Hyderabad | hyd-zone2-6781 | STT Hyderabad 1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mumbai | bom-zone1-2310 | Equinix MB1 - Mumbai (GPX Mumbai 1) | asia-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mumbai | bom-zone2-2310 | Equinix MB1 - Mumbai (GPX Mumbai 1) | asia-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mumbai | bom-zone1-554 | Tata Mumbai IDC | asia-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Mumbai | bom-zone2-554 | Tata Mumbai IDC | asia-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Das geografische Gebiet Nordamerika unterstützt die folgenden Regionen:
- northamerica-northeast1 (Montreal)
- northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto)
- northamerica-south1 (Querétaro)
- us-central1 (Iowa)
- us-east1 (South Carolina)
- us-east4 (Virginia)
- us-east5 (Columbus)
- us-south1 (Dallas)
- us-west1 (Oregon)
- us-west2 (Los Angeles)
- us-west3 (Salt Lake City)
- us-west4 (Las Vegas)
Metropolregion | Name der Colocations-Einrichtung | Einrichtung | Region mit niedriger Latenz | Linktyp und MACsec-Unterstützung [M] |
Ashburn | iad-zone1-1 | Equinix DC1-DC15, DC21 - Ashburn | us-east4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Ashburn | iad-zone2-1 | Equinix DC1-DC15, DC21 - Ashburn | us-east4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Ashburn | iad-zone1-5467 | CoreSite - Reston (VA3) | us-east4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Ashburn | iad-zone2-5467 | CoreSite - Reston (VA3) | us-east4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Atlanta | atl-zone1-3725 | Digital Realty ATL |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Atlanta | atl-zone2-3725 | Digital Realty ATL |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Atlanta | atl-zone1-3853 | zColo Atlanta - 1100 White SW |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Atlanta | atl-zone2-3853 | zColo Atlanta - 1100 White SW |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Atlanta | atl-zone1-940 | Equinix AT1 – Atlanta |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Atlanta | atl-zone2-940 | Equinix AT1 – Atlanta |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Aurora | auz-zone1-3143 | CyrusOne Aurora |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Aurora | auz-zone2-3143 | CyrusOne Aurora |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Austin | aus-zone1-1483 | CyrusOne Austin (Met 2) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Austin | aus-zone2-1483 | CyrusOne Austin (Met 2) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Boston | bos-zone1-219 | Markley Group Boston - One Summer Street |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Boston | bos-zone2-219 | Markley Group Boston - One Summer Street |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Calgary | yyc-zone1-3251 | Equinix CL3 - Calgary (formerly Q9 Calgary Three) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Calgary | yyc-zone2-3251 | Equinix CL3 - Calgary (formerly Q9 Calgary Three) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Chicago | ord-zone1-440 | CoreSite - Chicago (CH1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Chicago | ord-zone2-440 | CoreSite - Chicago (CH1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Chicago | ord-zone1-7 | Equinix Chicago (CH1/CH2/CH4) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Chicago | ord-zone2-7 | Equinix Chicago (CH1/CH2/CH4) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Columbus | cmh-zone1-2377 | Cologix COL1 | us-east5 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Columbus | cmh-zone2-2377 | Cologix COL1 | us-east5 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Council Bluffs | cbf-zone1-575 | Nebraska Data Centers (1623 Farnam) | us-central1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Council Bluffs | cbf-zone2-575 | Nebraska Data Centers (1623 Farnam) | us-central1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dallas | dfw-zone1-4 | Equinix Dallas (DA1) | us-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Dallas | dfw-zone2-4 | Equinix Dallas (DA1) | us-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Denver | den-zone1-389 | Coresite Denver |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Denver | den-zone2-389 | Coresite Denver |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Houston | hou-zone1-1476 | Databank Houston West |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Houston | hou-zone2-1476 | Databank Houston West |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kansas City | mci-zone1-435 | Netrality Kansas City - 1102 Grand |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Kansas City | mci-zone2-435 | Netrality Kansas City - 1102 Grand |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Las Vegas | las-zone1-770 | Switch Las Vegas | us-west4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Las Vegas | las-zone2-770 | Switch Las Vegas | us-west4 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone1-19 | CoreSite - LA1 - One Wilshire | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone2-19 | CoreSite - LA1 - One Wilshire | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone1-333 | Equinix LA3/LA4 - Los Angeles, El Segundo | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone2-333 | Equinix LA3/LA4 - Los Angeles, El Segundo | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone1-403 | Digital Realty LAX (600 West 7th) | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone2-403 | Digital Realty LAX (600 West 7th) | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone1-8 | Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Los Angeles | lax-zone2-8 | Equinix Los Angeles (LA1) | us-west2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Miami | mia-zone1-15 | Equinix Miami (MI1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Miami | mia-zone2-15 | Equinix Miami (MI1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Minneapolis | msp-zone1-3312 | Cologix MIN3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Minneapolis | msp-zone2-3312 | Cologix MIN3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Montreal | yul-zone1-1944 | Cologix MTL3 | northamerica-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Montreal | yul-zone2-1944 | Cologix MTL3 | northamerica-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Montreal | yul-zone1-99002 | Cologix MTL10-H | northamerica-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Montreal | yul-zone2-99002 | Cologix MTL10-H | northamerica-northeast1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone1-1422 | DataBank New York (LGA1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone2-1422 | DataBank New York (LGA1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone1-16 | Digital Realty | Telx New York (111 8th Ave) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone2-16 | Digital Realty | Telx New York (111 8th Ave) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone1-9 | 165 Halsey – 9th Floor MMR |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone2-9 | 165 Halsey – 9th Floor MMR |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone1-36 | Equinix NY5 - New York, Secaucus |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
New York | lga-zone2-36 | Equinix NY5 - New York, Secaucus |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Philadelphia | phl-zone1-146 | Equinix PH1 - Philadelphia |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Philadelphia | phl-zone2-146 | Equinix PH1 - Philadelphia |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Phoenix | phx-zone1-1488 | CyrusOne Phoenix |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Phoenix | phx-zone2-1488 | CyrusOne Phoenix |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Phoenix | phx-zone1-917 | PhoenixNAP |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Phoenix | phx-zone2-917 | PhoenixNAP |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Portland | pdx-zone1-1922 | EdgeConneX Portland (EDCPOR01) | us-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Portland | pdx-zone2-1922 | EdgeConneX Portland (EDCPOR01) | us-west1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Queretaro | qro-zone1-1778 | KIO Networks QRO/1 | northamerica-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Queretaro | qro-zone2-1778 | KIO Networks QRO/1 | northamerica-south1 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Salt Lake City | slc-zone1-10938 | DataBank Salt Lake City (SLC5) | us-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Salt Lake City | slc-zone2-10938 | DataBank Salt Lake City (SLC5) | us-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Salt Lake City | slc-zone1-99001 | Aligned Salt Lake (SLC-01) | us-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Salt Lake City | slc-zone2-99001 | Aligned Salt Lake (SLC-01) | us-west3 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
San Antonio | sat-zone1-1484 | CyrusOne San Antonio |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
San Antonio | sat-zone2-1484 | CyrusOne San Antonio |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
San Francisco Bay Area | sfo-zone1-1619 | CoreSite - Santa Clara (SV4) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
San Francisco Bay Area | sfo-zone2-1619 | CoreSite - Santa Clara (SV4) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
San Francisco Bay Area | sjc-zone1-6 | Equinix SV1/SV5/SV10 - Silicon Valley, San Jose |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
San Francisco Bay Area | sjc-zone2-6 | Equinix SV1/SV5/SV10 - Silicon Valley, San Jose |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Köln | sea-zone1-86 | Equinix Seattle (SE2/3) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Köln | sea-zone2-86 | Equinix Seattle (SE2/3) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Toronto | yyz-zone1-2206 | Equinix Toronto (TR2) | northamerica-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Toronto | yyz-zone2-2206 | Equinix Toronto (TR2) | northamerica-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Toronto | yyz-zone1-392 | 151 Front Street West | northamerica-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Toronto | yyz-zone2-392 | 151 Front Street West | northamerica-northeast2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Vancouver | yvr-zone1-1881 | Cologix VAN2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Vancouver | yvr-zone2-1881 | Cologix VAN2 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Das geografische Gebiet Südamerika unterstützt die folgenden Regionen:
- southamerica-east1 (São Paulo)
- southamerica-west1 (Santiago)
Metropolregion | Name der Colocations-Einrichtung | Einrichtung | Region mit niedriger Latenz | Linktyp und MACsec-Unterstützung [M] |
Bogotá | bog-zone1-10902 | Odata DC BG01 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Bogotá | bog-zone2-10902 | Odata DC BG01 |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Bogotá | bog-zone1-1354 | Equinix Bogota (BG1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Bogotá | bog-zone2-1354 | Equinix Bogota (BG1) |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Buenos Aires | eze-zone1-1550 | Cirion Buenos Aires |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Buenos Aires | eze-zone2-1550 | Cirion Buenos Aires |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Rio de Janeiro | rio-zone1-1374 | Cirion Rio de Janeiro |
10 Gbit/s [M]
100 Gbit/s [M] |
Rio de Janeiro | rio-zone2-1374 | Cirion Rio de Janeiro |
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Rio de Janeiro | rio-zone1-1899 | Equinix RJ2 - Rio de Janeiro |
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Rio de Janeiro | rio-zone2-1899 | Equinix RJ2 - Rio de Janeiro |
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Santiago | scl-zone1-1779 | Cirion Santiago de Chile | southamerica-west1 |
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Santiago | scl-zone2-1779 | Cirion Santiago de Chile | southamerica-west1 |
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Santiago | scl-zone1-7594 | Ascenty - Chile 1 | southamerica-west1 |
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Santiago | scl-zone2-7594 | Ascenty - Chile 1 | southamerica-west1 |
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Santiago | scl-zone1-99014 | GTD Panamericana | southamerica-west1 |
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Santiago | scl-zone2-99014 | GTD Panamericana | southamerica-west1 |
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São Paulo | gru-zone1-1057 | Cirion São Paulo | southamerica-east1 |
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São Paulo | gru-zone2-1057 | Cirion São Paulo | southamerica-east1 |
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São Paulo | gru-zone1-165 | Equinix São Paulo (SP4) | southamerica-east1 |
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São Paulo | gru-zone2-165 | Equinix São Paulo (SP4) | southamerica-east1 |
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São Paulo | gru-zone1-7580 | Ascenty - Sao Paulo 2 | southamerica-east1 |
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São Paulo | gru-zone2-7580 | Ascenty - Sao Paulo 2 | southamerica-east1 |
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