This page provides instructions how to find scheduled maintenance, set maintenance windows, reschedule planned maintenance, and more. For an overview of maintenance updates and maintenance windows, see Maintenance policy.
Set a preferred window for maintenance on an instance
Go to the Memorystore for Memcached page in the Google Cloud console.
Memorystore for MemcachedClick the instance ID of the instance you want to set a maintenance window for.
Click Edit.
Under the Maintenance section, select the desired day, time, and duration for the maintenance window. The time is set in your local time zone.
Click Save.
Run the following command to set a maintenance window for a Memcached instance:
gcloud memcache instances updateINSTANCE_ID --region=REGION --maintenance-window-day=DAY --maintenance-window-start-time=START_TIME --maintenance-window-duration=DURATION
- INSTANCE_ID is the ID of the instance.
- REGION is the region where your instance is located.
- DAY is the day you want maintenance to occur. Acceptable values
. - START_TIME is the hour of day (0 to 23) for the start of the maintenance window, in the UTC time zone.
- DURATION is a window between 3 and 8 hours in length. Acceptable
values are
, integers only.
For reference information, see gcloud memcached instances update
Opt in to maintenance notifications
To turn on maintenance notifications:
Go to the Communication page in the Google Cloud console:
Click the Product Notifications tab.
Select your project from the dropdown menu.
In the row for Memorystore, toggle the email button to ON.
A maintenance notification email uses the title, "Upcoming maintenance for your
Cloud Memorystore instance [your-instance-name]"
. Each person who needs to
needs to receive notifications must opt in separately.
Maintenance notifications are set at the project level rather than on instances. Email notifications are sent to the email address associated with your Google account. It is not possible to configure a custom email alias (for instance, a team email alias).
Find scheduled maintenance
If maintenance has been scheduled for your instance, you can view it using the following instructions:
Go to the Memorystore for Memcached page in the Google Cloud console.
Memorystore for MemcachedClick the instance ID of the instance that you want to view scheduled maintenance for.
Under the Maintenance section, you can view the date and time of any scheduled maintenance updates.
gcloud memcache instances describeINSTANCE-ID --region=REGION
- INSTANCE_ID is the ID of the instance
- REGION is the region where your instance is located
The output for scheduled maintenance is as follows:
maintenancePolicy: createTime: 'TIME_STAMP' updateTime: 'TIME_STAMP' maintenanceWindow: - day: DAY duration: 180 minutes hour: HOUR maintenanceSchedule: endTime: 'TIME_STAMP' startTime: 'TIME_STAMP'
shows information on the creation time of your preferred maintenance policy and the last time the policy was updated.createTime
is when the maintenance policy is first created.updateTime
is when the maintenance policy was last updated.DAY
indicates the day of the week maintenance occurs.duration
indicates the length of the maintenance window in minutes.HOUR
indicates the hour in UTC time that maintenance begins.startTime
indicates the specific start time for a maintenance update that is scheduled for your instance.endTime
indicates the specific ending time for a maintenance update that is scheduled for your instance.TIME_STAMP
uses the RFC 3339 format.
Reschedule planned maintenance
To reschedule maintenance, see the instructions below:
Go to the Memorystore for Memcached page in the Google Cloud console.
Memorystore for MemcachedClick the instance ID of the instance you want to reschedule maintenance for.
Under the Maintenance section, click RESCHEDULE.
- You can only reschedule maintenance if you have a scheduled update, for your instance.
Choose between Update now, Defer to next scheduled window, and Custom day and time. For more information, see the overview of rescheduling maintenance.
If you want to update your instance immediately, select Update now and click Update.
If you want to delay the scheduled maintenance by one week, select Defer to the next scheduled window and click Reschedule.
If you want to designate a specific time, select Custom day and time, choose the new time, and click Reschedule.
gcloud memcache instances reschedule-maintenanceINSTANCE_ID --region=REGION --reschedule-type=RESCHEDULE_TYPE [--schedule-time=RESHEDULE_TIME ]
- INSTANCE_ID is the ID of the instance
- REGION is the region where your instance is located
RESCHEDULE_TYPE is the type of rescheduled update. Available values are:
: Starts the maintenance update immediatelyNEXT_AVAILABLE_WINDOW
: Defers maintenance until the next maintenance window. The next window is one week from the window in which maintenance was originally scheduledSPECIFIC_TIME
: Allows you to designate a specific time for the update. The rescheduled time must be no more than seven days from time of the original maintenance window
RESHEDULE_TIME You can only specify this value if you set
. This value uses the ISO 1801 format. For example,2020-01-16T16:56:00.000Z
. The time is set in UTC time.
For reference information, see gcloud memcache instances reschedule-maintenance.
Manually applying maintenance updates
After you receive a notification of upcoming maintenance you have the option to apply the maintenance update to nodes manually. Manual maintenance is only available after a maintenance event is scheduled for your instance, and you must opt in to maintenance notifications and set a maintenance window to be informed of this upcoming maintenance. For more information, see Manual maintenance.
Updating individual nodes in the Memcached cluster
To update individual nodes in your cluster, run the following command, replacing VARIABLES with appropriate values:
gcloud beta memcache instances apply-software-updateINSTANCE_NAME --node-ids=NODE_ID_1 ,NODE_ID_2 --region=REGION
Updating all nodes in the Memcached cluster
To update all nodes in your cluster, run the following command, replacing VARIABLES with appropriate values:
gcloud beta memcache instances apply-software-updateINSTANCE_NAME --apply-all --region=REGION
Checking for available updates and verifying node updates
Signing up for maintenance notifications is the best way to learn when an update is available, but you can also use the command to below to manually check if maintenance is available. The following command also shows what nodes have been updated for your instance.
gcloud beta memcache instances describeINSTANCE_NAME --region=REGION --format="table(updateAvailable.yesno(yes="YES",no="NO"),memcacheNodes:format='table(nodeId,updateAvailable.yesno(yes="YES", no="NO"))')"
What's next
- View the permissions required to manage maintenance windows for your Memcached instance.