Upgrade the Memcached version of an instance

This page describes how to upgrade the Memcached version of a Memorystore for Memcached instance. For a list of available versions, see Supported versions. For more information about instance behavior during an upgrade operation, see About upgrading the Memcached version of an instance.

Upgrading the instance version

  1. Go to the Memorystore for Memcached page in the Google Cloud console
    Memorystore for Memcached

  2. Click the instance ID of the instance you want to upgrade

  3. In the Instance properties section next to Version, click UPGRADE

  4. Select the Memcached version to upgrade to

  5. Click the Submit button

To upgrade the Memcached version of your instance, run the upgrade command:

gcloud memcache instances upgrade instance-id --memcached-version=memcached-version --region=region

Replace the following:

  • instance-id is the ID of your instance.

  • memcached-version is your desired Memcached version for your instance. The accepted values is 1.6.15.

  • region is the region where you want to deploy your instance.