Maintain your organization's default collection

After you've created your organization's default collection, named organization-collection, Google Cloud Marketplace doesn't automatically update it as you continue to approve products for your organization.

We recommend that you actively maintain your organization's organization-collection by adding products to it as you approve them for members of your organization.

If you've already made extensive changes to your organization's use of Cloud Marketplace without maintaining your organization's organization-collection, you can rebuild it to capture a new snapshot of all Cloud Marketplace products that your organization has incurred charges and been billed for in the past 24 months.

Before you begin

Manually add products to your organization's organization-collection

To add products to your organization's organization-collection, follow the same steps that you use to add products to any collection, but add them to the collection named organization-collection.

Rebuild your organization's organization-collection

To rebuild your organization's organization-collection, complete the following steps:

  1. In Cloud Marketplace, click Marketplace Governance.

    Go to Marketplace

  2. Click the Private Marketplace tab.

  3. In the list of collections, find organization-collection. Click its corresponding icon, and select Update.

  4. Click Confirm. When you click Confirm, Cloud Marketplace creates a new collection named new-organization-collection and automatically populates it with products. For more information on how Cloud Marketplace automatically populates it with products, see Products included in organization-collection on this page.

    After Cloud Marketplace has finished automatically populating new-organization-collection with products, Google sends you an email to notify you that the new default collection is ready for review.

  5. After Google's emailed you that the new default collection is ready for review, you must review the new collection. To review this collection, follow the same steps that you used to review your organization's organization-collection when you created it.

    This includes removing products that you don't want to approve for your whole organization, and adding products that you want to share with your organization but that weren't automatically included, such as Cloud Marketplace products that your organization has only purchased by using reseller Cloud Billing accounts.

  6. Under Publish your collection, click the toggle to publish the products in the new default collection to your organization's private marketplace for all of the members of your organization.

    After you click the toggle, Cloud Marketplace changes the name of the collection new-organization-collection to organization-collection, and this collection replaces the previous default collection named organization-collection, which no longer exists.

Revert an incomplete rebuild of the default collection

If you've started rebuilding your organization's default collection, but you've changed your mind and you want to keep your original organization-collection, you can complete the following steps to revert your incomplete rebuild of the default collection:

  1. In Cloud Marketplace, click Marketplace Governance.

    Go to Marketplace

  2. Click the Private Marketplace tab.

  3. In the list of collections, find new-organization-collection. Click its corresponding icon, and select Revert.

  4. Click Confirm. When you click Confirm, Cloud Marketplace deletes the collection named new-organization-collection that you created when you began rebuilding the default collection.