This document provides instructions for configuring a regional internal Application Load Balancer for your services that run on Compute Engine VMs.
To configure load balancing for your services running in Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Pods, see Container-native load balancing with standalone NEGs and the Attaching a regional internal Application Load Balancer to standalone NEGs section.
To configure load balancing to access Google APIs and services using Private Service Connect, see Configuring Private Service Connect with consumer HTTP(S) service controls.
The setup for internal Application Load Balancers has two parts:
- Perform prerequisite tasks, such as ensuring that required accounts have the correct permissions and preparing the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network.
- Set up the load balancer resources.
Before following this guide, familiarize yourself with the following:
- Internal Application Load Balancer overview, including the Limitations section
- VPC firewall rules overview
To follow this guide, you must be able to create instances and modify a network in a project. You must be either a project owner or editor, or you must have all of the following Compute Engine IAM roles.
Task | Required role |
Create networks, subnets, and load balancer components | Compute Network Admin |
Add and remove firewall rules | Compute Security Admin |
Create instances | Compute Instance Admin |
For more information, see the following guides:
Setup overview
You can configure an internal Application Load Balancer as described in the following high-level configuration flow. The numbered steps refer to the numbers in the diagram.
As shown in the diagram, this example creates an internal Application Load Balancer in a
VPC network in region us-west1
, with one backend service
and two backend groups.
The diagram shows the following:
A VPC network with two subnets:
One subnet is used for backends (instance groups) and the forwarding rule. Its primary IP address range is
.One subnet is a proxy-only subnet in the
region. You must create one proxy-only subnet in each region of a VPC network where you use internal Application Load Balancers. The region's proxy-only subnet is shared among all internal Application Load Balancers in the region. Source addresses of packets sent from the internal Application Load Balancer to your service's backends are allocated from the proxy-only subnet. In this example, the proxy-only subnet for the region has a primary IP address range of10.129.0.0/23
, which is the recommended subnet size. For more information, see Proxy-only subnets.
A firewall rule that permits proxy-only subnet traffic flows in your network. This means adding one rule that allows TCP port
, and8080
traffic from10.129.0.0/23
(the range of the proxy-only subnet in this example). Another firewall rule for the health check probes.Backend Compute Engine VM instances.
Managed or unmanaged instance groups for Compute Engine VM deployments.
In each zone, you can have a combination of backend group types based on the requirements of your deployment.
A regional health check that reports the readiness of your backends.
A regional backend service that monitors the usage and health of backends.
A regional URL map that parses the URL of a request and forwards requests to specific backend services based on the host and path of the request URL.
A regional target HTTP or HTTPS proxy, which receives a request from the user and forwards it to the URL map. For HTTPS, configure a regional SSL certificate resource. The target proxy uses the SSL certificate to decrypt SSL traffic if you configure HTTPS load balancing. The target proxy can forward traffic to your instances by using HTTP or HTTPS.
A forwarding rule, which has the internal IP address of your load balancer, to forward each incoming request to the target proxy.
The internal IP address associated with the forwarding rule can come from any subnet in the same network and region. Note the following conditions:
- The IP address can (but does not need to) come from the same subnet as the backend instance groups.
- The IP address must not come from a reserved proxy-only subnet that has
. - If you want to share the internal IP address with multiple forwarding
rules, set the IP address's
The example on this page uses a reserved internal IP address for the regional internal Application Load Balancer's forwarding rule, rather than allowing an ephemeral internal IP address to be allocated. As a best practice, we recommend reserving IP addresses for forwarding rules.
Configure the network and subnets
You need a VPC network with two subnets: one for the load balancer's backends and the other for the load balancer's proxies. An internal Application Load Balancer is regional. Traffic within the VPC network is routed to the load balancer if the traffic's source is in a subnet in the same region as the load balancer.
This example uses the following VPC network, region, and subnets:
Network. The network is a custom-mode VPC network named
.Subnet for backends. A subnet named
in theus-west1
region uses10.1.2.0/24
for its primary IP range.Subnet for proxies. A subnet named
in theus-west1
region uses10.129.0.0/23
for its primary IP range.
To demonstrate global access, this example also creates a second test client VM in a different region and subnet:
- Region:
- Subnet:
, with primary IP address range10.3.4.0/24
Configure the network and subnets
In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.
Click Create VPC network.
For Name, enter
.In the Subnets section, set the Subnet creation mode to Custom.
Create a subnet for the load balancer's backends. In the New subnet section, enter the following information:
- Name:
- Region:
- IP address range:
- Name:
Click Done.
Click Add subnet.
Create a subnet to demonstrate global access. In the New subnet section, enter the following information:
- Name:
- Region:
- IP address range:
- Name:
Click Done.
Click Create.
Create the custom VPC network with the
gcloud compute networks create
command:gcloud compute networks create lb-network --subnet-mode=custom
Create a subnet in the
network in theus-west1
region with thegcloud compute networks subnets create
command:gcloud compute networks subnets create backend-subnet \ --network=lb-network \ --range= \ --region=us-west1
Create a subnet in the
network in theeurope-west1
region with thegcloud compute networks subnets create
command:gcloud compute networks subnets create europe-subnet \ --network=lb-network \ --range= \ --region=europe-west1
Make a POST
request to the
with your project ID.
POST /global/networks { "routingConfig": { "routingMode": "REGIONAL" }, "name": "lb-network", "autoCreateSubnetworks": false }
Make a POST
request to the
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/subnetworks { "name": "backend-subnet", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "ipCidrRange": "", "region": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1", }
Make a POST
request to the
with your project ID.
POST /regions/europe-west1/subnetworks { "name": "europe-subnet", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "ipCidrRange": "", "region": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/europe-west1", }
Configure the proxy-only subnet
This proxy-only subnet is for all regional Envoy-based load balancers in the us-west1
region of the lb-network
If you're using the Google Cloud console, you can wait and create the proxy-only subnet later on the Load balancing page.
If you want to create the proxy-only subnet now, use the following steps:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the VPC networks page.
Click the name of the VPC network:
.Click Add subnet.
For Name, enter
.For Region, select
.Set Purpose to Regional Managed Proxy.
For IP address range, enter
.Click Add.
Create the proxy-only subnet with the gcloud compute networks subnets
gcloud compute networks subnets create proxy-only-subnet \ --purpose=REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY \ --role=ACTIVE \ --region=us-west1 \ --network=lb-network \ --range=
Create the proxy-only subnet with the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/subnetworks { "name": "proxy-only-subnet", "ipCidrRange": "", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "region": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1", "purpose": "REGIONAL_MANAGED_PROXY", "role": "ACTIVE" }
Configure firewall rules
This example uses the following firewall rules:
. An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows incoming SSH connectivity on TCP port22
from any address. You can choose a more restrictive source IP range for this rule; for example, you can specify just the IP ranges of the system from which you initiate SSH sessions. This example uses the target tagallow-ssh
to identify the VMs that the firewall rule applies to.fw-allow-health-check
. An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows all TCP traffic from the Google Cloud health checking systems (in130.211.0.0/22
). This example uses the target tagload-balanced-backend
to identify the VMs that the firewall rule applies to.fw-allow-proxies
. An ingress rule, applicable to the instances being load balanced, that allows TCP traffic on ports80
, and8080
from the internal Application Load Balancer's managed proxies. This example uses the target tagload-balanced-backend
to identify the VMs that the firewall rule applies to.
Without these firewall rules, the default deny ingress rule blocks incoming traffic to the backend instances.
The target tags define the backend instances. Without the target tags, the firewall rules apply to all of your backend instances in the VPC network. When you create the backend VMs, make sure to include the specified target tags, as shown in Creating a managed instance group.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall policies page.
Click Create firewall rule to create the rule to allow incoming SSH connections:
- Name:
- Network:
- Direction of traffic: Ingress
- Action on match: Allow
- Targets: Specified target tags
- Target tags:
- Source filter: IPv4 ranges
- Source IPv4 ranges:
- Protocols and ports:
- Choose Specified protocols and ports.
- Select the TCP checkbox, and then enter
for the port number.
- Name:
Click Create.
Click Create firewall rule a second time to create the rule to allow Google Cloud health checks:
- Name:
- Network:
- Direction of traffic: Ingress
- Action on match: Allow
- Targets: Specified target tags
- Target tags:
- Source filter: IPv4 ranges
- Source IPv4 ranges:
- Protocols and ports:
- Choose Specified protocols and ports.
- Select the TCP checkbox, and then enter
for the port number.
As a best practice, limit this rule to just the protocols and ports that match those used by your health check. If you usetcp:80
for the protocol and port, Google Cloud can use HTTP on port80
to contact your VMs, but it cannot use HTTPS on port443
to contact them.
- Name:
Click Create.
Click Create firewall rule a third time to create the rule to allow the load balancer's proxy servers to connect the backends:
- Name:
- Network:
- Direction of traffic: Ingress
- Action on match: Allow
- Targets: Specified target tags
- Target tags:
- Source filter: IPv4 ranges
- Source IPv4 ranges:
- Protocols and ports:
- Choose Specified protocols and ports.
- Select the TCP checkbox, and then enter
80, 443, 8080
for the port numbers.
- Name:
Click Create.
Create the
firewall rule to allow SSH connectivity to VMs with the network tagallow-ssh
. When you omitsource-ranges
, Google Cloud interprets the rule to mean any source.gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-ssh \ --network=lb-network \ --action=allow \ --direction=ingress \ --target-tags=allow-ssh \ --rules=tcp:22
Create the
rule to allow Google Cloud health checks. This example allows all TCP traffic from health check probers; however, you can configure a narrower set of ports to meet your needs.gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-check \ --network=lb-network \ --action=allow \ --direction=ingress \ --source-ranges=, \ --target-tags=load-balanced-backend \ --rules=tcp
Create the
rule to allow the internal Application Load Balancer's proxies to connect to your backends. Setsource-ranges
to the allocated ranges of your proxy-only subnet, for example,
.gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-proxies \ --network=lb-network \ --action=allow \ --direction=ingress \ --source-ranges=
source-range \ --target-tags=load-balanced-backend \ --rules=tcp:80,tcp:443,tcp:8080
Create the fw-allow-ssh
firewall rule by making a POST
request to
the firewalls.insert
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /global/firewalls { "name": "fw-allow-ssh", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "sourceRanges": [ "" ], "targetTags": [ "allow-ssh" ], "allowed": [ { "IPProtocol": "tcp", "ports": [ "22" ] } ], "direction": "INGRESS" }
Create the fw-allow-health-check
firewall rule by making a POST
request to
the firewalls.insert
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /global/firewalls { "name": "fw-allow-health-check", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "sourceRanges": [ "", "" ], "targetTags": [ "load-balanced-backend" ], "allowed": [ { "IPProtocol": "tcp" } ], "direction": "INGRESS" }
Create the fw-allow-proxies
firewall rule to allow TCP traffic within the
proxy subnet for the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /global/firewalls { "name": "fw-allow-proxies", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "sourceRanges": [ "" ], "targetTags": [ "load-balanced-backend" ], "allowed": [ { "IPProtocol": "tcp", "ports": [ "80" ] }, { "IPProtocol": "tcp", "ports": [ "443" ] }, { "IPProtocol": "tcp", "ports": [ "8080" ] } ], "direction": "INGRESS" }
Reserve the load balancer's IP address
By default, one IP address is used for each forwarding rule. You can reserve a shared IP address, which lets you use the same IP address with multiple forwarding rules. However, if you want to publish the load balancer by using Private Service Connect, don't use a shared IP address for the forwarding rule.
For the forwarding rule's IP address, use the backend-subnet
. If you
try to use the proxy-only
subnet, forwarding rule
creation fails.
You can reserve a standalone internal IP address using the Google Cloud console.
- Go to the VPC networks page.
- Click the network that was used to configure hybrid connectivity between the environments.
- Click Static internal IP addresses, and then click Reserve static address.
- For Name, enter
. - For the Subnet, select
. - If you want to specify which IP address to reserve, under Static IP address, select Let me choose, and then fill in a Custom IP address. Otherwise, the system automatically assigns an IP address in the subnet for you.
- If you want to use this IP address with multiple forwarding rules, under Purpose, choose Shared.
- Click Reserve to finish the process.
Using the gcloud CLI, run the
compute addresses create
command:gcloud compute addresses create l7-ilb-ip-address \ --region=us-west1 \ --subnet=backend-subnet
If you want to use the same IP address with multiple forwarding rules, specify
.Use the
compute addresses describe
command to view the allocated IP address:gcloud compute addresses describe l7-ilb-ip-address \ --region=us-west1
Create a managed VM instance group backend
This section shows how to create an instance group template and a managed instance group. The managed instance group provides VM instances running the backend servers of an example regional internal Application Load Balancer. For your instance group, you can define an HTTP service and map a port name to the relevant port. The backend service of the load balancer forwards traffic to the named ports. Traffic from clients is load balanced to backend servers. For demonstration purposes, backends serve their own hostnames.
Create an instance template. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance templates page.
- Click Create instance template.
- For Name, enter
. - Ensure that the Boot disk is set to a Debian image, such as
Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm). These instructions use commands that
are only available on Debian, such as
. - Click Advanced options.
- Click Networking and configure the following fields:
- For Network tags, enter
. - For Network interfaces, select the following:
- Network:
- Subnet:
- Network:
- For Network tags, enter
Click Management. Enter the following script into the Startup script field.
#! /bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install apache2 -y a2ensite default-ssl a2enmod ssl vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \" echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \ tee /var/www/html/index.html systemctl restart apache2
Click Create.
Create a managed instance group. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groups page.
- Click Create instance group.
- Select New managed instance group (stateless). For more information, see Stateless or stateful MIGs.
- For Name, enter
. - For Location, select Single zone.
- For Region, select
. - For Zone, select
. - For Instance template, select
. Specify the number of instances that you want to create in the group.
For this example, specify the following options under Autoscaling:
- For Autoscaling mode, select
Off:do not autoscale
. - For Maximum number of instances, enter
Optionally, in the Autoscaling section of the UI, you can configure the instance group to automatically add or remove instances based on instance CPU usage.
- For Autoscaling mode, select
Click Create.
The gcloud
instructions in this guide assume that you are using Cloud
Shell or another environment with bash installed.
Create a VM instance template with HTTP server with the
gcloud compute instance-templates create
command.gcloud compute instance-templates create l7-ilb-backend-template \ --region=us-west1 \ --network=lb-network \ --subnet=backend-subnet \ --tags=allow-ssh,load-balanced-backend \ --image-family=debian-12 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --metadata=startup-script='#! /bin/bash apt-get update apt-get install apache2 -y a2ensite default-ssl a2enmod ssl vm_hostname="$(curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \" echo "Page served from: $vm_hostname" | \ tee /var/www/html/index.html systemctl restart apache2'
Create a managed instance group in the zone with the
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create
command.gcloud compute instance-groups managed create l7-ilb-backend-example \ --zone=us-west1-a \ --size=2 \ --template=l7-ilb-backend-template
Create the instance template with the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /global/instanceTemplates { "name":"l7-ilb-backend-template", "properties":{ "machineType":"e2-standard-2", "tags":{ "items":[ "allow-ssh", "load-balanced-backend" ] }, "metadata":{ "kind":"compute#metadata", "items":[ { "key":"startup-script", "value":"#! /bin/bash\napt-get update\napt-get install apache2 -y\na2ensite default-ssl\na2enmod ssl\n vm_hostname=\"$(curl -H \"Metadata-Flavor:Google\" \\\n\"\n echo \"Page served from: $vm_hostname\" | \\\ntee /var/www/html/index.html\nsystemctl restart apache2" } ] }, "networkInterfaces":[ { "network":"projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "subnetwork":"regions/us-west1/subnetworks/backend-subnet", "accessConfigs":[ { "type":"ONE_TO_ONE_NAT" } ] } ], "disks":[ { "index":0, "boot":true, "initializeParams":{ "sourceImage":"projects/debian-cloud/global/images/family/debian-12" }, "autoDelete":true } ] } }
Create a managed instance group in each zone with the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /zones/{zone}/instanceGroupManagers { "name": "l7-ilb-backend-example", "zone": "projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/us-west1-a", "instanceTemplate": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/instanceTemplates/l7-ilb-backend-template", "baseInstanceName": "l7-ilb-backend-example", "targetSize": 2 }
Configure the load balancer
This example shows you how to create the following regional internal Application Load Balancer resources:
- HTTP health check
- Backend service with a managed instance group as the backend
- A URL map
- Make sure to refer to a regional URL map if a region is defined for the target HTTP(S) proxy. A regional URL map routes requests to a regional backend service based on rules that you define for the host and path of an incoming URL. A regional URL map can be referenced by a regional target proxy rule in the same region only.
- SSL certificate (for HTTPS)
- Target proxy
- Forwarding rule
Proxy availability
Sometimes Google Cloud regions don't have enough proxy capacity for a new load balancer. If this happens, the Google Cloud console provides a proxy availability warning message when you are creating your load balancer. To resolve this issue, you can do one of the following:
- Select a different region for your load balancer. This can be a practical option if you have backends in another region.
- Select a VPC network that already has an allocated proxy-only subnet.
Wait for the capacity issue to be resolved.
Start your configuration
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.
- Click Create load balancer.
- For Type of load balancer, select Application Load Balancer (HTTP/HTTPS) and click Next.
- For Public facing or internal, select Internal and click Next.
- For Cross-region or single region deployment, select Best for regional workloads and click Next.
- Click Configure.
Basic configuration
- For the Name of the load balancer, enter
. - For Region, select
. - For Network, select
Reserve a proxy-only subnet
Reserve a proxy-only subnet:
- Click Reserve a Subnet.
- For Name, enter
. - For IP address range, enter
. - Click Add.
Configure the backend service
- Click Backend configuration.
- From the Create or select backend services menu, select Create a backend service.
- Set the name of the backend service to
. - Set Backend type to Instance group.
- In the New backend section:
- Set Instance group to
. - Set Port numbers to
. - Set Balancing mode to Utilization.
- Click Done.
- Set Instance group to
- From the Health check list, click Create a health check with the
following parameters:
- Name:
- Protocol:
- Port:
- Click Save.
- Name:
- Click Create.
Configure the URL map
Click Host and path rules.
For Mode, select Simple host and path rule.
Ensure that the
is the only backend service for any unmatched host and any unmatched path.
For information about traffic management, see Setting up traffic management.
Configure the frontend
- Click Frontend configuration.
- Set the name of the forwarding rule to
. - Set Protocol to
. - Set Subnetwork to
. - Set the Port to
. - From the IP address list, select
. - Click Done.
- Click Frontend configuration.
- Set the name of the forwarding rule to
. - Set Protocol to
HTTPS (includes HTTP/2)
. - Set Subnetwork to
. - Ensure that the Port is set to
, to allow HTTPS traffic. - From the IP address list, select
. - Click the Certificate drop-down list.
- If you already have a self-managed SSL certificate resource you want to use as the primary SSL certificate, select it from the list.
- Otherwise, select Create a new certificate.
- Set the name of the certificate to
. - In the appropriate fields upload your PEM-formatted files:
- Public key certificate
- Certificate chain
- Private key
- Click Create.
- Set the name of the certificate to
- To add certificate resources in addition to
the primary SSL certificate resource:
- Click Add certificate.
- Select a certificate from the Certificates list, or click Create a new certificate and follow the instructions.
Select an SSL policy from the SSL policy list. Optionally, to create an SSL policy, do the following:
- In the SSL policy list, select Create a policy.
- Enter a name for the SSL policy.
- Select a minimum TLS version. The default value is TLS 1.0.
- Select one of the pre-configured Google-managed profiles or select a Custom profile that lets you select SSL features individually. The Enabled features and Disabled features are displayed.
- Click Save.
If you have not created any SSL policies, a default Google Cloud SSL policy is applied.
Click Done.
Review the configuration
- Click Review and finalize.
- Review your load balancer configuration settings.
- Optional: Click Equivalent code to view the REST API request that will be used to create the load balancer.
- Click Create.
Define the HTTP health check with the
gcloud compute health-checks create http
command.gcloud compute health-checks create http l7-ilb-basic-check \ --region=us-west1 \ --use-serving-port
Define the backend service with the
gcloud compute backend-services create
command.gcloud compute backend-services create l7-ilb-backend-service \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \ --protocol=HTTP \ --health-checks=l7-ilb-basic-check \ --health-checks-region=us-west1 \ --region=us-west1
Add backends to the backend service with the
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend
command.gcloud compute backend-services add-backend l7-ilb-backend-service \ --balancing-mode=UTILIZATION \ --instance-group=l7-ilb-backend-example \ --instance-group-zone=us-west1-a \ --region=us-west1
Create the URL map with the
gcloud compute url-maps create
command.gcloud compute url-maps create l7-ilb-map \ --default-service=l7-ilb-backend-service \ --region=us-west1
Create the target proxy.
For an internal HTTP load balancer, create the target proxy with the
gcloud compute target-http-proxies create
command.gcloud compute target-http-proxies create l7-ilb-proxy \ --url-map=l7-ilb-map \ --url-map-region=us-west1 \ --region=us-west1
You can create either Compute Engine or Certificate Manager certificates. Use any of the following methods to create certificates using Certificate Manager:
- Regional self-managed certificates. For information about creating and using regional self-managed certificates, see deploy a regional self-managed certificate. Certificate maps are not supported.
Regional Google-managed certificates. Certificate maps are not supported.
The following types of regional Google-managed certificates are supported by Certificate Manager:
- Regional Google-managed certificates with per-project DNS authorization. For more information, see Deploy a regional Google-managed certificate.
- Regional Google-managed (private) certificates with Certificate Authority Service. For more information, see Deploy a regional Google-managed certificate with CA Service.
After you create certificates, attach the certificate directly to the target proxy.
Assign your filepaths to variable names.
export LB_CERT=path to PEM-formatted file
export LB_PRIVATE_KEY=path to PEM-formatted file
Create a regional SSL certificate using the
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create
command.gcloud compute ssl-certificates create l7-ilb-cert \ --certificate=$LB_CERT \ --private-key=$LB_PRIVATE_KEY \ --region=us-west1
Use the regional SSL certificate to create a target proxy with the
gcloud compute target-https-proxies create
command.gcloud compute target-https-proxies create l7-ilb-proxy \ --url-map=l7-ilb-map \ --region=us-west1 \ --ssl-certificates=l7-ilb-cert
Create the forwarding rule.
For custom networks, you must reference the subnet in the forwarding rule. Note that this is the VM subnet, not the proxy subnet.
Use the
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create
command with the correct flags.gcloud compute forwarding-rules create l7-ilb-forwarding-rule \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \ --network=lb-network \ --subnet=backend-subnet \ --address=l7-ilb-ip-address \ --ports=80 \ --region=us-west1 \ --target-http-proxy=l7-ilb-proxy \ --target-http-proxy-region=us-west1
Create the forwarding rule with the
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create
command with the correct flags.gcloud compute forwarding-rules create l7-ilb-forwarding-rule \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \ --network=lb-network \ --subnet=backend-subnet \ --address=l7-ilb-ip-address \ --ports=443 \ --region=us-west1 \ --target-https-proxy=l7-ilb-proxy \ --target-https-proxy-region=us-west1
Create the health check by making a POST
request to the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/{region}/healthChecks { "name": "l7-ilb-basic-check", "type": "HTTP", "httpHealthCheck": { "portSpecification": "USE_SERVING_PORT" } }
Create the regional backend service by making a POST
request to the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/backendServices { "name": "l7-ilb-backend-service", "backends": [ { "group": "projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/us-west1-a/instanceGroups/l7-ilb-backend-example", "balancingMode": "UTILIZATION" } ], "healthChecks": [ "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/healthChecks/l7-ilb-basic-check" ], "loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL_MANAGED" }
Create the URL map by making a POST
request to the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/urlMaps { "name": "l7-ilb-map", "defaultService": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/backendServices/l7-ilb-backend-service" }
Create the target HTTP proxy by making a POST
request to the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/targetHttpProxy { "name": "l7-ilb-proxy", "urlMap": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/urlMaps/l7-ilb-map", "region": "us-west1" }
Create the forwarding rule by making a POST
request to the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/forwardingRules { "name": "l7-ilb-forwarding-rule", "IPAddress": "IP_ADDRESS ", "IPProtocol": "TCP", "portRange": "80-80", "target": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/targetHttpProxies/l7-ilb-proxy", "loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL_MANAGED", "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/subnetworks/backend-subnet", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "networkTier": "PREMIUM" }
You can create either Compute Engine or Certificate Manager certificates. Use any of the following methods to create certificates using Certificate Manager:
- Regional self-managed certificates. For information about creating and using regional self-managed certificates, see deploy a regional self-managed certificate. Certificate maps are not supported.
Regional Google-managed certificates. Certificate maps are not supported.
The following types of regional Google-managed certificates are supported by Certificate Manager:
- Regional Google-managed certificates with per-project DNS authorization. For more information, see Deploy a regional Google-managed certificate.
- Regional Google-managed (private) certificates with Certificate Authority Service. For more information, see Deploy a regional Google-managed certificate with CA Service.
After you create certificates, attach the certificate directly to the target proxy.
Read the certificate and private key files, and then create the SSL certificate. The following example shows how to do this with Python.
Create the target HTTPS proxy by making a POST
request to the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/regionTargetHttpsProxy { "name": "l7-ilb-proxy", "urlMap": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/urlMaps/l7-ilb-map", "sslCertificates": /projects/PROJECT_ID/regions/us-west1/sslCertificates/SSL_CERT_NAME }
Create the forwarding rule by making a POST
request to the
method, replacing PROJECT_ID
with your project ID.
POST /regions/us-west1/forwardingRules { "name": "l7-ilb-forwarding-rule", "IPAddress": "IP_ADDRESS ", "IPProtocol": "TCP", "portRange": "80-80", "target": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/targetHttpsProxies/l7-ilb-proxy", "loadBalancingScheme": "INTERNAL_MANAGED", "subnetwork": "projects/PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/subnetworks/backend-subnet", "network": "projects/PROJECT_ID /global/networks/lb-network", "networkTier": "PREMIUM", }
Test the load balancer
To test the load balancer, create a client VM. Then, establish an SSH session with the VM and send traffic from the VM to the load balancer.
Create a VM instance to test connectivity
In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.
Click Create instance.
Set Name to
.Set Zone to
.Click Advanced options.
Click Networking and configure the following fields:
- For Network tags, enter
. - For Network interfaces, select the following:
- Network:
- Subnet:
- Network:
- For Network tags, enter
Click Create.
gcloud compute instances create l7-ilb-client-us-west1-a \ --image-family=debian-12 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --network=lb-network \ --subnet=backend-subnet \ --zone=us-west1-a \ --tags=allow-ssh
Send traffic to the load balancer
Sign in to the instance that you just created and test that HTTP(S) services on the backends are reachable by using the regional internal Application Load Balancer's forwarding rule IP address, and traffic is being load balanced across the backend instances.
Connect using SSH to each client instance
gcloud compute ssh l7-ilb-client-us-west1-a \ --zone=us-west1-a
Get the load balancer's IP address
Use the gcloud compute addresses describe
to view the allocated IP address:
gcloud compute addresses describe l7-ilb-ip-address \ --region=us-west1
Verify that the IP address is serving its hostname
Replace IP_ADDRESS with the load balancer's IP address.
For HTTPS testing, replace curl
curl -k -s '' --connect-to :443
The -k
flag causes curl to skip certificate validation.
Run 100 requests and confirm that they are load balanced
Replace IP_ADDRESS with the load balancer's IP address.
{ RESULTS= for i in {1..100} do RESULTS="$RESULTS:$(curl --silentIP_ADDRESS )" done echo "***" echo "*** Results of load-balancing: " echo "***" echo "$RESULTS" | tr ':' '\n' | grep -Ev "^$" | sort | uniq -c echo }
{ RESULTS= for i in {1..100} do RESULTS="$RESULTS:$(curl -k -s '' --connect-to :443)" done echo "***" echo "*** Results of load-balancing: " echo "***" echo "$RESULTS" | tr ':' '\n' | grep -Ev "^$" | sort | uniq -c echo }
Additional configuration options
This section expands on the configuration example to provide alternative and additional configuration options. All of the tasks are optional. You can perform them in any order.
Enable global access
You can enable global access
for Regional internal Application Load Balancer and Regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer to make them
accessible to clients in all regions. The backends of your example load balancer must
still be located in one region (us-west1
You can't modify an existing regional forwarding rule to enable global access. You must create a new forwarding rule for this purpose and delete the previous forwarding rule. Additionally, after a forwarding rule is created with global access enabled, it cannot be modified. To disable global access, you must create a new regional access forwarding rule and delete the previous global access forwarding rule.
To configure global access, make the following configuration changes.
Create a new forwarding rule for the load balancer:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.
In the Name column, click your load balancer.
Click Frontend configuration.
Click Add frontend IP and port.
Enter the name and subnet details for the new forwarding rule.
For Subnetwork, select backend-subnet.
For IP address, you can either select the same IP address as an existing forwarding rule, reserve a new IP address, or use an ephemeral IP address. Sharing the same IP address across multiple forwarding rules is only possible if you set the IP address
while creating the IP address.For Port number, enter
.For Global access, select Enable.
Click Done.
Click Update.
Create a new forwarding rule for the load balancer with the
flag.For HTTP:
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create l7-ilb-forwarding-rule-global-access \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \ --network=lb-network \ --subnet=backend-subnet \ --address= \ --ports=80 \ --region=us-west1 \ --target-http-proxy=l7-ilb-proxy \ --target-http-proxy-region=us-west1 \ --allow-global-access
gcloud compute forwarding-rules create l7-ilb-forwarding-rule-global-access \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \ --network=lb-network \ --subnet=backend-subnet \ --address= \ --ports=443 \ --region=us-west1 \ --target-https-proxy=l7-ilb-proxy \ --target-https-proxy-region=us-west1 \ --allow-global-access
You can use the
gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe
command to determine whether a forwarding rule has global access enabled. For example:gcloud compute forwarding-rules describe l7-ilb-forwarding-rule-global-access \ --region=us-west1 \ --format="get(name,region,allowGlobalAccess)"
When global access is enabled, the word
appears in the output after the name and region of the forwarding rule.
Create a client VM to test global access
In the Google Cloud console, go to the VM instances page.
Click Create instance.
Set Name to
.Set Zone to
.Click Advanced options.
Click Networking and configure the following fields:
- For Network tags, enter
. - For Network interfaces, select the following:
- Network:
- Subnet:
- Network:
- For Network tags, enter
Click Create.
Create a client VM in the europe-west1-b
gcloud compute instances create europe-client-vm \ --zone=europe-west1-b \ --image-family=debian-12 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --tags=allow-ssh \ --subnet=europe-subnet
Connect to the VM client and test connectivity
to connect to the client instance.gcloud compute ssh europe-client-vm \ --zone=europe-west1-b
Test connections to the load balancer as you did from the
in theus-west1
Enable session affinity
These procedures show you how to update a backend service for the example regional internal Application Load Balancer or cross-region internal Application Load Balancer so that the backend service uses generated cookie affinity, header field affinity, or HTTP cookie affinity.
When generated cookie affinity is enabled, the load balancer issues a cookie
on the first request. For each subsequent request with the same cookie, the load
balancer directs the request to the same backend virtual machine (VM) instance
or endpoint. In this example, the cookie is named GCILB
When header field affinity is enabled, the load balancer routes requests to
backend VMs or endpoints in a network endpoint group (NEG) based on the value of
the HTTP header named in the --custom-request-header
Header field affinity is only valid if
the load balancing locality policy is either RING_HASH
and the
backend service's consistent hash specifies the name of the HTTP header.
When HTTP cookie affinity is enabled, the load balancer routes requests to
backend VMs or endpoints in a NEG, based on an HTTP cookie named in the
flag with the optional --affinity-cookie-ttl
flag. If the client
does not provide the cookie in its HTTP request, the proxy generates
the cookie and returns it to the client in a Set-Cookie
header. HTTP cookie
affinity is only valid if the load balancing locality policy is either
and the backend service's consistent hash specifies the
HTTP cookie.
To enable or change session affinity for a backend service:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.
- Click Backends.
- Click l7-ilb-backend-service (the name of the backend service you created for this example) and click Edit.
- On the Backend service details page, click Advanced configuration.
- Under Session affinity, select the type of session affinity you want.
- Click Update.
Use the following Google Cloud CLI commands to update the backend service to different types of session affinity:
gcloud compute backend-services update l7-ilb-backend-service \ --session-affinity=[GENERATED_COOKIE | HEADER_FIELD | HTTP_COOKIE | CLIENT_IP] \ --region=us-west1
To set session affinity, make a `PATCH` request to the
PATCH[PROJECT_ID]/regions/us-west1/regionBackendServices/l7-ilb-backend-service { "sessionAffinity": ["GENERATED_COOKIE" | "HEADER_FIELD" | "HTTP_COOKIE" | "CLIENT_IP" ] }
Restrict which clients can send traffic to the load balancer
You can restrict clients from connecting to an internal Application Load Balancer forwarding rule VIP by configuring egress firewall rules on these clients. Set these firewall rules on specific client VMs based on service accounts or tags.
You can't use firewall rules to restrict inbound traffic to specific internal Application Load Balancer forwarding rule VIPs. Any client on the same VPC network and in the same region as the forwarding rule VIP can generally send traffic to the forwarding rule VIP.
Additionally, all requests to backends come from proxies that use IP addresses in the proxy-only subnet range. It is not possible to create firewall rules that allow or deny ingress traffic on these backends based on the forwarding rule VIP used by a client.
Here are some examples of how to use egress firewall rules to restrict traffic to the load balancer's forwarding rule VIP.
To identify the client VMs, tag the
specific VMs
you want to restrict. These tags are used to associate firewall rules with
the tagged client VMs. Then, add the tag to the TARGET_TAG
field in the following steps.
Use either a single firewall rule or multiple rules to set this up.
Single egress firewall rule
You can configure one firewall egress rule to deny all egress traffic going from tagged client VMs to a load balancer's VIP.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall rules page.
Click Create firewall rule to create the rule to deny egress traffic from tagged client VMs to a load balancer's VIP.
- Name:
- Network:
- Priority:
- Direction of traffic: Egress
- Action on match: Deny
- Targets: Specified target tags
- Target tags:
- Destination filter: IP ranges
- Destination IP ranges:
- Protocols and ports:
- Choose Specified protocols and ports.
- Select the tcp checkbox, and then enter
for the port number.
- Name:
Click Create.
Multiple egress firewall rules
A more scalable approach involves setting two rules. A default, low-priority rule that restricts all clients from accessing the load balancer's VIP. A second, higher-priority rule that allows a subset of tagged clients to access the load balancer's VIP. Only tagged VMs can access the VIP.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall rules page.
Click Create firewall rule to create the lower priority rule to deny access by default:
- Name:
- Network:
- Priority:
- Direction of traffic: Egress
- Action on match: Deny
- Targets: Specified target tags
- Target tags:
- Destination filter: IP ranges
- Destination IP ranges:
- Protocols and ports:
- Choose Specified protocols and ports.
- Select the TCP checkbox, and then enter
for the port number.
- Name:
Click Create.
Click Create firewall rule to create the higher priority rule to allow traffic from certain tagged instances.
- Name:
- Network:
- Priority:
- Direction of traffic: Egress
- Action on match: Allow
- Targets: Specified target tags
- Target tags:
- Destination filter: IP ranges
- Destination IP ranges:
- Protocols and ports:
- Choose Specified protocols and ports.
- Select the TCP checkbox, and then enter
for the port number.
- Name:
Click Create.
To identify the client VMs, tag the
specific VMs
you want to restrict. Then add the tag to the TARGET_TAG
field in these steps.
Use either a single firewall rule or multiple rules to set this up.
Single egress firewall rule
You can configure one firewall egress rule to deny all egress traffic going from tagged client VMs to a load balancer's VIP.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create fr-deny-access \ --network=lb-network \ --action=deny \ --direction=egress \ --rules=tcp \ --priority=100 \ --destination-ranges= \ --target-tags=TARGET_TAG
Multiple egress firewall rules
A more scalable approach involves setting two rules: a default, low-priority rule that restricts all clients from accessing the load balancer's VIP, and a second, higher-priority rule that allows a subset of tagged clients to access the load balancer's VIP. Only tagged VMs can access the VIP.
Create the lower-priority rule:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create fr-deny-all-access-low-priority \ --network=lb-network \ --action=deny \ --direction=egress \ --rules=tcp \ --priority=200 \ --destination-ranges=
Create the higher priority rule:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create fr-allow-some-access-high-priority \ --network=lb-network \ --action=allow \ --direction=egress \ --rules=tcp \ --priority=100 \ --destination-ranges= \ --target-tags=
To use service accounts instead of tags to control access, use
the --target-service-accounts
option instead of the --target-tags
flag when creating firewall rules.
Scale restricted access to internal Application Load Balancer backends based on subnets
Maintaining separate firewall rules or adding new load-balanced IP addresses to existing rules as described in the previous section becomes inconvenient as the number of forwarding rules increases. One way to prevent this is to allocate forwarding rule IP addresses from a reserved subnet. Then, traffic from tagged instances or service accounts can be allowed or blocked by using the reserved subnet as the destination range for firewall rules. This lets you effectively control access to a group of forwarding rule VIPs without having to maintain per-VIP firewall egress rules.
Here are the high-level steps to set this up, assuming that you will create all the other required load balancer resources separately.
Create a regional subnet that will be used to allocate load-balanced IP addresses for forwarding rules:
gcloud compute networks subnets create l7-ilb-restricted-subnet \ --network=lb-network \ --region=us-west1 \ --range=
Create a forwarding rule that takes an address from the subnet. The following example uses the address
from the subnet created in the previous step.gcloud compute forwarding-rules create l7-ilb-forwarding-rule-restricted \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED \ --network=lb-network \ --subnet=l7-ilb-restricted-subnet \ --address= \ --ports=80 \ --region=us-west1 \ --target-http-proxy=l7-ilb-proxy \ --target-http-proxy-region=us-west1
Create a firewall rule to restrict traffic destined for the range IP addresses in the forwarding rule subnet (
):gcloud compute firewall-rules create restrict-traffic-to-subnet \ --network=lb-network \ --action=deny \ --direction=egress \ --rules=tcp:80 \ --priority=100 \ --destination-ranges= \ --target-tags=
Configure backend subsetting
Backend subsetting improves performance and scalability by assigning a subset of backends to each of the proxy instances. When enabled for a backend service, backend subsetting adjusts the number of backends utilized by each proxy instance as follows:
As the number of proxy instances participating in the load balancer increases, the subset size decreases.
When the total number of backends in a network exceeds the capacity of a single proxy instance, the subset size is reduced automatically for each service that has backend subsetting enabled.
This example shows you how to create regional internal Application Load Balancer resources and enable backend subsetting:
- Use the example configuration
to create a regional backend service
. Enable backend subsetting by specifying the
. Set the load balancing scheme toINTERNAL_MANAGED
.Use the following
command to updatel7-ilb-backend-service
with backend subsetting:gcloud beta compute backend-services update l7-ilb-backend-service \ --region=us-west1 \ --subsetting-policy=CONSISTENT_HASH_SUBSETTING
Make a
request to theregionBackendServices/patch
method method.PATCH
PROJECT_ID /regions/us-west1/backendServices/l7-ilb-backend-service { "subsetting": { "policy": CONSISTENT_HASH_SUBSETTING } }
You can also refine backend load balancing by setting the localityLbPolicy
For more information, see Traffic policies.
Use the same IP address between multiple internal forwarding rules
For multiple internal forwarding rules to share the same internal IP address,
you must reserve the IP address and set its --purpose
flag to
gcloud compute addresses createSHARED_IP_ADDRESS_NAME \ --region=REGION \ --subnet=SUBNET_NAME \ --purpose=SHARED_LOADBALANCER_VIP
Update client HTTP keepalive timeout
The load balancer created in the previous steps has been configured with a default value for the client HTTP keepalive timeout.To update the client HTTP keepalive timeout, use the following instructions.
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Load balancing page.
- Click the name of the load balancer that you want to modify.
- Click Edit.
- Click Frontend configuration.
- Expand Advanced features. For HTTP keepalive timeout, enter a timeout value.
- Click Update.
- To review your changes, click Review and finalize, and then click Update.
For an HTTP load balancer, update the target HTTP proxy by using the
gcloud compute target-http-proxies update
gcloud compute target-http-proxies updateTARGET_HTTP_PROXY_NAME \ --http-keep-alive-timeout-sec=HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC \ --region=REGION
For an HTTPS load balancer, update the target HTTPS proxy by using the
gcloud compute target-https-proxies update
gcloud compute target-https-proxies updateTARGET_HTTP_PROXY_NAME \ --http-keep-alive-timeout-sec=HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC \ --regionREGION
Replace the following:
: the name of the target HTTP proxy.TARGET_HTTPS_PROXY_NAME
: the name of the target HTTPS proxy.HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE_TIMEOUT_SEC
: the HTTP keepalive timeout value from 5 to 600 seconds.
What's next
- Convert Application Load Balancer to IPv6
- Regional internal Application Load Balancer overview
- Proxy-only subnets for Envoy-based load balancers
- Using self-managed SSL certificates
- Clean up the load balancer setup