Understand performance monitoring in Firestore

Cloud Monitoring collects metrics, events, and metadata from Google Cloud products. The data that is reported on the Usage dashboard and Security rule usage can also be accessed through Cloud Monitoring for more detailed analysis. With Cloud Monitoring, you can also set up custom dashboards and usage alerts.

This document guides you through using metrics, learning about custom metrics dashboard, and setting alerts.

Monitored Resources

A monitored resource in Cloud Monitoring represents a logical or physical entity, such as a virtual machine, a database, or an application. Monitored resources contain a unique set of metrics that can be explored, reported through a dashboard, or used to create alerts. Each resource also has a set of resource labels, which are key-value pairs that hold additional information about the resource. Resource labels are available for all metrics associated with the resource.

Using the Cloud Monitoring API, Firestore performance is monitored with the following resources:

Resources Description Supported database mode
firestore.googleapis.com/Database (recommended) Monitored resource type that provides breakdowns for project, location* , and database_id . The database_id label will be (default) for databases created without a specific name. All metrics supported for both modes, except the following metrics that aren't supported for Firestore in Datastore mode:
  • document/delete_ops_count
  • document/read_ops_count
  • document/write_ops_count
firestore_instance Monitored resource type for Firestore projects and does not provide breakdown for databases. Applies to Firestore Native
datastore_request Monitored resource type for Datastore projects and does not provide breakdown for databases. Applies to both modes.


Firestore is available in two different modes, Firestore Native and Firestore in Datastore mode. For a feature comparison between these two modes, see Choose between database modes.

For a complete list of metrics for both modes, see the following links:

Service runtime metrics

The serviceruntime metrics provide a high-level overview of a project's traffic. These metrics are available for most Google Cloud APIs. The consumed_api monitored resource type contains these common metrics. These metrics are sampled every 30 minutes resulting in data being smoothed out.

An important resource label for the serviceruntime metrics is method. This label represents the underlying RPC method called. The SDK method that you call may not necessarily be named the same as the underlying RPC method. The reason is that the SDK provides high-level API abstraction. However, when trying to understand how your application interacts with Firestore, it is important to understand the metrics based on the name of the RPC method.

If you need to know what the underlying RPC method is for a given SDK method, see the API documentation.

Use the following service runtime metrics to monitor your database.


This metric provides the count of completed requests, across protocol(request protocol, such as http, gRPC, etc.), response code (HTTP response code), response_code_class (response code class, such as 2xx, 4xx,etc.), and grpc_status_code (numeric gRPC response code). Use this metric to observe the overall API request and calculate the error rate.

api/request_count metric that return a 2xx code.
Figure 1. api/request_count metric (click to enlarge).

In figure 1, requests that return a 2xx code grouped by service and method can be seen. 2xx codes are HTTP status codes that indicate the request was successful.

api/request_count metric that return a 2xx code.
Figure 2. api/request_count metric that return a 2xx code (click to enlarge).

In figure 2, commits grouped by response_code can be seen. In this example, we only see HTTP 200 responses which implies that the database is healthy.


The api/request_latencies metric provides latency distributions across all completed requests.

Firestore records metrics from the Firestore Service component. Latency metrics include the time that Firestore receives the request to the time that Firestore finishes sending the response, including interactions with the storage layer. Due to this, round-trip latency (rtt) between the client and the Firestore service is not included in these metrics.

api/request_latencies to calculate latency distribution
Figure 4. api/request_latencies to calculate latency distribution.
api/request_sizes and api/response_sizes

The api/request_sizes and api/response_sizes metrics respectively provide insights into payload sizes (in bytes). These can be useful for understanding write workloads that send large amounts of data or queries that are too broad, and return large payloads.

api/request_sizes and api/response_sizes metrics
Figure 5. api/request_sizes and api/response_sizes metrics (click to enlarge).

In figure 5, a heatmap for response sizes for the RunQuery method can be seen. We can see that sizes are steady, 50 bytes median, and overall between 10 bytes and 100 bytes. Note that payload sizes are always measured in uncompressed bytes, exclusive of transmission control overheads.

Document operation metrics

Firestore provides read, write, and delete counts. The write metric provides a breakdown between the 'CREATE' and 'UPDATE' operation. These metrics are aligned with CRUD operations.

The following metrics can be used to understand whether your database is read heavy or write heavy, and the rate of new documents vs. deleted documents.

  • document/delete_ops_count: The number of successful document deletes.
  • document/read_ops_count: The number of successful document reads from queries or lookups.
  • document/write_ops_count: The number of successful document writes.
Create a ratio of documents read vs documents written
Figure 6. Create a ratio of documents read vs documents written (click to enlarge).

In figure 6, you can see how to create a ratio that shows the ratio of documents read vs. documents written. In this example, the number of documents being read is around 6% more than the number of documents being written.

Document operation metrics

These metrics provide distributions in bytes of payload sizes for reads (lookups and queries) and writes to a Firestore database. The values represent the total size of the payload. For example, any results returned by a query. These metrics are similar to the api/request_sizes and api/response_sizes metrics with the main difference being the document operation metrics provide more granular sampling, but less granular breakdowns.

For example, the document operation metrics use the datastore_request monitored resource so there is no service or method breakdown.

  • entity/read_sizes: Distribution of sizes of read documents.
  • entity/write_sizes: Distribution of sizes of written documents.

Index metrics

Index write rates can be contrasted with the document/write_ops_count metric to understand the index fanout ratio.

  • index/write_count: Count of index writes.
index write rate contrasted with document write rate
Figure 7. Index write rate contrasted with document write rate (click to enlarge).

In figure 7, you can see how index write rate can be contrasted with document write rate. In this example, for every document write, there are approximately 6 index writes, which is a relatively small index fanout rate.

Clients connected directly to the database using Firebase SDKs

Two gauge metrics are available to track activity from clients connected directly to Firestore databases through either Mobile SDKs, Web SDKs, or both. These metrics include a functionality related to real time snapshot listeners where relevant changes in the database are immediately streamed back to clients.

  • network/active_connections: The number of active connections at the point in time. Each web or mobile client has one connection.
  • network/snapshot_listeners: The number of snapshot listeners currently registered across all connected clients. There may be multiple connections per-client.

You can view these metrics in the Usage tab within the Firestore database in the Firebase console.

Metrics to track activity of clients connected to Firestore
Figure 8. Metrics to track activity of clients connected to Firestore.

TTL Metrics

The TTL metrics are available for both Firestore Native and Firestore in Datastore mode databases. Use these metrics to monitor the effect of the TTL policy enforced.

  • document/ttl_deletion_count: Total count of documents deleted by TTL services.
Total count of documents deleted by TTL services
Figure 9. Total count of documents deleted by TTL services (click to enlarge).

In figure 9, you can see the rate of documents deleted every minute over a period of days.

  • document/ttl_expiration_to_deletion_delays: Time elapsed between when a document with a TTL expired, and when it was actually deleted.
Time taken in seconds for Firestore to delete documents with TTL policies
Figure 10. Time taken in seconds for Firestore to delete documents with TTL policies (click to enlarge).

In figure 10, you can see that this metric provides a distribution of the time in seconds that it took for Firestore to delete documents with TTL policies. It takes less than 0.5 seconds to delete TTL-expired documents at the 99th percentile. This implies the system is functioning normally. Firestore typically deletes expired documents within 24 hours, but this is not guaranteed. If you see it taking longer than 24 hours, contact support.

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