Understand error codes

This page lists error codes that you might encounter and provides suggestions for how to fix each of them.


The following can increase DEADLINE_EXCEEDED errors:

  • An increase in latency caused an operation take longer than the deadline (60 seconds by default) to complete.

A deadline was exceeded on the server.

To resolve this issue, see the guide to troubleshooting latency.


The following situations can increase ABORTED errors:

  • A document receiving too many updates per second.
  • Contention from overlapping transactions.
  • Traffic increases that exceed the 500-50-5 rule or encounter hot-spots.

Too much contention on these datastore entities. Please try again.



Aborted due to cross-transaction contention. This occurs when multiple
transactions attempt to access the same data, requiring Firestore to abort at
least one in order to enforce serializability.

To resolve this issue:

  • For rapid traffic increases, Firestore attempts to automatically scale to meet the increased demand. When Firestore scales, latency begins to decrease.
  • Hot-spots limit the ability of Firestore to scale up, review designing for scale to identify hot-spots.
  • Review data contention in transactions and your usage of transactions.
  • Reduce the write rate to individual documents.


The following situations can lead to RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED errors:

  • You exceeded the free tier quota and billing is not enabled for your project.

Some resource has been exhausted, perhaps a per-user quota, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.

To resolve this issue:


The following situations can cause INVALID_ARGUMENT errors:

  • Attempting to commit a document with an indexed field value greater than 1,500 bytes. This limits applies to the UTF-8 encoding of the field value.
  • Attempting to commit a document with un-indexed field values greater than 1,048,487 bytes (1 MiB - 89 bytes). This limit applies to the sum of the field values in a document. For example, four fields of 256 KiB each exceed the limit.

1,500 bytes (indexed) and 1,048,487 bytes (un-indexed) are limits for field values. You cannot exceed these limits and they are not quotas that can be adjusted.

INVALID_ARGUMENT: The value of property field-name is longer than 1500 bytes


INVALID_ARGUMENT: The value of property field_name is longer than 1048487 bytes

To resolve this issue:

  • For indexed field values, split the field into multiple fields. If possible, create an un-indexed field and move data that doesn't need to be indexed into the un-indexed field.
  • For un-indexed field values, split the field into multiple fields or implement compression for the field value.