Trace span attributes and events

Client-side traces, which are collected by executing RPCs, provide several pieces of information for every request from a client, including spans with timestamps of when the client sent the RPC request and when the client received the RPC response. The spans include latency introduced by the network and client system.

Client-side traces can include the following information:

Span metadata

Span ID Unique ID of this span
Parent Span ID ID of the parent span, not set for root span
Project ID Google Cloud project ID that ingested the trace
Start Time Span start time
End Time Span end time

Span attributes

Client Version
otel.scope.version String
Client Environment
gcp.firestore.memory_utilization double (percentage)
Client Connection Properties boolean boolean boolean boolean string Ex. "grpc"
gcp.firestore.settings.credentials.authentication_type string Ex. "OAuth2" string Ex. ""
Database Properties
gcp.firestore.settings.project_id string
Google Cloud project ID that contains the Firestore database
gcp.firestore.settings.database_id string
Database external ID (name)
Client RPC Retry Settings
gcp.firestore.settings.retrySettings.initial_retry_delay string
Duration in seconds Ex. 0.01s
gcp.firestore.settings.retrySettings.max_attempts integer (count)
gcp.firestore.settings.retrySettings.max_retry_delay string
Duration in seconds Ex. 0.1s
gcp.firestore.settings.retrySettings.retry_delay_multiplier double
gcp.firestore.settings.retrySettings.rpc_timeout_multiplier double
gcp.firestore.settings.retrySettings.total_timeout string
Duration in seconds
OpenTelemetry Configuration string Ex. "" Sparky
telemetry.sdk.language string Ex. "java" opentelemetry
telemetry.sdk.version Ex. 1.29.0

Logs and events

Client-side traces provide the following logs and events.

gRPC events

RPC Properties integer, Ex. 1, 2
message.type SENT or RECEIVED

AggregateQuery events

Event: "RunAggregationQuery Stream Started."
attempt Integer greater than or equal to 0 (Ex: 2). 0 for the initial attempt
Event: "RunAggregationQuery Response Received."
attempt Integer greater than or equal to 0 (Ex: 2). 0 for the initial attempt
Event: "RunAggregationQuery: Retryable Error."
error.message string
Event: "RunAggregationQuery: Error."
error.message string

BatchGetDocuments Events

Event: "BatchGetDocuments: Start"
doc_count Integer
transactional boolean
Event: "BatchGetDocuments: First Response Received"
// Once every 100 responses are received
Event: "BatchGetDocuments: Received 100 responses"
Event: "BatchGetDocuments: Completed with ${N} responses"
response_count Integer

RunQuery Events

Event: "RunQuery"
transactional boolean
retry_query_with_cursor boolean
Event: "RunQuery: First Response Received"
// Once every 100 responses are received
Event: "RunQuery: Received 100 documents"
// Only if/when half-close is performed by the server
Event: "RunQuery: Received RunQueryResponse.Done"
Event: "RunQuery: Retryable Error."
error.message string
Event: "RunQuery: Error."
error.message string
Event: "RunQuery: Completed."
response_count Integer

Transaction Events

Span: "Transaction.Run"
transaction_type string ("READ_ONLY" or "READ_WRITE")
attempts_allowed Integer
attempts_remaining Integer
// Only if/when a transaction is retried
Event: "Initiate transaction retry"

Commit Events

Span: "BulkWriter.Commit"
doc_count Integer
Span: "Batch.Commit"
doc_count Integer
Span: "Transaction.Commit"
doc_count Integer

Exceptional Event

Span Status = ERROR
exception.message string
exception.type string
exception.stacktrace string