Verarbeitungsantwort verarbeiten

Die Antwort auf eine Verarbeitungsanfrage enthält ein Document-Objekt mit allen bekannten Informationen zum verarbeiteten Dokument, einschließlich aller strukturierten Informationen, die mit Document AI extrahiert werden konnten.

Auf dieser Seite wird das Layout des Document-Objekts erläutert. Dazu werden Beispieldokumente bereitgestellt und Aspekte der OCR-Ergebnisse den jeweiligen Elementen des Document-Objekts in JSON zugeordnet. Außerdem finden Sie hier Codebeispiele für Clientbibliotheken und das Document AI Toolbox SDK. In diesen Codebeispielen wird die Onlineverarbeitung verwendet, das Parsen von Document-Objekten funktioniert jedoch auch bei der Batchverarbeitung gleich.


Verwenden Sie einen JSON-Betrachter oder ein Bearbeitungstool, das speziell zum Maximieren oder Minimieren von Elementen entwickelt wurde. Die Überprüfung von Roh-JSON in einem Tool für Nur-Text ist ineffizient.

Text-, Layout- und Qualitätsbewertungen

Hier ein Beispiel für ein Textdokument:


Hier ist das vollständige Dokumentobjekt, das vom Enterprise Document OCR-Prozessor zurückgegeben wird:

JSON herunterladen

Diese OCR-Ausgabe ist auch immer in der Ausgabe des Document AI-Prozessors enthalten, da die OCR von den Prozessoren ausgeführt wird. Dabei werden die vorhandenen OCR-Daten verwendet. Deshalb können Sie solche JSON-Daten über die Option „Inline-Dokument“ in Document AI-Prozessoren eingeben.

  image=None, # all our samples pass this var
  inline_document=document_response # pass OCR output to CDE input - undocumented

Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Felder:


Das Feld text enthält den Text, der von Document AI erkannt wird. Dieser Text enthält keine andere Layoutstruktur als Leerzeichen, Tabulatoren und Zeilenumbrüche. In diesem Feld werden die Textinformationen eines Dokuments gespeichert. Es dient als „Source of Truth“ für den Text des Dokuments. Andere Felder können sich anhand der Position (startIndex und endIndex) auf Teile des Textfelds beziehen.

    text: "Sample Document\nHeading 1\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ..."

Seitengröße und Sprachen

Jedes page im Dokumentobjekt entspricht einer physischen Seite aus dem Beispieldokument. Die Beispiel-JSON-Ausgabe enthält eine Seite, da es sich um ein einzelnes PNG-Bild handelt.

    "pages:" [
        "pageNumber": 1,
        "dimension": {
          "width": 679.0,
          "height": 460.0,
          "unit": "pixels"
  "pages": [
      "detectedLanguages": [
          "confidence": 0.98009938,
          "languageCode": "en"
          "confidence": 0.01990064,
          "languageCode": "und"


Die Document AI-OCR erkennt Text mit unterschiedlicher Detaillierung oder Organisation auf der Seite, z. B. Textblöcke, Absätze, Tokens und Symbole. Die Symbolebene ist optional, wenn sie für die Ausgabe von Daten auf Symbolebene konfiguriert ist. Dies sind alle Mitglieder des Seitenobjekts.

Jedes Element hat ein entsprechendes layout, das seine Position und seinen Text beschreibt. Visuelle Elemente ohne Text (z. B. Kästchen) befinden sich ebenfalls auf Seitenebene.

  "pages": [
      "paragraphs": [
          "layout": {
            "textAnchor": {
              "textSegments": [
                  "endIndex": "16"
            "confidence": 0.9939527,
            "boundingPoly": {
              "vertices": [ ... ],
              "normalizedVertices": [ ... ]
            "orientation": "PAGE_UP"

Auf den Rohtext wird im textAnchor-Objekt verwiesen, das mit startIndex und endIndex im Haupttextstring indexiert wird.

  • Bei boundingPoly ist die linke obere Ecke der Seite der Ursprung (0,0). Positive X-Werte sind nach rechts und positive Y-Werte nach unten ausgerichtet.

  • Für das vertices-Objekt werden dieselben Koordinaten wie für das Originalbild verwendet, während normalizedVertices im Bereich [0,1] liegt. Es gibt eine Transformationsmatrix, die die Maßnahmen zur Entzerrung und andere Attribute der Normalization des Bildes angibt.

  • Zeichnen Sie zum Zeichnen des boundingPoly Liniensegmente von einem Eckpunkt zum nächsten. Schließen Sie dann das Polygon, indem Sie ein Liniensegment vom letzten zum ersten Eckpunkt ziehen. Mit dem Layoutelement Ausrichtung wird angegeben, ob der Text relativ zur Seite gedreht wurde.

Um die Struktur des Dokuments besser zu visualisieren, sind in den folgenden Bildern Begrenzungspolygone für page.paragraphs, page.lines und page.tokens zu sehen.





Der Enterprise Document OCR-Prozessor kann die Qualität eines Dokuments anhand seiner Lesbarkeit bewerten.

Diese Qualitätsbewertung ist ein Qualitätsfaktor in [0, 1], wobei 1 für perfekte Qualität steht. Der Qualitätsfaktor wird im Feld Page.imageQualityScores zurückgegeben. Alle erkannten Mängel werden als quality/defect_* aufgeführt und absteigend nach Konfidenzwert sortiert.

Hier ist eine PDF-Datei, die zu dunkel und verschwommen ist, um sie bequem lesen zu können:

PDF herunterladen

Hier sind die Informationen zur Dokumentqualität, die vom Enterprise Document OCR-Prozessor zurückgegeben werden:

    "pages": [
        "imageQualityScores": {
          "qualityScore": 0.7811847,
          "detectedDefects": [
              "type": "quality/defect_document_cutoff",
              "confidence": 1.0
              "type": "quality/defect_glare",
              "confidence": 0.97849524
              "type": "quality/defect_text_cutoff",
              "confidence": 0.5


Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen, wie Sie eine Verarbeitungsanfrage senden und dann die Felder lesen und im Terminal ausdrucken:

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Java API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class ProcessOcrDocument {
  public static void processOcrDocument()
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String location = "your-project-location"; // Format is "us" or "eu".
    String processerId = "your-processor-id";
    String filePath = "path/to/input/file.pdf";
    processOcrDocument(projectId, location, processerId, filePath);

  public static void processOcrDocument(
      String projectId, String location, String processorId, String filePath)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs
    // to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your
    // requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background
    // resources.
    String endpoint = String.format("", location);
    DocumentProcessorServiceSettings settings =
    try (DocumentProcessorServiceClient client = DocumentProcessorServiceClient.create(settings)) {
      // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
      // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
      // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
      String name =
          String.format("projects/%s/locations/%s/processors/%s", projectId, location, processorId);

      // Read the file.
      byte[] imageFileData = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath));

      // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
      ByteString content = ByteString.copyFrom(imageFileData);

      RawDocument document =

      // Configure the process request.
      ProcessRequest request =

      // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
      ProcessResponse result = client.processDocument(request);
      Document documentResponse = result.getDocument();

      System.out.println("Document processing complete.");

      // Read the text recognition output from the processor
      // For a full list of Document object attributes,
      // please reference this page:

      // Get all of the document text as one big string
      String text = documentResponse.getText();
      System.out.printf("Full document text: '%s'\n", escapeNewlines(text));

      // Read the text recognition output from the processor
      List<Document.Page> pages = documentResponse.getPagesList();
      System.out.printf("There are %s page(s) in this document.\n", pages.size());

      for (Document.Page page : pages) {
        System.out.printf("Page %d:\n", page.getPageNumber());
        printParagraphs(page.getParagraphsList(), text);
        printBlocks(page.getBlocksList(), text);
        printLines(page.getLinesList(), text);
        printTokens(page.getTokensList(), text);

  private static void printPageDimensions(Document.Page.Dimension dimension) {
    String unit = dimension.getUnit();
    System.out.printf("    Width: %.1f %s\n", dimension.getWidth(), unit);
    System.out.printf("    Height: %.1f %s\n", dimension.getHeight(), unit);

  private static void printDetectedLanguages(
      List<Document.Page.DetectedLanguage> detectedLangauges) {
    System.out.println("    Detected languages:");
    for (Document.Page.DetectedLanguage detectedLanguage : detectedLangauges) {
      String languageCode = detectedLanguage.getLanguageCode();
      float confidence = detectedLanguage.getConfidence();
      System.out.printf("        %s (%.2f%%)\n", languageCode, confidence * 100.0);

  private static void printParagraphs(List<Document.Page.Paragraph> paragraphs, String text) {
    System.out.printf("    %d paragraphs detected:\n", paragraphs.size());
    Document.Page.Paragraph firstParagraph = paragraphs.get(0);
    String firstParagraphText = getLayoutText(firstParagraph.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        First paragraph text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(firstParagraphText));
    Document.Page.Paragraph lastParagraph = paragraphs.get(paragraphs.size() - 1);
    String lastParagraphText = getLayoutText(lastParagraph.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        Last paragraph text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(lastParagraphText));

  private static void printBlocks(List<Document.Page.Block> blocks, String text) {
    System.out.printf("    %d blocks detected:\n", blocks.size());
    Document.Page.Block firstBlock = blocks.get(0);
    String firstBlockText = getLayoutText(firstBlock.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        First block text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(firstBlockText));
    Document.Page.Block lastBlock = blocks.get(blocks.size() - 1);
    String lastBlockText = getLayoutText(lastBlock.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        Last block text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(lastBlockText));

  private static void printLines(List<Document.Page.Line> lines, String text) {
    System.out.printf("    %d lines detected:\n", lines.size());
    Document.Page.Line firstLine = lines.get(0);
    String firstLineText = getLayoutText(firstLine.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        First line text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(firstLineText));
    Document.Page.Line lastLine = lines.get(lines.size() - 1);
    String lastLineText = getLayoutText(lastLine.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        Last line text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(lastLineText));

  private static void printTokens(List<Document.Page.Token> tokens, String text) {
    System.out.printf("    %d tokens detected:\n", tokens.size());
    Document.Page.Token firstToken = tokens.get(0);
    String firstTokenText = getLayoutText(firstToken.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        First token text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(firstTokenText));
    Document.Page.Token lastToken = tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1);
    String lastTokenText = getLayoutText(lastToken.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
    System.out.printf("        Last token text: %s\n", escapeNewlines(lastTokenText));

  // Extract shards from the text field
  private static String getLayoutText(Document.TextAnchor textAnchor, String text) {
    if (textAnchor.getTextSegmentsList().size() > 0) {
      int startIdx = (int) textAnchor.getTextSegments(0).getStartIndex();
      int endIdx = (int) textAnchor.getTextSegments(0).getEndIndex();
      return text.substring(startIdx, endIdx);
    return "[NO TEXT]";

  private static String escapeNewlines(String s) {
    return s.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r");

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Node.js API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION'; // Format is 'us' or 'eu'
// const processorId = 'YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID'; // Create processor in Cloud Console
// const filePath = '/path/to/local/pdf';

const {DocumentProcessorServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const client = new DocumentProcessorServiceClient();

async function processDocument() {
  // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
  // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
  // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
  const name = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/processors/${processorId}`;

  // Read the file into memory.
  const fs = require('fs').promises;
  const imageFile = await fs.readFile(filePath);

  // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
  const encodedImage = Buffer.from(imageFile).toString('base64');

  const request = {
    rawDocument: {
      content: encodedImage,
      mimeType: 'application/pdf',

  // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
  const [result] = await client.processDocument(request);

  console.log('Document processing complete.');

  // Read the text recognition output from the processor
  // For a full list of Document object attributes,
  // please reference this page:
  const {document} = result;
  const {text} = document;

  // Read the text recognition output from the processor
  console.log(`Full document text: ${JSON.stringify(text)}`);
  console.log(`There are ${document.pages.length} page(s) in this document.`);
  for (const page of document.pages) {
    console.log(`Page ${page.pageNumber}`);
    printParagraphs(page.paragraphs, text);
    printBlocks(page.blocks, text);
    printLines(page.lines, text);
    printTokens(page.tokens, text);

const printPageDimensions = dimension => {
  console.log(`    Width: ${dimension.width}`);
  console.log(`    Height: ${dimension.height}`);

const printDetectedLanguages = detectedLanguages => {
  console.log('    Detected languages:');
  for (const lang of detectedLanguages) {
    const code = lang.languageCode;
    const confPercent = lang.confidence * 100;
    console.log(`        ${code} (${confPercent.toFixed(2)}% confidence)`);

const printParagraphs = (paragraphs, text) => {
  console.log(`    ${paragraphs.length} paragraphs detected:`);
  const firstParagraphText = getText(paragraphs[0].layout.textAnchor, text);
    `        First paragraph text: ${JSON.stringify(firstParagraphText)}`
  const lastParagraphText = getText(
    paragraphs[paragraphs.length - 1].layout.textAnchor,
    `        Last paragraph text: ${JSON.stringify(lastParagraphText)}`

const printBlocks = (blocks, text) => {
  console.log(`    ${blocks.length} blocks detected:`);
  const firstBlockText = getText(blocks[0].layout.textAnchor, text);
  console.log(`        First block text: ${JSON.stringify(firstBlockText)}`);
  const lastBlockText = getText(
    blocks[blocks.length - 1].layout.textAnchor,
  console.log(`        Last block text: ${JSON.stringify(lastBlockText)}`);

const printLines = (lines, text) => {
  console.log(`    ${lines.length} lines detected:`);
  const firstLineText = getText(lines[0].layout.textAnchor, text);
  console.log(`        First line text: ${JSON.stringify(firstLineText)}`);
  const lastLineText = getText(
    lines[lines.length - 1].layout.textAnchor,
  console.log(`        Last line text: ${JSON.stringify(lastLineText)}`);

const printTokens = (tokens, text) => {
  console.log(`    ${tokens.length} tokens detected:`);
  const firstTokenText = getText(tokens[0].layout.textAnchor, text);
  console.log(`        First token text: ${JSON.stringify(firstTokenText)}`);
  const firstTokenBreakType = tokens[0].detectedBreak.type;
  console.log(`        First token break type: ${firstTokenBreakType}`);
  const lastTokenText = getText(
    tokens[tokens.length - 1].layout.textAnchor,
  console.log(`        Last token text: ${JSON.stringify(lastTokenText)}`);
  const lastTokenBreakType = tokens[tokens.length - 1].detectedBreak.type;
  console.log(`        Last token break type: ${lastTokenBreakType}`);

// Extract shards from the text field
const getText = (textAnchor, text) => {
  if (!textAnchor.textSegments || textAnchor.textSegments.length === 0) {
    return '';

  // First shard in document doesn't have startIndex property
  const startIndex = textAnchor.textSegments[0].startIndex || 0;
  const endIndex = textAnchor.textSegments[0].endIndex;

  return text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from import documentai

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
# location = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION" # Format is "us" or "eu"
# processor_id = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID" # Create processor before running sample
# processor_version = "rc" # Refer to for more information
# file_path = "/path/to/local/pdf"
# mime_type = "application/pdf" # Refer to for supported file types

def process_document_ocr_sample(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
) -> None:
    # Optional: Additional configurations for Document OCR Processor.
    # For more information:
    process_options = documentai.ProcessOptions(
            # OCR Add Ons
                enable_math_ocr=False,  # Enable to use Math OCR Model
    # Online processing request to Document AI
    document = process_document(

    text = document.text
    print(f"Full document text: {text}\n")
    print(f"There are {len(document.pages)} page(s) in this document.\n")

    for page in document.pages:
        print(f"Page {page.page_number}:")

        print_blocks(page.blocks, text)
        print_paragraphs(page.paragraphs, text)
        print_lines(page.lines, text)
        print_tokens(page.tokens, text)

        if page.symbols:
            print_symbols(page.symbols, text)

        if page.image_quality_scores:

        if page.visual_elements:
            print_visual_elements(page.visual_elements, text)

def print_page_dimensions(dimension: documentai.Document.Page.Dimension) -> None:
    print(f"    Width: {str(dimension.width)}")
    print(f"    Height: {str(dimension.height)}")

def print_detected_languages(
    detected_languages: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.DetectedLanguage],
) -> None:
    print("    Detected languages:")
    for lang in detected_languages:
        print(f"        {lang.language_code} ({lang.confidence:.1%} confidence)")

def print_blocks(blocks: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.Block], text: str) -> None:
    print(f"    {len(blocks)} blocks detected:")
    first_block_text = layout_to_text(blocks[0].layout, text)
    print(f"        First text block: {repr(first_block_text)}")
    last_block_text = layout_to_text(blocks[-1].layout, text)
    print(f"        Last text block: {repr(last_block_text)}")

def print_paragraphs(
    paragraphs: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.Paragraph], text: str
) -> None:
    print(f"    {len(paragraphs)} paragraphs detected:")
    first_paragraph_text = layout_to_text(paragraphs[0].layout, text)
    print(f"        First paragraph text: {repr(first_paragraph_text)}")
    last_paragraph_text = layout_to_text(paragraphs[-1].layout, text)
    print(f"        Last paragraph text: {repr(last_paragraph_text)}")

def print_lines(lines: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.Line], text: str) -> None:
    print(f"    {len(lines)} lines detected:")
    first_line_text = layout_to_text(lines[0].layout, text)
    print(f"        First line text: {repr(first_line_text)}")
    last_line_text = layout_to_text(lines[-1].layout, text)
    print(f"        Last line text: {repr(last_line_text)}")

def print_tokens(tokens: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.Token], text: str) -> None:
    print(f"    {len(tokens)} tokens detected:")
    first_token_text = layout_to_text(tokens[0].layout, text)
    first_token_break_type = tokens[0]
    print(f"        First token text: {repr(first_token_text)}")
    print(f"        First token break type: {repr(first_token_break_type)}")
    if tokens[0].style_info:

    last_token_text = layout_to_text(tokens[-1].layout, text)
    last_token_break_type = tokens[-1]
    print(f"        Last token text: {repr(last_token_text)}")
    print(f"        Last token break type: {repr(last_token_break_type)}")
    if tokens[-1].style_info:

def print_symbols(
    symbols: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.Symbol], text: str
) -> None:
    print(f"    {len(symbols)} symbols detected:")
    first_symbol_text = layout_to_text(symbols[0].layout, text)
    print(f"        First symbol text: {repr(first_symbol_text)}")
    last_symbol_text = layout_to_text(symbols[-1].layout, text)
    print(f"        Last symbol text: {repr(last_symbol_text)}")

def print_image_quality_scores(
    image_quality_scores: documentai.Document.Page.ImageQualityScores,
) -> None:
    print(f"    Quality score: {image_quality_scores.quality_score:.1%}")
    print("    Detected defects:")

    for detected_defect in image_quality_scores.detected_defects:
        print(f"        {detected_defect.type_}: {detected_defect.confidence:.1%}")

def print_style_info(style_info: documentai.Document.Page.Token.StyleInfo) -> None:
    Only supported in version `pretrained-ocr-v2.0-2023-06-02`
    print(f"           Font Size: {style_info.font_size}pt")
    print(f"           Font Type: {style_info.font_type}")
    print(f"           Bold: {style_info.bold}")
    print(f"           Italic: {style_info.italic}")
    print(f"           Underlined: {style_info.underlined}")
    print(f"           Handwritten: {style_info.handwritten}")
        f"           Text Color (RGBa): {}, {}, {}, {style_info.text_color.alpha}"

def print_visual_elements(
    visual_elements: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.VisualElement], text: str
) -> None:
    Only supported in version `pretrained-ocr-v2.0-2023-06-02`
    checkboxes = [x for x in visual_elements if "checkbox" in x.type]
    math_symbols = [x for x in visual_elements if x.type == "math_formula"]

    if checkboxes:
        print(f"    {len(checkboxes)} checkboxes detected:")
        print(f"        First checkbox: {repr(checkboxes[0].type)}")
        print(f"        Last checkbox: {repr(checkboxes[-1].type)}")

    if math_symbols:
        print(f"    {len(math_symbols)} math symbols detected:")
        first_math_symbol_text = layout_to_text(math_symbols[0].layout, text)
        print(f"        First math symbol: {repr(first_math_symbol_text)}")

def process_document(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
    process_options: Optional[documentai.ProcessOptions] = None,
) -> documentai.Document:
    # You must set the `api_endpoint` if you use a location other than "us".
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(

    # The full resource name of the processor version, e.g.:
    # `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}/processorVersions/{processor_version_id}`
    # You must create a processor before running this sample.
    name = client.processor_version_path(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version

    # Read the file into memory
    with open(file_path, "rb") as image:
        image_content =

    # Configure the process request
    request = documentai.ProcessRequest(
        raw_document=documentai.RawDocument(content=image_content, mime_type=mime_type),
        # Only supported for Document OCR processor

    result = client.process_document(request=request)

    # For a full list of `Document` object attributes, reference this page:
    return result.document

def layout_to_text(layout: documentai.Document.Page.Layout, text: str) -> str:
    Document AI identifies text in different parts of the document by their
    offsets in the entirety of the document"s text. This function converts
    offsets to a string.
    # If a text segment spans several lines, it will
    # be stored in different text segments.
    return "".join(
        text[int(segment.start_index) : int(segment.end_index)]
        for segment in layout.text_anchor.text_segments

Formulare und Tabellen

Hier ist ein Beispielformular:


Hier ist das vollständige Dokumentobjekt, wie es vom Formular-Parser zurückgegeben wird:

JSON herunterladen

Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Felder:

Der Formular-Parser kann FormFields auf der Seite erkennen. Jedes Formularfeld hat einen Namen und einen Wert. Sie werden auch als Schlüssel/Wert-Paare (KVP) bezeichnet. KVP unterscheiden sich von (Schema-)Entitäten in anderen Extraktoren:

Entitätsnamen sind konfiguriert. Die Schlüssel in KVPs sind der Schlüsseltext im Dokument.

  "pages:" [
      "formFields": [
          "fieldName": { ... },
          "fieldValue": { ... }
  • Die Dokument-KI kann auch Tables auf der Seite erkennen.
  "pages:" [
      "tables": [
          "layout": { ... },
          "headerRows": [
              "cells": [
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1
          "bodyRows": [
              "cells": [
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1

Die Tabellenextraktion im Formular-Parser erkennt nur einfache Tabellen, also Tabellen ohne Zellen, die Zeilen oder Spalten überspannen. Daher sind rowSpan und colSpan immer 1.

  • Ab Prozessorversion pretrained-form-parser-v2.0-2022-11-10 kann der Formularparser auch generische Entitäten erkennen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Formular-Parser.

  • Zur besseren Visualisierung der Struktur des Dokuments sind in den folgenden Bildern Begrenzungspolygone für page.formFields und page.tables dargestellt.

  • Kästchen in Tabellen Der Formular-Parser kann Kästchen aus Bildern und PDFs als KVPs digitalisieren. Beispiel für die Digitalisierung von Kästchen als Schlüssel/Wert-Paar


Außerhalb von Tabellen werden Kästchen im Form Parser als visuelle Elemente dargestellt. Die quadratischen Kästchen mit Häkchen in der Benutzeroberfläche und das Unicode-Zeichen in der JSON-Datei werden hervorgehoben.


"pages:" [
      "tables": [
          "layout": { ... },
          "headerRows": [
              "cells": [
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1
          "bodyRows": [
              "cells": [
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1
                  "layout": { ... },
                  "rowSpan": 1,
                  "colSpan": 1

In Tabellen werden Kästchen als Unicode-Zeichen wie (angeklickt) oder (deaktiviert) angezeigt.

Die angeklickten Kästchen haben den Wert filled_checkbox: under pages > x > formFields > x > fieldValue > valueType.. Die nicht angeklickten Kästchen haben den Wert unfilled_checkbox.


In den Inhaltsfeldern ist der Inhalt des Kästchens im Pfad pages>formFields>x>fieldValue>textAnchor>content als hervorgehobenes Kästchen  zu sehen.

Zur Veranschaulichung der Struktur des Dokuments sind in den folgenden Bildern Begrenzungspolygone für page.formFields und page.tables zu sehen.




Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen, wie Sie eine Verarbeitungsanfrage senden und dann die Felder lesen und im Terminal ausdrucken:

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Java API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class ProcessFormDocument {
  public static void processFormDocument()
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String location = "your-project-location"; // Format is "us" or "eu".
    String processerId = "your-processor-id";
    String filePath = "path/to/input/file.pdf";
    processFormDocument(projectId, location, processerId, filePath);

  public static void processFormDocument(
      String projectId, String location, String processorId, String filePath)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs
    // to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your
    // requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background
    // resources.
    String endpoint = String.format("", location);
    DocumentProcessorServiceSettings settings =
    try (DocumentProcessorServiceClient client = DocumentProcessorServiceClient.create(settings)) {
      // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
      // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
      // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
      String name =
          String.format("projects/%s/locations/%s/processors/%s", projectId, location, processorId);

      // Read the file.
      byte[] imageFileData = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath));

      // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
      ByteString content = ByteString.copyFrom(imageFileData);

      RawDocument document =

      // Configure the process request.
      ProcessRequest request =

      // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
      ProcessResponse result = client.processDocument(request);
      Document documentResponse = result.getDocument();

      System.out.println("Document processing complete.");

      // Read the text recognition output from the processor
      // For a full list of Document object attributes,
      // please reference this page:

      // Get all of the document text as one big string
      String text = documentResponse.getText();
      System.out.printf("Full document text: '%s'\n", removeNewlines(text));

      // Read the text recognition output from the processor
      List<Document.Page> pages = documentResponse.getPagesList();
      System.out.printf("There are %s page(s) in this document.\n", pages.size());

      for (Document.Page page : pages) {
        System.out.printf("\n\n**** Page %d ****\n", page.getPageNumber());

        List<Document.Page.Table> tables = page.getTablesList();
        System.out.printf("Found %d table(s):\n", tables.size());
        for (Document.Page.Table table : tables) {
          printTableInfo(table, text);

        List<Document.Page.FormField> formFields = page.getFormFieldsList();
        System.out.printf("Found %d form fields:\n", formFields.size());
        for (Document.Page.FormField formField : formFields) {
          String fieldName = getLayoutText(formField.getFieldName().getTextAnchor(), text);
          String fieldValue = getLayoutText(formField.getFieldValue().getTextAnchor(), text);
              "    * '%s': '%s'\n", removeNewlines(fieldName), removeNewlines(fieldValue));

  private static void printTableInfo(Document.Page.Table table, String text) {
    Document.Page.Table.TableRow firstBodyRow = table.getBodyRows(0);
    int columnCount = firstBodyRow.getCellsCount();
        "    Table with %d columns and %d rows:\n", columnCount, table.getBodyRowsCount());

    Document.Page.Table.TableRow headerRow = table.getHeaderRows(0);
    StringBuilder headerRowText = new StringBuilder();
    for (Document.Page.Table.TableCell cell : headerRow.getCellsList()) {
      String columnName = getLayoutText(cell.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
      headerRowText.append(String.format("%s | ", removeNewlines(columnName)));
    headerRowText.setLength(headerRowText.length() - 3);
    System.out.printf("        Collumns: %s\n", headerRowText.toString());

    StringBuilder firstRowText = new StringBuilder();
    for (Document.Page.Table.TableCell cell : firstBodyRow.getCellsList()) {
      String cellText = getLayoutText(cell.getLayout().getTextAnchor(), text);
      firstRowText.append(String.format("%s | ", removeNewlines(cellText)));
    firstRowText.setLength(firstRowText.length() - 3);
    System.out.printf("        First row data: %s\n", firstRowText.toString());

  // Extract shards from the text field
  private static String getLayoutText(Document.TextAnchor textAnchor, String text) {
    if (textAnchor.getTextSegmentsList().size() > 0) {
      int startIdx = (int) textAnchor.getTextSegments(0).getStartIndex();
      int endIdx = (int) textAnchor.getTextSegments(0).getEndIndex();
      return text.substring(startIdx, endIdx);
    return "[NO TEXT]";

  private static String removeNewlines(String s) {
    return s.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "");

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Node.js API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION'; // Format is 'us' or 'eu'
// const processorId = 'YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID'; // Create processor in Cloud Console
// const filePath = '/path/to/local/pdf';

const {DocumentProcessorServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const client = new DocumentProcessorServiceClient();

async function processDocument() {
  // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
  // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
  // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
  const name = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/processors/${processorId}`;

  // Read the file into memory.
  const fs = require('fs').promises;
  const imageFile = await fs.readFile(filePath);

  // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
  const encodedImage = Buffer.from(imageFile).toString('base64');

  const request = {
    rawDocument: {
      content: encodedImage,
      mimeType: 'application/pdf',

  // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
  const [result] = await client.processDocument(request);

  console.log('Document processing complete.');

  // Read the table and form fields output from the processor
  // The form processor also contains OCR data. For more information
  // on how to parse OCR data please see the OCR sample.
  // For a full list of Document object attributes,
  // please reference this page:
  const {document} = result;
  const {text} = document;
  console.log(`Full document text: ${JSON.stringify(text)}`);
  console.log(`There are ${document.pages.length} page(s) in this document.`);

  for (const page of document.pages) {
    console.log(`\n\n**** Page ${page.pageNumber} ****`);

    console.log(`Found ${page.tables.length} table(s):`);
    for (const table of page.tables) {
      const numCollumns = table.headerRows[0].cells.length;
      const numRows = table.bodyRows.length;
      console.log(`Table with ${numCollumns} columns and ${numRows} rows:`);
      printTableInfo(table, text);
    console.log(`Found ${page.formFields.length} form field(s):`);
    for (const field of page.formFields) {
      const fieldName = getText(field.fieldName.textAnchor, text);
      const fieldValue = getText(field.fieldValue.textAnchor, text);
        `\t* ${JSON.stringify(fieldName)}: ${JSON.stringify(fieldValue)}`

const printTableInfo = (table, text) => {
  // Print header row
  let headerRowText = '';
  for (const headerCell of table.headerRows[0].cells) {
    const headerCellText = getText(headerCell.layout.textAnchor, text);
    headerRowText += `${JSON.stringify(headerCellText.trim())} | `;
    `Collumns: ${headerRowText.substring(0, headerRowText.length - 3)}`
  // Print first body row
  let bodyRowText = '';
  for (const bodyCell of table.bodyRows[0].cells) {
    const bodyCellText = getText(bodyCell.layout.textAnchor, text);
    bodyRowText += `${JSON.stringify(bodyCellText.trim())} | `;
    `First row data: ${bodyRowText.substring(0, bodyRowText.length - 3)}`

// Extract shards from the text field
const getText = (textAnchor, text) => {
  if (!textAnchor.textSegments || textAnchor.textSegments.length === 0) {
    return '';

  // First shard in document doesn't have startIndex property
  const startIndex = textAnchor.textSegments[0].startIndex || 0;
  const endIndex = textAnchor.textSegments[0].endIndex;

  return text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from import documentai

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
# location = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION" # Format is "us" or "eu"
# processor_id = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID" # Create processor before running sample
# processor_version = "rc" # Refer to for more information
# file_path = "/path/to/local/pdf"
# mime_type = "application/pdf" # Refer to for supported file types

def process_document_form_sample(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
) -> documentai.Document:
    # Online processing request to Document AI
    document = process_document(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version, file_path, mime_type

    # Read the table and form fields output from the processor
    # The form processor also contains OCR data. For more information
    # on how to parse OCR data please see the OCR sample.

    text = document.text
    print(f"Full document text: {repr(text)}\n")
    print(f"There are {len(document.pages)} page(s) in this document.")

    # Read the form fields and tables output from the processor
    for page in document.pages:
        print(f"\n\n**** Page {page.page_number} ****")

        print(f"\nFound {len(page.tables)} table(s):")
        for table in page.tables:
            num_columns = len(table.header_rows[0].cells)
            num_rows = len(table.body_rows)
            print(f"Table with {num_columns} columns and {num_rows} rows:")

            # Print header rows
            print_table_rows(table.header_rows, text)
            # Print body rows
            print("Table body data:")
            print_table_rows(table.body_rows, text)

        print(f"\nFound {len(page.form_fields)} form field(s):")
        for field in page.form_fields:
            name = layout_to_text(field.field_name, text)
            value = layout_to_text(field.field_value, text)
            print(f"    * {repr(name.strip())}: {repr(value.strip())}")

    # Supported in version `pretrained-form-parser-v2.0-2022-11-10` and later.
    # For more information:
    if document.entities:
        print(f"Found {len(document.entities)} generic entities:")
        for entity in document.entities:
            # Print Nested Entities
            for prop in

    return document

def print_table_rows(
    table_rows: Sequence[documentai.Document.Page.Table.TableRow], text: str
) -> None:
    for table_row in table_rows:
        row_text = ""
        for cell in table_row.cells:
            cell_text = layout_to_text(cell.layout, text)
            row_text += f"{repr(cell_text.strip())} | "

def print_entity(entity: documentai.Document.Entity) -> None:
    # Fields detected. For a full list of fields for each processor see
    # the processor documentation:
    key = entity.type_

    # Some other value formats in addition to text are available
    # e.g. dates: `entity.normalized_value.date_value.year`
    text_value = entity.text_anchor.content or entity.mention_text
    confidence = entity.confidence
    normalized_value = entity.normalized_value.text
    print(f"    * {repr(key)}: {repr(text_value)} ({confidence:.1%} confident)")

    if normalized_value:
        print(f"    * Normalized Value: {repr(normalized_value)}")

def process_document(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
    process_options: Optional[documentai.ProcessOptions] = None,
) -> documentai.Document:
    # You must set the `api_endpoint` if you use a location other than "us".
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(

    # The full resource name of the processor version, e.g.:
    # `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}/processorVersions/{processor_version_id}`
    # You must create a processor before running this sample.
    name = client.processor_version_path(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version

    # Read the file into memory
    with open(file_path, "rb") as image:
        image_content =

    # Configure the process request
    request = documentai.ProcessRequest(
        raw_document=documentai.RawDocument(content=image_content, mime_type=mime_type),
        # Only supported for Document OCR processor

    result = client.process_document(request=request)

    # For a full list of `Document` object attributes, reference this page:
    return result.document

def layout_to_text(layout: documentai.Document.Page.Layout, text: str) -> str:
    Document AI identifies text in different parts of the document by their
    offsets in the entirety of the document"s text. This function converts
    offsets to a string.
    # If a text segment spans several lines, it will
    # be stored in different text segments.
    return "".join(
        text[int(segment.start_index) : int(segment.end_index)]
        for segment in layout.text_anchor.text_segments

Entitäten, verschachtelte Entitäten und normalisierte Werte

Viele der spezialisierten Prozessoren extrahieren strukturierte Daten, die auf einem klar definierten Schema basieren. Der Rechnungsparser erkennt beispielsweise bestimmte Felder wie invoice_date und supplier_name. Hier ist eine Beispielrechnung:


Hier ist das vollständige Dokumentobjekt, das vom Rechnungsparser zurückgegeben wird:

JSON herunterladen

Hier sind einige wichtige Teile des Dokumentobjekts:

  • Erkannte Felder: Entities enthält die Felder, die der Prozessor erkennen konnte, z. B. invoice_date:

     "entities": [
          "textAnchor": {
            "textSegments": [
                "startIndex": "14",
                "endIndex": "24"
            "content": "2020/01/01"
          "type": "invoice_date",
          "confidence": 0.9938466,
          "pageAnchor": { ... },
          "id": "2",
          "normalizedValue": {
            "text": "2020-01-01",
            "dateValue": {
              "year": 2020,
              "month": 1,
              "day": 1

    Bei bestimmten Feldern normalisiert der Prozessor den Wert auch. In diesem Beispiel wurde das Datum von 2020/01/01 auf 2020-01-01 normalisiert.

  • Normalisierung: Bei vielen unterstützten Feldern normalisiert der Prozessor den Wert und gibt auch einen entity zurück. Das Feld normalizedValue wird dem Rohextrahierten Feld hinzugefügt, das über die textAnchor der einzelnen Entitäten abgerufen wurde. So wird der Literaltext normalisiert und der Textwert wird oft in Unterfelder unterteilt. Ein Datum wie der 1. September 2024 würde beispielsweise so dargestellt:

  normalizedValue": {
    "text": "2020-09-01",
    "dateValue": {
      "year": 2024,
      "month": 9,
      "day": 1

In diesem Beispiel wurde das Datum von 2020-01-01 in 2020-01-01 normalisiert. Das ist ein standardisiertes Format, das die Nachbearbeitung reduziert und die Umwandlung in das ausgewählte Format ermöglicht.

Adressen werden auch häufig normalisiert, wodurch die Elemente der Adresse in einzelne Felder unterteilt werden. Zahlen werden normalisiert, indem als normalizedValue eine Ganzzahl oder eine Gleitkommazahl verwendet wird.

  • Anreicherung: Bestimmte Prozessoren und Felder unterstützen auch die Anreicherung. Beispiel: Das ursprüngliche supplier_name im Dokument Google Singapore wurde anhand des Enterprise Knowledge Graph in Google Asia Pacific, Singapore normalisiert. Da der Enterprise Knowledge Graph Informationen zu Google enthält, leitet Document AI die supplier_address ab, obwohl sie im Beispieldokument nicht vorhanden war.
    "entities": [
        "textAnchor": {
          "textSegments": [ ... ],
          "content": "Google Singapore"
        "type": "supplier_name",
        "confidence": 0.39170802,
        "pageAnchor": { ... },
        "id": "12",
        "normalizedValue": {
          "text": "Google Asia Pacific, Singapore"
        "type": "supplier_address",
        "id": "17",
        "normalizedValue": {
          "text": "70 Pasir Panjang Rd #03-71 Mapletree Business City II Singapore 117371",
          "addressValue": {
            "regionCode": "SG",
            "languageCode": "en-US",
            "postalCode": "117371",
            "addressLines": [
              "70 Pasir Panjang Rd",
              "#03-71 Mapletree Business City II"
  • Verschachtelte Felder: Verschachtelte Schemas (Felder) können erstellt werden, indem Sie zuerst eine Entität als übergeordnetes Element deklarieren und dann untergeordnete Entitäten unter dem übergeordneten Element erstellen. Die Parseantwort für das übergeordnete Element enthält die untergeordneten Felder im properties-Element des übergeordneten Felds. Im folgenden Beispiel ist line_item ein übergeordnetes Feld mit zwei untergeordneten Feldern: line_item/description und line_item/quantity.

      "entities": [
          "textAnchor": { ... },
          "type": "line_item",
          "confidence": 1.0,
          "pageAnchor": { ... },
          "id": "19",
          "properties": [
              "textAnchor": {
                "textSegments": [ ... ],
                "content": "Tool A"
              "type": "line_item/description",
              "confidence": 0.3461604,
              "pageAnchor": { ... },
              "id": "20"
              "textAnchor": {
                "textSegments": [ ... ],
                "content": "500"
              "type": "line_item/quantity",
              "confidence": 0.8077843,
              "pageAnchor": { ... },
              "id": "21",
              "normalizedValue": {
                "text": "500"

Die folgenden Parser folgen diesem Standard:

  • Extrahieren (benutzerdefinierter Extrahierer)
  • Legacy
    • Kontoauszugsparser
    • Kostenparser
    • Rechnungsparser
    • PaySlip-Parser
    • W2-Parser


Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen, wie Sie eine Verarbeitungsanfrage senden und dann die Felder aus einem speziellen Prozessor lesen und auf dem Terminal ausdrucken:

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Java API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class ProcessSpecializedDocument {
  public static void processSpecializedDocument()
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String location = "your-project-location"; // Format is "us" or "eu".
    String processerId = "your-processor-id";
    String filePath = "path/to/input/file.pdf";
    processSpecializedDocument(projectId, location, processerId, filePath);

  public static void processSpecializedDocument(
      String projectId, String location, String processorId, String filePath)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs
    // to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your
    // requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background
    // resources.
    String endpoint = String.format("", location);
    DocumentProcessorServiceSettings settings =
    try (DocumentProcessorServiceClient client = DocumentProcessorServiceClient.create(settings)) {
      // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
      // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
      // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
      String name =
          String.format("projects/%s/locations/%s/processors/%s", projectId, location, processorId);

      // Read the file.
      byte[] imageFileData = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath));

      // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
      ByteString content = ByteString.copyFrom(imageFileData);

      RawDocument document =

      // Configure the process request.
      ProcessRequest request =

      // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
      ProcessResponse result = client.processDocument(request);
      Document documentResponse = result.getDocument();

      System.out.println("Document processing complete.");

      // Read fields specificly from the specalized US drivers license processor:
      // retriving data from other specalized processors follow a similar pattern.
      // For a complete list of processors see:
      // OCR and other data is also present in the quality processor's response.
      // Please see the OCR and other samples for how to parse other data in the
      // response.
      for (Document.Entity entity : documentResponse.getEntitiesList()) {
        // Fields detected. For a full list of fields for each processor see
        // the processor documentation:
        String entityType = entity.getType();
        // some other value formats in addition to text are availible
        // e.g. dates: `entity.getNormalizedValue().getDateValue().getYear()`
        // check for normilized value with `entity.hasNormalizedValue()`
        String entityTextValue = escapeNewlines(entity.getTextAnchor().getContent());
        float entityConfidence = entity.getConfidence();
            "    * %s: %s (%.2f%% confident)\n",
            entityType, entityTextValue, entityConfidence * 100.0);

  private static String escapeNewlines(String s) {
    return s.replace("\n", "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r");

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Node.js API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION'; // Format is 'us' or 'eu'
// const processorId = 'YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID'; // Create processor in Cloud Console
// const filePath = '/path/to/local/pdf';

const {DocumentProcessorServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const client = new DocumentProcessorServiceClient();

async function processDocument() {
  // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
  // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
  // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
  const name = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/processors/${processorId}`;

  // Read the file into memory.
  const fs = require('fs').promises;
  const imageFile = await fs.readFile(filePath);

  // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
  const encodedImage = Buffer.from(imageFile).toString('base64');

  const request = {
    rawDocument: {
      content: encodedImage,
      mimeType: 'application/pdf',

  // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
  const [result] = await client.processDocument(request);

  console.log('Document processing complete.');

  // Read fields specificly from the specalized US drivers license processor:
  // retriving data from other specalized processors follow a similar pattern.
  // For a complete list of processors see:
  // OCR and other data is also present in the quality processor's response.
  // Please see the OCR and other samples for how to parse other data in the
  // response.
  const {document} = result;
  for (const entity of document.entities) {
    // Fields detected. For a full list of fields for each processor see
    // the processor documentation:
    const key = entity.type;
    // some other value formats in addition to text are availible
    // e.g. dates: `entity.normalizedValue.dateValue.year`
    const textValue =
      entity.textAnchor !== null ? entity.textAnchor.content : '';
    const conf = entity.confidence * 100;
      `* ${JSON.stringify(key)}: ${JSON.stringify(textValue)}(${conf.toFixed(
      )}% confident)`

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from import documentai

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
# location = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION" # Format is "us" or "eu"
# processor_id = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID" # Create processor before running sample
# processor_version = "rc" # Refer to for more information
# file_path = "/path/to/local/pdf"
# mime_type = "application/pdf" # Refer to for supported file types

def process_document_entity_extraction_sample(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
) -> None:
    # Online processing request to Document AI
    document = process_document(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version, file_path, mime_type

    # Print extracted entities from entity extraction processor output.
    # For a complete list of processors see:
    # OCR and other data is also present in the processor's response.
    # Refer to the OCR samples for how to parse other data in the response.

    print(f"Found {len(document.entities)} entities:")
    for entity in document.entities:
        # Print Nested Entities (if any)
        for prop in

def print_entity(entity: documentai.Document.Entity) -> None:
    # Fields detected. For a full list of fields for each processor see
    # the processor documentation:
    key = entity.type_

    # Some other value formats in addition to text are available
    # e.g. dates: `entity.normalized_value.date_value.year`
    text_value = entity.text_anchor.content or entity.mention_text
    confidence = entity.confidence
    normalized_value = entity.normalized_value.text
    print(f"    * {repr(key)}: {repr(text_value)} ({confidence:.1%} confident)")

    if normalized_value:
        print(f"    * Normalized Value: {repr(normalized_value)}")

def process_document(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
    process_options: Optional[documentai.ProcessOptions] = None,
) -> documentai.Document:
    # You must set the `api_endpoint` if you use a location other than "us".
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(

    # The full resource name of the processor version, e.g.:
    # `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}/processorVersions/{processor_version_id}`
    # You must create a processor before running this sample.
    name = client.processor_version_path(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version

    # Read the file into memory
    with open(file_path, "rb") as image:
        image_content =

    # Configure the process request
    request = documentai.ProcessRequest(
        raw_document=documentai.RawDocument(content=image_content, mime_type=mime_type),
        # Only supported for Document OCR processor

    result = client.process_document(request=request)

    # For a full list of `Document` object attributes, reference this page:
    return result.document

Benutzerdefinierter Dokumentextraktor

Mit dem Benutzerdefinierten Dokumentextraktor-Prozessor können benutzerdefinierte Entitäten aus Dokumenten extrahiert werden, für die kein vortrainierter Prozessor verfügbar ist. Das kann durch Training eines benutzerdefinierten Modells oder durch Verwendung von Foundation Models für generative KI erfolgen, um benannte Entitäten ohne Training zu extrahieren. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Benutzerdefinierten Dokumentextraktor in der Console erstellen.

  • Wenn Sie ein benutzerdefiniertes Modell trainieren, kann der Prozessor genau wie ein vortrainierter Prozessor zur Entitätsextraktion verwendet werden.
  • Wenn Sie ein Grundlagenmodell verwenden, können Sie eine Prozessorversion erstellen, um für jede Anfrage bestimmte Entitäten zu extrahieren. Sie können sie auch pro Anfrage konfigurieren.

Informationen zur Ausgabestruktur finden Sie unter Entitäten, verschachtelte Entitäten und normalisierte Werte.


Wenn Sie ein benutzerdefiniertes Modell verwenden oder eine Prozessorversion mit einem Grundlagenmodell erstellt haben, verwenden Sie die Codebeispiele für die Entitätsextraktion.

Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie bestimmte Entitäten für einen benutzerdefinierten Dokumenten-Extractor eines Grundmodells pro Anfrage konfigurieren und die extrahierten Entitäten drucken:


Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from import documentai

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
# location = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION" # Format is "us" or "eu"
# processor_id = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID" # Create processor before running sample
# processor_version = "rc" # Refer to for more information
# file_path = "/path/to/local/pdf"
# mime_type = "application/pdf" # Refer to for supported file types

def process_document_custom_extractor_sample(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
) -> None:
    # Entities to extract from Foundation Model CDE
    properties = [
    # Optional: For Generative AI processors, request different fields than the
    # schema for a processor version
    process_options = documentai.ProcessOptions(
            display_name="CDE Schema",
            description="Document Schema for the CDE Processor",

    # Online processing request to Document AI
    document = process_document(

    for entity in document.entities:
        # Print Nested Entities (if any)
        for prop in

def print_entity(entity: documentai.Document.Entity) -> None:
    # Fields detected. For a full list of fields for each processor see
    # the processor documentation:
    key = entity.type_

    # Some other value formats in addition to text are available
    # e.g. dates: `entity.normalized_value.date_value.year`
    text_value = entity.text_anchor.content or entity.mention_text
    confidence = entity.confidence
    normalized_value = entity.normalized_value.text
    print(f"    * {repr(key)}: {repr(text_value)} ({confidence:.1%} confident)")

    if normalized_value:
        print(f"    * Normalized Value: {repr(normalized_value)}")

def process_document(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
    process_options: Optional[documentai.ProcessOptions] = None,
) -> documentai.Document:
    # You must set the `api_endpoint` if you use a location other than "us".
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(

    # The full resource name of the processor version, e.g.:
    # `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}/processorVersions/{processor_version_id}`
    # You must create a processor before running this sample.
    name = client.processor_version_path(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version

    # Read the file into memory
    with open(file_path, "rb") as image:
        image_content =

    # Configure the process request
    request = documentai.ProcessRequest(
        raw_document=documentai.RawDocument(content=image_content, mime_type=mime_type),
        # Only supported for Document OCR processor

    result = client.process_document(request=request)

    # For a full list of `Document` object attributes, reference this page:
    return result.document


Der Zusammenfassungsprozessor verwendet Foundation Models für die generative KI, um den aus einem Dokument extrahierten Text zusammenzufassen. Länge und Format der Antwort können so angepasst werden:

  • Länge
    • BRIEF: Eine kurze Zusammenfassung in einem oder zwei Sätzen
    • MODERATE: Eine Zusammenfassung in einem Absatz
    • COMPREHENSIVE: Die längste verfügbare Option
  • Format

Sie können entweder eine Prozessorversion für eine bestimmte Länge und ein bestimmtes Format erstellen oder sie pro Anfrage konfigurieren.

Der zusammengefasste Text wird in Document.entities.normalizedValue.text angezeigt. Eine vollständige Beispielausgabe im JSON-Format finden Sie unter Beispiel für die Prozessorausgabe.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter In der Console einen Dokumentzusammenfassungsdienst erstellen.


Das folgende Codebeispiel zeigt, wie Sie eine bestimmte Länge und ein bestimmtes Format in einer Verarbeitungsanfrage konfigurieren und den zusammengefassten Text drucken:


Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from typing import Optional

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from import documentai_v1beta3 as documentai

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
# location = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION" # Format is "us" or "eu"
# processor_id = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID" # Create processor before running sample
# processor_version = "rc" # Refer to for more information
# file_path = "/path/to/local/pdf"
# mime_type = "application/pdf" # Refer to for supported file types

def process_document_summarizer_sample(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
) -> None:
    # For supported options, refer to:
    summary_options = documentai.SummaryOptions(

    properties = [

    # Optional: Request specific summarization format other than the default
    # for the processor version.
    process_options = documentai.ProcessOptions(

    # Online processing request to Document AI
    document = process_document(

    for entity in document.entities:
        # Print Nested Entities (if any)
        for prop in

def print_entity(entity: documentai.Document.Entity) -> None:
    # Fields detected. For a full list of fields for each processor see
    # the processor documentation:
    key = entity.type_

    # Some other value formats in addition to text are availible
    # e.g. dates: `entity.normalized_value.date_value.year`
    text_value = entity.text_anchor.content
    confidence = entity.confidence
    normalized_value = entity.normalized_value.text
    print(f"    * {repr(key)}: {repr(text_value)}({confidence:.1%} confident)")

    if normalized_value:
        print(f"    * Normalized Value: {repr(normalized_value)}")

def process_document(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
    process_options: Optional[documentai.ProcessOptions] = None,
) -> documentai.Document:
    # You must set the `api_endpoint` if you use a location other than "us".
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(

    # The full resource name of the processor version, e.g.:
    # `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}/processorVersions/{processor_version_id}`
    # You must create a processor before running this sample.
    name = client.processor_version_path(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version

    # Read the file into memory
    with open(file_path, "rb") as image:
        image_content =

    # Configure the process request
    request = documentai.ProcessRequest(
        raw_document=documentai.RawDocument(content=image_content, mime_type=mime_type),
        # Only supported for Document OCR processor

    result = client.process_document(request=request)

    # For a full list of `Document` object attributes, reference this page:
    return result.document

Aufteilung und Klassifizierung

Hier ist eine 10-seitige PDF-Datei mit verschiedenen Dokument- und Formulartypen:

PDF herunterladen

Hier ist das vollständige Dokumentobjekt, das vom Lending Document-Splitter und -Klassifikator zurückgegeben wird:

JSON herunterladen

Jedes Dokument, das vom Splitter erkannt wird, wird durch eine entity dargestellt. Beispiel:

    "entities": [
        "textAnchor": {
          "textSegments": [
              "startIndex": "13936",
              "endIndex": "21108"
        "type": "1040se_2020",
        "confidence": 0.76257163,
        "pageAnchor": {
          "pageRefs": [
              "page": "6"
              "page": "7"
  • Entity.pageAnchor gibt an, dass dieses Dokument 2 Seiten lang ist. Beachten Sie, dass pageRefs[].page nullbasiert ist und der Index für das Feld document.pages[] ist.

  • Entity.type gibt an, dass dieses Dokument ein 1040-Schedule-SE-Formular ist. Eine vollständige Liste der Dokumenttypen, die erkannt werden können, finden Sie in der Dokumentation des Prozessors unter Erkennte Dokumenttypen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Verhalten von Dokumenten-Splittern.


Trennzeichen identifizieren Seitengrenzen, teilen das Eingabedokument aber nicht für Sie. Mit der Document AI Toolbox können Sie eine PDF-Datei anhand der Seitenränder physisch aufteilen. In den folgenden Codebeispielen werden die Seitenbereiche gedruckt, ohne die PDF-Datei aufzuteilen:

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Java API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException;

public class ProcessSplitterDocument {
  public static void processSplitterDocument()
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "your-project-id";
    String location = "your-project-location"; // Format is "us" or "eu".
    String processerId = "your-processor-id";
    String filePath = "path/to/input/file.pdf";
    processSplitterDocument(projectId, location, processerId, filePath);

  public static void processSplitterDocument(
      String projectId, String location, String processorId, String filePath)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs
    // to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After completing all of your
    // requests, call
    // the "close" method on the client to safely clean up any remaining background
    // resources.
    String endpoint = String.format("", location);
    DocumentProcessorServiceSettings settings =
    try (DocumentProcessorServiceClient client = DocumentProcessorServiceClient.create(settings)) {
      // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
      // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
      // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
      String name =
          String.format("projects/%s/locations/%s/processors/%s", projectId, location, processorId);

      // Read the file.
      byte[] imageFileData = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath));

      // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
      ByteString content = ByteString.copyFrom(imageFileData);

      RawDocument document =

      // Configure the process request.
      ProcessRequest request =

      // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
      ProcessResponse result = client.processDocument(request);
      Document documentResponse = result.getDocument();

      System.out.println("Document processing complete.");

      // Read the splitter output from the document splitter processor:
      // This processor only provides text for the document and information on how
      // to split the document on logical boundaries. To identify and extract text,
      // form elements, and entities please see other processors like the OCR, form,
      // and specalized processors.
      List<Document.Entity> entities = documentResponse.getEntitiesList();
      System.out.printf("Found %d subdocuments:\n", entities.size());
      for (Document.Entity entity : entities) {
        float entityConfidence = entity.getConfidence();
        String pagesRangeText = pageRefsToString(entity.getPageAnchor().getPageRefsList());
        String subdocumentType = entity.getType();
        if (subdocumentType.isEmpty()) {
              "%.2f%% confident that %s a subdocument.\n", entityConfidence * 100, pagesRangeText);
        } else {
              "%.2f%% confident that %s a '%s' subdocument.\n",
              entityConfidence * 100, pagesRangeText, subdocumentType);

  // Converts page reference(s) to a string describing the page or page range.
  private static String pageRefsToString(List<Document.PageAnchor.PageRef> pageRefs) {
    if (pageRefs.size() == 1) {
      return String.format("page %d is", pageRefs.get(0).getPage() + 1);
    } else {
      long start = pageRefs.get(0).getPage() + 1;
      long end = pageRefs.get(1).getPage() + 1;
      return String.format("pages %d to %d are", start, end);

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Node.js API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const location = 'YOUR_PROJECT_LOCATION'; // Format is 'us' or 'eu'
// const processorId = 'YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID'; // Create processor in Cloud Console
// const filePath = '/path/to/local/pdf';

const {DocumentProcessorServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const client = new DocumentProcessorServiceClient();

async function processDocument() {
  // The full resource name of the processor, e.g.:
  // projects/project-id/locations/location/processor/processor-id
  // You must create new processors in the Cloud Console first
  const name = `projects/${projectId}/locations/${location}/processors/${processorId}`;

  // Read the file into memory.
  const fs = require('fs').promises;
  const imageFile = await fs.readFile(filePath);

  // Convert the image data to a Buffer and base64 encode it.
  const encodedImage = Buffer.from(imageFile).toString('base64');

  const request = {
    rawDocument: {
      content: encodedImage,
      mimeType: 'application/pdf',

  // Recognizes text entities in the PDF document
  const [result] = await client.processDocument(request);

  console.log('Document processing complete.');

  // Read fields specificly from the specalized US drivers license processor:
  // retriving data from other specalized processors follow a similar pattern.
  // For a complete list of processors see:
  // OCR and other data is also present in the quality processor's response.
  // Please see the OCR and other samples for how to parse other data in the
  // response.
  const {document} = result;
  console.log(`Found ${document.entities.length} subdocuments:`);
  for (const entity of document.entities) {
    const conf = entity.confidence * 100;
    const pagesRange = pageRefsToRange(entity.pageAnchor.pageRefs);
    if (entity.type !== '') {
        `${conf.toFixed(2)}% confident that ${pagesRange} a "${
        }" subdocument.`
    } else {
        `${conf.toFixed(2)}% confident that ${pagesRange} a subdocument.`

// Converts a page ref to a string describing the page or page range.
const pageRefsToRange = pageRefs => {
  if (pageRefs.length === 1) {
    const num = parseInt(pageRefs[0].page) + 1 || 1;
    return `page ${num} is`;
  } else {
    const start = parseInt(pageRefs[0].page) + 1 || 1;
    const end = parseInt(pageRefs[1].page) + 1;
    return `pages ${start} to ${end} are`;

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from typing import Optional, Sequence

from google.api_core.client_options import ClientOptions
from import documentai

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"
# location = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_LOCATION" # Format is "us" or "eu"
# processor_id = "YOUR_PROCESSOR_ID" # Create processor before running sample
# processor_version = "rc" # Refer to for more information
# file_path = "/path/to/local/pdf"
# mime_type = "application/pdf" # Refer to for supported file types

def process_document_splitter_sample(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
) -> None:
    # Online processing request to Document AI
    document = process_document(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version, file_path, mime_type

    # Read the splitter output from a document splitter/classifier processor:
    # e.g.
    # This processor only provides text for the document and information on how
    # to split the document on logical boundaries. To identify and extract text,
    # form elements, and entities please see other processors like the OCR, form,
    # and specalized processors.

    print(f"Found {len(document.entities)} subdocuments:")
    for entity in document.entities:
        conf_percent = f"{entity.confidence:.1%}"
        pages_range = page_refs_to_string(entity.page_anchor.page_refs)

        # Print subdocument type information, if available
        if entity.type_:
                f"{conf_percent} confident that {pages_range} a '{entity.type_}' subdocument."
            print(f"{conf_percent} confident that {pages_range} a subdocument.")

def page_refs_to_string(
    page_refs: Sequence[documentai.Document.PageAnchor.PageRef],
) -> str:
    """Converts a page ref to a string describing the page or page range."""
    pages = [str(int( + 1) for page_ref in page_refs]
    if len(pages) == 1:
        return f"page {pages[0]} is"
        return f"pages {', '.join(pages)} are"

def process_document(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    processor_version: str,
    file_path: str,
    mime_type: str,
    process_options: Optional[documentai.ProcessOptions] = None,
) -> documentai.Document:
    # You must set the `api_endpoint` if you use a location other than "us".
    client = documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(

    # The full resource name of the processor version, e.g.:
    # `projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/processors/{processor_id}/processorVersions/{processor_version_id}`
    # You must create a processor before running this sample.
    name = client.processor_version_path(
        project_id, location, processor_id, processor_version

    # Read the file into memory
    with open(file_path, "rb") as image:
        image_content =

    # Configure the process request
    request = documentai.ProcessRequest(
        raw_document=documentai.RawDocument(content=image_content, mime_type=mime_type),
        # Only supported for Document OCR processor

    result = client.process_document(request=request)

    # For a full list of `Document` object attributes, reference this page:
    return result.document

Im folgenden Codebeispiel wird die Document AI Toolbox verwendet, um eine PDF-Datei anhand der Seitenränder einer verarbeiteten Document aufzuteilen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Referenzdokumentation zur Document AI Python API.

Richten Sie zur Authentifizierung bei Document AI Standardanmeldedaten für Anwendungen ein. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter Authentifizierung für eine lokale Entwicklungsumgebung einrichten.

from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a local document.proto or sharded document.proto from a splitter/classifier in path
# document_path = "path/to/local/document.json"
# pdf_path = "path/to/local/document.pdf"
# output_path = "resources/output/"

def split_pdf_sample(document_path: str, pdf_path: str, output_path: str) -> None:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_document_path(document_path=document_path)

    output_files = wrapped_document.split_pdf(
        pdf_path=pdf_path, output_path=output_path

    print("Document Successfully Split")
    for output_file in output_files:

Document AI Toolbox

Die Document AI Toolbox ist ein SDK für Python, das Dienstfunktionen zum Verwalten, Manipulieren und Extrahieren von Informationen aus der Dokumentantwort bietet. Es erstellt ein „verpacktes“ Dokumentobjekt aus einer verarbeiteten Antwort auf eine Dokumentanfrage aus JSON-Dateien in Cloud Storage, lokalen JSON-Dateien oder direkt aus der process_document()-Methode.

Sie kann die folgenden Aktionen ausführen:


Die folgenden Codebeispiele zeigen, wie die Document AI Toolbox verwendet wird.

from typing import Optional

from import documentai
from import document, gcs_utilities

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a Document JSON or sharded Document JSON in path gs://bucket/path/to/folder
# gcs_bucket_name = "bucket"
# gcs_prefix = "path/to/folder"

# Or, given a Document JSON in path gs://bucket/path/to/folder/document.json
# gcs_uri = "gs://bucket/path/to/folder/document.json"

# Or, given a Document JSON in path local/path/to/folder/document.json
# document_path = "local/path/to/folder/document.json"

# Or, given a Document object from Document AI
# documentai_document = documentai.Document()

# Or, given a BatchProcessMetadata object from Document AI
# operation = client.batch_process_documents(request)
# operation.result(timeout=timeout)
# batch_process_metadata = documentai.BatchProcessMetadata(operation.metadata)

# Or, given a BatchProcessOperation name from Document AI
# batch_process_operation = "projects/project_id/locations/location/operations/operation_id"

def quickstart_sample(
    gcs_bucket_name: Optional[str] = None,
    gcs_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
    gcs_uri: Optional[str] = None,
    document_path: Optional[str] = None,
    documentai_document: Optional[documentai.Document] = None,
    batch_process_metadata: Optional[documentai.BatchProcessMetadata] = None,
    batch_process_operation: Optional[str] = None,
) -> document.Document:
    if gcs_bucket_name and gcs_prefix:
        # Load from Google Cloud Storage Directory
        print("Document structure in Cloud Storage")
            gcs_bucket_name=gcs_bucket_name, gcs_prefix=gcs_prefix

        wrapped_document = document.Document.from_gcs(
            gcs_bucket_name=gcs_bucket_name, gcs_prefix=gcs_prefix
    elif gcs_uri:
        # Load a single Document from a Google Cloud Storage URI
        wrapped_document = document.Document.from_gcs_uri(gcs_uri=gcs_uri)
    elif document_path:
        # Load from local `Document` JSON file
        wrapped_document = document.Document.from_document_path(document_path)
    elif documentai_document:
        # Load from `documentai.Document` object
        wrapped_document = document.Document.from_documentai_document(
    elif batch_process_metadata:
        # Load Documents from `BatchProcessMetadata` object
        wrapped_documents = document.Document.from_batch_process_metadata(
        wrapped_document = wrapped_documents[0]
    elif batch_process_operation:
        wrapped_documents = document.Document.from_batch_process_operation(
            location="us", operation_name=batch_process_operation
        wrapped_document = wrapped_documents[0]
        raise ValueError("No document source provided.")

    # For all properties and methods, refer to:

    print("Document Successfully Loaded!")
    print(f"\t Number of Pages: {len(wrapped_document.pages)}")
    print(f"\t Number of Entities: {len(wrapped_document.entities)}")

    for page in wrapped_document.pages:
        print(f"Page {page.page_number}")
        for block in page.blocks:
        for paragraph in page.paragraphs:
        for line in page.lines:
        for token in page.tokens:

        # Only supported with Form Parser processor
        for form_field in page.form_fields:
            print(f"{form_field.field_name} : {form_field.field_value}")

        # Only supported with Enterprise Document OCR version `pretrained-ocr-v2.0-2023-06-02`
        for symbol in page.symbols:

        # Only supported with Enterprise Document OCR version `pretrained-ocr-v2.0-2023-06-02`
        for math_formula in page.math_formulas:

    # Only supported with Entity Extraction processors
    for entity in wrapped_document.entities:
        print(f"{entity.type_} : {entity.mention_text}")
        if entity.normalized_text:
            print(f"\tNormalized Text: {entity.normalized_text}")

    # Only supported with Layout Parser
    for chunk in wrapped_document.chunks:
        print(f"Chunk {chunk.chunk_id}: {chunk.content}")

    for block in wrapped_document.document_layout_blocks:
        print(f"Document Layout Block {block.block_id}")

        if block.text_block:
            print(f"{block.text_block.type_}: {block.text_block.text}")
        if block.list_block:
            print(f"{block.list_block.type_}: {block.list_block.list_entries}")
        if block.table_block:
            print(block.table_block.header_rows, block.table_block.body_rows)

from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a local document.proto or sharded document.proto in path
# document_path = "path/to/local/document.json"
# output_file_prefix = "output/table"

def table_sample(document_path: str, output_file_prefix: str) -> None:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_document_path(document_path=document_path)

    print("Tables in Document")
    for page in wrapped_document.pages:
        for table_index, table in enumerate(page.tables):
            # Convert table to Pandas Dataframe
            # Refer to for all supported methods
            df = table.to_dataframe()

            output_filename = f"{output_file_prefix}-{page.page_number}-{table_index}"

            # Write Dataframe to CSV file
            df.to_csv(f"{output_filename}.csv", index=False)

            # Write Dataframe to HTML file
            df.to_html(f"{output_filename}.html", index=False)

            # Write Dataframe to Markdown file
            df.to_markdown(f"{output_filename}.md", index=False)

from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a document.proto or sharded document.proto in path gs://bucket/path/to/folder
# gcs_bucket_name = "bucket"
# gcs_prefix = "path/to/folder"
# dataset_name = "test_dataset"
# table_name = "test_table"
# project_id = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"

def entities_to_bigquery_sample(
    gcs_bucket_name: str,
    gcs_prefix: str,
    dataset_name: str,
    table_name: str,
    project_id: str,
) -> None:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_gcs(
        gcs_bucket_name=gcs_bucket_name, gcs_prefix=gcs_prefix

    job = wrapped_document.entities_to_bigquery(
        dataset_name=dataset_name, table_name=table_name, project_id=project_id

    # Also supported:
    # job = wrapped_document.form_fields_to_bigquery(
    #     dataset_name=dataset_name, table_name=table_name, project_id=project_id
    # )

    print("Document entities loaded into BigQuery")
    print(f"Job ID: {job.job_id}")
    print(f"Table: {job.destination.path}")

from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a local document.proto or sharded document.proto from a splitter/classifier in path
# document_path = "path/to/local/document.json"
# pdf_path = "path/to/local/document.pdf"
# output_path = "resources/output/"

def split_pdf_sample(document_path: str, pdf_path: str, output_path: str) -> None:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_document_path(document_path=document_path)

    output_files = wrapped_document.split_pdf(
        pdf_path=pdf_path, output_path=output_path

    print("Document Successfully Split")
    for output_file in output_files:

from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a local document.proto or sharded document.proto from an identity processor in path
# document_path = "path/to/local/document.json"
# output_path = "resources/output/"
# output_file_prefix = "exported_photo"
# output_file_extension = "png"

def export_images_sample(
    document_path: str,
    output_path: str,
    output_file_prefix: str,
    output_file_extension: str,
) -> None:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_document_path(document_path=document_path)

    output_files = wrapped_document.export_images(
    print("Images Successfully Exported")
    for output_file in output_files:

from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a document.proto or sharded document.proto in path gs://bucket/path/to/folder
# gcs_bucket_name = "bucket"
# gcs_prefix = "path/to/folder"

def convert_document_to_vision_sample(
    gcs_bucket_name: str,
    gcs_prefix: str,
) -> None:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_gcs(
        gcs_bucket_name=gcs_bucket_name, gcs_prefix=gcs_prefix

    # Converting wrapped_document to vision AnnotateFileResponse
    annotate_file_response = (

    print("Document converted to AnnotateFileResponse!")
        f"Number of Pages : {len(annotate_file_response.responses[0].full_text_annotation.pages)}"

from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a document.proto or sharded document.proto in path gs://bucket/path/to/folder
# document_path = "path/to/local/document.json"
# document_title = "your-document-title"

def convert_document_to_hocr_sample(document_path: str, document_title: str) -> str:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_document_path(document_path=document_path)

    # Converting wrapped_document to hOCR format
    hocr_string = wrapped_document.export_hocr_str(title=document_title)

    print("Document converted to hOCR!")
    return hocr_string

from import converter

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# This sample will convert external annotations to the Document.json format used by Document AI Workbench for training.
# To process this the external annotation must have these type of objects:
#       1) Type
#       2) Text
#       3) Bounding Box (bounding boxes must be 1 of the 3 optional types)
# This is the bare minimum requirement to convert the annotations but for better accuracy you will need to also have:
#       1) Document width & height
# Bounding Box Types:
#   Type 1:
#       bounding_box:[{"x":1,"y":2},{"x":2,"y":2},{"x":2,"y":3},{"x":1,"y":3}]
#   Type 2:
#       bounding_box:{ "Width": 1, "Height": 1, "Left": 1, "Top": 1}
#   Type 3:
#       bounding_box: [1,2,2,2,2,3,1,3]
#   Note: If these types are not sufficient you can propose a feature request or contribute the new type and conversion functionality.
# Given a folders in gcs_input_path with the following structure :
# gs://path/to/input/folder
#   ├──test_annotations.json
#   ├──test_config.json
#   └──test.pdf
# An example of the config is in sample-converter-configs/Azure/form-config.json
# location = "us",
# processor_id = "my_processor_id"
# gcs_input_path = "gs://path/to/input/folder"
# gcs_output_path = "gs://path/to/input/folder"

def convert_external_annotations_sample(
    location: str,
    processor_id: str,
    project_id: str,
    gcs_input_path: str,
    gcs_output_path: str,
) -> None:

from import documentai
from import gcs_utilities

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given unprocessed documents in path gs://bucket/path/to/folder
# gcs_bucket_name = "bucket"
# gcs_prefix = "path/to/folder"
# batch_size = 50

def create_batches_sample(
    gcs_bucket_name: str,
    gcs_prefix: str,
    batch_size: int = 50,
) -> None:
    # Creating batches of documents for processing
    batches = gcs_utilities.create_batches(
        gcs_bucket_name=gcs_bucket_name, gcs_prefix=gcs_prefix, batch_size=batch_size

    print(f"{len(batches)} batch(es) created.")
    for batch in batches:
        print(f"{len(batch.gcs_documents.documents)} files in batch.")

        # Use as input for batch_process_documents()
        # Refer to
        # for how to send a batch processing request
        request = documentai.BatchProcessRequest(
            name="processor_name", input_documents=batch

from import documentai
from import document

# TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
# Given a document.proto or sharded document.proto in path gs://bucket/path/to/folder
# gcs_bucket_name = "bucket"
# gcs_prefix = "path/to/folder"
# output_file_name = "path/to/folder/file.json"

def merge_document_shards_sample(
    gcs_bucket_name: str, gcs_prefix: str, output_file_name: str
) -> None:
    wrapped_document = document.Document.from_gcs(
        gcs_bucket_name=gcs_bucket_name, gcs_prefix=gcs_prefix

    merged_document = wrapped_document.to_merged_documentai_document()

    with open(output_file_name, "w") as f:

    print(f"Document with {len(wrapped_document.shards)} shards successfully merged.")