Scheduling an Export

This page describes how to schedule exports of your Firestore in Datastore mode data. To run exports on a schedule, we recommend using Cloud Run functions and Cloud Scheduler. Create a Cloud Function that initiates exports and use Cloud Scheduler to run your function.

Before you begin

Before you schedule data exports, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Enable billing for your Google Cloud project. Only Google Cloud projects with billing enabled can use the export and import feature.
  2. Create a Cloud Storage bucket in a location near your Datastore mode database location. Export operations require a destination Cloud Storage bucket. You cannot use a Requester Pays bucket for export operations.

Create a Cloud Function and Cloud Scheduler job

Follow the steps below to create a Cloud Function that initiates data exports and a Cloud Scheduler job to call that function:

Create a datastore_export Cloud Function

  1. Go to the Cloud Functions page in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Cloud Functions

  2. Click Create Function
  3. Enter a function name such as datastoreExport
  4. Under Trigger, select Cloud Pub/Sub. Cloud Scheduler uses your pub/sub topic to call your function.
  5. In the Topic field, select Create a topic. Enter a name for the pub/sub topic such as startDatastoreExport. Take note of the topic name as you need it to create your Cloud Scheduler job.
  6. Under Source code, select Inline editor.
  7. In the Runtime dropdown, select Python 3.7.
  8. Enter the following code for
    # Copyright 2021 Google LLC All Rights Reserved.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.
    import base64
    import json
    import os
    from import datastore_admin_v1
    project_id = os.environ.get("GCP_PROJECT")
    client = datastore_admin_v1.DatastoreAdminClient()
    def datastore_export(event, context):
        """Triggers a Datastore export from a Cloud Scheduler job.
            event (dict): event[data] must contain a json object encoded in
                base-64. Cloud Scheduler encodes payloads in base-64 by default.
                Object must include a 'bucket' value and can include 'kinds'
                and 'namespaceIds' values.
            context ( The Cloud Functions event
        if "data" in event:
            # Triggered via Cloud Scheduler, decode the inner data field of the json payload.
            json_data = json.loads(base64.b64decode(event["data"]).decode("utf-8"))
            # Otherwise, for instance if triggered via the Cloud Console on a Cloud Function, the event is the data.
            json_data = event
        bucket = json_data["bucket"]
        entity_filter = datastore_admin_v1.EntityFilter()
        if "kinds" in json_data:
            entity_filter.kinds = json_data["kinds"]
        if "namespaceIds" in json_data:
            entity_filter.namespace_ids = json_data["namespaceIds"]
        export_request = datastore_admin_v1.ExportEntitiesRequest(
            project_id=project_id, output_url_prefix=bucket, entity_filter=entity_filter
        operation = client.export_entities(request=export_request)
        response = operation.result()
  9. In requirements.txt, add the following dependency:
  10. Under Entry point, enter datastore_export, the name of the function in
  11. Click Deploy to deploy the Cloud Function.

Configure access permissions

Next, give the Cloud Function permission to start export operations and write to your Cloud Storage bucket.

This Cloud Function uses your project's default service account to authenticate and authorize its export operations. When you create a project, a default service account is created for you with the following name:

This service account needs permission to start export operations and to write to your Cloud Storage bucket. To grant these permissions, assign the following IAM roles to the default service account:

  • Cloud Datastore Import Export Admin
  • Storage Object User role on the bucket

You can use the Google Cloud CLI to assign these roles. You can access this tool from Cloud Shell in the Google Cloud console:
Start Cloud Shell

  1. Assign the Cloud Datastore Import Export Admin role. Replace project_id, and run the following command:

    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding project_id \
        --member \
        --role roles/datastore.importExportAdmin
  2. Assign the Storage Object User role on your bucket. Replace bucket_name and project_id, and run the following command:

    gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding gs://bucket_name \ \

Create a Cloud Scheduler job

Next, create a Cloud Scheduler job that calls the datastore_export Cloud Function:

  1. Go to the Cloud Scheduler page in the Google Cloud console:

    Go to Cloud Scheduler

  2. Click Create Job.

  3. Enter a Name for the job such as scheduledDatastoreExport.

  4. Enter a Frequency in unix-cron format.

  5. Select a Timezone.

  6. Under Target, select Pub/Sub. In the Topic field, enter the name of the pub/sub topic you defined alongside your Cloud Function, startDatastoreExport in the example above.

  7. In the Payload field, enter a JSON object to configure the export operation. The datastore_export Cloud Function requires a bucket value. You can optionally include kinds or namespaceIDs values to set an entity filter, for example:

    Export all entities

    "bucket": "gs://bucket_name"

    Export with entity filter

    • Export entities of kind User or Task from all namespaces:

      "bucket": "gs://bucket_name",
      "kinds": ["User", "Task"]

    • Export entities of kind User or Task from the default and Testers namespaces. Use an empty string ("") to specify the default namespace:

      "bucket": "gs://bucket_name",
      "kinds": ["User", "Task"],
      "namespaceIds": ["", "Testers"]

    • Export entities of any kind from the default and Testers namespaces. Use an empty string ("") to specify the default namespace:

      "bucket": "gs://bucket_name",
      "namespaceIds": ["", "Testers"]

    Where bucket_name is the name of your Cloud Storage bucket.

  8. Click Create.

Test your scheduled exports

To test your Cloud Function and Cloud Scheduler job, run your Cloud Scheduler job in the Cloud Scheduler page of the Google Cloud console. If successful, this initiates a real export operation.

  1. Go to the Cloud Scheduler page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to Cloud Scheduler

  2. In the row for your new Cloud Scheduler job, click Run now.

    After a few seconds, click Refresh. The Cloud Scheduler job should update the result column to Success and Last run to the current time.

The Cloud Scheduler page confirms only that the job sent a message to the pub/sub topic. To see if your export request succeeded, view the logs of your Cloud Function.

View the Cloud Function logs

To see if the Cloud Function successfully started an export operation, see the Logs Explorer page in the Google Cloud console.

Go to Logs Explorer

The log for the Cloud Function reports errors and successful export initiations.

View export progress

You can use the gcloud datastore operations list command to view the progress of your export operations, see listing all long-running operations.

After an export operation completes, you can view the output files in your Cloud Storage bucket. The managed export service uses a timestamp to organize your export operations:

Go to Cloud Storage