Use SSL certificates with templates

This page explains how to stage files on Dataflow worker VMs to use SSL certificates with the Google-provided Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) templates. You can also use the steps in this page to stage files dynamically on the worker VM before processing begins.

Stage files on worker VMs

With some templates, you can stage files on Dataflow worker VMs by using the extraFilesToStage template parameter. Use this parameter to stage files dynamically on the worker VM before data processing begins. You might use this parameter in the following cases:

  • Store certificate and key files on each worker for SSL connections.
  • Because Dataflow doesn't include built-in support for Secret Manager, use this parameter to configure templates to store and access Secret Manager secrets.

This parameter is available in some but not all templates. To see if the parameter is available with the template that you're using, see the template parameters table for your template in Google-provided Dataflow streaming templates or Google-provided Dataflow batch templates.

When you use this parameter, comma separated Cloud Storage paths or Secret Manager secrets are passed to the worker and saved in the /extra_files directory on each worker. When the files are saved in the /extra_files directory, other parameters can reference them. To reference the files, in the configuration properties, specify file paths relative to the /extra_files directory.

All Cloud Storage files passed using this parameter are stored in the /extra_files directory with the same filename. Secret Manager secrets are stored in the /extra_files directory with the secret name used as the filename.

For example, when you set extraFilesToStage to the following path, the files are stored in the /extra_files directory of each worker with the filenames file.txt and SECRET_ID.


Configure SSL certificates

With templates that use JDBC to read or write, you can use the extraFilesToStage template parameter to stage certificates as local files on worker VMs, and then reference the local filename in the JDBC connection URL or in the connection properties.

JDBC SSL connections differ based on the database. This section provides examples for PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.

If you need to set Java system properties, use JvmInitializer. You can use JvmInitializer to perform one-time initialization on all Dataflow Java workers.


For SSL connections in PostgreSQL databases, the following parameters are available: ssl, sslmode, sslcert, sslkey, and sslrootcert.

  • To specify that the connection should use SSL and what mode to use, use the ssl and sslmode parameters.
  • For client validation, use the sslcert and sslkey parameters.
  • For server validation, use the sslrootcert parameter.

When you connect to PostgreSQL, set the following parameters:



For additional PostgreSQL JDBC configuration parameters and more details about the parameters, see Connection Parameters in the JDBC PostgreSQL documentation.


For SSL connections in MySQL databases, the following parameters are available: sslmode, trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl, and clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl.

  • To specify that the connection should use SSL and what mode to use, use the sslmode parameter.
  • For client validation, use the clientCertificateKeyStoreUrl parameter.
  • For server validation, use the trustCertificateKeyStoreUrl parameter.

When you connect to MySQL, set the following parameters:



For additional MySQL JDBC configuration parameters and more details about the parameters, see the security connectors page in the MySQL documentation.

SSL connection example

The following example demonstrates how to run the Pub/Sub to JDBC template with SSL connections in a MySQL database.


gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

echo "Running template ..."
gcloud dataflow flex-template run my-job \
        --template-file-gcs-location="gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/latest/flex/Pubsub_to_Jdbc" \
--region="REGION" \
--parameters= \
statement="INSERT INTO tableName (column1, column2) VALUES (?,?)",\