Apache Beam I/O connector best practices

Data processing in Dataflow can be highly parallelized. Much of this parallelism is handled automatically by Dataflow. I/O connectors sit at the boundary between your pipeline and other parts of your architecture, such as file storage, databases, and messaging systems. As such, I/O connectors often have specific considerations for achieving parallelism.

General best practices

The following list describes general best practices for using I/O connectors in Dataflow.

  • Read the Javadoc, Pydoc, or Go documentation for the connectors in your pipeline. For more information, see I/O connectors in the Apache Beam documentation.

  • Use the latest version of the Apache Beam SDK. I/O connectors are continually being improved, adding features and fixing known issues.

  • When developing a pipeline, it's important to balance the parallelism of the job. If a job has too little parallelism, it can be slow, and data can build up in the source. However, too much parallelism can overwhelm a sink with too many requests.

  • Don't rely on the ordering of elements. In general, Dataflow does not guarantee the order of elements in a collection.

  • If an I/O connector isn't available in your SDK of choice, consider using the cross-language framework to use an I/O connector from another SDK. In addition, connectors don't always have feature parity between SDKs. If a connector from another SDK provides a feature that you need, you can use it as a cross-language transform.

  • In general, writing custom I/O connectors is challenging. Use an existing connector whenever possible. If you need to implement a custom I/O connector, read Developing a new I/O connector.

  • If a pipeline fails, check for errors logged by I/O connectors. See Troubleshoot Dataflow errors.

  • When performing writes from Dataflow to a connector, consider using an ErrorHandler to handle any failed writes or malformed reads. This type of error handling is supported for the following Java I/Os in Apache Beam versons 2.55.0 and later: BigQueryIO, BigtableIO, PubSubIO, KafkaIO, FileIO, TextIO, and AvroIO.

Best practices for individual I/O connectors

The following topics list best practices for individual I/O connectors:

I/O connectorReadWrite
Apache Iceberg Read from Apache Iceberg Write to Apache Iceberg
Apache Kafka Read from Apache Kafka Write to Apache Kafka
BigQuery Read from BigQuery Write to BigQuery
Bigtable Read from Bigtable Write to Bigtable
Cloud Storage Read from Cloud Storage Write to Cloud Storage
Pub/Sub Read from Pub/Sub Write to Pub/Sub

Google-supported I/O connectors

The following table lists the Apache Beam I/O connectors supported by Dataflow. For a full list of Apache Beam I/O connectors, including those developed by the Apache Beam community and supported by other runners, see I/O connectors in the Apache Beam documentation.

I/O connector name Java Python Go
AvroIO Supported Supported Supported
BigQueryIO Supported Supported Supported
BigTableIO Supported Sink supported Sink supported
DatastoreIO Supported Supported Supported
FhirIO (healthcare) Supported Not available Supported
FileIO Supported Supported Supported
GcsFileSystem Supported Supported Supported
JdbcIO Supported Cross-language support Cross-language support
KafkaIO Supported Cross-language support Cross-language support
LocalFileSystem Supported Supported Supported
ParquetIO Supported Supported Supported
PubSubIO Supported Supported Supported
SpannerIO Supported Cross-language support Supported
TextIO Supported Supported Supported
TFRecordIO Supported Supported Not available

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