Use the Sigstore signature check

This page shows you how to use the Binary Authorization continuous validation (CV) Sigstore signature check. The check verifies the Sigstore-generated signatures of container images associated with Pods that run in a GKE clusters where CV is enabled. The main difference between this check and the simple signing attestation check is that the Sigstore signing workflow does not use Artifact Analysis notes to link signatures to images. All signatures are stored alongside the image they sign.

This check supports only Artifact Registry repositories.


This guide uses the following Google Cloud services:

  • Binary Authorization, but CV is available free of charge during the Preview stage
  • GKE
  • Cloud Key Management Service
  • Artifact Registry

To generate a cost estimate based on your projected usage, use the pricing calculator.

Before you begin

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  3. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  4. Create or select a Google Cloud project.

    • Create a Google Cloud project:

      gcloud projects create PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with a name for the Google Cloud project you are creating.

    • Select the Google Cloud project that you created:

      gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID

      Replace PROJECT_ID with your Google Cloud project name.

  5. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  6. Enable the Binary Authorization, Cloud Key Management Service, Google Kubernetes Engine, Artifact Registry APIs:

    gcloud services enable
  7. Ensure that the gcloud CLI is updated to the latest version.
  8. Install the kubectl command-line tool.
  9. If your Binary Authorization policies and GKE clusters are in different projects, make sure that Binary Authorization is enabled in both projects.
  10. Install the cosign command-line tool.

Required roles

This section shows you how to set roles for this check.


If you run all of the products that are mentioned in this guide in the same project, you don't need to set any permissions. Binary Authorization configures the roles correctly when you enable it. If you run the products in different projects, you must set roles as described in this section.

To ensure that the Binary Authorization Service Agent in each project has the necessary permissions to evaluate the CV Sigstore signature check, ask your administrator to grant the Binary Authorization Service Agent in each project the following IAM roles:

  • If your cluster project is different from your policy project: Binary Authorization Policy Evaluator (roles/binaryauthorization.policyEvaluator) on the cluster project Binary Authorization Service Agent
  • If your image repository project is different from your policy project: Artifact Registry Reader (roles/artifactregistry.reader) on the policy project Binary Authorization Service Agent

For more information about granting roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations.

Your administrator might also be able to give the Binary Authorization Service Agent in each project the required permissions through custom roles or other predefined roles.

Grant roles using the gcloud CLI

To ensure that the Binary Authorization Service Agent in each project has the necessary permissions to evaluate the CV Sigstore signature check, grant the Binary Authorization Service Agent in each project the following IAM roles:

  1. Grant permission for the cluster project's Binary Authorization Service Agent to access the policy in the policy project.

    1. Get the cluster project's Binary Authorization service agent:

      PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="projectId:CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID" \

      Replace CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID with the project ID of the cluster.

    2. Allow CV to evaluate the policy on the cluster:

      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding POLICY_PROJECT_ID \
          --member="serviceAccount:$CLUSTER_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \

      Replace POLICY_PROJECT_ID with the ID of the project that contains your policy.

  2. Allow the policy project Binary Authorization Service Agent to access the signatures in your repository:

    1. Obtain the policy project's Binary Authorization service agent:

      PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list \
        --filter="projectId:POLICY_PROJECT_ID" \

      Replace POLICY_PROJECT_ID with the ID of the project that contains your policy.

    2. Grant the role:

      gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding REPOSITORY_PROJECT_ID \
          --member="serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" \

      Replace REPOSITORY_PROJECT_ID with the ID of the project that contains your repository.

Create a key pair

In this section, you create an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) asymmetric key pair.

You use the private key to sign the image, which creates the attestation. You include the public key in the platform policy. When CV checks the attestation, it uses the public key to verify the attestation.

You can use either Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS) or local keys, but we recommend that you use Cloud KMS keys for production.

  1. Set up environment variables needed to create the key pair. To do so, we recommend that you fill in the placeholders in the following command, and then run the command.


    Replace the following:

    • KMS_KEY_PROJECT_ID: your project ID
    • KMS_KEYRING_NAME: a name for your Cloud KMS key ring
    • KMS_KEY_NAME: a name for your Cloud KMS key
  2. Generate the key with the Cosign CLI:

    cosign generate-key-pair \
      --kms gcpkms://projects/${KMS_KEY_PROJECT_ID}/locations/${KMS_KEY_LOCATION}/keyRings/${KMS_KEYRING_NAME}/cryptoKeys/${KMS_KEY_NAME}
  3. Record the location of the public key:

    Cosign automatically saves the generated public key as in the directory in which the generate-key-pair command was run. Save this file location in a variable for future commands.


To create the key pair in Cloud KMS, do the following:

  1. Set up environment variables needed to create the key pair. To do so, we recommend that you fill in the placeholders in the following command, and then run the command.


    Replace the following:

    • KMS_KEY_PROJECT_ID: your project ID
    • KMS_KEYRING_NAME: a name for your Cloud KMS key ring
    • KMS_KEY_NAME: a name for your Cloud KMS key
  2. Create the key ring:

    gcloud kms keyrings create ${KMS_KEYRING_NAME} \
        --location=${KMS_KEY_LOCATION} \
  3. Create the key:

    gcloud kms keys create ${KMS_KEY_NAME} \
        --location=${KMS_KEY_LOCATION} \
        --keyring=${KMS_KEYRING_NAME}  \
        --purpose=${KMS_KEY_PURPOSE} \
        --default-algorithm=${KMS_KEY_ALGORITHM} \
        --protection-level=${KMS_PROTECTION_LEVEL} \
  4. Export the public key material to a file:

    gcloud kms keys versions get-public-key 1 \
        --key=${KMS_KEY_NAME} \
        --keyring=${KMS_KEYRING_NAME} \
        --location=${KMS_KEY_LOCATION} \
        --output-file=${PUBLIC_KEY_FILE} \

To create the key pair locally, do the following:

  cosign generate-key-pair

Create the platform policy

To create the CV platform policy with a Sigstore signature check, do the following:

  1. Create the Sigstore signature check platform policy file:

    cat > POLICY_PATH <<EOF
      - checks:
        - displayName: sigstore-signature-check
            - displayName: sigstore-authority
                  publicKeyPem: |
    $(awk '{printf "                %s\n", $0}' ${PUBLIC_KEY_FILE})

    Replace POLICY_PATH with the path to the policy file.

  2. Create the platform policy:

    Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

    • POLICY_ID: A platform policy ID of your choice. If the policy is in another project, you can use the full resource name: projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID.
    • POLICY_PATH: A path to the policy file.
    • POLICY_PROJECT_ID: The policy project ID.

    Execute the following command:

    Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

    gcloud beta container binauthz policy create POLICY_ID \
        --platform=gke \
        --policy-file=POLICY_PATH \
    gcloud beta container binauthz policy create POLICY_ID `
        --platform=gke `
        --policy-file=POLICY_PATH `
    gcloud beta container binauthz policy create POLICY_ID ^
        --platform=gke ^
        --policy-file=POLICY_PATH ^

Enable CV

You can create a new cluster or update an existing cluster to use CV monitoring with check-based platform policies.

Create a cluster that uses CV monitoring

In this section, you create a cluster that uses only CV monitoring with check-based platform policies.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: a cluster name.
  • LOCATION: the location—for example, us-central1 or asia-south1.
  • POLICY_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the policy is stored.
  • POLICY_ID: the policy ID.
  • CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID: the cluster project ID.

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud beta container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=POLICY_BINDINGS \
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID \
gcloud beta container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME `
    --location=LOCATION `
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=POLICY_BINDINGS `
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID `
gcloud beta container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME ^
    --location=LOCATION ^
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=POLICY_BINDINGS ^
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID ^

Create cluster that uses enforcement and CV monitoring

In this section, you create a cluster that uses both project-singleton policy enforcement and CV monitoring with check-based platform policies:

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: a cluster name.
  • LOCATION: the location—for example, us-central1 or asia-south1.
  • POLICY_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the policy is stored.
  • POLICY_ID: the policy ID.
  • CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID: the cluster project ID.

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud beta container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID \
gcloud beta container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME `
    --location=LOCATION `
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID `
gcloud beta container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME ^
    --location=LOCATION ^
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID ^

Update a cluster to use CV monitoring

In this section, you update a cluster to use CV monitoring with check-based platform policies only. If the cluster already has project-singleton policy enforcement enabled, running this command disables it. Instead, consider updating the cluster with enforcement and CV monitoring enabled.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: the cluster name
  • LOCATION: the location—for example: us-central1 or asia-south1
  • POLICY_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the policy is stored
  • POLICY_ID: the policy ID
  • CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID: the cluster project ID

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=POLICY_BINDINGS \
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID \
gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME `
    --location=LOCATION `
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=POLICY_BINDINGS `
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID `
gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME ^
    --location=LOCATION ^
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=POLICY_BINDINGS ^
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID ^

Update a cluster to use enforcement and CV monitoring

In this section, you update a cluster to use both project-singleton policy enforcement and CV monitoring with check-based platform policies.

Before using any of the command data below, make the following replacements:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: a cluster name
  • LOCATION: the location—for example: us-central1 or asia-south1
  • POLICY_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project where the policy is stored
  • POLICY_ID: the policy ID
  • CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID: the cluster project ID

Execute the following command:

Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell

gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
    --location=LOCATION \
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID \
gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME `
    --location=LOCATION `
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID `
gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME ^
    --location=LOCATION ^
    --binauthz-policy-bindings=name=projects/POLICY_PROJECT_ID/platforms/gke/policies/POLICY_ID ^

Test CV

In this section, you test CV by deploying a signed image. In this case, the CV Sigstore signature check verifies the signature and produces no log entry.

You then attempt to deploy a different unsigned image. In this case, the CV check can't find a valid signature and logs the violation to Cloud Logging.

Sign an image

To satisfy the check the image needs a valid signature. To create the signature, do the following:

  1. Create the variables you use to sign the image:


    Replace the following:

    • IMAGE_PATH: the path to your image
    • IMAGE_DIGEST_SHA: the SHA hash of the your image's digest
  2. Sign the image and push the signature to Artifact Registry:

    Sign the image with a key hosted in Cloud KMS and push the signature to Artifact Registry:

    cosign sign \
        --key gcpkms://projects/${KMS_KEY_PROJECT_ID}/locations/${KMS_KEY_LOCATION}/keyRings/${KMS_KEYRING_NAME}/cryptoKeys/${KMS_KEY_NAME} \

    Sign the image with a local private key and push the signature to Artifact Registry.

    cosign sign --key ${PRIVATE_KEY_FILE} ${IMAGE_TO_SIGN}
  3. Respond to Cosign prompt:

    After running the cosign sign command, Cosign asks if you want to upload the signature to the transparency log Rekor. Respond y or n to the prompts. To learn more about Rekor, see the Rekor documentation.

Manually verify the signature

To manually verify the signature, do the following:

  1. Ensure the signature exists in Artifact Registry:

    1. Go to the Artifact Registry page in the Google Cloud console.

      Go to Artifact Registry

    2. In the repositories list, click the name of the repository that contains your image.

    3. Click the name of the image that you signed.

    4. Locate the item containing the signature. This item has the tag: sha256-[image digest].sig. There should be only one item with the tag.

    5. Click Manifest.

    6. You should see a JSON-formatted file with various fields. Each signature resides in one element of the layers list, in the annotations map. The signatures are located at the key dev.cosignproject.cosign/signature.

      The following is an example manifest:

            "schemaVersion": 2,
            "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
            "config": {
                "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
                "size": SIZE_OF_LAYERS,
                "digest": "DIGEST_OF_LAYERS"
            "layers": [
                    "mediaType": "application/",
                    "size": SIZE_OF_ANNOTATIONS,
                    "digest": "DIGEST_OF_ANNOTATIONS",
                    "annotations": {
                        "dev.cosignproject.cosign/signature": "BASE64_SIGNATURE",
                        "dev.sigstore.cosign/bundle": "BUNDLE"

    The example manifest includes the following:

    • SIZE_OF_LAYERS: size of the layers array in bytes
    • DIGEST_OF_LAYERS: the digest of the layers array
    • SIZE_OF_ANNOTATIONS: size of the annotations dictionary in bytes
    • DIGEST_OF_ANNOTATIONS: digest of the annotations dictionary
    • BASE64_SIGNATURE: The raw signature of encoded in base64 format. This is the signature that will be used for verification
    • BUNDLE: Sigstore specific metadata

    More details on the manifest format can be found in Sigstore's cosign signature specification.

    1. Find the correct artifact:

      List the items stored with the image:

      gcloud artifacts docker tags list ${IMAGE_PATH}

      An example output looks like the following:

      Listing items under project PROJECT_ID, location REPOSITORY_LOCATION, repository REPOSITORY_NAME.
      TAG                         IMAGE                                                         DIGEST
      latest                       sha256:abc123
      sha256-abc123.sig            sha256:def456

      In the output, the artifact with the tag sha256-abc123.sig contains the signature in its manifest.

    2. Get the manifest

      To obtain the manifest of the artifact with tag sha256-IMAGE_DIGEST_SHA.sig, run the following command:

      curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
                  -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
                  -H "X-Goog-User-Project: REPOSITORY_PROJECT_ID" \

      Replace the following:

      • REPOSITORY_PROJECT_ID: the ID of the project that contains the repository
      • REPOSITORY_LOCATION: the location of the repository
      • REPOSITORY_NAME: the name of the repository
      • IMAGE_NAME: the name of the image

      You should see a JSON-formatted file with various fields. Each signature resides in one element of the layers list, in the annotations map. The signatures are located at the key dev.cosignproject.cosign/signature.

      An example manifest is shown here:

          "schemaVersion": 2,
          "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
          "config": {
              "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.config.v1+json",
              "size": SIZE_OF_LAYERS,
              "digest": "DIGEST_OF_LAYERS"
          "layers": [
                  "mediaType": "application/",
                  "size": SIZE_OF_ANNOTATIONS,
                  "digest": "DIGEST_OF_ANNOTATIONS",
                  "annotations": {
                      "dev.cosignproject.cosign/signature": "BASE64_SIGNATURE",
                      "dev.sigstore.cosign/bundle": "BUNDLE"

    The example manifest includes the following:

    • SIZE_OF_LAYERS: size of the layers array in bytes
    • DIGEST_OF_LAYERS: the digest of the layers array
    • SIZE_OF_ANNOTATIONS: size of the annotations dictionary in bytes
    • DIGEST_OF_ANNOTATIONS: digest of the annotations dictionary
    • BASE64_SIGNATURE: The raw signature of encoded in base64 format. This is the signature that will be used for verification
    • BUNDLE: Sigstore specific metadata

    More details on the manifest format can be found in Sigstore's cosign signature specification.

  2. Manually verify the signature:

    Use cosign verify to verify the uploaded signature:

    cosign verify --key gcpkms://projects/${KMS_KEY_PROJECT_ID}/locations/${KMS_KEY_LOCATION}/keyRings/${KMS_KEYRING_NAME}/cryptoKeys/${KMS_KEY_NAME} \
    cosign verify --key {PUBLIC_KEY_FILE} ${IMAGE_PATH}@${IMAGE_DIGEST}

    The command output states that The signatures were verified against the specified public key if the verification was successful.

Deploy the signed image

To deploy a signed image, do the following:

  1. Configure kubectl:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials CLUSTER_NAME \
        --location=LOCATION \

    Replace the following:

    • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of your cluster
    • LOCATION: the cluster location
    • CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID: the cluster project ID
  2. Deploy an image and check the deployment against the Binary Authorization policy:

    kubectl run hello-app-signed --image=${IMAGE_PATH}@${IMAGE_DIGEST}

    The Pod was deployed. Because the image is signed, CV doesn't produce log entries related to this Pod.

Deploy an unsigned image

In this section, you deploy an unsigned image.

Because the policy requires signatures and this image doesn't have one, CV regularly logs the violation while the container is running.

To deploy the image, run the following command:

  kubectl run hello-app-unsigned \

The Pod was deployed. Because the image doesn't have an attestation, CV produces log entries while the Pod is running.

View logs for CV entries

You can search Cloud Logging entries to find CV configuration errors and CV platform policy validation violations.

CV logs errors and violations to Cloud Logging within 24 hours. You can usually see entries within a few hours.

View CV configuration error logs

To view CV configuration error logs, run the following command:

gcloud logging read \
     --order="desc" \
     --freshness=7d \
     --project=CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID \
    'logName:"" "configErrorEvent"'

The following output shows a configuration error in which a CV platform policy isn't found:

  "insertId": "141d4f10-72ea-4a43-b3ec-a03da623de42",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "@type": "",
    "configErrorEvent": {
      "description": "Cannot monitor cluster '': Resource projects/123456789/platforms/gke/policies/my-policy does not exist."
  "resource": {
    "type": "k8s_cluster",
    "labels": {
      "cluster_name": "my-cluster",
      "location": "us-central1-c",
      "project_id": "my-project"
  "timestamp": "2024-05-28T15:31:03.999566Z",
  "severity": "WARNING",
  "logName": "projects/my-project/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2024-05-28T16:30:56.304108670Z"

View CV platform policy validation violations

If no images violate the platform policies that you have enabled, no entries appear in the logs.

To view CV log entries for the last seven days, run the following command:

gcloud logging read \
     --order="desc" \
     --freshness=7d \
     --project=CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID \
    'logName:"" "policyName"'

Replace CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID with the cluster project ID.

Check types

CV logs check violation information to checkResults. In the entry, the value checkType indicates the check. The values for each check are as follows:

  • ImageFreshnessCheck
  • SigstoreSignatureCheck
  • SimpleSigningAttestationCheck
  • SlsaCheck
  • TrustedDirectoryCheck
  • VulnerabilityCheck

Example log

The following example CV Logging entry describes a non-conformant image that violates a trusted directory check:

  "insertId": "637c2de7-0000-2b64-b671-24058876bb74",
  "jsonPayload": {
    "podEvent": {
      "endTime": "2022-11-22T01:14:30.430151Z",
      "policyName": "projects/123456789/platforms/gke/policies/my-policy",
      "images": [
          "result": "DENY",
          "checkResults": [
              "explanation": "TrustedDirectoryCheck at index 0 with display name \"My trusted directory check\" has verdict NOT_CONFORMANT. Image is not in a trusted directory",
              "checkSetName": "My check set",
              "checkSetIndex": "0",
              "checkName": "My trusted directory check",
              "verdict": "NON_CONFORMANT",
              "checkType": "TrustedDirectoryCheck",
              "checkIndex": "0"
          "image": ""
      "verdict": "VIOLATES_POLICY",
      "podNamespace": "default",
      "deployTime": "2022-11-22T01:06:53Z",
      "pod": "hello-app"
    "@type": ""
  "resource": {
    "type": "k8s_cluster",
    "labels": {
      "project_id": "my-project",
      "location": "us-central1-a",
      "cluster_name": "my-test-cluster"
  "timestamp": "2022-11-22T01:44:28.729881832Z",
  "severity": "WARNING",
  "logName": "projects/my-project/logs/",
  "receiveTimestamp": "2022-11-22T03:35:47.171905337Z"

Clean up

This section describes how to clean up the CV monitoring you configured earlier in this guide.

You can disable CV monitoring or both Binary Authorization and CV in your cluster.

Disable Binary Authorization in a cluster

To disable both CV and Binary Authorization enforcement in your cluster, run the following command:

gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME \
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=DISABLED \
    --location=LOCATION \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the cluster
  • LOCATION: the cluster location
  • CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID: the cluster project ID

Disable check-based policy monitoring in a cluster

To disable CV with check-based policies in the cluster, and re-enable enforcement using the Binary Authorization enforcement policy, run the following command:

gcloud beta container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME  \
    --binauthz-evaluation-mode=PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE \
    --location=LOCATION \

Replace the following:

  • CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the cluster
  • LOCATION: the cluster location
  • CLUSTER_PROJECT_ID: the cluster project ID

Note that --binauthz-evaluation-mode=PROJECT_SINGLETON_POLICY_ENFORCE is equivalent to the older flag --enable-binauthz.

Delete the policy

To delete the policy, run the following command. It is not necessary to delete the check-based platform policy to disable check-based policy auditing.

gcloud beta container binauthz policy delete POLICY_ID \
    --platform=gke \

Replace the following:

  • POLICY_ID: the ID of the policy
  • POLICY_PROJECT_ID: the policy project ID

What's next