GA migration guide

If you do not have workloads that use the Binary Authorization Beta version, no action is required on your part.

Binary Authorization is now generally available. If your workloads use the Binary Authorization Beta API, perform the following steps to migrate to the GA version.

Migration steps

The GA version of Binary Authorization provides an updated REST API and gcloud command set. Update any scripts or automations that access these interfaces as follows:


    Use GA REST API endpoints relative to the following URL instead of

    When you create a new attestor when calling the GA version of the REST API, you send a JSON message that describes the attestor as part of the request. In the Beta version of the API, the JSON message contained a field named UserOwnedDrydockNote. In the GA version, the name of this field is UserOwnedGrafeasNote.

  • Google Cloud CLI

    Use GA gcloud commands in gcloud container binauthz instead of gcloud beta container binauthz.