Integrate with third-party tools

This document lists third-party tool integrations with Binary Authorization.

Automate signing based on vulnerability findings using Terraform, Kritis Signer and Cloud Run.

View How to automate the Kritis Signer on Google Cloud.

Synopsis Black Duck

Synopsis Black Duck is an open source management solution that enables you to create rules to govern your use of open source components. The Synopsis Black Duck GKE Binary Authorization solution creates Binary Authorization attestations based on Black Duck policy rules.

View the Synopsis Black Duck integration guide.


CloudBees CI is a continuous integration (CI) solution that manages Jenkins-based CI pipelines. You can use CloudBees CI with Jenkins to build and sign container images and to create Binary Authorization attestations.

View the CloudBees Integration Guide.


CircleCI is a CI platform. You can use CircleCI to set up Binary Authorization policies, create signing keys, build and sign container images, and create Binary Authorization attestations.

View the CircleCI integration guide.


Digester is a Google-developed open source tool that automatically resolves tags to image digests and adds the digests to Kubernetes resources. Binary Authorization matches these digests with attestations. Digester resolves tags for container and init container images in Kubernetes Pod and Pod template specs.


Terraform is an infrastructure management platform.

You can use the Terraform Google Provider to: