Configure Google Cloud Armor Adaptive Protection

This page contains information about configuring Adaptive Protection. Before you configure Adaptive Protection, make sure that you're familiar with the information in the Adaptive Protection overview and with the Adaptive Protection use cases.

Before you begin

The following sections explain all of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions required to configure Google Cloud Armor security policies. For the use cases in this document, you only need the compute.securityPolicies.update permission.

Set up IAM permissions for Google Cloud Armor security policies

The following operations require the Identity and Access Management (IAM) Compute Security Admin role (roles/compute.securityAdmin):

  • Configuring, modifying, updating, and deleting a Google Cloud Armor security policy
  • Using the following API methods:
    • SecurityPolicies insert
    • SecurityPolicies delete
    • SecurityPolicies patch
    • SecurityPolicies addRule
    • SecurityPolicies patchRule
    • SecurityPolicies removeRule

A user with the Compute Network Admin role (roles/compute.networkAdmin) can perform the following operations:

  • Setting a Google Cloud Armor security policy for a backend service
  • Using the following API methods:
    • BackendServices setSecurityPolicy
    • BackendServices list (gcloud only)

Users with the Security Admin role (roles/iam.securityAdmin) and the Compute Network Admin role can view Google Cloud Armor security policies by using the SecurityPolicies API methods get, list, and getRule.

Set up IAM permissions for custom roles

The following table lists the IAM roles' base permissions and their associated API methods.

IAM permission API methods
compute.securityPolicies.create SecurityPolicies insert
compute.securityPolicies.delete SecurityPolicies delete
compute.securityPolicies.get SecurityPolicies get
SecurityPolicies getRule
compute.securityPolicies.list SecurityPolicies list
compute.securityPolicies.use BackendServices setSecurityPolicy
compute.securityPolicies.update SecurityPolicies patch
SecurityPolicies addRule
SecurityPolicies patchRule
SecurityPolicies removeRule
compute.backendServices.setSecurityPolicy BackendServices setSecurityPolicy

Enable Adaptive Protection

Use the following steps to enable Adaptive Protection for your security policy. Adaptive Protection is applied to each security policy individually.

To activate Adaptive Protection for a security policy:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network Security page.

    Go to Network Security

  2. On the Policies page, click the name of a security policy.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Under Adaptive Protection, select Enable.

  5. Click Update.

To deactivate Adaptive Protection for a security policy:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Network Security page.

    Go to Network Security

  2. On the Policies page, click the name of a security policy.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Under Adaptive Protection, clear Enable.

  5. Click Update.

To activate Adaptive Protection for a security policy:

gcloud compute security-policies update MY-SECURITY-POLICY \

To deactivate Adaptive Protection for a security policy:

gcloud compute security-policies update MY-SECURITY-POLICY \

Configure granular models

The granular models feature lets you configure specific hosts or paths as the granular units that Adaptive Protection analyzes. In the following examples, you create granular traffic units for each host, customize a granular traffic unit, and configure Adaptive Protection to take action when traffic exceeds your baseline queries per second (QPS). For more information about granular models, see the Adaptive Protection overview.

Configure granular traffic units

The examples in this section use the add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config command with some or all of the following flags:

Flag Description
--threshold-config-name The name of the threshold config.
--traffic-granularity-configs Configuration options for enabling Adaptive Protection to work on the specified service granularity.
--auto-deploy-impacted-baseline-threshold Threshold on Adaptive Protection's estimated impact to the baseline traffic of the suggested mitigating rule to a detected attack. Automatic defenses are applied only if the threshold is not exceeded.
--auto-deploy-expiration-sec The duration of actions, if any, taken by auto-deploy.
--detection-load-threshold Detection threshold based on the backend service's load.
--detection-absolute-qps Detection threshold based on absolute QPS.
--detection-relative-to-baseline-qps Detection threshold based on QPS relative to the average of baseline traffic.

In the first example, you configure Adaptive Protection to detect attacks on and suggest independent mitigations for each host behind your backend service, without overriding any default thresholds.

  1. Create a security policy with the name POLICY_NAME, or use an existing security policy.
  2. If Adaptive Protection is not already enabled, use the following command to enable Adaptive Protection for your policy:
    gcloud compute security-policies update POLICY_NAME 
  3. Apply the security policy to a backend service with multiple hosts.
  4. Use the following add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config command with the --traffic-granularity-configs flag to configure a granular traffic unit:
    gcloud compute security-policies add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config POLICY_NAME 

In the second example, you configure different auto-deploy and detection thresholds for some or all of the granular traffic units that you configured in the first example.

  1. If Adaptive Protection auto-deploy is not already enabled, create a placeholder rule.
  2. The following command customizes the auto-deploy threshold for a granular traffic unit with an HTTP_HEADER_HOST of HOST and an HTTP_PATH of PATH. Use this command for each granular traffic unit that you want to customize, replacing the variables as needed for each host and URL path:
    gcloud compute security-policies add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config POLICY_NAME 

Detect when attack volume exceeds baseline average QPS

In the following example, you configure Adaptive Protection to detect an attack only when the attack volume exceeds your baseline average QPS by more than 50%, and only when the backend service's load is more than 90% of its capacity.

  1. Create a security policy with the name POLICY_NAME, or use an existing security policy.
  2. If Adaptive Protection is not already enabled, use the following command to enable Adaptive Protection for your policy:

    gcloud compute security-policies update POLICY_NAME \
  3. Apply the security policy to a backend service.

  4. Use the following command to configure Adaptive Protection with customized detection thresholds:

    gcloud compute security-policies add-layer7-ddos-defense-threshold-config POLICY_NAME \
       --threshold-config-name=my-customized-thresholds \
       --detection-load-threshold=0.9 \

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