Apigee API

Use the Apigee API to programmatically develop and manage APIs with a set of RESTful operations. Develop and secure API proxies, deploy and undeploy API proxy revisions, monitor APIs, configure environments, manage users, and more.

Note: This product is available as a free trial for a time period of 60 days.

Service: apigee.googleapis.com

To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.

Discovery document

A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery document:

Service endpoint

A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:

  • https://apigee.googleapis.com

REST Resource: v1.organizations

create POST /v1/organizations
Creates an Apigee organization.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*}
Delete an Apigee organization.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*}
Gets the profile for an Apigee organization.
getProjectMapping GET /v1/{name=organizations/*}:getProjectMapping
Gets the project ID and region for an Apigee organization.
getSecuritySettings GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/securitySettings}
GetSecuritySettings gets the security settings for API Security.
getSyncAuthorization POST /v1/{name=organizations/*}:getSyncAuthorization
Lists the service accounts with the permissions required to allow the Synchronizer to download environment data from the control plane.
list GET /v1/{parent}
Lists the Apigee organizations and associated Google Cloud projects that you have permission to access.
setAddons POST /v1/{org=organizations/*}:setAddons
Configures the add-ons for the Apigee organization.
setSyncAuthorization POST /v1/{name=organizations/*}:setSyncAuthorization
Sets the permissions required to allow the Synchronizer to download environment data from the control plane.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*}
Updates the properties for an Apigee organization.
updateSecuritySettings PATCH /v1/{securitySettings.name=organizations/*/securitySettings}
UpdateSecuritySettings updates the current security settings for API Security.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.analytics.datastores

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/analytics/datastores
Create a Datastore for an org
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/analytics/datastores/*}
Delete a Datastore from an org.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/analytics/datastores/*}
Get a Datastore
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/analytics/datastores
List Datastores
test POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/analytics/datastores:test
Test if Datastore configuration is correct.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/analytics/datastores/*}
Update a Datastore

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apiproducts

attributes POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*}/attributes
Updates or creates API product attributes.
create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/apiproducts
Creates an API product in an organization.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*}
Deletes an API product from an organization.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*}
Gets configuration details for an API product.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/apiproducts
Lists all API product names for an organization.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*}
Updates an existing API product.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apiproducts.attributes

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*/attributes/*}
Deletes an API product attribute.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*/attributes/*}
Gets the value of an API product attribute.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apiproducts/*}/attributes
Lists all API product attributes.
updateApiProductAttribute POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*/attributes/*}
Updates the value of an API product attribute.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apiproducts.rateplans

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apiproducts/*}/rateplans
Create a rate plan that is associated with an API product in an organization.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*/rateplans/*}
Deletes a rate plan.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*/rateplans/*}
Gets the details of a rate plan.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apiproducts/*}/rateplans
Lists all the rate plans for an API product.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/apiproducts/*/rateplans/*}
Updates an existing rate plan.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apis

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/apis
Creates an API proxy.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*}
Deletes an API proxy and all associated endpoints, policies, resources, and revisions.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*}
Gets an API proxy including a list of existing revisions.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/apis
Lists the names of all API proxies in an organization.
patch PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*}
Updates an existing API proxy.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apis.deployments

list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apis/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of an API proxy.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apis.keyvaluemaps

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apis/*}/keyvaluemaps
Creates a key value map in an API proxy.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*/keyvaluemaps/*}
Deletes a key value map from an API proxy.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apis/*}/keyvaluemaps
Lists key value maps in an API proxy.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apis.keyvaluemaps.entries

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apis/*/keyvaluemaps/*}/entries
Creates key value entries in a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Deletes a key value entry from a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Get the key value entry value for a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apis/*/keyvaluemaps/*}/entries
Lists key value entries for key values maps scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Update key value entry scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy for an existing key.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apis.revisions

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*/revisions/*}
Deletes an API proxy revision and all policies, resources, endpoints, and revisions associated with it.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*/revisions/*}
Gets an API proxy revision.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apis/*}/revisions
Lists all revisions for an API proxy.
updateApiProxyRevision POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/apis/*/revisions/*}
Updates an existing API proxy revision by uploading the API proxy configuration bundle as a zip file from your local machine.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apis.revisions.deployments

list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of an API proxy revision.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.appgroups

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/appgroups
Creates an AppGroup.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*}
Deletes an AppGroup.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*}
Returns the AppGroup details for the provided AppGroup name in the request URI.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/appgroups
Lists all AppGroups in an organization.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*}
Updates an AppGroup.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.appgroups.apps

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/appgroups/*}/apps
Creates an app and associates it with an AppGroup.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*}
Deletes an AppGroup app.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*}
Returns the details for an AppGroup app.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/appgroups/*}/apps
Lists all apps created by an AppGroup in an Apigee organization.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*}
Updates the details for an AppGroup app.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.appgroups.apps.keys

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*}/keys
Creates a custom consumer key and secret for a AppGroup app.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*/keys/*}
Deletes an app's consumer key and removes all API products associated with the app.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*/keys/*}
Gets details for a consumer key for a AppGroup app, including the key and secret value, associated API products, and other information.
updateAppGroupAppKey POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*/keys/*}
Adds an API product to an AppGroupAppKey, enabling the app that holds the key to access the API resources bundled in the API product.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.appgroups.apps.keys.apiproducts

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*/keys/*/apiproducts/*}
Removes an API product from an app's consumer key.
updateAppGroupAppKeyApiProduct POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/appgroups/*/apps/*/keys/*/apiproducts/*}
Approves or revokes the consumer key for an API product.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.apps

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/apps/*}
Gets the app profile for the specified app ID.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/apps
Lists IDs of apps within an organization that have the specified app status (approved or revoked) or are of the specified app type (developer or company).

REST Resource: v1.organizations.datacollectors

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/datacollectors
Creates a new data collector.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/datacollectors/*}
Deletes a data collector.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/datacollectors/*}
Gets a data collector.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/datacollectors
Lists all data collectors.
patch PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/datacollectors/*}
Updates a data collector.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.deployments

list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of API proxies or shared flows.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers

attributes POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*}/attributes
Updates developer attributes.
create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/developers
Creates a developer.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*}
Deletes a developer.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*}
Returns the developer details, including the developer's name, email address, apps, and other information.
getBalance GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/balance}
Gets the account balance for the developer.
getMonetizationConfig GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/monetizationConfig}
Gets the monetization configuration for the developer.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/developers
Lists all developers in an organization by email address.
setDeveloperStatus POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*}
Sets the status of a developer.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*}
Updates a developer.
updateMonetizationConfig PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/monetizationConfig}
Updates the monetization configuration for the developer.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.apps

attributes POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}/attributes
Updates attributes for a developer app.
create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*}/apps
Creates an app associated with a developer.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}
Deletes a developer app.
generateKeyPairOrUpdateDeveloperAppStatus POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}

Manages access to a developer app by enabling you to:

  • Approve or revoke a developer app
  • Generate a new consumer key and secret for a developer app

To approve or revoke a developer app, set the action query parameter to approve or revoke, respectively, and the Content-Type header to application/octet-stream.

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}
Returns the details for a developer app.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*}/apps
Lists all apps created by a developer in an Apigee organization.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}
Updates the details for a developer app.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.apps.attributes

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/attributes/*}
Deletes a developer app attribute.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/attributes/*}
Returns a developer app attribute.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}/attributes
Returns a list of all developer app attributes.
updateDeveloperAppAttribute POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/attributes/*}
Updates a developer app attribute.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.apps.keys

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}/keys
Creates a custom consumer key and secret for a developer app.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/keys/*}
Deletes an app's consumer key and removes all API products associated with the app.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/keys/*}
Gets details for a consumer key for a developer app, including the key and secret value, associated API products, and other information.
replaceDeveloperAppKey PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/keys/*}
Updates the scope of an app.
updateDeveloperAppKey POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/keys/*}
Adds an API product to a developer app key, enabling the app that holds the key to access the API resources bundled in the API product.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.apps.keys.apiproducts

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/keys/*/apiproducts/*}
Removes an API product from an app's consumer key.
updateDeveloperAppKeyApiProduct POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*/keys/*/apiproducts/*}
Approves or revokes the consumer key for an API product.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.apps.keys.create

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*/apps/*}/keys/create
Creates a custom consumer key and secret for a developer app.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.attributes

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/attributes/*}
Deletes a developer attribute.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/attributes/*}
Returns the value of the specified developer attribute.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*}/attributes
Returns a list of all developer attributes.
updateDeveloperAttribute POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/attributes/*}
Updates a developer attribute.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.balance

adjust POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/balance}:adjust
Adjust the prepaid balance for the developer.
credit POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/balance}:credit
Credits the account balance for the developer.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.developers.subscriptions

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*}/subscriptions
Creates a subscription to an API product.
expire POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/subscriptions/*}:expire
Expires an API product subscription immediately.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/developers/*/subscriptions/*}
Gets details for an API product subscription.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/developers/*}/subscriptions
Lists all API product subscriptions for a developer.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.endpointAttachments

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/endpointAttachments
Creates an endpoint attachment.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/endpointAttachments/*}
Deletes an endpoint attachment.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/endpointAttachments/*}
Gets the endpoint attachment.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/endpointAttachments
Lists the endpoint attachments in an organization.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.envgroups

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/envgroups
Creates a new environment group.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/envgroups/*}
Deletes an environment group.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/envgroups/*}
Gets an environment group.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/envgroups
Lists all environment groups.
patch PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/envgroups/*}
Updates an environment group.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.envgroups.attachments

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/envgroups/*}/attachments
Creates a new attachment of an environment to an environment group.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/envgroups/*/attachments/*}
Deletes an environment group attachment.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/envgroups/*/attachments/*}
Gets an environment group attachment.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/envgroups/*}/attachments
Lists all attachments of an environment group.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/environments
Creates an environment in an organization.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*}
Deletes an environment from an organization.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*}
Gets environment details.
getAddonsConfig GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/addonsConfig}
Gets the add-ons config of an environment.
getApiSecurityRuntimeConfig GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apiSecurityRuntimeConfig}
Gets the API Security runtime configuration for an environment.
getDebugmask GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/debugmask}
Gets the debug mask singleton resource for an environment.
getIamPolicy GET /v1/{resource=organizations/*/environments/*}:getIamPolicy
Gets the IAM policy on an environment.
getSecurityActionsConfig GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityActionsConfig}
GetSecurityActionConfig returns the current SecurityActions configuration.
getTraceConfig GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/traceConfig}
Get distributed trace configuration in an environment.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/environments
Lists all environments in an organization.
modifyEnvironment PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*}
Updates properties for an Apigee environment with patch semantics using a field mask.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource=organizations/*/environments/*}:setIamPolicy
Sets the IAM policy on an environment, if the policy already exists it will be replaced.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/{resource=organizations/*/environments/*}:testIamPermissions
Tests the permissions of a user on an environment, and returns a subset of permissions that the user has on the environment.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*}
Updates an existing environment.
updateDebugmask PATCH /v1/{debugMask.name=organizations/*/environments/*/debugmask}
Updates the debug mask singleton resource for an environment.
updateEnvironment POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*}
Updates an existing environment.
updateSecurityActionsConfig PATCH /v1/{securityActionsConfig.name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityActionsConfig}
UpdateSecurityActionConfig updates the current SecurityActions configuration.
updateTraceConfig PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/traceConfig}
Updates the trace configurations in an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.addonsConfig

setAddonEnablement POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/addonsConfig}:setAddonEnablement
Updates an add-on enablement status of an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.analytics.admin

getSchemav2 GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/analytics/admin/schemav2}
Gets a list of metrics and dimensions that can be used to create analytics queries and reports.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.analytics.exports

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/analytics/exports
Submit a data export job to be processed in the background.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/analytics/exports/*}
Gets the details and status of an analytics export job.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/analytics/exports
Lists the details and status of all analytics export jobs belonging to the parent organization and environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.apis.deployments

list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of an API proxy in an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.apis.revisions.debugsessions

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/debugsessions
Creates a debug session for a deployed API Proxy revision.
deleteData DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*/debugsessions/*}/data
Deletes the data from a debug session.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*/debugsessions/*}
Retrieves a debug session.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/debugsessions
Lists debug sessions that are currently active in the given API Proxy revision.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.apis.revisions.debugsessions.data

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*/debugsessions/*/data/*}
Gets the debug data from a transaction.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*/debugsessions/*}/data
Lists the transaction IDs from a debug session.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.apis.revisions.deployments

deploy POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Deploys a revision of an API proxy.
generateDeployChangeReport POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/deployments:generateDeployChangeReport
Generates a report for a dry run analysis of a DeployApiProxy request without committing the deployment.
generateUndeployChangeReport POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/deployments:generateUndeployChangeReport
Generates a report for a dry run analysis of an UndeployApiProxy request without committing the undeploy.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Gets the deployment of an API proxy revision and actual state reported by runtime pods.
undeploy DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/apis/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Undeploys an API proxy revision from an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.archiveDeployments

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/archiveDeployments
Creates a new ArchiveDeployment.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/archiveDeployments/*}
Deletes an archive deployment.
generateDownloadUrl POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/archiveDeployments/*}:generateDownloadUrl
Generates a signed URL for downloading the original zip file used to create an Archive Deployment.
generateUploadUrl POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/archiveDeployments:generateUploadUrl
Generates a signed URL for uploading an Archive zip file to Google Cloud Storage.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/archiveDeployments/*}
Gets the specified ArchiveDeployment.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/archiveDeployments
Lists the ArchiveDeployments in the specified Environment.
patch PATCH /v1/{archiveDeployment.name=organizations/*/environments/*/archiveDeployments/*}
Updates an existing ArchiveDeployment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.caches

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/caches/*}
Deletes a cache.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/caches
Lists all caches in an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.deployments

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/deployments/*}
Gets a particular deployment of Api proxy or a shared flow in an environment
getIamPolicy GET /v1/{resource=organizations/*/environments/*/deployments/*}:getIamPolicy
Gets the IAM policy on a deployment.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of API proxies or shared flows in an environment.
setIamPolicy POST /v1/{resource=organizations/*/environments/*/deployments/*}:setIamPolicy
Sets the IAM policy on a deployment, if the policy already exists it will be replaced.
testIamPermissions POST /v1/{resource=organizations/*/environments/*/deployments/*}:testIamPermissions
Tests the permissions of a user on a deployment, and returns a subset of permissions that the user has on the deployment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.flowhooks

attachSharedFlowToFlowHook PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/flowhooks/*}
Attaches a shared flow to a flow hook.
detachSharedFlowFromFlowHook DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/flowhooks/*}
Detaches a shared flow from a flow hook.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/flowhooks/*}
Returns the name of the shared flow attached to the specified flow hook.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/flowhooks
Lists the flow hooks attached to an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.keystores

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/keystores
Creates a keystore or truststore.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*}
Deletes a keystore or truststore.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*}
Gets a keystore or truststore.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/keystores
Lists all keystores and truststores.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.keystores.aliases

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*}/aliases
Creates an alias from a key/certificate pair.
csr GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*/aliases/*}/csr
Generates a PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request for the private key in an alias.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*/aliases/*}
Deletes an alias.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*/aliases/*}
Gets an alias.
getCertificate GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*/aliases/*}/certificate
Gets the certificate from an alias in PEM-encoded form.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*}/aliases
Lists all aliases.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keystores/*/aliases/*}
Updates the certificate in an alias.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.keyvaluemaps

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/keyvaluemaps
Creates a key value map in an environment.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keyvaluemaps/*}
Deletes a key value map from an environment.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/keyvaluemaps
Lists key value maps in an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.keyvaluemaps.entries

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/keyvaluemaps/*}/entries
Creates key value entries in a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Deletes a key value entry from a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Get the key value entry value for a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/keyvaluemaps/*}/entries
Lists key value entries for key values maps scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Update key value entry scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy for an existing key.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.optimizedStats

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/optimizedStats/**}
Similar to GetStats except that the response is less verbose.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.queries

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/queries
Submit a query to be processed in the background.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/queries/*}
Get query status If the query is still in progress, the state is set to "running" After the query has completed successfully, state is set to "completed"
getResult GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/queries/*/result}
After the query is completed, use this API to retrieve the results.
getResulturl GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/queries/*/resulturl}
After the query is completed, use this API to retrieve the results.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/queries
Return a list of Asynchronous Queries

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.references

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/references
Creates a Reference in the specified environment.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/references/*}
Deletes a Reference from an environment.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/references/*}
Gets a Reference resource.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/references
Lists all References in an environment as a JSON array.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/references/*}
Updates an existing Reference.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.resourcefiles

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/resourcefiles
Creates a resource file.
delete DELETE /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/resourcefiles/{type}/{name}
Deletes a resource file.
get GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/resourcefiles/{type}/{name}
Gets the contents of a resource file.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/resourcefiles
Lists all resource files, optionally filtering by type.
listEnvironmentResources GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/resourcefiles/{type}
Lists all resource files, optionally filtering by type.
update PUT /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/resourcefiles/{type}/{name}
Updates a resource file.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.securityActions

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityActions
CreateSecurityAction creates a SecurityAction.
disable POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityActions/*}:disable
Disable a SecurityAction.
enable POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityActions/*}:enable
Enable a SecurityAction.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityActions/*}
Get a SecurityAction by name.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityActions
Returns a list of SecurityActions.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.securityIncidents

batchUpdate POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityIncidents:batchUpdate
BatchUpdateSecurityIncident updates multiple existing security incidents.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityIncidents/*}
GetSecurityIncident gets the specified security incident.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityIncidents
ListSecurityIncidents lists all the security incident associated with the environment.
patch PATCH /v1/{securityIncident.name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityIncidents/*}
UpdateSecurityIncidents updates an existing security incident.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.securityReports

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityReports
Submit a report request to be processed in the background.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityReports/*}
Get security report status If the query is still in progress, the state is set to "running" After the query has completed successfully, state is set to "completed"
getResult GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityReports/*/result}
After the query is completed, use this API to retrieve the results as file.
getResultView GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/securityReports/*/resultView}
After the query is completed, use this API to view the query result when result size is small.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityReports
Return a list of Security Reports

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.securityStats

queryTabularStats POST /v1/{orgenv=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityStats:queryTabularStats
Retrieve security statistics as tabular rows.
queryTimeSeriesStats POST /v1/{orgenv=organizations/*/environments/*}/securityStats:queryTimeSeriesStats
Retrieve security statistics as a collection of time series.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.sharedflows.deployments

list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/sharedflows/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of a shared flow in an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.sharedflows.revisions.deployments

deploy POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/sharedflows/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Deploys a revision of a shared flow.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/sharedflows/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Gets the deployment of a shared flow revision and actual state reported by runtime pods.
undeploy DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/sharedflows/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Undeploys a shared flow revision from an environment.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.stats

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/stats/**}
Retrieve metrics grouped by dimensions.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.targetservers

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/targetservers
Creates a TargetServer in the specified environment.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/targetservers/*}
Deletes a TargetServer from an environment.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/targetservers/*}
Gets a TargetServer resource.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*}/targetservers
Lists all TargetServers in an environment as a JSON array.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/targetservers/*}
Updates an existing TargetServer.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.environments.traceConfig.overrides

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/traceConfig}/overrides
Creates a trace configuration override.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/traceConfig/overrides/*}
Deletes a distributed trace configuration override.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/traceConfig/overrides/*}
Gets a trace configuration override.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/environments/*/traceConfig}/overrides
Lists all of the distributed trace configuration overrides in an environment.
patch PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/environments/*/traceConfig/overrides/*}
Updates a distributed trace configuration override.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.hostQueries

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/hostQueries
Submit a query at host level to be processed in the background.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/hostQueries/*}
Get status of a query submitted at host level.
getResult GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/hostQueries/*/result}
After the query is completed, use this API to retrieve the results.
getResultView GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/hostQueries/*/resultView}
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/hostQueries
Return a list of Asynchronous Queries at host level.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.hostSecurityReports

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/hostSecurityReports
Submit a query at host level to be processed in the background.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/hostSecurityReports/*}
Get status of a query submitted at host level.
getResult GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/hostSecurityReports/*/result}
After the query is completed, use this API to retrieve the results.
getResultView GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/hostSecurityReports/*/resultView}
After the query is completed, use this API to view the query result when result size is small.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/hostSecurityReports
Return a list of Security Reports at host level.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.hostStats

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/hostStats/**}
Retrieve metrics grouped by dimensions in host level.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.instances

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/instances
Creates an Apigee runtime instance.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*}
Deletes an Apigee runtime instance.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*}
Gets the details for an Apigee runtime instance.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/instances
Lists all Apigee runtime instances for the organization.
patch PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*}
Updates an Apigee runtime instance.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.instances.attachments

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/instances/*}/attachments
Creates a new attachment of an environment to an instance.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*/attachments/*}
Deletes an attachment.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*/attachments/*}
Gets an attachment.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/instances/*}/attachments
Lists all attachments to an instance.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.instances.natAddresses

activate POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*/natAddresses/*}:activate
Activates the NAT address.
create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/instances/*}/natAddresses
Creates a NAT address.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*/natAddresses/*}
Deletes the NAT address.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/instances/*/natAddresses/*}
Gets the details of a NAT address.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/instances/*}/natAddresses
Lists the NAT addresses for an Apigee instance.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.keyvaluemaps

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/keyvaluemaps
Creates a key value map in an organization.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/keyvaluemaps/*}
Deletes a key value map from an organization.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/keyvaluemaps
Lists key value maps in an organization.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.keyvaluemaps.entries

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/keyvaluemaps/*}/entries
Creates key value entries in a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Deletes a key value entry from a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Get the key value entry value for a key value map scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/keyvaluemaps/*}/entries
Lists key value entries for key values maps scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/keyvaluemaps/*/entries/*}
Update key value entry scoped to an organization, environment, or API proxy for an existing key.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.operations

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/operations/*}
Gets the latest state of a long-running operation.
list GET /v1/{name=organizations/*}/operations
Lists operations that match the specified filter in the request.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.optimizedHostStats

get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/optimizedHostStats/**}
Similar to GetHostStats except that the response is less verbose.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.reports

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/reports
Creates a Custom Report for an Organization.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/reports/*}
Deletes an existing custom report definition
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/reports/*}
Retrieve a custom report definition.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/reports
Return a list of Custom Reports
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/reports/*}
Update an existing custom report definition

REST Resource: v1.organizations.securityAssessmentResults

batchCompute POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/securityAssessmentResults}:batchCompute
Compute RAV2 security scores for a set of resources.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.securityProfiles

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/securityProfiles
CreateSecurityProfile create a new custom security profile.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/securityProfiles/*}
DeleteSecurityProfile delete a profile with all its revisions.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/securityProfiles/*}
GetSecurityProfile gets the specified security profile.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/securityProfiles
ListSecurityProfiles lists all the security profiles associated with the org including attached and unattached profiles.
listRevisions GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/securityProfiles/*}:listRevisions
ListSecurityProfileRevisions lists all the revisions of the security profile.
patch PATCH /v1/{securityProfile.name=organizations/*/securityProfiles/*}
UpdateSecurityProfile update the metadata of security profile.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.securityProfiles.environments

computeEnvironmentScores POST /v1/{profileEnvironment=organizations/*/securityProfiles/*/environments/*}:computeEnvironmentScores
ComputeEnvironmentScores calculates scores for requested time range for the specified security profile and environment.
create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/securityProfiles/*}/environments
CreateSecurityProfileEnvironmentAssociation creates profile environment association i.e.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/securityProfiles/*/environments/*}
DeleteSecurityProfileEnvironmentAssociation removes profile environment association i.e.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.securityProfilesV2

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/securityProfilesV2
Create a security profile v2.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/securityProfilesV2/*}
Delete a security profile v2.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/securityProfilesV2/*}
Get a security profile v2.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/securityProfilesV2
List security profiles v2.
patch PATCH /v1/{securityProfileV2.name=organizations/*/securityProfilesV2/*}
Update a security profile V2.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.sharedflows

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/sharedflows
Uploads a ZIP-formatted shared flow configuration bundle to an organization.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/sharedflows/*}
Deletes a shared flow and all it's revisions.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/sharedflows/*}
Gets a shared flow by name, including a list of its revisions.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*}/sharedflows
Lists all shared flows in the organization.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.sharedflows.deployments

list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/sharedflows/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of a shared flow.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.sharedflows.revisions

delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/sharedflows/*/revisions/*}
Deletes a shared flow and all associated policies, resources, and revisions.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/sharedflows/*/revisions/*}
Gets a revision of a shared flow.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/sharedflows/*}/revisions
Lists all revisions for a shared flow.
updateSharedFlowRevision POST /v1/{name=organizations/*/sharedflows/*/revisions/*}
Updates a shared flow revision.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.sharedflows.revisions.deployments

list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/sharedflows/*/revisions/*}/deployments
Lists all deployments of a shared flow revision.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.sites.apicategories

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/sites/*}/apicategories
Creates a new API category.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apicategories/*}
Deletes an API category.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apicategories/*}
Gets an API category.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/sites/*}/apicategories
Returns the API categories associated with a portal.
patch PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apicategories/*}
Updates an API category.

REST Resource: v1.organizations.sites.apidocs

create POST /v1/{parent=organizations/*/sites/*}/apidocs
Creates a new catalog item.
delete DELETE /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apidocs/*}
Deletes a catalog item.
get GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apidocs/*}
Gets a catalog item.
getDocumentation GET /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apidocs/*/documentation}
Gets the documentation for the specified catalog item.
list GET /v1/{parent=organizations/*/sites/*}/apidocs
Returns the catalog items associated with a portal.
update PUT /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apidocs/*}
Updates a catalog item.
updateDocumentation PATCH /v1/{name=organizations/*/sites/*/apidocs/*/documentation}
Updates the documentation for the specified catalog item.

REST Resource: v1.projects

provisionOrganization POST /v1/{project=projects/*}:provisionOrganization
Provisions a new Apigee organization with a functioning runtime.