GraphQL policy

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

GraphQL policy icon


The GraphQL policy can parse GraphQL payloads into message flow variables, verify GraphQL requests against a schema, or both.

You can use the GraphQL policy to:

  • Ensure that your APIs only process requests that conform to the schema you provide.
  • Impose restrictions on the payload by setting a maximum on the number of fragments allowed.
  • Associate GraphQL with API products.
  • Leverage the Oauth2, VerifyAPIKey, and Quota policy features, just as in REST.

GraphQL supports the following types of payloads:

  • POST of graphQL payloads with Content-Type : application/graphql
  • POST of graphQL payloads with Content-Type: applcation/json
  • GET of graphQL payloads where the payload is a query parameter

For more information, see the following resources:

This policy is a Standard policy and can be deployed to any environment type. For information on policy types and availability with each environment type, see Policy types.

See Using GraphQL for an example that uses this policy.

<GraphQL> element

Defines a <GraphQL> policy.

Default value See Default Policy tab, below
Required? Required
Parent Element n/a
Child Elements <Action>


The <GraphQL> element uses the following syntax:

    name="POLICY_NAME" >
  // [Start maxpayloadsize]

Default Policy

The following example shows the default settings when you add a <GraphQL> policy to your flow in the Apigee UI:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<GraphQL name="GraphQLParser">

This element has the following attributes that are common to all policies:

Attribute Default Required? Description
name N/A Required

The internal name of the policy. The value of the name attribute can contain letters, numbers, spaces, hyphens, underscores, and periods. This value cannot exceed 255 characters.

Optionally, use the <DisplayName> element to label the policy in the management UI proxy editor with a different, natural-language name.

continueOnError false Optional Set to false to return an error when a policy fails. This is expected behavior for most policies. Set to true to have flow execution continue even after a policy fails. See also:
enabled true Optional Set to true to enforce the policy. Set to false to turn off the policy. The policy will not be enforced even if it remains attached to a flow.
async   false Deprecated This attribute is deprecated.

The following table provides a high-level description of the child elements of <GraphQL>:

Child Element Required? Description
Common operations
<Action> Optional Specifies the action to take for a request: parse, verify, or parse_verify (both).
<MaxCount> Optional The maximum number of queries or fragments that a GraphQL request can spawn. The default value is 10.
<MaxDepth> Optional The maximum depth of the tree for the query. The default value is 4.
<MaxPayloadSizeInBytes> Optional The maximum size of a payload in kilobytes.
<OperationType> Required Specifies the type of request that can be parsed: query, mutation, or query_mutation (either).
<ResourceURL> Optional DESCRIPTION. The location of the GraphQL schema file.
<Source> Required request

Each of these child elements is described in the sections that follow.

Child element reference

This section describes the child elements of <GraphQL>.


Action represents one of the following GraphQL actions:

  • parse: Apigee parses the GraphQL payload into message flow variables. See Examples of message flow variable representations for an explanation of the variables that are set when Action is set to parse. This can save valuable CPU time in the backend. Note that verify also parses the payload.
  • verify: Apigee verifies that the GraphQL payload conforms to the schema uploaded to the proxy.
  • parse_verify: Apigee parses and verifies the GraphQL request.

Default value parse
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <GraphQL>
Child Elements none

The <Action> element uses the following syntax:


    name="POLICY_NAME" >


The maximum number of fragments that can be in the payload. You can use this to prevent the GraphQL back-end server of the customer from executing highly complex queries, forcing clients to break their logic in to smaller payloads.

Default value 10
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <GraphQL>
Child Elements none

The <MaxCount> element uses the following syntax:


    name="POLICY_NAME" >


The maximum depth of the query, when represented as a tree. MaxDepth allows you to block deep queries in the payload, so that Apigee does not need to create very large flow variables to hold the values. However, the payload is sent as is, regardless of the value of MaxDepth. The default value is 10.

Default value 10
Required? Optional
Type Integer
Parent Element <GraphQL>
Child Elements none

The <MaxDepth> element uses the following syntax:


    name="POLICY_NAME" >


The maximum size of a payload in kilobytes. You can use this to limit the payload size, to avoid performance issues.

Note: If MaxPayloadSizeInByte is not provided in the policy, no size restriction is enforced.

Default value request
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <GraphQL>
Child Elements none

The <MaxPayloadSizeInBytes> element uses the following syntax:


    name="POLICY_NAME" >


Indicates the type of request that can be parsed:

  • query: A GraphQL query.
  • mutation: A GraphQL mutation
  • query_mutation: A GraphQL query or a mutation.

If the scope is query, and a mutation request is passed, the request fails and returns a 4xx error.

Default value query
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <GraphQL>
Child Elements none

The <OperationType> element uses the following syntax:


    name="POLICY_NAME" >


The path to the GraphQL schema file that the GraphQL policy verifies requests against. See Example for an example of uploading a GraphQL schema to Apigee.

If the name of your uploaded schema file is my-schema.graphql, then the <ResourceURL> element would be

Default value n/a
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <GraphQL>
Child Elements none

The ResourceURL element uses the following syntax:


    name="POLICY_NAME" >


Source on which this policy executes.

Default value request
Required? Optional
Type String
Parent Element <GraphQL>
Child Elements none

The <Source> element uses the following syntax:


    name="POLICY_NAME" >

GraphQL Parser

The graphQL parser supports all features of a graphQL query and represents it as a graph in the message flow dotted notation. A query can comprise of operation definition and optionally fragments identified as fragment definitions. See the GraphQL specification.

Anatomy of a graphQL request

The diagram below shows the anatomy of a graphQL request.

GraphQL query diagram.

Representation in message flow of operation definitions

The parser implementation covers all aspects of graphQL syntax, including support for query and mutations. See Message flow variable.

The message flow variables follows this convention:

graphql.(root-index).(root definition)[(sub-indices).(child-definitions)…]


  • graphql: Static prefix indicating this is graphQL related message flow variables
  • root-Index: based index indicating the root level query definitions index (default up to 4 per request)
  • root-definition: Root level graphQL request message body, args, its values
  • sub-indices: Child indices
  • child-definitions: Leaf level definitions that correlate to specific fields and its values

Representation in message flow variable of operation definitions

Fields in message Type Description
name String Name of the graphQL operation. Note that this name is unrelated to the name in message flow.
definition String - Operation Indicates that this contains the main message body of the query request
operationType query or mutation The type of operation being performed.
variableDefinition Integer They work just like the argument definitions for a function in a typed language. It lists all of the variables, prefixed by $, followed by their type.
directives Integer @include and @skip are the two directives currently offered, that can filter based on dynamically passed values.
selectionSet Integer One level logical grouping of all attributes associated with an object.

Representation in message flow of fragment definitions

Message Flow Variable Name Type Description
name String Name of the fragment.
definition String- fragment Indicates that the body of the request is a fragment to the main request.
typeCondition String The condition under which the fragment gets invoked.
variableDefinition Integer The variables definition passed as arguments to the fragment.

Examples of message flow variable representations

The following examples show the message flow variable representations for sample request payloads.

Sample query 1

This example shows a query made with arguments passed as input, which queries for three attributes for employees.

 employee(id: 123) {

The table shows the corresponding message flow variable representations.

Message flow variable Value
graphql.operation.operationType QUERY
graphql.fragment.count 1
graphql.operation.selectionSet.count 1
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.count 0 employee
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.argument.count 1 id
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.argument.1.value IntValue{value=123}
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.directive.count 0
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.selectionSet.count 3 id firstName lastName

Sample query 2

This example shows a query made with arguments passed as input, which queries for the names of friends.

query Characters($episode: Episode, $withFriends: Boolean!) {
   friends @include(if: $withFriends) {

The table below shows the corresponding message flow variable representations.

Message flow variable Value
graphql.operation.operationType QUERY
graphql.operation.selectionSet.count 1 Characters
graphql.fragment.count 0 friends
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.count 2 episode
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.1.type TypeName{name='Episode'} withFriends
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.2.type NonNullType{type=TypeName{name='Boolean'}}
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.argument.count 0
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.selectionSet.count 1 friendsName
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.directive.count 1 if
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.directive.1.argument.1.value VariableReference{name='withFriends'}

Sample query 3

This example has a variable definition with alias.

query getUsers {
  admins: users(role: ADMIN) {
  accountants: users(role: ACCOUNTANT) {

The table below shows the corresponding message flow variable representations.

Message flow variable Value
graphql.operation.operationType QUERY
graphql.operation.selectionSet.count 2 users
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.alias admins
graphql.operation.variableDefinitions.count 0
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.argument.count 1 role
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.argument.1.value EnumValue{name='ADMIN'} null
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.argument.2.value null
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.selectionSet.count 1
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.selectionSet.count 1 lastName
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.selectionSet.1.alias null null
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.selectionSet.2.alias null
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.directive.count 0 null
graphql.operation.selectionSet.1.directive.1.argument.1.value null users
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.alias accountants
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.argument.count 1 role
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.argument.1.value EnumValue{name='ACCOUNTANT'}
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.selectionSet.count 1 firstName
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.directive.count 0
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.selectionSet.1.alias null null
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.selectionSet.2.alias null
graphql.operation.selectionSet.2.directive.count 0

Related topics

Using GraphQL