创建 VMware Engine 私有云

私有云是一种独立的 VMware 堆栈,由 ESXi 主机、vCenter、vSAN、NSX-T 和 HCX 组成。您可以通过 Google Cloud VMware Engine 门户管理私有云。创建私有云时,您将获得一个单个 vSphere 集群以及在该集群中创建的所有管理虚拟机。

VMware Engine 会在您为 vSphere/vSAN 子网选择的网络中部署管理组件。在部署期间,网络 IP 地址范围被划分为不同的子网。



vSphere/vSAN 子网地址空间不得与将会与私有云通信的任何网络(例如本地网络和 Google Cloud 虚拟私有云 (VPC) 网络)重叠。如需详细了解 vSphere 或 vSAN 子网,请参阅 VMware Engine 上的 VLAN 和子网

gcloud 和 API 要求

如需使用 gcloud 命令行工具或 API 管理 VMware Engine 资源,我们建议您按下文所述配置工具。


  1. 设置默认项目 ID:

    gcloud config set project PROJECT_ID
  2. 设置默认区域和/或可用区:

    gcloud config set compute/region REGION
    gcloud config set compute/zone ZONE

如需详细了解 gcloud vmware 工具,请查看 Cloud SDK 参考文档


本文档集中的 API 示例使用 cURL 命令行工具来查询 API。cURL 请求中需要有效的访问令牌。获取有效访问令牌的方法有很多种:以下步骤使用 gcloud 工具生成访问令牌:

  1. 登录 Google Cloud

    gcloud auth login
  2. 生成访问令牌并导出到 TOKEN

    export TOKEN=`gcloud auth print-access-token`
  3. 验证 TOKEN 设置正确

    echo $TOKEN

现在,在对 API 的请求中使用授权令牌。例如:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer \"$TOKEN\""  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" https://vmwareengine.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations


本文档中的 Python 代码示例使用 VMware Engine 库与 API 进行通信。为了能够使用此方法,需要安装该库并配置应用默认凭据

  1. 下载并安装 Python 库

     pip install google-cloud-vmwareengine
  2. 通过在 Shell 中执行这些命令来配置 ADC 信息

      gcloud auth application-default login



如需详细了解该库,请访问参考页面或查看 GitHub 上的代码示例



  1. 访问 Google Cloud VMware Engine 门户
  2. 资源页面上,点击创建私有云
  3. 选择私有云的位置。
  4. 选择私有云的节点数。对于生产工作负载,请创建至少包含 3 个节点的私有云。VMware Engine 会在 60 天后删除仅包含 1 个节点的私有云。
  5. 可选:如果要减少管理集群中每个节点的可用核心数,请点击自定义核心数切换开关。如需了解详情,请参阅自定义核心数
  6. 请输入 VMware 管理网络的 CIDR 范围。如需了解此范围的限制,请参阅准备工作部分。
  7. 输入 HCX 部署网络的 CIDR 范围,用于部署 HCX 组件。确保 CIDR 范围不与您的任何本地或云子网重叠。CIDR 范围必须为 /27 或更高。
  8. 选择查看并创建
  9. 查看设置。若要更改设置,请点击返回
  10. 点击创建以开始配置私有云。

在 VMware Engine 创建新的私有云时,它会部署多个 VMware 组件,并将提供的 IP 地址范围划分为子网。私有云创建过程可能需要 30 分钟到 2 小时。配置完成后,您会收到电子邮件。


  1. [可选] 列出项目的可用区域和可用区。

    gcloud vmware locations list --project=PROJECT_ID
  2. 为您的私有云创建网络。网络名称必须采用 REGION-default 格式。

    gcloud vmware networks create REGION-default --type=LEGACY --location=REGION --description="Legacy network created using gcloud vmware"

    该请求会返回一个操作 ID。

  3. 查看操作的状态。当操作返回为 DONE 时,检查响应以查看操作是否成功。

    gcloud vmware operations describe OPERATION_ID \
        --location REGION

    OPERATION_ID 替换为上一步中的 ID。

  4. 接下来,创建一个三节点私有云。

    gcloud vmware private-clouds create PC_NAME \
       --location=ZONE --cluster=CLUSTER_NAME\
       --node-type-config=standard-72,count=3 \
       --management-range= \


    • PC_NAME:私有云的名称
    • ZONE:私有云的可用区
    • CLUSTER_NAME:此私有云中新集群的名称
    • NETWORK_NAME:此私有云的网络名称

    该请求会返回一个操作 ID,可用于检查操作的进度。

  5. 查看操作的状态。当操作返回为 DONE 时,检查响应以查看操作是否成功。

    gcloud vmware operations describe OPERATION_ID \
        --location REGION

    OPERATION_ID 替换为上一步中的 ID。

  6. 设置专用服务访问通道以将 VMware Engine 网络连接到您的 VPC。

  7. 检索 vCenter 和 NSX-T 凭据。

    gcloud vmware private-clouds vcenter credentials describe \
    --private-cloud=PC_NAME  --location=ZONE
    gcloud vmware private-clouds nsx credentials describe \
    --private-cloud=PC_NAME --location=ZONE


  1. 创建旧版网络。网络名称必须采用 REGION-default 格式。

    curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" https://vmwareengine.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/vmwareEngineNetworks?vmwareEngineNetworkId=REGION-default -d "{"type": "legacy"}"


    • TOKEN:此请求的授权令牌。
    • PROJECT_ID:此请求的项目。
    • REGION:要在其中创建此网络的区域。

    该请求会返回一个操作 ID,可用于检查操作的进度。

  2. 查看操作的状态。当操作返回为 DONE 时,检查响应以查看操作是否成功。

    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" https://vmwareengine.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/operations/OPERATION_ID

    OPERATION_ID 替换为上一步中的 ID。

  3. 创建一个三节点私有云。

    curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" https://vmwareengine.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/ZONE/privateClouds?privateCloudId=PC_NAME -d "{
      "clusterId": "CLUSTER_NAME",
      "nodeTypeConfigs": {
      "standard-72": {
        "nodeCount": 3


    • TOKEN:此请求的授权令牌。
    • PROJECT_ID:此请求的项目
    • ZONE:私有云的可用区
    • PC_NAME:私有云的名称
    • REGION:此私有云的网络区域
    • CLUSTER_NAME:此私有云中新集群的名称

    该请求会返回一个操作 ID,可用于检查操作的进度。

  4. 查看操作的状态。当操作返回为 DONE 时,检查响应以查看操作是否成功。

    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" https://vmwareengine.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/REGION/operations/OPERATION_ID

    OPERATION_ID 替换为上一步中的 ID。

  5. 设置专用服务访问通道以将 VMware Engine 网络连接到您的 VPC。

  6. 检索 vCenter 和 NSX-T 凭据。

    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer \"TOKEN"\"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "https://vmwareengine.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/ZONE/privateClouds/my-private-cloud:showVcenterCredentials"
    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer \"TOKEN"\"  -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "https://vmwareengine.googleapis.com/v1/projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/ZONE/privateClouds/my-private-cloud:showNsxCredentials"


  1. 创建旧版网络。

    from google.cloud import vmwareengine_v1
    TIMEOUT = 1200  # 20 minutes
    def create_legacy_network(
        project_id: str, region: str
    ) -> vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineNetwork:
        Creates a new legacy network.
            project_id: name of the project you want to use.
            region: name of the region you want to use. I.e. "us-central1"
            The newly created VmwareEngineNetwork object.
        network = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineNetwork()
        network.description = (
            "Legacy network created using vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineNetwork"
        network.type_ = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineNetwork.Type.LEGACY
        request = vmwareengine_v1.CreateVmwareEngineNetworkRequest()
        request.parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}"
        request.vmware_engine_network_id = f"{region}-default"
        request.vmware_engine_network = network
        client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
        result = client.create_vmware_engine_network(request, timeout=TIMEOUT).result()
        return result
  2. 创建一个三节点私有云。

    from google.api_core import operation
    from google.cloud import vmwareengine_v1
    def create_private_cloud(
        project_id: str, zone: str, network_name: str, cloud_name: str, cluster_name: str
    ) -> operation.Operation:
        Creates a new Private Cloud using VMWare Engine.
        Creating a new Private Cloud is a long-running operation and it may take over an hour.
            project_id: name of the project you want to use.
            zone: the zone you want to use, i.e. "us-central1-a"
            network_name: name of the VMWareNetwork to use for the new Private Cloud
            cloud_name: name of the new Private Cloud
            cluster_name: name for the new cluster in this Private Cloud
            An operation object representing the started operation. You can call its .result() method to wait for it to finish.
        request = vmwareengine_v1.CreatePrivateCloudRequest()
        request.parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{zone}"
        request.private_cloud_id = cloud_name
        request.private_cloud = vmwareengine_v1.PrivateCloud()
        request.private_cloud.management_cluster = (
        request.private_cloud.management_cluster.cluster_id = cluster_name
        node_config = vmwareengine_v1.NodeTypeConfig()
        node_config.node_count = DEFAULT_NODE_COUNT
        # Currently standard-72 is the only supported node type.
        request.private_cloud.management_cluster.node_type_configs = {
            "standard-72": node_config
        request.private_cloud.network_config = vmwareengine_v1.NetworkConfig()
        request.private_cloud.network_config.vmware_engine_network = network_name
        request.private_cloud.network_config.management_cidr = DEFAULT_MANAGEMENT_CIDR
        client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
        return client.create_private_cloud(request)

    create_private_cloud 函数返回一个操作对象,可用于检查操作进度。

  3. 查看操作的状态。提取操作的最新信息。

    from google.cloud import vmwareengine_v1
    from google.longrunning.operations_pb2 import GetOperationRequest
    def get_operation_by_name(operation_name: str) -> Operation:
        Retrieve detailed information about an operation.
            operation_name: name identifying an operation you want to check.
                Expected format: projects/{project_id}/locations/{region}/operations/{operation_id}
            Operation object with details.
        client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
        request = GetOperationRequest()
        request.name = operation_name
        return client.get_operation(request)
    def get_operation(project_id: str, region: str, operation_id: str) -> Operation:
        Retrieve detailed information about an operation.
            project_id: name of the project running the operation.
            region: name of the region in which the operation is running.
            operation_id: identifier of the operation.
            Operation object with details.
        return get_operation_by_name(

    您可以使用操作对象的 .result() 成员方法来等待它完成。

  4. 设置专用服务访问通道以将 VMware Engine 网络连接到您的 VPC。

  5. 检索 vCenter 和 NSX-T 凭据。

    from google.cloud import vmwareengine_v1
    def get_vcenter_credentials(
        project_id: str, zone: str, private_cloud_name: str
    ) -> vmwareengine_v1.Credentials:
        Retrieves VCenter credentials for a Private Cloud.
            project_id: name of the project hosting the private cloud.
            zone: name of the zone hosting the private cloud.
            private_cloud_name: name of the private cloud.
            A Credentials object.
        client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
        credentials = client.show_vcenter_credentials(
        return credentials
    from google.cloud import vmwareengine_v1
    def get_nsx_credentials(
        project_id: str, zone: str, private_cloud_name: str
    ) -> vmwareengine_v1.Credentials:
        Retrieves NSX credentials for a Private Cloud.
            project_id: name of the project hosting the private cloud.
            zone: name of the zone hosting the private cloud.
            private_cloud_name: name of the private cloud.
            A Credentials object.
        client = vmwareengine_v1.VmwareEngineClient()
        credentials = client.show_nsx_credentials(
        return credentials
