
Stats and Anomaly generated by FeatureMonitorJobs. Anomaly only includes Drift.

featureId string

feature id.

featureStats value (Value format)

feature stats. e.g. histogram buckets. In the format of tensorflow.metadata.v0.DatasetFeatureStatistics.

distributionDeviation number

Deviation from the current stats to baseline stats. 1. For categorical feature, the distribution distance is calculated by L-inifinity norm. 2. For numerical feature, the distribution distance is calculated by Jensen–Shannon divergence.

driftDetectionThreshold number

This is the threshold used when detecting drifts, which is set in FeatureMonitor.FeatureSelectionConfig.FeatureConfig.drift_threshold. Valid value is in the range [0, 1).

driftDetected boolean

If set to true, indicates current stats is detected as and comparing with baseline stats.

statsTime string (Timestamp format)

The timestamp we take snapshot for feature values to generate stats.

A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, with nanosecond resolution and up to nine fractional digits. Examples: "2014-10-02T15:01:23Z" and "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".

featureMonitorJobId string (int64 format)

The id of the FeatureMonitorJob that generated this FeatureStatsAndAnomaly.

featureMonitorId string

The id of the FeatureMonitor that this FeatureStatsAndAnomaly generated according to.

JSON representation
  "featureId": string,
  "featureStats": value,
  "distributionDeviation": number,
  "driftDetectionThreshold": number,
  "driftDetected": boolean,
  "statsTime": string,
  "featureMonitorJobId": string,
  "featureMonitorId": string