Update appliance details

Destination bucket for offline data transfer

  • Go to appliances page and navigate to a specific appliance by clicking its ID.
  • Find "Offline transfer destination in Cloud Storage" on the page which displays the current destination.
  • Click the edit button next to the current destination. When prompted, enter a new destination bucket name and click "Save".
  • Clean up permissions granted on the previous destination bucket
  • Grant permissions on the new destination bucket by going through the Authorize service accounts step

Destination bucket for online data transfer

  • Go to appliances page and navigate to a specific appliance by clicking its ID.
  • Find "Online transfer destination in Cloud Storage" on the page which displays the current destination.
  • Click the edit button next to the current destination. When prompted, enter a new destination bucket name and click "Save".
  • Clean up permissions granted on the previous destination bucket
  • Grant permissions on the new destination bucket by going through the Authorize service accounts step

Display name

  • Go to appliances page and navigate to a specific appliance by clicking its ID.
  • Find "Display name" on the page which displays the current name.
  • Click the edit button next to the current display name. When prompted, enter a new display name and click "Save".