Return the appliance

Finalize copied data

Finalizing prepares the appliance for shipping to Google by removing the decryption key, rendering the data inaccessible until it reaches Google. When the decryption key is removed, you cannot copy additional data to the appliance without deleting all previously copied data.

To finalize the copied data, follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the appliance.

  2. Run the ta finalize command. Enter the ta_customer password when prompted and note the passcode returned in the output.

    ta finalize

    The following sample response resembles the output that is returned:

    Finalizing prepares the appliance for shipping by removing the decryption
    key, making the data inaccessible until it reaches Google. Appliance local
    storage will be removed during this process. Once finalized, there is no way
    to access your data or add more data without deleting everything on the drive.
    Are you ready to finalize the appliance and ship it back to Google? (y/n) y
    Please enter user "ta_customer" password to finalize appliance:
    Unmounted data partition and disabled automount.
    Finalize step is complete.
    This passcode must be used to get a return shipping label: NNNN
    Enter the passcode returned by the 'ta finalize' command in the form
    included in the email titled Google Transfer Appliance Return Instructions
    sent by the Transfer Appliance Team.
    If you forget your passcode, run 'ta status' to display it again.
  3. Enter the passcode returned by the ta finalize command in the form included in the email titled Google Transfer Appliance Return Instructions sent by the Transfer Appliance Team.

    To view the passcode again, run ta status.

    The Transfer Appliance Team responds with the shipping label for the Transfer Appliance for the given passcode.

  4. Once you receive the shipping label, turn off the appliance and disconnect all cables to it.

Optional: Erase data on the appliance

Remote wipe erases the data on your appliance. After wiping, you cannot reconfigure the appliance to capture data and it must be shipped back to Google.

Wipe your appliance

The process for remote wipe is similar to wiping the appliance in the data center and is in accordance with Google's data destruction guidelines.

To wipe your appliance, follow the instructions below:

  1. Run cd /tmp.

  2. Run the ta wipe command. Based on appliance type, the ta wipe command takes between 1 and 7 hours to complete.

    If the ta wipe command is not available, make sure your appliance is updated to the latest software version. To update your appliance, run the ta update command. After the appliance has been updated, run the ta wipe command.

  3. TA40 and TA300 appliances only: Reboot the appliance and run the ta wipe command again.

The script generates a certificate verifying that the appliance was wiped successfully and saves it to /opt/certificate.json.

Package and return the appliance

After transferring and finalizing your data to Transfer Appliance, prepare the appliance for shipping. This includes printing and applying a shipping label, gathering the appliance's cables, packing the appliance, and contacting your shipper to return the appliance.

Use the same shipping case that Transfer Appliance arrived in.

To return the appliance, do the following:

  1. Print the shipping label that was sent to you by Transfer Appliance Team as part of finalizing your copied data.

  2. Place the following items into the shipping case:

    • 2 power bricks in a metal frame
    • Transfer Appliance
    • Dust cover
    • 2 power cords
    • 2 power extension cords
    • Ethernet cable
  3. Close the case and secure the latches.

  4. Secure the case lid using the 2 tamper-evident tags.

  5. Affix a shipping-label pouch to the case using a tie-on tag.

  6. Insert the shipping return label in the pouch. Ensure that the return address and barcodes are visible.

  7. If necessary, contact your shipper to schedule a pick-up.

  1. Print the shipping label that was sent to you by Transfer Appliance Team as part of finalizing your copied data.

  2. Place the following in the shipping case's cable compartment:

    Item Description
    A photo depicting a NEMA 5-15p power cable NEMA 5-15p to C13 power cable
    A photo depicting a c14 to c13 power cable C14 to C13 power cable, for connections to the power distribution unit (PDU)
    A photo depicting a Category 6 network cable Category 6 (Cat6) network cable
    A photo depicting a QSFP+ Twinax copper network cable TA40 and TA300 V1: QSFP+ Twinax copper network cable TA300 V2: QSFP28 Twinax copper network cable
    A photo depicting a QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ network cable TA40 and TA300 V1: QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ network cable TA300 V2: not required
    A photo depicting a SFP28 to SFP28 network cable TA40 and TA300 V1: not required TA300 V2: SFP28 to SFP28 network cable
    A photo depicting a QSFP28 to SFP28 adapter TA40 and TA300 V1: not required TA300 V2: QSFP28 to SFP28 adapter
    A photo depicting a USB-to-serial adapter cable USB-to-serial adapter cable – use only if instructed by Transfer Appliance Team
    A photo depicting a pin-to-socket serial adapter Pin-to-socket serial adapter
  3. Place the Transfer Appliance in the shipping case.

  4. Close the lid to the shipping case and secure the latches.

    Shipping case latched

  5. Secure the shipping case with a wire tamper-evident tag by following these steps:

    1. Insert the wire tamper-evident tag through the shipping case's D-rings.

      Inserting the wire tamper-evident tag through the
shipping case's D-rings

    2. Insert the end of the wire into the lock.

      Inserting the end of the wire into the lock

    3. Draw the tamper-evident tag through the tag lock, until the D-rings are secured.

      D-rings secured by tamper-evident tag

  6. Affix a shipping-label pouch to the case using a tie-on tag.

  7. Insert the shipping return label in the pouch. Ensure that the return address and barcodes are visible.

  8. If necessary, contact your shipper to schedule a pick-up.

  1. Print the shipping label that was sent to you by Transfer Appliance Team as part of finalizing your copied data.

  2. Place the following in the shipping case's cable compartment:

    Item Description
    A photo depicting a NEMA 5-15p to c13 power cable NEMA 5-15p to C13 power cable
    A photo depicting a c14 to c13 power cable C14 to C13 power cable, for connections to the power distribution unit (PDU)
    A photo depicting a Category 6 network cable Category 6 (Cat6) network cable
    A photo depicting a QSFP+ Twinax copper network cable QSFP+ Twinax copper network cable
    A photo depicting a QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ network cable QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ network cable
    A photo depicting a USB-to-serial adapter cable USB-to-serial adapter cable – use only if instructed by Transfer Appliance Team
    A photo depicting a pin-to-socket serial adapter Pin-to-socket serial adapter
  3. Close the shipping case's lid and secure the latches.

  4. Secure the shipping case with a wire tamper-evident tag:

    Case secured by tamper-evident tags

  5. Affix a shipping-label pouch to the case using a tie-on tag.

  6. Insert the shipping return label in the pouch. Ensure that the return address and barcodes are visible.

  7. If necessary, contact your shipper to schedule a pick-up.