Buckets: relocate

Initiates the dry run or the incremental data copy step of a bucket relocation operation.

Users can use Operations: get to check the status of the operation.

Required permissions

You must have the storage.buckets.relocate IAM permission on the bucket to initiate the dry run or the incremental data copy step.

You might also need the following permissions on the bucket:

  • storage.bucketOperations.get
    You need this permission to view the status of the bucket relocation operation.
  • storage.bucketOperations.list
    You need this permission to view the list of bucket relocation operations.
  • storage.bucketOperations.cancel
    You need this permission to cancel the bucket relocation operation.
  • storage.bucket.get
    You need this permission to view the metadata of a bucket during the dry run and the incremental data copy of the bucket relocation operation.
  • storage.objects.list and storage.objects.get
    You need these permissions to view the list of objects in a bucket that you want to relocate to another location.


HTTP request

POST https://storage.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/bucket/relocate

In addition to standard query parameters, the following query parameters apply to this method.

To see an example of how to include query parameters in a request, see the JSON API Overview page.


Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
bucket string Name of the bucket that you want to relocate.

Request body

In the request body, supply the following properties:

Property name Value Description Notes
Required parameters
destinationLocation string The destination location of the bucket. Writable
Optional parameters
destinationCustomPlacementConfig object The bucket's destination placement configuration if relocating to a configurable dual-region. Writable
destinationCustomPlacementConfig.dataLocations list of strings The list of configurable dual-region locations where you want to relocate the bucket. Writable
validateOnly boolean When set to true, the dry run of the bucket relocation operation starts. Writable


Initiating a bucket relocation process starts a long-running operation. You'll receive an operation ID and a description of the operation. To track the completion of the bucket relocation operation, you'll need to track its progress. For information about how to track the progress of the bucket relocation operation, see Get details of a long-running operation.

For information about status and error codes returned by this API, see the reference page.