du - Display object size usage


gsutil du url...


The du command displays the amount of space in bytes used up by the objects in a bucket, subdirectory, or project. The syntax emulates the Linux du -b command, which reports the disk usage of files and subdirectories. For example, the following command reports the total space used by all objects and subdirectories under gs://your-bucket/dir:

gsutil du -s -a gs://your-bucket/dir



Ends each output line with a 0 byte rather than a newline. You can use this to make the output machine-readable.


Includes both live and noncurrent object versions. Also prints the generation and metageneration number for each listed object. If this flag is not specified, only live object versions are included.


Includes a total size at the end of the output.


Exclude a pattern from the report. Example: -e "*.o" excludes any object that ends in ".o". Can be specified multiple times.


Prints object sizes in human-readable format. For example, 1 KiB, 234 MiB, or 2GiB.


Displays only the total size for each argument, omitting the list of individual objects.


Similar to -e, but excludes patterns from the given file. The patterns to exclude should be listed one per line.


To list the size of each object in a bucket:

gsutil du gs://bucketname

To list the size of each object in the prefix subdirectory:

gsutil du gs://bucketname/prefix/*

To include the total number of bytes in human-readable form:

gsutil du -ch gs://bucketname

To see only the summary of the total number of (live) bytes in two given buckets:

gsutil du -s gs://bucket1 gs://bucket2

To list the size of each object in a bucket with Object Versioning enabled, including noncurrent objects:

gsutil du -a gs://bucketname

To list the size of each object in a bucket, except objects that end in ".bak", with each object printed ending in a null byte:

gsutil du -e "*.bak" -0 gs://bucketname

To list the size of each bucket in a project and the total size of the project:

gsutil -o GSUtil:default_project_id=project-name du -shc