Mengelola koneksi database

Halaman ini menyediakan praktik terbaik dan contoh kode khusus bahasa untuk membantu Anda membuat aplikasi yang menggunakan koneksi database Cloud SQL secara efektif.

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Untuk petunjuk langkah demi langkah cara menjalankan contoh aplikasi web yang terhubung ke Cloud SQL, ikuti link untuk lingkungan Anda:

Kumpulan koneksi

Kumpulan koneksi adalah cache koneksi database yang digunakan bersama dan digunakan kembali untuk meningkatkan latensi dan performa koneksi. Saat memerlukan koneksi database, aplikasi Anda akan meminjam salah satu dari kumpulan data tersebut untuk sementara; setelah selesai dengan koneksi, aplikasi akan menampilkan koneksi ke kumpulan, yang dapat digunakan kembali saat berikutnya aplikasi memerlukan koneksi database.

Koneksi terbuka dan tertutup

Jika menggunakan kumpulan koneksi, Anda harus membuka dan menutup koneksi dengan benar, sehingga koneksi Anda selalu dikembalikan ke kumpulan setelah selesai digunakan. Koneksi yang tidak ditampilkan atau "bocor" tidak digunakan kembali, karena menghabiskan resource dan dapat menyebabkan bottleneck performa untuk aplikasi Anda.


# Preparing a statement before hand can help protect against injections.
stmt = sqlalchemy.text(
    "INSERT INTO votes (time_cast, candidate) VALUES (:time_cast, :candidate)"
    # Using a with statement ensures that the connection is always released
    # back into the pool at the end of statement (even if an error occurs)
    with db.connect() as conn:
        conn.execute(stmt, parameters={"time_cast": time_cast, "candidate": team})
except Exception as e:
    # If something goes wrong, handle the error in this section. This might
    # involve retrying or adjusting parameters depending on the situation.
    # ...


// Using a try-with-resources statement ensures that the connection is always released back
// into the pool at the end of the statement (even if an error occurs)
try (Connection conn = pool.getConnection()) {

  // PreparedStatements can be more efficient and project against injections.
  String stmt = "INSERT INTO votes (time_cast, candidate) VALUES (?, ?);";
  try (PreparedStatement voteStmt = conn.prepareStatement(stmt);) {
    voteStmt.setTimestamp(1, now);
    voteStmt.setString(2, team);

    // Finally, execute the statement. If it fails, an error will be thrown.
} catch (SQLException ex) {
  // If something goes wrong, handle the error in this section. This might involve retrying or
  // adjusting parameters depending on the situation.
  // ...


try {
  const stmt = 'INSERT INTO votes (time_cast, candidate) VALUES (?, ?)';
  // Pool.query automatically checks out, uses, and releases a connection
  // back into the pool, ensuring it is always returned successfully.
  await pool.query(stmt, [timestamp, team]);
} catch (err) {
  // If something goes wrong, handle the error in this section. This might
  // involve retrying or adjusting parameters depending on the situation.
  // ...


using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
using System;

namespace CloudSql
    public class MySqlTcp
        public static MySqlConnectionStringBuilder NewMysqlTCPConnectionString()
            // Equivalent connection string:
            // "Uid=<DB_USER>;Pwd=<DB_PASS>;Host=<INSTANCE_HOST>;Database=<DB_NAME>;"
            var connectionString = new MySqlConnectionStringBuilder()
                // Note: Saving credentials in environment variables is convenient, but not
                // secure - consider a more secure solution such as
                // Cloud Secret Manager ( to help
                // keep secrets safe.
                Server = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("INSTANCE_HOST"),   // e.g. ''
                // Set Host to 'cloudsql' when deploying to App Engine Flexible environment
                UserID = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_USER"),   // e.g. 'my-db-user'
                Password = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_PASS"), // e.g. 'my-db-password'
                Database = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DB_NAME"), // e.g. 'my-database'

                // The Cloud SQL proxy provides encryption between the proxy and instance.
                SslMode = MySqlSslMode.Disabled,
            connectionString.Pooling = true;
            // Specify additional properties here.
            return connectionString;



insertVote := "INSERT INTO votes(candidate, created_at) VALUES(?, NOW())"
_, err := db.Exec(insertVote, team)


@vote = candidate: candidate

# ActiveRecord creates and executes your SQL and automatically
# handles the opening and closing of the database connection.
  render json: "Vote successfully cast for \"#{@vote.candidate}\" at #{@vote.time_cast} PST!"
  render json: @vote.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity


// Use prepared statements to guard against SQL injection.
$sql = 'INSERT INTO votes (time_cast, candidate) VALUES (NOW(), :voteValue)';

try {
    $statement = $conn->prepare($sql);
    $statement->bindParam('voteValue', $value);

    $res = $statement->execute();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(
        'Could not insert vote into database. The PDO exception was ' .

Jumlah koneksi

Setiap koneksi database menggunakan resource sisi klien dan server. Selain itu, Cloud SQL memberlakukan batasan koneksi secara keseluruhan yang tidak boleh dilampaui. Membuat dan menggunakan lebih sedikit koneksi akan mengurangi overhead dan membantu Anda tetap berada di bawah batas koneksi.


# Pool size is the maximum number of permanent connections to keep.
# Temporarily exceeds the set pool_size if no connections are available.
# The total number of concurrent connections for your application will be
# a total of pool_size and max_overflow.


// maximumPoolSize limits the total number of concurrent connections this pool will keep. Ideal
// values for this setting are highly variable on app design, infrastructure, and database.
// minimumIdle is the minimum number of idle connections Hikari maintains in the pool.
// Additional connections will be established to meet this value unless the pool is full.


// 'connectionLimit' is the maximum number of connections the pool is allowed
// to keep at once.
connectionLimit: 5,


// MaximumPoolSize sets maximum number of connections allowed in the pool.
connectionString.MaximumPoolSize = 5;
// MinimumPoolSize sets the minimum number of connections in the pool.
connectionString.MinimumPoolSize = 0;


// Set maximum number of connections in idle connection pool.

// Set maximum number of open connections to the database.


# 'pool' is the maximum number of permanent connections to keep.
pool: 5


PDO saat ini tidak menawarkan fungsi apa pun untuk mengonfigurasi batas koneksi.

Backoff eksponensial

Jika aplikasi Anda mencoba terhubung ke database dan tidak berhasil, database tersebut mungkin tidak tersedia untuk sementara. Dalam hal ini, mengirim permintaan koneksi berulang akan menyia-nyiakan source. Sebaiknya, tunggu sebelum mengirim permintaan koneksi tambahan agar database dapat diakses kembali. Penggunaan backoff eksponensial atau mekanisme penundaan lainnya akan mencapai sasaran ini.

Percobaan ulang ini hanya dapat dilakukan saat pertama kali menghubungkan, atau saat pertama kali mengambil koneksi dari kumpulan data. Jika terjadi error di tengah transaksi, aplikasi harus melakukan percobaan ulang, dan harus mencoba lagi dari awal transaksi. Jadi, meskipun kumpulan data Anda dikonfigurasi dengan benar, aplikasi mungkin masih melihat error jika koneksi terputus.


# SQLAlchemy automatically uses delays between failed connection attempts,
# but provides no arguments for configuration.


// Hikari automatically delays between failed connection attempts, eventually reaching a
// maximum delay of `connectionTimeout / 2` between attempts.


// The mysql module automatically uses exponential delays between failed
// connection attempts.


    .Execute(() => connection.Open());


Paket database/sql saat ini tidak menawarkan fungsi apa pun untuk mengonfigurasi backoff eksponensial.


# ActiveRecord automatically uses delays between failed connection attempts,
# but provides no arguments for configuration.


PDO saat ini tidak menawarkan fungsi apa pun untuk mengonfigurasi backoff eksponensial.

Waktu tunggu koneksi habis

Ada banyak alasan mengapa upaya koneksi mungkin tidak berhasil. Jaringan komunikasi tidak terjamin, dan database mungkin tidak dapat merespons untuk sementara. Pastikan aplikasi Anda menangani koneksi yang rusak atau gagal dengan baik.


# 'pool_timeout' is the maximum number of seconds to wait when retrieving a
# new connection from the pool. After the specified amount of time, an
# exception will be thrown.
pool_timeout=30,  # 30 seconds


// setConnectionTimeout is the maximum number of milliseconds to wait for a connection checkout.
// Any attempt to retrieve a connection from this pool that exceeds the set limit will throw an
// SQLException.
config.setConnectionTimeout(10000); // 10 seconds
// idleTimeout is the maximum amount of time a connection can sit in the pool. Connections that
// sit idle for this many milliseconds are retried if minimumIdle is exceeded.
config.setIdleTimeout(600000); // 10 minutes


// 'connectTimeout' is the maximum number of milliseconds before a timeout
// occurs during the initial connection to the database.
connectTimeout: 10000, // 10 seconds
// 'acquireTimeout' is the maximum number of milliseconds to wait when
// checking out a connection from the pool before a timeout error occurs.
acquireTimeout: 10000, // 10 seconds
// 'waitForConnections' determines the pool's action when no connections are
// free. If true, the request will queued and a connection will be presented
// when ready. If false, the pool will call back with an error.
waitForConnections: true, // Default: true
// 'queueLimit' is the maximum number of requests for connections the pool
// will queue at once before returning an error. If 0, there is no limit.
queueLimit: 0, // Default: 0


// ConnectionTimeout sets the time to wait (in seconds) while
// trying to establish a connection before terminating the attempt.
connectionString.ConnectionTimeout = 15;


Paket database/sql saat ini tidak menawarkan fungsi apa pun untuk mengonfigurasi waktu tunggu koneksi. Waktu tunggu dikonfigurasi pada level driver.


# 'timeout' is the maximum number of seconds to wait when retrieving a
# new connection from the pool. After the specified amount of time, an
# ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError will be raised.
timeout: 5000


// Here we set the connection timeout to five seconds and ask PDO to
// throw an exception if any errors occur.

Mengakhiri koneksi

Pengguna dengan hak istimewa PROCESS di Cloud SQL dapat mencantumkan koneksi yang tidak mereka kelola. Di MySQL 5.7.x, pengguna harus memiliki hak istimewa SUPER dan di MySQL 8.0.x, pengguna harus memiliki hak istimewa CONNECTION_ADMIN untuk menjalankan pernyataan KILL pada koneksi ini. Pernyataan KILL menghentikan koneksi pengguna mysql lainnya (kecuali pengguna MySQL administratif Cloud SQL). Pengguna tanpa hak istimewa ini hanya dapat mencantumkan dan menghentikan koneksi yang mereka kelola.

Anda dapat mencantumkan koneksi ke instance menggunakan klien mysql dan menjalankan perintah SHOW PROCESSLIST. Gunakan Id untuk mengakhiri koneksi. Contoh:

mysql> KILL 6;

Durasi koneksi

Membatasi masa aktif koneksi dapat membantu mencegah terakumulasinya koneksi yang diabaikan. Anda dapat menggunakan kumpulan koneksi untuk membatasi masa pakai koneksi.


# 'pool_recycle' is the maximum number of seconds a connection can persist.
# Connections that live longer than the specified amount of time will be
# re-established
pool_recycle=1800,  # 30 minutes


// maxLifetime is the maximum possible lifetime of a connection in the pool. Connections that
// live longer than this many milliseconds will be closed and reestablished between uses. This
// value should be several minutes shorter than the database's timeout value to avoid unexpected
// terminations.
config.setMaxLifetime(1800000); // 30 minutes


Library Node.js 'mysql' saat ini tidak menawarkan fungsi apa pun untuk mengontrol durasi koneksi.


// ConnectionLifeTime sets the lifetime of a pooled connection
// (in seconds) that a connection lives before it is destroyed
// and recreated. Connections that are returned to the pool are
// destroyed if it's been more than the number of seconds
// specified by ConnectionLifeTime since the connection was
// created. The default value is zero (0) which means the
// connection always returns to pool.
connectionString.ConnectionLifeTime = 1800; // 30 minutes


// Set Maximum time (in seconds) that a connection can remain open.
db.SetConnMaxLifetime(1800 * time.Second)


ActiveRecord saat ini tidak menawarkan fungsi apa pun untuk mengontrol durasi koneksi.


PDO saat ini tidak menawarkan fungsi apa pun untuk mengontrol durasi koneksi.

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