Setup overview

This document applies to Cloud Service Mesh with the load balancing APIs. We strong recommend that you deploy with the service routing APIs instead. Start by reading rather than this document.

The documentation that you need for deploying Cloud Service Mesh with the load balancing APIs depends on the following:

  • Whether you are using Cloud Service Mesh with or without Envoy proxies
  • Whether you are using Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Pods

This guide tells you where to start with the documentation.

If you are deploying with the GKE Gateway API, read Prepare to set up with the GKE Gateway API.

Deploy Cloud Service Mesh with Envoy on Compute Engine VMs

  1. Start by reading Prepare to set up Cloud Service Mesh with Envoy.
  2. If you are using Compute Engine VMs with automatic Envoy deployment, read these documents:
  3. If you are using Compute Engine VMs with manual Envoy deployment, read Set up Compute Engine VMs with manual Envoy deployment.

Deploy Cloud Service Mesh with Envoy on GKE Pods

  1. Start by reading Prepare to set up Cloud Service Mesh with Envoy.
  2. If you are using GKE Pods with automatic Envoy injection, read these documents:
  3. If you are using GKE Pods with manual Envoy injection, read Set up GKE Pods with manual Envoy injection.
  4. To configure authentication and authorization for services deployed with Cloud Service Mesh and Envoy proxies, read Set up Cloud Service Mesh service security with Envoy.

Deploy Cloud Service Mesh with proxyless gRPC applications

  1. Start by reading Prepare to set up Cloud Service Mesh with proxyless gRPC services.
  2. If you are using Compute Engine VMs, read Cloud Service Mesh setup with Compute Engine VMs and proxyless gRPC services.
  3. If you are using GKE Pods, read Cloud Service Mesh setup with GKE and proxyless gRPC services.
  4. To configure a security service for a proxyless gRPC service mesh, read Set up Cloud Service Mesh service security with proxyless gRPC.