Proxyless gRPC limitations

This document describes limitations that apply to Cloud Service Mesh with proxyless gRPC applications. For information about limits, see Quotas and limits.

Limitations on forwarding rules, URL maps, and target proxies apply only to Cloud Service Mesh with the Google Cloud load balancing APIs.

The limitations of Cloud Service Mesh with proxyless gRPC applications include the following:

  • You cannot configure backend services and routing rule maps with the gRPC protocol in the Google Cloud console. For these resources, the Google Cloud console is read-only.

  • Proxyless gRPC supports endpoint discovery, routing, load balancing, load reporting, and many advanced traffic management features.

    • For the minimum gRPC version required to support some advanced traffic management features, see Supported gRPC versions and languages.

    • For your gRPC applications that need unsupported advanced traffic management features, use the DNS name resolver instead of the xDS resolver and deploy with sidecar proxies that are supported with Cloud Service Mesh. In your target gRPC proxy, set the validateForProxyless field to FALSE so that you can configure features that are not yet supported by gRPC but that are available in Cloud Service Mesh with the use of sidecar proxies.

  • Proxyless gRPC supports only round-robin and ring hash load balancing policies. Other load-balancing policies are not supported.

    • Cloud Service Mesh provides a prioritized weighted list of localities—one instance group or one network endpoint group (NEG)—to the gRPC client. Cloud Service Mesh calculates this list based on the closest available zone, its capacity, and the balancing mode of the backend service.
    • For a particular request, the gRPC client picks one or more localities based on the priority and weight and does round-robin or ring hash-based load balancing to the backends within those localities.
  • The failover from one zone (locality) to another starts when the current zone capacity falls under 50%. You can't configure this threshold.

  • In some cases, the configuration commands related to a target gRPC proxy and a forwarding rule that references a target gRPC proxy might take up to a minute.

  • Hybrid connectivity NEGs (NON_GCP_PRIVATE_IP_PORT NEGs) are not supported with proxyless gRPC clients.

URL map limitations

The following URL map traffic management features are supported with proxyless gRPC services.

Features supported in the pathMatcher of hostRules:


The following URL map limitations apply when you use proxyless gRPC services:

  • Wildcard characters in the host rules and default rules of a URL map, including the implicitly created * host rule of a URL map, are not supported. Such entries are skipped when host matching is done.

  • The following features are not supported:

    • queryParameterMatches in routeRules
    • headerAction, urlRewrite, requestMirrorPolicy, corsPolicy, and urlRedirect route actions
    • timeout route action; use maxStreamDuration instead of timeout
    • perTryTimeout in retryPolicy
    • retryConditions in retryPolicy except one or more conditions of cancelled, deadline-exceeded, internal, resource-exhausted, and unavailable
    • The defaultService, defaultRouteAction, defaultUrlRedirect, and headerAction of the URL map are not used by proxyless gRPC services. If a matching host rule is not found when a proxyless gRPC client looks up a service name, Cloud Service Mesh returns a name lookup error instead of using the default service or action of the URL map.
    • headerAction in weightedBackendServices
  • In URL map header match rules, only non-binary user-specified custom metadata and the content-type header are supported. The following transport-level headers cannot be used in header matching rules: :authority, :method, :path, :scheme, user-agent, accept-encoding, content-encoding, grpc-accept-encoding, grpc-encoding, grpc-previous-rpc-attempts, grpc-tags-bin, grpc-timeout, and grpc-trace-bin.

  • When you update a URL map host rule to change from one backend service to another, traffic might be dropped momentarily while the new configuration is pushed to the clients. To avoid this limitation, configure traffic splitting with weighted backend services. After configuring traffic splitting, slowly shift traffic from the old backend service to the new backend service.

Target gRPC proxy limitations

When a target gRPC proxy references a URL map, you cannot configure the following URL map features. This is true whether you are using a sidecar proxy or a proxyless gRPC service because these HTTP protocol-specific features don't apply to the gRPC protocol:

  • queryParameterMatches match rule
  • urlRewrite route action
  • urlRedirect route action
  • corsPolicy action

Backend service limitations

The following backend service features are not supported with proxyless gRPC services with a sidecar proxy:

  • localityLbPolicy except LEAST_REQUEST (with Java clients only), ROUND_ROBIN, and RING_HASH
  • sessionAffinity except HEADER_FIELD and NONE
  • consistentHash except the httpHeaderName and minimumRingSize fields
  • affinityCookieTtlSec
  • timeoutSec; use maxStreamDuration instead
  • circuitBreakers except the maxRequests field

Note that a gRPC client will NACK the configuration from Cloud Service Mesh when unsupported values are configured. This will cause configuration for all backend services to be rejected by the client because the xDS protocol requires rejecting all resources in a given response, rather than being able to reject only an individual resource from the response. This will cause the client channel to go into a transient error state until the configuration is fixed. Due to this limitation, you must ensure that all clients support the required value before configuring a feature for a service. For example, if you change the ROUND_ROBIN policy to RING_HASH, you must ensure that all the clients are upgraded to a version that supports RING_HASH.

Advanced traffic management limitations

You can't configure some advanced traffic management features for proxyless gRPC services with Cloud Service Mesh. For supported features, see the following:

Limitations with Service Directory

  • Service Directory and Cloud Service Mesh don't guarantee network reachability for clients.
  • A backend service can only reference one of the following:

    • Managed instance group or unmanaged instance group
    • Network endpoint group
    • Service bindings
  • Service Directory services can only be used with global backend services with load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED.

  • A Service Directory service that is referenced by a service binding can be deleted. If the underlying Service Directory service to which the backend service is attached is deleted, applications that use Cloud Service Mesh cannot send traffic to this service, therefore, requests fail. See Observability and debugging for best practices.

  • When you bind a Service Directory service to a backend service, you cannot configure a health check on that backend service.

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