Resolving multi-cluster issues

This section explains common Cloud Service Mesh problems and how to resolve them. If you need additional assistance, see Getting support.

This section only applies to the in-cluster control plane and the managed control plane with the Istiod implementation.

Cloud Service Mesh relies on a kubeconfig file embedded in the Kubernetes secret for proper remote endpoint discovery. Without the secrets, users will always see requests hit pods in the local cluster during cross-cluster load balancing.

Verify the secret has been created by running the following command in every cluster:

See more code actions.
kubectl get secret istio-remote-secret-CLUSTER_NAME_i -n istio-system

Verify the expected output:

NAME                                   TYPE     DATA   AGE
istio-remote-secret-CLUSTER_NAME_i   Opaque   1      44s

To recover from this, delete all the remote secrets and re-run the create-mesh command.

Unreachable API server

This section only applies to in-cluster control plane and managed (istiod implementation).

The control plane of Cloud Service Mesh needs to reach the API server of the remote cluster. The following situations can cause the remote cluster to become unreachable:

Given an unreachable API server, Istiod will output error messages in the log. Users will always see requests hit the local pod during cross-cluster load balancing.

In the Logs Explorer interface, set the query resource.type to istio_control_plane.

Check to see if there are any invalid secret errors.

To recover from this problem, fix the underlying API server reachability issue. Next, delete all the remote secrets in every cluster and re-run the create-mesh command.

Missing firewall rule

Without the proper firewall rule, users will experience a 10-second delay followed by a timeout when doing cross-cluster load balancing.

To recover from this, follow the steps outlined in Create firewall rule.