Set up TCP services
This guide tells you how to set up Cloud Service Mesh to use TCP services
and TCPRoute
Cloud Service Mesh with TCP services and TCPRoute
is similar to the
Envoy sidecar proxy configuration with HTTP services. The exceptions are that
the backend service provides a TCP service and routing is based on TCP/IP
parameters rather than on the HTTP protocol.
resource with TCPRoute
resource (click to enlarge)Before you begin
Make sure that you complete the tasks described in Prepare to set up with Envoy and proxyless workloads.
Configure the Mesh
In a file called
, create themesh
resource sidecar-mesh
Use the
file to create themesh
resource.gcloud network-services meshes import sidecar-mesh \ --source=mesh.yaml \ --location=global
Configure the TCP server
This part of the guide is not specific to the new APIs and uses existing backend service, health check, and MIG resources.
For demonstration purposes, you create a backend service with autoscaled VMs
using managed instance groups
that serve a test TCP service on port 10000
Create a Compute Engine VM instance template with a test service on port
.gcloud compute instance-templates create tcp-td-vm-template \ --scopes= \ --tags=allow-health-checks \ --image-family=debian-10 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --metadata=startup-script="#! /bin/bash sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install netcat -y while true; do echo 'Hello from TCP service' | nc -l -s -p 10000; done &"
Create a managed instance group based on the template.
gcloud compute instance-groups managed create tcp-td-mig-us-east1 \ --zone=
ZONE \ --size=1 \ --template=tcp-td-vm-templateSet the named ports on the created managed instance group to port 10000.
gcloud compute instance-groups set-named-ports tcp-td-mig-us-east1
--named-ports=tcp:10000Create a health check.
gcloud compute health-checks create tcp tcp-helloworld-health-check --port 10000
Create a firewall rule to allow incoming health check connections to instances in your network.
gcloud compute firewall-rules create tcp-vm-allow-health-checks \ --network default \ --action allow \ --direction INGRESS \ --source-ranges=, \ --target-tags allow-health-checks \ --rules tcp:10000
Create a global backend service with a load balancing scheme of
and attach the health check to the backend service. The example uses the managed instance group that runs the sample TCP service that you created earlier.gcloud compute backend-services create tcp-helloworld-service \ --global \ --load-balancing-scheme=INTERNAL_SELF_MANAGED \ --protocol=TCP \ --health-checks tcp-helloworld-health-check
Add the managed instance group to the backend service.
gcloud compute backend-services add-backend tcp-helloworld-service \ --instance-group tcp-td-mig-us-east1 \ --instance-group-zone=
ZONE \ --global
Set up routing with TCPRoute
In this section, you set up routing.
In a file called
, create theTcpRoute
specification.You can use either
.name: helloworld-tcp-route meshes: - projects/
$PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/meshes/sidecar-mesh rules: - action: destinations: - serviceName: projects/$PROJECT_NUMBER /locations/global/backendServices/tcp-helloworld-service matches: - address: '' port: '10000'Using the
specification, create theTcpRoute
resource.gcloud network-services tcp-routes import helloworld-tcp-route \ --source=tcp-route.yaml \ --location=global
Create a TCP client with an Envoy sidecar
Create an instance template and then create a VM with Envoy that is connected to Cloud Service Mesh.
gcloud beta compute instance-templates create td-vm-client-template \ --image-family=debian-10 \ --image-project=debian-cloud \ --service-proxy=enabled,mesh=sidecar-mesh \ --metadata=startup-script="#! /bin/bash sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install netcat -y"
gcloud compute instances create td-vm-client \ --zone=
ZONE \ --source-instance-template td-vm-client-templateSign in to the VM that you created.
gcloud compute ssh td-vm-client
Verify connectivity to the test services that you created using the
utility.echo 'Hi TCP Service' | nc 10000
The test service should return the phrase Hello from TCP
service. You should also be able to see any text that you type
returned by the netcat
service running on the remote VM.
What's next
- For information about listing route resources associated with a
resource, see ListRoute