Enable customer-managed encryption keys for Secret Manager

By default, Secret Manager encrypts customer content at rest. Secret Manager handles encryption for you without any additional actions on your part. This option is called Google default encryption.

If you want to control your encryption keys, then you can use customer-managed encryption keys (CMEKs) in Cloud KMS with CMEK-integrated services including Secret Manager. Using Cloud KMS keys gives you control over their protection level, location, rotation schedule, usage and access permissions, and cryptographic boundaries. Using Cloud KMS also lets you track key usage, view audit logs, and control key life cycles. Instead of Google owning and managing the symmetric key encryption keys (KEKs) that protect your data, you control and manage these keys in Cloud KMS.

After you set up your resources with CMEKs, the experience of accessing your Secret Manager resources is similar to using Google default encryption. For more information about your encryption options, see Customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK).

Secret Manager provides tools for storing, managing, and accessing sensitive data in your applications.

CMEK with Cloud KMS Autokey

You can either create CMEKs manually to protect your Secret Manager resources or use Cloud KMS Autokey. With Autokey, key rings and keys are generated on demand as part of resource creation in Secret Manager. Service agents that use the keys for encrypt and decrypt operations are created if they don't already exist and are granted the required Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles. For more information, see Autokey overview.

Secret Manager is only compatible with Cloud KMS Autokey when creating resources using Terraform or the REST API.

To learn how to use manually-created CMEKs to protect your Secret Manager resources, see CMEK with automatic replication and CMEK with user managed replication on this page.

To learn how to use CMEKs created by Cloud KMS Autokey to protect your Secret Manager resources, see Using Autokey with Secret Manager resources.

How CMEK works in Secret Manager

Before writing a secret version to persistent storage in a particular location, Secret Manager encrypts the data with a unique data encryption key (DEK). This DEK is then encrypted with a replica-specific key, called a key encryption key (KEK) that is owned by the Secret Manager service.

When using CMEK for Secret Manager, the KEK is called a CMEK key and is a symmetric key you manage within Cloud KMS. The CMEK key must be in the same Google Cloud location as the secret version replica it encrypts. You can also use a Cloud EKM key in the CMEK policy for encryption and decryption.

This guide walks through how to configure Secret Manager to use CMEK. For more information about CMEK in general, including when and why to enable it, see the Cloud Key Management Service documentation.


CMEK is available only in the Secret Manager v1 API and Google Cloud CLI.

Before you begin

You may choose to store all resources in the same project or to store secrets and keys in separate projects. Read Cloud KMS Separation of duties to better understand this decision.

Complete the following prerequisites to set up Secret Manager and Cloud KMS:

  • Secret Manager:

    • Create or use an existing project to hold your Secret Manager resources.
    • If necessary, complete the steps in the Configuring Secret Manager section of the Secret Manager quickstart.
  • Cloud KMS:

Set the following variables to the project IDs of your Secret Manager and Cloud KMS projects.

This is an editable variable. Set it to your Secret Manager project ID and the
value will be used in all commands on this page.

This is an editable variable. Set it to your Cloud KMS project ID and the value
will be used in all commands on this page.

Authenticate to Google Cloud:


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud auth login

Creating a service agent identity

You need to create a service agent identity for each project that requires customer-managed encryption keys.

To create a service identity with Google Cloud CLI, run the following command:


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud beta services identity create \
    --service "secretmanager.googleapis.com" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"

Which will return a service identity name in the following format:


Save the service identity name:

The following variable is editable. Click on it to update the value, and it will
be reflected throughout this documentation page.


You will grant this service identity access to the CMEK Cloud KMS keys used to encrypt and decrypt your secrets.

CMEK with automatic replication

This section covers secrets that are configured via an automatic replication policy.

For secrets that use the automatic replication policy, your CMEK key must be located in the global Cloud KMS multi-region. If you're using a Cloud EKM key, you cannot configure your secret to use automatic replication because Cloud EKM keys are not available in the global region. To learn more about using Cloud EKM keys, see Add a Cloud EKM key to a CMEK policy.

Create a symmetric Cloud KMS key in the global Cloud KMS region, or use an existing key. This example creates a new key ring called secret-manager-cmek, then creates a new key called my-cmek-key on it.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keyrings create "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "global"
gcloud kms keys create "my-cmek-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "global" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --purpose "encryption"

Grant the service identity for Secret Manager access to encrypt and decrypt using the CMEK key. This command grants the Cloud KMS Encrypter / Decrypter role (roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter) on the my-cmek-key Cloud KMS key to the service identity.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding "my-cmek-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "global" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --member "serviceAccount:SM_SERVICE_IDENTITY" \
    --role "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"

Create a secret with automatic replication. The resource name of the CMEK key is stored as metadata on the secret.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets create "SECRET_ID" \
    --replication-policy "automatic" \
    --kms-key-name "projects/KMS_PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/secret-manager-cmek/cryptoKeys/my-cmek-key" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"


These examples use curl to demonstrate using the API. You can generate access tokens with gcloud auth print-access-token. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

Set the value of replication.automatic.customerManagedEncryption.kmsKeyName to the resource name for the CMEK key.

curl "https://secretmanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${SM_PROJECT_ID}/secrets?secretId=SECRET_ID" \
    --request "POST" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --data-binary @- <<EOF
        "kmsKeyName": "projects/KMS_PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/secret-manager-cmek/cryptoKeys/my-cmek-key"

Now, each time a secret version is created in that secret, the secret version's payload is automatically encrypted using the key before being written to persistent storage, as long as the service identity has access to the CMEK key. If the service identity loses access or if the key becomes unavailable, an attempt to create a new secret version or access an existing one returns an error.

Add a new secret version. Notice that you don't specify the Cloud KMS key's resource name; it is read from the secret's metadata.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

echo -n "SECRET_DATA" | gcloud secrets versions add "SECRET_ID" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID" \
    --data-file -

The secret version is created, even if the caller doesn't have direct access to use the CMEK key. The service identity for Secret Manager, rather than the caller, is responsible for encrypting and decrypting secrets when reading or writing them.

Similarly, you don't need direct access to the CMEK key in order to access the secret. The service identity accesses the key and encrypts or decrypts the secret on your behalf.

Access the secret version you just created:


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets versions access "latest" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID" \
    --secret "SECRET_ID"

Update CMEK configuration

Create a new symmetric KMS keys in the global Cloud KMS multi-region.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys create "my-other-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "global" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --purpose "encryption"

Grant the service identity for Secret Manager access to encrypt and decrypt using the new CMEK key. This command grants the Cloud KMS Encrypter / Decrypter role (roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter) on the my-other-key Cloud KMS key to the service identity.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding "my-other-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "global" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --member "serviceAccount:SM_SERVICE_IDENTITY" \
    --role "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"

Modify the CMEK configuration on a secret by updating the replication on the secret with the new Cloud KMS key resource names.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets replication update "SECRET_ID" \
    --set-kms-key "projects/KMS_PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/secret-manager-cmek/cryptoKeys/my-other-key" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"


These examples use curl to demonstrate using the API. You can generate access tokens with gcloud auth print-access-token. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

curl "https://secretmanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${SM_PROJECT_ID}/secrets/SECRET_ID?updateMask=replication" \
    --request "PATCH" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-binary @- <<EOF
  "replication": {
        "kmsKeyName": "projects/KMS_PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/secret-manager-cmek/cryptoKeys/my-other-key"

CMEK with user managed replication

This section covers secrets that are configured with a user managed replication policy. With a user managed replication policy, you control the Google Cloud location where the secret is stored. Secrets are always accessible from every Google Cloud location.

Secrets with a user managed replication policy must use Cloud KMS keys that map exactly to the locations in which the secret versions are stored. The examples in this guide store a secret in two separate locations: us-east1, us- central1. Requests to access the secret are routed to one of these locations.

In each of the two regions, create a key ring and a Cloud KMS key with the purpose of encryption, or use an existing key. This example creates a new key ring called "secret-manager-cmek", then creates a key called "my-cmek-key" in each region.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keyrings create "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-east1"
gcloud kms keys create "my-cmek-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-east1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --purpose "encryption"
gcloud kms keyrings create "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-central1"
gcloud kms keys create "my-cmek-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-central1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --purpose "encryption"

Grant the service identity for Secret Manager permission to encrypt and decrypt using the CMEK key by granting the Cloud KMS Encrypter / Decrypter role (roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter) for each of the CMEK keys individually or for all keys in the project.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding "my-cmek-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-east1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --member "serviceAccount:SM_SERVICE_IDENTITY" \
    --role "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"
gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding "my-cmek-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-central1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --member "serviceAccount:SM_SERVICE_IDENTITY" \
    --role "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"

Create a CMEK enabled secret with user managed replication. The resource name of the CMEK key is stored as metadata on the secret.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

cat <<EOF > ./replication-policy.json
gcloud secrets create "my-ummr-secret" \
    --replication-policy-file ./replication-policy.json \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"


These examples use curl to demonstrate using the API. You can generate access tokens with gcloud auth print-access-token. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

Set the value of replication.userManaged.replicas.customerManagedEncryption.kmsKeyNameto the resource names for the CMEK keys.

curl "https://secretmanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/SM_PROJECT_ID/secrets?secretId=my-ummr-secret" \
--request "POST" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--data-binary @- <<EOF

Now, each time a secret version is created in that secret, the secret version's payload is automatically encrypted using the key before being written to persistent storage, as long as the service identity has access to the CMEK key. If the service identity loses access or if the key becomes unavailable, an attempt to create a new secret version or access an existing one returns an error.

Add a new secret version. Notice that you don't specify the Cloud KMS key's resource name; it is read from the secret's metadata.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

echo -n "SECRET_DATA" | gcloud secrets versions add "my-ummr-secret" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID" \
    --data-file -

The secret version is created, even if the caller doesn't have direct access to use the CMEK key. The service identity for Secret Manager, rather than the caller, is responsible for encrypting and decrypting secrets when reading or writing them.

Similarly, you don't need direct access to the CMEK key in order to access the secret. The service identity accesses the key and encrypts or decrypts the secret on your behalf.

Access the secret version you just created.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets versions access "latest" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID" \
    --secret "my-ummr-secret"

Update CMEK configuration

Create two new symmetric KMS keys in the same regions as the secret.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys create "my-other-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-east1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --purpose "encryption"
gcloud kms keys create "my-other-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-central1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --purpose "encryption"

Grant the service identity for Secret Manager access to encrypt and decrypt using the new CMEK keys. This command grants the Cloud KMS Encrypter / Decrypter role (roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter) on the my-other-key Cloud KMS keys to the service identity.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding "my-other-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-east1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --member "serviceAccount:SM_SERVICE_IDENTITY" \
    --role "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"
gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding "my-other-key" \
    --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
    --location "us-central1" \
    --keyring "secret-manager-cmek" \
    --member "serviceAccount:SM_SERVICE_IDENTITY" \
    --role "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"

Modify the CMEK configuration on a secret by updating the replication on the secret with the new Cloud KMS key resource names.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets replication update "my-ummr-secret" \
    --set-kms-key "projects/KMS_PROJECT_ID/locations/us-east1/keyRings/secret-manager-cmek/cryptoKeys/my-other-key" \
    --location us-east1 \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"
gcloud secrets replication update "my-ummr-secret" \
    --set-kms-key "projects/KMS_PROJECT_ID/locations/us-central1/keyRings/secret-manager-cmek/cryptoKeys/my-other-key" \
    --location us-central1 \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"

In order to update multiple keys in a secret simultaneously, you may get and set the replication policy via a file.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets replication get "my-ummr-secret" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID" \
    --format=json > ./replication-policy.json

Update the file to reflect desired CMEK configuration in your preferred editor. Then set the new policy:

gcloud secrets replication set "my-ummr-secret" \
    --replication-policy-file ./replication-policy.json \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"


These examples use curl to demonstrate using the API. You can generate access tokens with gcloud auth print-access-token. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

curl "https://secretmanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${SM_PROJECT_ID}/secrets/my-ummr-secret?updateMask=replication" \
    --request "PATCH" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-binary @- <<EOF

View secret version CMEK configuration

To inspect a secret version's metadata, including whether the secret version is CMEK-enabled and the resource name of the CMEK key version, view its metadata.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets versions describe "latest" \
    --secret "SECRET_ID" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"


These examples use curl to demonstrate using the API. You can generate access tokens with gcloud auth print-access-token. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

curl "https://secretmanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/SM_PROJECT_ID/secrets/SECRET_ID/versions/latest" \
    --request "GET" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json"

This returns the full Cloud KMS resource name of the key version used to encrypt the secret version.

  "name": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER/secrets/SECRET_ID/versions/1",
  "createTime": "2021-07-...",
  "state": "ENABLED",
  "replicationStatus": {
    "automatic": {
      "customerManagedEncryption": {
        "kmsKeyVersionName": "projects/KMS_PROJECT_ID/locations/global/keyRings/secret-manager-cmek/cryptoKeys/my-cmek-key/cryptoKeyVersions/1"

Add a Cloud EKM key to a CMEK policy

This section covers adding a Cloud EKM key to a CMEK policy. These steps enable a Cloud EKM key to be used to encrypt or decrypt secrets.

Since Cloud EKM does not currently support the global multi-region, Cloud EKM keys can only be used with secrets configured for user managed replication.

Create a symmetric key in the us-central1 Cloud KMS region (or any region except for global). This example creates a new key ring called secret-manager-cmek-ekm, then creates a new key called my-ekm-key on the key ring.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

Create a new key ring:

gcloud kms keyrings create "secret-manager-cmek-ekm" \
  --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
  --location "us-central1"

Create a key in that key ring:

gcloud kms keys create "my-ekm-key" \
  --keyring "secret-manager-cmek-ekm" \
  --location "us-central1" \
  --purpose "encryption" \
  --protection-level "external" \
  --skip-initial-version-creation \
  --default-algorithm "external-symmetric-encryption"

Next, create a new version of my-ekm-key using the external URI of the key. For more information on external URIs for Cloud EKM keys, see Create an external key.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys versions create \
  --key "my-ekm-key" \
  --keyring "secret-manager-cmek-ekm" \
  --location "us-central1" \
  --external-key-uri EXTERNAL_KEY_URI \

Grant the service identity for Secret Manager access to encrypt and decrypt using the external key. This command grants the Cloud KMS Encrypter / Decrypter role (roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter) on my-ekm-key to the service identity.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud kms keys add-iam-policy-binding "my-ekm-key" \
  --project "KMS_PROJECT_ID" \
  --location "us-central1" \
  --keyring "secret-manager-cmek-ekm" \
  --member "serviceAccount:SM_SERVICE_IDENTITY" \
  --role "roles/cloudkms.cryptoKeyEncrypterDecrypter"

Create a CMEK enabled secret that uses a Cloud EKM key.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

cat <<EOF > ./replication-policy.json
gcloud secrets create "my-ekm-secret" \
    --replication-policy-file ./replication-policy.json \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"

Now, each time a secret version is created in my-ekm-secret, the secret version's payload is automatically encrypted using the Cloud EKM key before being written to persistent storage, as long as the service identity has access to the key. If the service identity loses access or if the key becomes unavailable, an attempt to create a new secret version or access an existing one returns an error.

Add a new secret version. Notice that the key's resource name is read from the secret's metadata.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

echo -n "SECRET_DATA" | gcloud secrets versions add "my-ekm-secret" \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID" \
    --data-file -

The secret version is created, even if the caller doesn't have direct access to use the key. The service identity for Secret Manager, rather than the caller, is responsible for encrypting and decrypting secrets when reading or writing them.

Access the secret version you just created. This is where the service identity accesses the key and encrypts or decrypts the secret on your behalf.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets versions access "latest" \
  --project "SM_PROJECT_ID" \
  --secret "my-ekm-secret"

Disable CMEK

Remove CMEK configuration from a secret by updating the replication policy.


To use Secret Manager on the command line, first Install or upgrade to version 378.0.0 or higher of the Google Cloud CLI. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

gcloud secrets replication update "SECRET_ID" --remove-cmek \
    --project "SM_PROJECT_ID"


These examples use curl to demonstrate using the API. You can generate access tokens with gcloud auth print-access-token. On Compute Engine or GKE, you must authenticate with the cloud-platform scope.

curl "https://secretmanager.googleapis.com/v1/projects/${SM_PROJECT_ID}/secrets/SECRET_ID?updateMask=replication" \
    --request "PATCH" \
    --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" \
    --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data-binary @- <<EOF

What's next

  • Learn more about CMEK.