Cette page répertorie les Google Cloud services compatibles avec la fonctionnalité de restrictions d'organisation.
Les requêtes pour les services Google Cloud proviennent de la console Google Cloud, des API ou des bibliothèques clientes.
Nom de l'API de service | URL de l'API de service |
API Access Approval | accessapproval.googleapis.com |
API AI Platform Prediction et AI Platform Training | ml.googleapis.com |
API AlloyDB pour PostgreSQL | alloydb.googleapis.com |
API Analytics Hub | analyticshub.googleapis.com |
API API Keys | apikeys.googleapis.com |
API Apigee | apigee.googleapis.com |
API Apigee Connect | apigeeconnect.googleapis.com |
API Apigee Registry | apigeeregistry.googleapis.com |
API App Engine Admin | appengine.googleapis.com |
API Artifact Analysis | containeranalysis.googleapis.com |
API Artifact Registry | artifactregistry.googleapis.com |
API Assured Workloads | assuredworkloads.googleapis.com |
API AutoML | automl.googleapis.com |
API Batch | batch.googleapis.com |
API BigLake | biglake.googleapis.com |
API BigQuery | bigquery.googleapis.com |
API BigQuery Connection | bigqueryconnection.googleapis.com |
API BigQuery DataPolicy | bigquerydatapolicy.googleapis.com |
API BigQuery Migration | bigquerymigration.googleapis.com |
API BigQuery Reservation | bigqueryreservation.googleapis.com |
API Bigtable | bigtable.googleapis.com |
API Binary Authorization | binaryauthorization.googleapis.com |
API Certificate Authority | privateca.googleapis.com |
API Certificate Manager | certificatemanager.googleapis.com |
API Chrome Enterprise Premium | beyondcorp.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Asset Inventory | cloudasset.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Build | cloudbuild.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Composer | composer.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Config Manager | config.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Data Fusion | datafusion.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Data Loss Prevention | dlp.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Deploy | clouddeploy.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Deployment Manager V2 | deploymentmanager.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Domains | domains.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Healthcare | healthcare.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Integrations | integrations.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Intrusion Detection System | ids.googleapis.com |
API Cloud IoT | cloudiot.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Key Management Service | cloudkms.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Key Management Service Inventory | kmsinventory.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Life Sciences | lifesciences.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Logging | logging.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Monitoring | monitoring.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Natural Language | language.googleapis.com |
API Cloud OS Login | oslogin.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Run Admin | run.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Run functions | cloudfunctions.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Runtime Configuration | runtimeconfig.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Scheduler | cloudscheduler.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Service Mesh | trafficdirector.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Service Mesh Certificate Authority | meshca.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Service Mesh Configuration | meshconfig.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Source Repositories | sourcerepo.googleapis.com |
API Cloud SQL Admin | sqladmin.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Storage | storage.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Storage for Firebase | firebasestorage.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Tasks | cloudtasks.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Tool Results | toolresults.googleapis.com |
API Cloud TPU | tpu.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Trace | cloudtrace.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Translation | translate.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Vision | vision.googleapis.com |
API Cloud Workstations | workstations.googleapis.com |
API Compute Engine | compute.googleapis.com |
API Confidential Computing | confidentialcomputing.googleapis.com |
API Config Monitoring pour Ops | opsconfigmonitoring.googleapis.com |
API Connect Gateway | connectgateway.googleapis.com |
API Connectivity Tests | networkmanagement.googleapis.com |
API Container File System | containerfilesystem.googleapis.com |
API Container Registry Les restrictions sur les organisations offrent une compatibilité limitée avec les requêtes envoyées à Container Registry à partir de la console Google Cloud. |
containerregistry.googleapis.com |
API Container Security | containersecurity.googleapis.com |
API Container Threat Detection | containerthreatdetection.googleapis.com |
API Conversational Insights | contactcenterinsights.googleapis.com |
API d'identifiants de compte de service Identity and Access Management | iamcredentials.googleapis.com |
API Data Catalog | datacatalog.googleapis.com |
API Data Lineage | datalineage.googleapis.com |
API Data pipelines | datapipelines.googleapis.com |
API Database Migration Service | datamigration.googleapis.com |
API Dataflow | dataflow.googleapis.com |
API Dataform | dataform.googleapis.com |
API Dataplex | dataplex.googleapis.com |
API Dataproc | dataproc.googleapis.com |
API Dataproc Metastore | metastore.googleapis.com |
API Datastore | datastore.googleapis.com |
API Datastream | datastream.googleapis.com |
API de l'Annuaire des services | servicedirectory.googleapis.com |
API de la passerelle API | apigateway.googleapis.com |
API de la solution Bare Metal | baremetalsolution.googleapis.com |
API de sécurité réseau | networksecurity.googleapis.com |
API de service de transfert de données BigQuery | bigquerydatatransfer.googleapis.com |
API de services réseau | networkservices.googleapis.com |
API Dialogflow | dialogflow.googleapis.com |
API Document AI | documentai.googleapis.com |
API Document AI Warehouse | contentwarehouse.googleapis.com |
API du service Backup and DR | backupdr.googleapis.com |
API du service géré pour Microsoft Active Directory | managedidentities.googleapis.com |
API Enterprise Knowledge Graph | enterpriseknowledgegraph.googleapis.com |
API Error Reporting | clouderrorreporting.googleapis.com |
API Eventarc | eventarc.googleapis.com |
API Eventarc Publishing | eventarcpublishing.googleapis.com |
API Filestore | file.googleapis.com |
API Firebase App Check | firebaseappcheck.googleapis.com |
API Firebase Rules | firebaserules.googleapis.com |
API Firestore | firestore.googleapis.com |
API Game Servers | gameservices.googleapis.com |
API Genomics | genomics.googleapis.com |
API GKE Connect | gkeconnect.googleapis.com |
API GKE Dataplane Management Automation | gkedataplanemanagement.googleapis.com |
API GKE Multi-Cloud | gkemulticloud.googleapis.com |
API Google Cloud Contact Center as a Service | contactcenteraiplatform.googleapis.com |
API Google Cloud Memorystore pour Redis | redis.googleapis.com |
API Google Cloud Migration Center | migrationcenter.googleapis.com |
API Google Cloud Search | cloudsearch.googleapis.com |
API Google Cloud VMware Engine | vmwareengine.googleapis.com |
API Google Distributed Cloud | gkeonprem.googleapis.com |
API Google Distributed Cloud Container | edgecontainer.googleapis.com |
API Google Distributed Cloud Network | edgenetwork.googleapis.com |
API Google Kubernetes Engine | container.googleapis.com |
API Google Workspace Add-ons | gsuiteaddons.googleapis.com |
API Hub | gkehub.googleapis.com |
API IAM (Identity and Access Management) |
iam.googleapis.com |
API Identity-Aware Proxy | iap.googleapis.com |
API Integration Connectors | connectors.googleapis.com |
API Live Stream | livestream.googleapis.com |
API Memorystore pour Memcached | memcache.googleapis.com |
API Microservices | microservices.googleapis.com |
API Network Connectivity | networkconnectivity.googleapis.com |
API Notebooks gérés par l'utilisateur | notebooks.googleapis.com |
API On-Demand Scanning | ondemandscanning.googleapis.com |
API Organization Policy Service | orgpolicy.googleapis.com |
API OS Config | osconfig.googleapis.com |
API Policy Analyzer | policyanalyzer.googleapis.com |
API Policy Simulator | policysimulator.googleapis.com |
API Policy Troubleshooter | policytroubleshooter.googleapis.com |
API Pub/Sub | pubsub.googleapis.com |
API Pub/Sub Lite | pubsublite.googleapis.com |
API Public Certificate Authority | publicca.googleapis.com |
API Rapid Migration Assessment | rapidmigrationassessment.googleapis.com |
API reCAPTCHA | recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com |
API Resource Manager | cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com |
API Resource Settings | resourcesettings.googleapis.com |
API Retail | retail.googleapis.com |
API Sauvegarde pour GKE | gkebackup.googleapis.com |
API Secret Manager | secretmanager.googleapis.com |
API Security Command Center | securitycenter.googleapis.com |
API Security Token Service | sts.googleapis.com |
API Serverless VPC Access | vpcaccess.googleapis.com |
API Service Catalog | cloudprivatecatalog.googleapis.com |
API Service Control | servicecontrol.googleapis.com |
API Service d'étiquetage de données AI Platform | datalabeling.googleapis.com |
API Service Metadata | cloud.googleapis.com |
API Spanner | spanner.googleapis.com |
API Speech-to-Text | speech.googleapis.com |
API Stackdriver Profiler | cloudprofiler.googleapis.com |
API Storage Insights | storageinsights.googleapis.com |
API Storage Transfer Service | storagetransfer.googleapis.com |
API Stream | stream.googleapis.com |
API Talent Solution | jobs.googleapis.com |
API Text-to-Speech | texttospeech.googleapis.com |
API Timeseries Insights | timeseriesinsights.googleapis.com |
API Transcoder | transcoder.googleapis.com |
API Transfer Appliance | transferappliance.googleapis.com |
API Vertex AI | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
API Video Intelligence | videointelligence.googleapis.com |
API Video Search | cloudvideosearch.googleapis.com |
API Video Stitcher | videostitcher.googleapis.com |
API Vision AI | visionai.googleapis.com |
API Visual Inspection AI | visualinspection.googleapis.com |
API VM Migration | vmmigration.googleapis.com |
API Web Risk | webrisk.googleapis.com |
API Web Security Scanner | websecurityscanner.googleapis.com |
API Workflow Executions | workflowexecutions.googleapis.com |
API Workflows | workflows.googleapis.com |
API Workload Certificate | workloadcertificate.googleapis.com |
API Workload Manager | workloadmanager.googleapis.com |
Cloud DNS API | dns.googleapis.com |
Config Controller (API KRM API Hosting) | krmapihosting.googleapis.com |
Google Earth Engine API | earthengine.googleapis.com |
Outil de recommandation d'API | recommender.googleapis.com |