Rightsizing instances in a wave

For Run-in-Cloud or Migration operations, you must define the target instance type in your runbook. You can do this manually, or use Velostrata's Cloud instance rightsizing to suggest sizes.

To rightsize your instances:

  1. Select your Wave.
  2. From the Runbook Automation top bar, click Action > Right-Sizing.
  3. Using the Operation drop-down menu, select the operation you'd like to perform:

    • Start Monitoring: Monitor the on-premises VMs in the runbook to receive cost-based recommendations. This operation is available only for vSphere VMs.
    • Stop Monitoring: Turn monitoring off for the on-premises VMs after you've successfully retrieved your recommendations. This operation is available only for vSphere VMs.

    • Get Recommendations: Download a new runbook populated with recommendations.

This file contains three recommendations that reflect performance-based options and, if available, three that reflect cost-based options:

  • Performance-based options are derived from provisioned VMs at source.
  • Cost-based options are derived from the CPU and RAM configuration of the on-premises VM and their average usage during a given period.

Each recommendation is represented in two columns: one for the recommended instance type, and one for the estimated hourly cost to run that VM. The estimated hourly cost is for compute usage only and does not include storage or network traffic costs, which vary with usage. These columns are:

  • PerfOptRec_type_N (N = 1, 2, 3): The recommended performance-optimized cloud instance type.
  • PerfOptRec_cost_N (N = 1, 2, 3): The list price for the recommended cloud instance type. This price includes the sustained use discount.
  • VmUsageInfo: The collected VM usage information. This is the base for cost-optimized recommendations.
  • CostOptRec_type_N (N = 1, 2, 3): The recommended cost-optimized cloud instance type.
  • CostOptRec_cost_N (N = 1, 2, 3): The list price for the recommended cloud instance type. This price includes the sustained use discount.

After loading the runbook, locate the recommendation columns and examine their suggestions. Choose one for that row and copy the instance type value into the TargetInstanceType column. Save the file to upload back to the Velostrata Manager using the Update Runbook button.