Halaman ini memberikan informasi tentang layanan Google Cloud yang menulis log audit. Artikel ini juga menyediakan link ke dokumentasi log audit terkait lainnya.
Untuk ringkasan tentang definisi log audit dan arti setiap jenis log audit, lihat Ringkasan Cloud Audit Logs.
Google Cloud layanan yang menghasilkan log audit
Google Cloud layanan dengan log audit | Nama Layanan |
Access Approval | accessapproval.googleapis.com |
Access Context Manager | accesscontextmanager.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Prediction | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Training | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Vizier | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
Akses VPC Serverless | vpcaccess.googleapis.com |
AlloyDB untuk PostgreSQL | alloydb.googleapis.com |
Analytics Hub | analyticshub.googleapis.com |
Anti Money Laundering AI | financialservices.googleapis.com |
Apigee | apigee.googleapis.com |
Apigee Connect | apigeeconnect.googleapis.com |
Apigee Hybrid | apigeeregistry.googleapis.com |
App Engine | appengine.googleapis.com |
App Hub | apphub.googleapis.com |
Application Integration | integrations.googleapis.com |
Artifact Analysis | containeranalysis.googleapis.com |
Artifact Analysis | ondemandscanning.googleapis.com |
Artifact Registry | artifactregistry.googleapis.com |
Assured Workloads | assuredworkloads.googleapis.com |
Aturan Keamanan Firebase | firebaserules.googleapis.com |
Audit Manager | auditmanager.googleapis.com |
AutoML | automl.googleapis.com |
Batch | batch.googleapis.com |
BigLake API | biglake.googleapis.com |
BigQuery | bigquery.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Connection API | bigqueryconnection.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Data Transfer Service | bigquerydatatransfer.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Reservation API | bigqueryreservation.googleapis.com |
Bigtable | bigtable.googleapis.com |
Blockchain Node Engine | blockchainnodeengine.googleapis.com |
Certificate Authority Service | privateca.googleapis.com |
Certificate Manager | certificatemanager.googleapis.com |
Chrome Enterprise Premium | beyondcorp.googleapis.com |
Cloud Bigtable Admin API | bigtableadmin.googleapis.com |
Cloud Build | cloudbuild.googleapis.com |
Cloud Commerce Consumer Procurement | cloudcommerceconsumerprocurement.googleapis.com |
Cloud Composer | composer.googleapis.com |
Cloud Customer Care | cloudsupport.googleapis.com |
Cloud Data Fusion | datafusion.googleapis.com |
Cloud Deploy | clouddeploy.googleapis.com |
Cloud Deployment Manager | deploymentmanager.googleapis.com |
Cloud DNS | dns.googleapis.com |
Cloud Domains | domains.googleapis.com |
Cloud Healthcare API | healthcare.googleapis.com |
Cloud IDS | ids.googleapis.com |
Cloud Key Management Service | cloudkms.googleapis.com |
Cloud Life Sciences | lifesciences.googleapis.com |
Cloud Load Balancing | compute.googleapis.com |
Cloud Logging | logging.googleapis.com |
Cloud Monitoring | monitoring.googleapis.com |
Cloud NAT | compute.googleapis.com |
Cloud Next Generation Firewall Enterprise | networksecurity.googleapis.com |
Cloud Profiler | cloudprofiler.googleapis.com |
Cloud Run | run.googleapis.com |
Cloud Run Functions | cloudfunctions.googleapis.com |
Cloud Scheduler | cloudscheduler.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | meshconfig.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | meshca.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | trafficdirector.googleapis.com networkservices.googleapis.com networksecurity.googleapis.com |
Cloud Source Repositories | sourcerepo.googleapis.com |
Cloud SQL | cloudsql.googleapis.com |
Cloud Storage | storage.googleapis.com |
Cloud Tasks | cloudtasks.googleapis.com |
Cloud TPU | tpu.googleapis.com |
Cloud Trace | cloudtrace.googleapis.com |
Cloud Translation | translate.googleapis.com |
Cloud Vision | vision.googleapis.com |
Cloud Workstations | workstations.googleapis.com |
Cluster terpasang GKE | gkemulticloud.googleapis.com |
Compute Engine | compute.googleapis.com |
Confidential VM | confidentialcomputing.googleapis.com |
Connect | gkeconnect.googleapis.com |
connect gateway | connectgateway.googleapis.com |
Contact Center as a Service Google Cloud | contactcenteraiplatform.googleapis.com |
Container Security API | containersecurity.googleapis.com |
Data Catalog | datacatalog.googleapis.com |
Data Pipelines | datapipelines.googleapis.com |
Database Migration Service | datamigration.googleapis.com |
Dataflow | dataflow.googleapis.com |
Dataform | dataform.googleapis.com |
Dataplex | dataplex.googleapis.com |
Dataplex Data Lineage API | datalineage.googleapis.com |
Dataproc | dataproc.googleapis.com |
Dataproc Metastore | metastore.googleapis.com |
Datastore | datastore.googleapis.com |
Datastream | datastream.googleapis.com |
Developer Connect | developerconnect.googleapis.com |
Dialogflow | dialogflow.googleapis.com |
Direktori Layanan | servicedirectory.googleapis.com |
Document AI | documentai.googleapis.com |
Document AI Warehouse | contentwarehouse.googleapis.com |
Earth Engine API | earthengine.googleapis.com |
Enterprise Knowledge Graph | enterpriseknowledgegraph.googleapis.com |
Enterprise Purchasing API | enterprisepurchasing.googleapis.com |
Error Reporting | clouderrorreporting.googleapis.com |
Eventarc | eventarc.googleapis.com |
Filestore | file.googleapis.com |
Firebase App Check | firebaseappcheck.googleapis.com |
Firebase Notifications Console | gcmcontextualcampaign-pa.googleapis.com |
Firebase Realtime Database | firebasedatabase.googleapis.com |
Firebase Storage | firebasestorage.googleapis.com |
Firestore | firestore.googleapis.com |
Gateway API | apigateway.googleapis.com |
Gemini untuk Google Cloud | cloudaicompanion.googleapis.com |
GKE Hub | gkehub.googleapis.com |
GKE On-Prem API | gkeonprem.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Armor | compute.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud VMware Engine | vmwareengine.googleapis.com |
Google Distributed Cloud | edgenetwork.googleapis.com |
Google Distributed Cloud | edgecontainer.googleapis.com |
Google Kubernetes Engine | k8s.io |
Google Kubernetes Engine | container.googleapis.com |
Google Security Operations | chronicle.googleapis.com chronicleservicemanager.googleapis.com malachitefrontend-pa.googleapis.com |
Google Workspace add-ons API | gsuiteaddons.googleapis.com |
ID Pembicara | speakerid.googleapis.com |
Identity and Access Management (IAM) | iam.googleapis.com |
Identity Platform | identitytoolkit.googleapis.com |
Identity-Aware Proxy | iap.googleapis.com |
Immersive Stream for XR | stream.googleapis.com |
Infrastructure Manager | config.googleapis.com |
Insight Berbasis Percakapan | contactcenterinsights.googleapis.com |
Integration Connectors | connectors.googleapis.com |
Inventaris Aset Cloud | cloudasset.googleapis.com |
Kebijakan Data BigQuery | bigquerydatapolicy.googleapis.com |
Kebijakan Organisasi | orgpolicy.googleapis.com |
Kontak Penting | essentialcontacts.googleapis.com |
Kredensial Akun Layanan | iamcredentials.googleapis.com |
Kubernetes Metadata API | kubernetesmetadata.googleapis.com |
Kunci API | apikeys.googleapis.com |
Kuota Cloud | cloudquotas.googleapis.com |
Layanan Cadangan dan DR | backupdr.googleapis.com |
Layanan Inventaris Cloud KMS | kmsinventory.googleapis.com |
Layanan Migrasi BigQuery | bigquerymigration.googleapis.com |
Layanan Terkelola Google Cloud untuk Apache Kafka | managedkafka.googleapis.com |
Layanan Terkelola untuk Microsoft Active Directory | managedidentities.googleapis.com |
Live Stream API | livestream.googleapis.com |
Looker (Google Cloud core) | looker.googleapis.com |
Memcache App Engine | appenginememcacheconsole.googleapis.com |
Memorystore for Memcached | memcache.googleapis.com |
Memorystore for Redis | redis.googleapis.com |
Migrate to Virtual Machines | vmmigration.googleapis.com |
Network Connectivity Center | networkconnectivity.googleapis.com |
Notebook terkelola Vertex AI Workbench | notebooks.googleapis.com |
Notebook Vertex AI Workbench yang dikelola pengguna | notebooks.googleapis.com |
Otorisasi Biner | binaryauthorization.googleapis.com |
Payments Reseller Subscription API | paymentsresellersubscription.googleapis.com |
Pemberi Rekomendasi | recommender.googleapis.com |
Pemberitahuan Insiden | advisorynotifications.googleapis.com |
Penagihan Cloud | cloudbilling.googleapis.com |
Pencadangan untuk GKE | gkebackup.googleapis.com |
Pengelolaan API Apigee | apim.googleapis.com |
Pengelolaan Firebase | firebase.googleapis.com |
Pengelolaan Layanan | servicemanagement.googleapis.com |
Penggunaan Layanan | serviceusage.googleapis.com |
Personalized Service Health | servicehealth.googleapis.com |
Policy Simulator | policysimulator.googleapis.com |
Postur Keamanan | securityposture.googleapis.com |
Pub/Sub | pubsub.googleapis.com |
Pub/Sub Lite | pubsublite.googleapis.com |
Public Certificate Authority | publicca.googleapis.com |
Pusat Migrasi Google Cloud | migrationcenter.googleapis.com |
Pusat Migrasi Google Cloud | rapidmigrationassessment.googleapis.com |
reCAPTCHA | recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com |
Rekomendasi | recommendationengine.googleapis.com |
Resource Manager | cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com |
Secret Manager | secretmanager.googleapis.com |
Secret Manager | parametermanager.googleapis.com |
Security Center Management API | securitycentermanagement.googleapis.com |
Security Command Center | securitycenter.googleapis.com |
Security Token Service | sts.googleapis.com |
Sensitive Data Protection | dlp.googleapis.com |
Service Consumer Management | serviceconsumermanagement.googleapis.com |
Service Control | servicecontrol.googleapis.com |
Service Metadata API | cloud.googleapis.com |
Setelan Resource | resourcesettings.googleapis.com |
Solusi Bare Metal | baremetalsolution.googleapis.com |
Spanner | spanner.googleapis.com |
Speech-to-Text | speech.googleapis.com |
Storage Insights | storageinsights.googleapis.com |
Storage Transfer Service | storagetransfer.googleapis.com |
Streaming Perangkat Android | testing.googleapis.com |
Telco Automation API | telcoautomation.googleapis.com |
Timeseries Insights API | timeseriesinsights.googleapis.com |
Transcoder API | transcoder.googleapis.com |
Transfer Appliance | transferappliance.googleapis.com |
Translation Hub API | translationhub.googleapis.com |
Transparansi dan Pusat Kontrol | customerusagedataprocessing.googleapis.com |
Uji Konektivitas | networkmanagement.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Agent Builder/Discovery Engine | discoveryengine.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Search | retail.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Vision | visionai.googleapis.com |
Video Intelligence API | videointelligence.googleapis.com |
Video Stitcher API | videostitcher.googleapis.com |
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) | networkconnectivity.googleapis.com compute.googleapis.com |
VM Manager | osconfig.googleapis.com |
Web Security Scanner | websecurityscanner.googleapis.com |
Workflows | workflows.googleapis.com |
Workflows | workflowexecutions.googleapis.com |
Workload Manager | workloadmanager.googleapis.com |
Dokumentasi logging audit lainnya
Link ke dokumentasi |
Kontrol Layanan VPC |
Log Audit untuk Google Workspace |