このページでは、監査ログを書き込む Google Cloud サービスについて説明します。また、その他の関連する監査ロギングのドキュメントへのリンクも記載しています。
監査ログの概要と監査ログの各タイプの意味については、Cloud Audit Logs の概要をご覧ください。
Google Cloud 監査ログを生成するサービス
Google Cloud 監査ログを使用するサービス | サービス名 |
アクセスの承認 | accessapproval.googleapis.com |
Apigee Connect | apigeeconnect.googleapis.com |
Apigee API Management | apim.googleapis.com |
Apigee | apigee.googleapis.com |
Access Context Manager | accesscontextmanager.googleapis.com |
Advisory Notifications | advisorynotifications.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Vizier | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Prediction | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
AI Platform Training | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI | aiplatform.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Vision | visionai.googleapis.com |
AlloyDB for PostgreSQL | alloydb.googleapis.com |
監査マネージャー | auditmanager.googleapis.com |
GKE 接続クラスタ | gkemulticloud.googleapis.com |
Anti Money Laundering AI | financialservices.googleapis.com |
AutoML | automl.googleapis.com |
Backup for GKE | gkebackup.googleapis.com |
Gemini for Google Cloud | cloudaicompanion.googleapis.com |
Confidential VMs | confidentialcomputing.googleapis.com |
Storage Insights | storageinsights.googleapis.com |
Connect | gkeconnect.googleapis.com |
GKE Hub | gkehub.googleapis.com |
Connect ゲートウェイ | connectgateway.googleapis.com |
Enterprise Knowledge Graph | enterpriseknowledgegraph.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Armor | compute.googleapis.com |
Google Distributed Cloud | edgenetwork.googleapis.com |
Google Distributed Cloud | edgecontainer.googleapis.com |
Earth Engine API | earthengine.googleapis.com |
Immersive Stream for XR | stream.googleapis.com |
セキュリティ ポスチャー | securityposture.googleapis.com |
Personalized Service Health | servicehealth.googleapis.com |
Service Metadata API | cloud.googleapis.com |
Speaker ID | speakerid.googleapis.com |
Timeseries 分析情報 API | timeseriesinsights.googleapis.com |
Translation Hub API | translationhub.googleapis.com |
Video Stitcher API | videostitcher.googleapis.com |
Enterprise Purchasing API | enterprisepurchasing.googleapis.com |
Transfer Appliance | transferappliance.googleapis.com |
Telco Automation API | telcoautomation.googleapis.com |
Live Stream API | livestream.googleapis.com |
GKE On-Prem API | gkeonprem.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | meshconfig.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | meshca.googleapis.com |
Cloud Service Mesh | trafficdirector.googleapis.com networkservices.googleapis.com networksecurity.googleapis.com |
API Gateway | apigateway.googleapis.com |
Apigee ハイブリッド | apigeeregistry.googleapis.com |
App Hub | apphub.googleapis.com |
Application Integration | integrations.googleapis.com |
API キー | apikeys.googleapis.com |
Batch | batch.googleapis.com |
App Engine | appengine.googleapis.com |
App Engine Memcache | appenginememcacheconsole.googleapis.com |
Artifact Registry | artifactregistry.googleapis.com |
Assured Workloads | assuredworkloads.googleapis.com |
バックアップおよび DR サービス | backupdr.googleapis.com |
Bare Metal Solution | baremetalsolution.googleapis.com |
Chrome Enterprise Premium | beyondcorp.googleapis.com |
BigQuery | bigquery.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Migration Service | bigquerymigration.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Reservation API | bigqueryreservation.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Connection API | bigqueryconnection.googleapis.com |
Analytics Hub | analyticshub.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Data Policy | bigquerydatapolicy.googleapis.com |
BigQuery Data Transfer Service | bigquerydatatransfer.googleapis.com |
BigLake API | biglake.googleapis.com |
Binary Authorization | binaryauthorization.googleapis.com |
ブロックチェーン ノード エンジン | blockchainnodeengine.googleapis.com |
Certificate Authority Service | privateca.googleapis.com |
Certificate Manager | certificatemanager.googleapis.com |
Public Certificate Authority | publicca.googleapis.com |
Google Security Operations | chronicle.googleapis.com chronicleservicemanager.googleapis.com malachitefrontend-pa.googleapis.com |
Cloud Asset Inventory | cloudasset.googleapis.com |
Cloud Commerce Consumer Procurement | cloudcommerceconsumerprocurement.googleapis.com |
Google Workspace Add-ons API | gsuiteaddons.googleapis.com |
Bigtable | bigtable.googleapis.com |
Cloud Bigtable Admin API | bigtableadmin.googleapis.com |
Cloud Billing | cloudbilling.googleapis.com |
Cloud Build | cloudbuild.googleapis.com |
Cloud Composer | composer.googleapis.com |
Cloud カスタマーケア | cloudsupport.googleapis.com |
Cloud Data Fusion | datafusion.googleapis.com |
Sensitive Data Protection | dlp.googleapis.com |
Cloud Deploy | clouddeploy.googleapis.com |
Cloud Deployment Manager | deploymentmanager.googleapis.com |
Cloud DNS | dns.googleapis.com |
Cloud Domains | domains.googleapis.com |
Payments Reseller Subscription API | paymentsresellersubscription.googleapis.com |
Cloud Run 関数 | cloudfunctions.googleapis.com |
Developer Connect | developerconnect.googleapis.com |
Cloud Healthcare API | healthcare.googleapis.com |
Cloud IDS | ids.googleapis.com |
Cloud Key Management Service | cloudkms.googleapis.com |
Cloud Life Sciences | lifesciences.googleapis.com |
Cloud Load Balancing | compute.googleapis.com |
Cloud NAT | compute.googleapis.com |
Compute Engine | compute.googleapis.com |
Cloud Logging | logging.googleapis.com |
Cloud Monitoring | monitoring.googleapis.com |
Cloud Profiler | cloudprofiler.googleapis.com |
Cloud Run | run.googleapis.com |
Cloud Scheduler | cloudscheduler.googleapis.com |
Cloud Source Repositories | sourcerepo.googleapis.com |
Spanner | spanner.googleapis.com |
Cloud SQL | cloudsql.googleapis.com |
Cloud Storage | storage.googleapis.com |
Cloud TPU | tpu.googleapis.com |
Cloud Trace | cloudtrace.googleapis.com |
Cloud Translation | translate.googleapis.com |
Cloud Vision | vision.googleapis.com |
Cloud Workstations | workstations.googleapis.com |
接続テスト | networkmanagement.googleapis.com |
会話型分析情報 | contactcenterinsights.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Contact Center as a Service | contactcenteraiplatform.googleapis.com |
Artifact Analysis | containeranalysis.googleapis.com |
Artifact Analysis | ondemandscanning.googleapis.com |
Data Catalog | datacatalog.googleapis.com |
Database Migration Service | datamigration.googleapis.com |
Dataflow | dataflow.googleapis.com |
Data Pipelines | datapipelines.googleapis.com |
Dataform | dataform.googleapis.com |
Dataplex | dataplex.googleapis.com |
Dataproc | dataproc.googleapis.com |
Dataproc Metastore | metastore.googleapis.com |
Datastore | datastore.googleapis.com |
Datastream | datastream.googleapis.com |
Dialogflow | dialogflow.googleapis.com |
Document AI | documentai.googleapis.com |
Document AI ウェアハウス | contentwarehouse.googleapis.com |
Error Reporting | clouderrorreporting.googleapis.com |
重要な連絡先 | essentialcontacts.googleapis.com |
Eventarc | eventarc.googleapis.com |
Filestore | file.googleapis.com |
Firebase App Check | firebaseappcheck.googleapis.com |
Firebase Management | firebase.googleapis.com |
Firebase Storage | firebasestorage.googleapis.com |
Firebase Notifications コンソール | gcmcontextualcampaign-pa.googleapis.com |
Firebase セキュリティ ルール | firebaserules.googleapis.com |
Firebase Realtime Database | firebasedatabase.googleapis.com |
Firestore | firestore.googleapis.com |
Android デバイスのストリーミング | testing.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Migration Center | migrationcenter.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Migration Center | rapidmigrationassessment.googleapis.com |
Google Kubernetes Engine | k8s.io |
Google Kubernetes Engine | container.googleapis.com |
Container Security API | containersecurity.googleapis.com |
Kubernetes Metadata API | kubernetesmetadata.googleapis.com |
Identity and Access Management(IAM) | iam.googleapis.com |
サービス アカウント認証情報 | iamcredentials.googleapis.com |
Security Token Service | sts.googleapis.com |
Privileged Access Manager | privilegedaccessmanager.googleapis.com |
Identity Platform | identitytoolkit.googleapis.com |
Identity-Aware Proxy | iap.googleapis.com |
Infrastructure Manager | config.googleapis.com |
Integration Connectors | connectors.googleapis.com |
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory | managedidentities.googleapis.com |
Memorystore for Memcached | memcache.googleapis.com |
Memorystore for Redis | redis.googleapis.com |
Memorystore for Valkey | memorystore.googleapis.com |
Migrate to Virtual Machines | vmmigration.googleapis.com |
Model Armor | modelarmor.googleapis.com |
Network Connectivity Center | networkconnectivity.googleapis.com |
組織ポリシー | orgpolicy.googleapis.com |
Policy Simulator | policysimulator.googleapis.com |
Pub/Sub | pubsub.googleapis.com |
Pub/Sub Lite | pubsublite.googleapis.com |
reCAPTCHA | recaptchaenterprise.googleapis.com |
推奨事項 | recommendationengine.googleapis.com |
Recommender | recommender.googleapis.com |
透明性とコントロール センター | customerusagedataprocessing.googleapis.com |
Resource Manager | cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com |
リソースの設定 | resourcesettings.googleapis.com |
Secret Manager | secretmanager.googleapis.com |
Secret Manager | parametermanager.googleapis.com |
Security Command Center | securitycenter.googleapis.com |
Security Center Management API | securitycentermanagement.googleapis.com |
サーバーレス VPC アクセス | vpcaccess.googleapis.com |
Service Directory | servicedirectory.googleapis.com |
サービス管理 | servicemanagement.googleapis.com |
Service Consumer Management | serviceconsumermanagement.googleapis.com |
Service Control | servicecontrol.googleapis.com |
Service Usage | serviceusage.googleapis.com |
Speech-to-Text | speech.googleapis.com |
Transcoder API | transcoder.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Agent Builder/Discovery Engine | discoveryengine.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Workbench マネージド ノートブック | notebooks.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Workbench ユーザー管理ノートブック | notebooks.googleapis.com |
Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) | networkconnectivity.googleapis.com compute.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud VMware Engine | vmwareengine.googleapis.com |
Workflows | workflows.googleapis.com |
Workflows | workflowexecutions.googleapis.com |
ワークロード マネージャー | workloadmanager.googleapis.com |
Storage Transfer Service | storagetransfer.googleapis.com |
Looker(Google Cloud コア) | looker.googleapis.com |
VM Manager | osconfig.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud NetApp Volumes | netapp.googleapis.com |
Cloud Next Generation Firewall Enterprise | networksecurity.googleapis.com |
Web Security Scanner | websecurityscanner.googleapis.com |
クラウド割り当て | cloudquotas.googleapis.com |
Video Intelligence API | videointelligence.googleapis.com |
Cloud KMS Inventory Service | kmsinventory.googleapis.com |
Cloud Tasks | cloudtasks.googleapis.com |
Dataplex Data Lineage API | datalineage.googleapis.com |
Vertex AI Search for Commerce | retail.googleapis.com |
Google Cloud Managed Service for Apache Kafka | managedkafka.googleapis.com |
ドキュメントへのリンク |
VPC Service Controls |
Google Workspace の監査ログ |