Use health checks

Google Cloud provides health checking mechanisms that determine whether backend instances respond properly to traffic. This document describes how to create and use health checks for load balancers and Cloud Service Mesh.

This page assumes that you are familiar with the following concepts:

Create health checks

Google Cloud lets you create or select a health check when you complete the load balancer's backend configuration in the Google Cloud console.

You can also create a health check independently of load balancer configuration in the Google Cloud console. This is useful if you need to create your health check first, or if you need to use a health check for multiple load balancers. You can create a health check using the Google Cloud console, the Google Cloud CLI, or the REST APIs.

  1. Go to the Health checks page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Health checks page
  2. Click Create a health check.
  3. On the Create a health check page, supply the following information:
    • Name: Provide a name for the health check.
    • Description: Optionally, provide a description.
    • Scope: Select a scope, either Global or Regional, depending on the type of load balancer.
      • If you selected Regional, pick a Region from the drop-down.
    • Protocol: Choose a health check protocol.
    • Port: Provide a port number. When you create a health check in the Google Cloud console, you must specify the port using a port number.
    • Proxy protocol: Optionally, you can append a proxy header to the requests made by the health check probe systems.
    • Request path and Response: For HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP2 protocols, you can optionally provide a URL path for the health check probe systems to contact. For more information, see Additional flags for HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 health checks.
    • Request and Response: For TCP and SSL protcols, you can specify an ASCII text string to send and expected text response string. For more information, see Additional flags for SSL and TCP health checks.
    • Check interval: Define the amount of time from the start of one probe to the start of the next one.
    • Timeout: Define the amount of time that Google Cloud waits for a response to a probe. Its value must be less than or equal to the check interval.
    • Healthy threshold: Define the number of sequential probes that must succeed for the VM instance to be considered healthy.
    • Unhealthy threshold: Define the number of sequential probes that must fail for the VM instance to be considered unhealthy.
  4. Click Create.
  • To create a global health check, use the appropriate compute health-checks create command:

    gcloud compute health-checks create PROTOCOL NAME \
        --global \
        --description=DESCRIPTION \
        --check-interval=CHECK_INTERVAL \
        --timeout=TIMEOUT \
        --healthy-threshold=HEALTHY_THRESHOLD \
        --unhealthy-threshold=UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD \
  • To create a regional health check, use the appropriate compute health-checks create command:

    gcloud compute health-checks create PROTOCOL NAME \
        --region=REGION \
        --description=DESCRIPTION \
        --check-interval=CHECK_INTERVAL \
        --timeout=TIMEOUT \
        --healthy-threshold=HEALTHY_THRESHOLD \
        --unhealthy-threshold=UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD \

Replace the following:

  • PROTOCOL defines the protocol used for the health check. Valid options are grpc, http, https, http2, ssl, and tcp.
  • NAME is the name of the health check. Within a given project: Each global health check must have a unique name, and regional health checks must have unique names within a given region.
  • REGION: The region of the health check. For regional load balancers, the health check region must match the region of the backend service.
  • DESCRIPTION is an optional description.
  • CHECK_INTERVAL is the amount of time from the start of one health check probe system's connection to the start of the next one. Units are seconds. If omitted, Google Cloud uses a value of 5s (5 seconds).
  • TIMEOUT is the amount of time that Google Cloud waits for a response to a probe. The value of TIMEOUT must be less than or equal to the CHECK_INTERVAL. Units are seconds. If omitted, Google Cloud uses a value of 5s (5 seconds).
  • HEALTHY_THRESHOLD and UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD specify the number of sequential probes that must succeed or fail for the VM instance to be considered healthy or unhealthy. If either is omitted, Google Cloud uses a default threshold of 2.
  • PORT_SPECIFICATION: Defines the port specification using one of the Port specification flags.
  • ADDITIONAL_FLAGS are other flags for specifying ports and options specific to the PROTOCOL. See Additional flags for HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 health checks, Additional flags for SSL and TCP health checks, or Additional flag for gRPC health checks.

To create a global health check, use the google_compute_health_check resource.

resource "google_compute_health_check" "health_check_tcp_with_logging" {
  provider = google-beta

  name = "health-check-tcp"

  timeout_sec        = 1
  check_interval_sec = 1

  tcp_health_check {
    port = "22"

  log_config {
    enable = true

To create a regional health check, use the google_compute_region_health_check resource.

resource "google_compute_region_health_check" "default" {
  name               = "tcp-health-check-region-west"
  timeout_sec        = 5
  check_interval_sec = 5
  tcp_health_check {
    port = "80"
  region = "us-west1"

To learn how to apply or remove a Terraform configuration, see Basic Terraform commands.


Modify health checks

You cannot convert a health check to a legacy health check (or the reverse) by modifying the health check. You also cannot change a health check's name or scope (for example, global to regional).

  1. Go to the Health checks page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Health checks page
  2. Click a health check to view its details.
  3. If you need to modify the health check, click Edit, then:
    • Make changes to the parameters as necessary.
    • Click Save.
  1. Identify the name and scope of the health check. For instructions, see List health checks.

  2. Except for a health check's name, protocol, and scope, you can modify any of the common flags, the port specification flags, and other additional flags. To modify an existing health check, use the appropriate compute health-checks update command command. For flags that you omit, preconfigured settings are preserved.

    • Example modification of a global health check: The following command modifies a global HTTP health check named hc-http-port-80 by changing its check interval, timeout, and request path:

      gcloud compute health-checks update http hc-http-port-80 \
          --global \
          --check-interval=20s \
          --timeout=15s \
    • Example modification of a regional health check: The following command modifies a regional TCP health check in us-west1 named hc-west1-tcp-ldap by changing its port specification:

      gcloud compute health-checks update tcp hc-west1-tcp-ldap \
          --region=us-west1 \
  1. Identify the name and scope of the health check. See Listing health checks for instructions.

  2. Except for a health check's name, protocol, and scope, you can modify any of the common flags, the port specification flags, and other additional flags with these API calls. Use patch API calls to preserve any preconfigured settings that are not explicitly set in the request.

List health checks

  1. Go to the Health checks page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Health checks page
  2. Click a health check to view its details.

To list health checks, use the compute health-checks list command:

  • To list global health checks:

    gcloud compute health-checks list \
  • To list regional health checks: Replace REGION_LIST with a comma-delimited list of Google Cloud regions to query.

    gcloud compute health-checks list \

After you know the name and scope of a health check, use the compute health-checks describe command to view its current configuration.

  • To describe a global health check, replace NAME with its name.

    gcloud compute health-checks describe NAME \
  • To describe a regional health check, replace NAME with its name and REGION with its region.

    gcloud compute health-checks describe NAME \

To list health checks, use these API calls:

To describe a health check's current configuration, use:

Additional flags

This section describes additional flags you can use when creating or modifying a health check. Some flags, such as port specification, must be set by using gcloud or the API.

Port specification flags

If you create a health check by using the Google Cloud CLI or the API, you have two options to specify the health check's port. The following table shows port specification options for valid load balancer and backend combinations. The term instance group refers to unmanaged instance groups, zonal managed instance groups, or regional managed instance groups.

Each health check can only use one type of port specification.

Product Backend type Port specification options
External passthrough Network Load Balancer Instance groups and supported NEGs

--port: Specify a TCP port by number, from 1 to 65535

The --use-serving-port flag is ignored for a health check associated with an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer because backend services for this load balancer don't subscribe to any named ports. This is because they are passthrough load balancers that deliver packets directly to backends instead of creating new connections from the load balancer to the backend.

Target pools Legacy health checks which support the port number (--port) specification.
Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer Instance groups and supported NEGs

--port: Specify a TCP port by number, from 1 to 65535

The --use-serving-port flag is ignored for a health check associated with an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer because backend services for this load balancer don't subscribe to any named ports. This is because they are passthrough load balancers that deliver packets directly to backends instead of creating new connections from the load balancer to the backend.

Global external Application Load Balancer

Classic Application Load Balancer

Regional external Application Load Balancer

Cross-region internal Application Load Balancer

Regional internal Application Load Balancer

Global external proxy Network Load Balancer

Classic proxy Network Load Balancer

Regional external proxy Network Load Balancer

Cross-region internal proxy Network Load Balancer

Regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer

Cloud Service Mesh
Supported NEGs
  • --port: Specify a TCP port by number, from 1 to 65535
  • --use-serving-port: Use the port of each endpoint in the network endpoint group.
Instance groups
  • --port: Specify a TCP port by number, from 1 to 65535
  • --use-serving-port: Use the same instance group named port to which the backend service subscribes.

If you omit the port specification while creating the health check, Google Cloud uses the following defaults:

  • If the health check's protocol is TCP or HTTP, it uses --port=80.
  • If the health check's protocol is SSL, HTTPS, or HTTP2, it uses --port=443.
  • If the health check's protocol is GRPC, there is no implied default; you must include the port specification.

Additional flags for HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 health checks

In addition to the common flags and port specification, you can use the following optional flags for HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 health checks. This example creates an HTTP health check named hc-http-port-80 using port 80 with default interval, timeout, and health threshold criteria.

gcloud compute health-checks create HTTP_PROTOCOL hc-http-port-80 \
    --host=HOST \
    --proxy-header=PROXY_HEADER \
    --request-path=REQUEST_PATH \
  • HTTP_PROTOCOL: Can be http (HTTP/1.1 without TLS), https (HTTP/1.1 with TLS), or http2 (HTTP/2 with TLS).
  • COMMON_FLAGS: Defines the common flags. See Creation procedure.
  • PORT_SPECIFICATION: Defines the port specification using one of the Port specification flags.
  • HOST lets you provide a Host HTTP header. If omitted, the IP address of the load balancer's forwarding rule is used.
  • PROXY_HEADER must be one of NONE or PROXY_V1. If omitted, Google Cloud uses NONE. The value of PROXY_V1 adds the header PROXY UNKNOWN\r\n.
  • REQUEST_PATH specifies the URL path that Google Cloud uses when sending health check requests. If omitted, the health check request is sent to /.
  • RESPONSE defines an optional expected response. Response strings must follow these rules:
    • The response string must consist of ASCII letters, numbers, and spaces.
    • The response string can be up to 1,024 characters long.
    • Wildcard matching is not supported.
    • Content-based checking does not support inversion; for example, operators such as ! in HAProxy are not supported.

If Google Cloud finds the expected response string anywhere in the first 1,024 bytes of the received response body, and if the HTTP status is 200 (OK), the probe is considered successful.

The --request-path and --response flags modify the success criteria for the health check probe.

Additional flags for SSL and TCP health checks

In addition to the common flags and port specification, you can use the following optional flags for SSL and TCP health checks. This example creates a TCP health check named hc-tcp-3268 using port 3268 with default interval, timeout, and health threshold criteria.

gcloud compute health-checks create tcp hc-tcp-3268 \
    --proxy-header=PROXY_HEADER \
    --request=REQUEST_STRING \
  • The protocol can be tcp (in this example) or ssl.
  • COMMON_FLAGS: Defines the common flags. See Creation procedure.
  • PORT_SPECIFICATION: Defines the port specification using one of the Port specification flags.
  • PROXY_HEADER must be one of NONE or PROXY_V1. If omitted, Google Cloud uses NONE. The value of PROXY_V1 adds the header PROXY UNKNOWN\r\n.
  • REQUEST_STRING: You can provide a string, up to 1,024 ASCII characters long, to send once the TCP or SSL session has been established.
  • RESPONSE_STRING: You can provide a string, up to 1,024 ASCII characters long, for the expected response.

The --request and --response flags modify the success criteria for the health check probe. If you use the --response flag, either by itself or in conjunction with the --request flag, the response returned must exactly match the expected response string.

Additional flag for gRPC health checks

Your backend gRPC server must implement the gRPC health service as described in the gRPC health checking protocol. Google Cloud sends a HealthCheckRequest message to your backends by calling the Check method of the health service on your backend. The service parameter in the request is set to an empty string unless a gRPC service name is specified.

A gRPC health check can check the status of a gRPC service. You can include a string, up to 1,024 ASCII characters long, that is the name of a particular gRPC service running on a backend VM or NEG. To do this, use the following optional flag for gRPC health checks:


For example, you might have the following services and status that the backend server registers with your backend's gRPC Health service.

  • MyPackage.ServiceA with the serving status SERVING
  • MyPackage.ServiceB with the serving status NOT_SERVING
  • Empty service name with the serving status NOT_SERVING

If you create a health check against MyPackage.ServiceA, as follows, the health check probe returns HEALTHY, because the service's status is SERVING.

gcloud beta compute health-checks create grpc MyGrpcHealthCheckServiceA \

If you create a health check against MyPackage.ServiceB, the health check probe returns UNHEALTHY because the service's status is NOT_SERVING.

If you create a health check against MyPackage.ServiceC, which is not registered with the gRPC Health service, the health check probe returns the gRPC status NOT_FOUND, which is the equivalent of UNHEALTHY.

If you create a health check against the empty service name, the health check probe returns the status UNHEALTHY, because the empty service name is registered with the status NOT_SERVING.

Legacy health checks

This section describes how to create, modify, and list legacy HTTP and HTTPS health checks. You cannot convert a legacy health check to a health check, and you cannot convert a health check to a legacy health check.

To learn which types of load balancers support legacy health checks, see the Load balancer guide.

Create legacy health checks

Although the Google Cloud console's health checks page lists and lets you edit both health checks and legacy health checks, you cannot create a new legacy health check from the Google Cloud console's health checks page.

You can create a legacy health check in the Google Cloud console only while creating a target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer. To create the legacy health check by itself, use this section's gcloud or API instructions.

To create a legacy health check, use the compute http-health-checks create command:

gcloud compute LEGACY_CHECK_TYPE create NAME \
    --description=DESCRIPTION \
    --check-interval=CHECK_INTERVAL \
    --timeout=TIMEOUT \
    --healthy-threshold=HEALTHY_THRESHOLD \
    --unhealthy-threshold=UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD \
    --host=HOST \
    --port=PORT \

Replace the following:

  • LEGACY_CHECK_TYPE is http-health-checks for a legacy HTTP health check or https-health-checks for a legacy HTTPS health check. If you are creating the legacy health check for a target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer, you must use http-health-checks.
  • NAME is the name of the legacy health check. Within a given project, each legacy health check must have a unique name.
  • DESCRIPTION is an optional description.
  • CHECK_INTERVAL is the amount of time from the start of one probe to the start of the next one. Units are seconds. If omitted, Google Cloud uses a value of 5s (5 seconds).
  • TIMEOUT is the amount of time that Google Cloud will wait for a response to a probe. The value of TIMEOUT must be less than or equal to the CHECK_INTERVAL. Units are seconds. If omitted, Google Cloud uses a value of 5s (5 seconds).
  • HEALTHY_THRESHOLD and UNHEALTHY_THRESHOLD specify the number of sequential probes that must succeed or fail for a VM instance to be considered healthy or unhealthy. If either is omitted, Google Cloud uses a default threshold of 2.
  • HOST lets you provide a host HTTP header. If omitted, the IP address of the load balancer's forwarding rule is used.
  • PORT lets you provide a port number. If omitted, Google Cloud uses 80.
  • REQUEST_PATH specifies the URL path that Google Cloud uses when sending health check requests. If omitted, the health check request is sent to /.

Modify legacy health checks

  1. Go to the Health checks page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Health checks page
  2. Click a health check to view its details.
  3. Click Edit , make changes, and then click Save.
  • To modify a legacy HTTP health check, use the compute http-health-checks update command, replacing NAME with its name. When modifying a legacy health check with gcloud, preconfigured settings for flags you omit are preserved. The OTHER_OPTIONS are the options described in creating a legacy health check.

    gcloud compute http-health-checks update NAME \
  • To modify a legacy HTTPS health check, use the compute https-health-checks update command, replacing NAME with its name. When modifying a legacy health check with gcloud, preconfigured settings for flags you omit are preserved. The OTHER_OPTIONS are the options described in creating a legacy health check.

    gcloud compute https-health-checks update NAME \

Except for a legacy health check's name and type, you can modify any of the flags used for its creation. The patch API calls preserve any preconfigured settings that are not explicitly set in the patch request.

List legacy health checks

  1. Go to the Health checks page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Health checks page
  2. Click a legacy health check to view its details.
  1. To list legacy HTTP health checks, use the compute http-health-checks list command:

    gcloud compute http-health-checks list

    To list legacy HTTPS health checks, use the compute https-health-checks list command:

    gcloud compute https-health-checks list
  2. To describe a legacy HTTP health check, use the compute http-health-checks describe command, replacing NAME with its name.

    gcloud compute http-health-checks describe NAME

    To describe a legacy HTTPS health check, use the compute https-health-checks describe command, replacing NAME with its name.

    gcloud compute https-health-checks describe NAME
  1. To list legacy health checks:

  2. To describe a legacy health check:

Create required firewall rules

You need to create ingress firewall rules applicable to all VMs being load balanced to allow traffic from health check prober IP ranges. The following example creates a firewall rule that is applicable to VM instances identified by a specific target tag.

This example allows all TCP traffic from Google Cloud health check systems to your VM instances. (TCP traffic includes SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, and HTTP/2 traffic.) If you prefer, you can specify ports along with the TCP protocol; however, if you specify ports, your firewall rules might become specific to a particular health check. If you use tcp:80 for the protocol and port, this allows TCP traffic on port 80, so Google Cloud could contact your VMs using HTTP on port 80, but it couldn't contact them using HTTPS on port 443.

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Firewall policies page.
    Go to Firewall policies
  2. Click Create firewall rule.
  3. On the Create a firewall rule page, supply the following information:
    • Name: Provide a name for the rule. For this example, use fw-allow-health-checks.
    • Network: Choose a VPC network.
    • Priority: Enter a number for the priority. Lower numbers have higher priorities. Be sure that the firewall rule has a higher priority than other rules that might deny ingress traffic.
    • Direction of traffic: Choose ingress.
    • Action on match: Choose allow.
    • Targets: Choose Specified target tags, and then enter tags in the Target tags field. For this example, use allow-health-checks.
    • Source filter: Choose IP ranges.
    • Source IP ranges: Enter the source IP range depending on your load balancer type, traffic type, and health check type. See Probe IP ranges and firewall rules.
    • Allowed protocols and ports: Use tcp and the port configured in your health check. TCP is the underlying protocol for all health check protocols.
    • Click Create.
  4. On each of your instances being load balanced, add the network tag so that this new ingress firewall rule applies to them. This example uses allow-health-checks for the network tag.
  1. Use the following gcloud command to create a firewall rule named fw-allow-health-checks that lets incoming TCP connections, from Google Cloud health check systems, to instances in your VPC network with the allow-health-checks tag. Based on the load balancer type, a different set of probe IP ranges and firewall rules is supported for IPv6 traffic to the backends.

    Replace NETWORK_NAME with the name of your VPC network and replace PORT with the ports used by your load balancer.

    gcloud compute firewall-rules create fw-allow-health-checks \
        --network=NETWORK_NAME \
        --action=ALLOW \
        --direction=INGRESS \
        --source-ranges=SOURCE_IP_RANGE \
        --target-tags=allow-health-checks \

    The value for SOURCE_IP_RANGE depends on your load balancer type, traffic type, and health check type. See Probe IP ranges and firewall rules.

  2. On each of your instances being load balanced, add the network tag so that this new ingress firewall rule applies to them. This example uses allow-health-checks for the network tag.

Refer to the gcloud firewall rules documentation and the API documentation for more details.

Related documentation:

Associate health checks with load balancers

If you haven't already done so, review the Health checks overview: Select a health check.

To associate a health check with a new load balancer, refer to the setup guide for the respective load balancer. This section describes how to associate a health check with an existing load balancer's backend service.

This section assumes that you have already:

To associate a health check with an existing load balancer:

  1. Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Load balancing page
  2. Click a load balancer to view its details.
  3. Click Edit , and then click Backend configuration.
  4. Choose a health check from the Health check menu.
  5. Click Update.

To associate a health check with an existing backend service, follow these steps.

  1. Identify the name and scope of the backend service. The passthrough Network Load Balancers andproxy Network Load Balancers have only one backend service per load balancer. The Application Load Balancers have one or more backend services associated with a single URL map.

    • To list backend services for internal passthrough Network Load Balancers, run the following command.

      gcloud compute backend-services list \
          --region=REGION \
    • To list backend services for external passthrough Network Load Balancers, run the following command.

      gcloud compute backend-services list \
          --region=REGION \
    • To list backend services for global external proxy Network Load Balancers, run the following command.

      gcloud compute backend-services list \
          --global \
          --filter="loadBalancingScheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED" \
    • To list backend services for classic proxy Network Load Balancers, run the following command.

      gcloud compute backend-services list \
          --global \
          --filter="loadBalancingScheme=EXTERNAL" \
    • To list backend services for cross-region internal proxy Network Load Balancers, run the following command.

      gcloud compute backend-services list \
          --global \
          --filter="loadBalancingScheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED" \
    • To list backend services for regional external proxy Network Load Balancers, run the following command.

      gcloud compute backend-services list \
          --region=REGION \
          --filter="loadBalancingScheme=EXTERNAL_MANAGED" \
    • To list backend services for regional internal proxy Network Load Balancers, run the following command.

      gcloud compute backend-services list \
          --region=REGION \
          --filter="loadBalancingScheme=INTERNAL_MANAGED" \
    • To identify backend services for global external Application Load Balancers, classic Application Load Balancers, and cross-region internal Application Load Balancers, first identify a URL map, and then describe the map. URL maps and backend services for these load balancers are always global, regardless of the Network Service Tier. Replace URL_MAP_NAME with the name of the URL map. The backend services used by the load balancer are listed in the response.

      gcloud compute url-maps list \
      gcloud compute url-maps describe URL_MAP_NAME \
    • To identify backend services for either a regional external Application Load Balancer or a regional internal Application Load Balancer, first identify a URL map, and then describe the map. Both URL maps and backend services for these load balancers are regional. Replace REGION_LIST with a comma-delimited list of Google Cloud regions to query. Replace URL_MAP_NAME with the name of the URL map and REGION with its region. The backend services used by the load balancer are listed in the response.

      gcloud compute url-maps list \
      gcloud compute url-maps describe URL_MAP_NAME \
  2. Identify a health check. See Listing health checks.

  3. Associate a health check with the backend service by using the compute backend-services update command. Each backend service must reference a single health check. In the following commands, replace BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME with the name of the backend service, HEALTH_CHECK_NAME with the name of the health check, and, if necessary REGION with the Google Cloud region of the backend service, the health check, or both.

    • To change the health check for an internal passthrough Network Load Balancer: An internal passthrough Network Load Balancer's backend service is regional. It can reference a global or regional health check. The following example shows a regional health check reference. If you're using a global health check with your internal passthrough Network Load Balancer, use --global-health-checks instead of --health-checks-region.

      gcloud compute backend-services update BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME \
          --region=REGION \
          --health-checks=HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
    • To change the health check for a backend service-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer: An external passthrough Network Load Balancer's backend service is regional. It can reference a regional health check.

      gcloud compute backend-services update BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME \
          --region=REGION \
          --health-checks=HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
    • To change the health check for a global external proxy Network Load Balancer, classic proxy Network Load Balancer, global external Application Load Balancer, classic Application Load Balancer, or a cross-region internal Application Load Balancer: Both the backend service and health check are global for these load balancers. Application Load Balancers can reference more than one health check if it references more than one backend service.

      gcloud compute backend-services update BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME \
          --global \
          --health-checks HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
    • To change the health check for either a regional external Application Load Balancer, a regional external proxy Network Load Balancer, a regional internal Application Load Balancer, or a regional internal proxy Network Load Balancer: Both the backend service and health check are regional. Some load balancers might reference more than one health check if they can reference more than one backend service.

      gcloud compute backend-services update BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME \
          --region=REGION \
          --health-checks=HEALTH_CHECK_NAME \
  1. You can list backend services with the backendServices.list API call.

  2. View health checks.

  3. To associate a health check with a backend service, use one of these API calls:

Associate legacy health checks with target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers

To associate a legacy health check with a new external passthrough Network Load Balancer, refer to Set up an external passthrough Network Load Balancer with a target pool. This section describes how to associate a legacy health check with a target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer.

This section assumes that you have already:

To associate a health check with an existing target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer:

  1. Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.
    Go to the Load balancing page
  2. Click a load balancer to view its details.
  3. Click Edit , and then click Backend configuration.
  4. Choose a legacy health check from the Health check menu. (Only eligible legacy health checks are shown.)
  5. Click Update.

To associate a health check with an existing target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancer:

  1. Identify the target pool(s). An external passthrough Network Load Balancer has at least one target pool, and might have a secondary backup pool.

    gcloud compute target-pools list
  2. Identify a legacy health check using the HTTP protocol. View legacy health checks if necessary.

  3. Associate the legacy health check with the target pool(s). In the following commands, replace TARGET_POOL_NAME with the name of the target pool, REGION with its region, and LEGACY_CHECK_NAME with the name of the legacy health check. The legacy health check must use the HTTP protocol.

    • To remove a legacy HTTP health check from a target pool:

      gcloud compute target-pools remove-health-checks TARGET_POOL_NAME \
          --region=REGION \
          --http-health-check LEGACY_CHECK_NAME
    • To add a legacy HTTP health check to a target pool:

      gcloud compute target-pools add-health-checks TARGET_POOL_NAME \
          --region=REGION \
          --http-health-check LEGACY_CHECK_NAME
  1. You can list target pools with the targetPools.list API call.

  2. View legacy health checks and identify a legacy HTTP health check.

  3. To associate a legacy HTTP health check with a target pool use the API call targetPools.addHealthCheck.

Check health check status

After you associate a health check with a backend service or a target pool, you can get the instantaneous health check state for the load balancer's backends.

  1. Go to the load balancing summary page.
    Go to the Load balancing page
  2. Click the name of a load balancer.
  3. Under Backend, inspect the Healthy column. Health status is reported for each backend instance group or network endpoint group.
  • For all load balancers except target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers, identify the name and scope (global or regional) of the backend service. For a complete list of load balancers and scopes, see Backend services.

    Use the compute backend-services get-health command, replacing NAME with the name of the backend service, and REGION with its region, if required.

    • To get the instantaneous health state of a global backend service:

      gcloud compute backend-services get-health GLOBAL_BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME \
    • To get the instantaneous health state of a regional backend service:

      gcloud compute backend-services get-health REGIONAL_BACKEND_SERVICE_NAME \
  • For target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers, identify the name and region of the load balancer's target pool, and then use the compute target-pools get-health command, replacing NAME with the name of the target pool, and REGION with its region.

    gcloud compute target-pools get-health TARGET_POOL_NAME \
  • For all load balancers except target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers, identify the name and scope (global or regional) of the backend service. For a complete list of load balancers and scopes, see Backend services.

  • For target pool-based external passthrough Network Load Balancers, use targetPools.getHealth