Authenticate using a bearer token

This page explains how to set up authentication by using a bearer token to log in to registered clusters outside of Google Cloud. After the setup, cluster administrators will be able to log on to clusters from the Google Cloud console. Many kinds of bearer tokens, as specified in Kubernetes Authentication, are supported. The easiest method is to create a Kubernetes service account (KSA) in the cluster, and use its bearer token to log in.

Other authentication methods

As an alternative to setting up authentication using a bearer token, you can set up one of the following authentication methods depending on the needs of your organization:

  • Google Identity, which lets users log in using their Google Cloud identity. Use this option if your users already have access to Google Cloud with a Google Identity.

  • If your cluster is configured to use an OIDC identity provider, you can use this to authenticate to the cluster from the Google Cloud console. You can find out how to set up OIDC for GKE clusters in the following guides:

If these Google-provided authentication methods aren't suitable for your organization, follow the instructions on this page to set up authentication using a bearer token.

Grant IAM roles for access through the Google Cloud console

Users who want to view connected clusters using the Google Cloud console need the following IAM roles at minimum:

  • roles/container.viewer. This role lets users view container resources in the Google Cloud console, including the GKE Clusters page.. For details about the permissions included in this role, see Kubernetes Engine roles in the IAM documentation.

  • roles/gkehub.viewer. This role lets users view the clusters outside Google Cloud in the Google Cloud console. Users don't need this role if your fleet doesn't include clusters outside Google Cloud. For details about the permissions included in this role, see GKE Hub roles in the IAM documentation.

Run the following commands to grant these roles:

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
    --member='user:EMAIL_ADDRESS' \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID \
    --member='user:EMAIL_ADDRESS' \

Replace the following:

  • PROJECT_ID: the project ID of the fleet host project.

  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: the email address associated with the user's Google Cloud account.

For more information about granting IAM roles, see Manage access to projects, folders, and organizations in the IAM documentation.

Configure role-based access control

Access to clusters is controlled using Kubernetes role-based access control (RBAC).

We recommend that you or a cluster administrator create a KSA for each user logging in to the cluster. Using a bearer token is like using a password, so each user should have their own account. Logging in with the KSA's bearer token causes all operations to be executed as the KSA, restricted by the RBAC roles held by the KSA.

The KSA needs to hold at least the following RBAC roles in the cluster to access it through the console:

Create and apply the cloud-console-reader RBAC role

Authenticated users who want to access a cluster's resources in the Google Cloud console need to have the relevant Kubernetes permissions to do so. If you don't want to grant those users more extensive permissions, such as those of a cluster admin, you can create a custom RBAC role that includes the minimum permissions to view the cluster's nodes, persistent volumes, pods, and storage classes. You can define this set of permissions by creating a ClusterRole RBAC resource, cloud-console-reader, in the cluster.

cloud-console-reader grants its users the get, list, and watch permissions on the cluster's nodes, persistent volumes, pods and storage classes, which allow them to see details about these resources.

To create the cloud-console-reader ClusterRole and apply it to the cluster, run the following command:

cat <<EOF > cloud-console-reader.yaml
kind: ClusterRole
  name: cloud-console-reader
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["nodes", "persistentvolumes", "pods"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["storageclasses"]
  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
kubectl apply -f cloud-console-reader.yaml

You can then grant this role to KSAs as described in the next section.

Create and authorize a KSA

To create a KSA and bind permissions to it, follow these steps:

  1. Create the KSA and ClusterRoleBinding resources to bind the view and cloud-console-reader Kubernetes RBAC ClusterRoles to the KSA:

    kubectl create serviceaccount ${KSA_NAME}
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding VIEW_BINDING_NAME \
       --clusterrole view --serviceaccount default:${KSA_NAME}
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding CLOUD_CONSOLE_READER_BINDING_NAME \
       --clusterrole cloud-console-reader --serviceaccount default:${KSA_NAME}

    Replace the following:

    • KSA_NAME: the name that you choose for the KSA
    • VIEW_BINDING_NAME: the name that you choose for the view ClusterRoleBinding resource; you can name it anything you want, but you might find it easiest to name it after the KSA
    • CLOUD_CONSOLE_READER_BINDING_NAME: the name that you choose for the cloud-console-reader ClusterRoleBinding resource; you can also name this anything you want
  2. Depending on what access the service account should have, bind additional roles to the KSA. For options, see the Kubernetes default roles.

    For example, if you want to deploy a Kubernetes application from Cloud Marketplace, bind the cluster-admin role to the KSA:

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding BINDING_NAME \
       --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount default:KSA_NAME

    Replace BINDING_NAME with the name of the cluster role binding for the service account.

Authorize other accounts

For every other user or service account gaining access to the cluster, create ClusterRoleBinding resources to bind the view and cloud-console-reader roles to their account:

  1. Bind the view and cloud-console-reader ClusterRoles:

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding VIEW_BINDING_NAME \
       --clusterrole view --serviceaccount default:${ACCOUNT_NAME}
    kubectl create clusterrolebinding CLOUD_CONSOLE_READER_BINDING_NAME \
       --clusterrole cloud-console-reader --serviceaccount default:${ACCOUNT_NAME}

    Replace the following:

    • ACCOUNT_NAME: the Kubernetes service account
    • VIEW_BINDING_NAME: the name that you choose for the view ClusterRoleBinding resource; you can name it anything you want, but you might find it easiest to name it after the user or service account
    • CLOUD_CONSOLE_READER_BINDING_NAME: the name that you choose for the view ClusterRoleBinding resource; you can also name this anything you want
  2. Bind additional roles, depending on what access the account should have. For options, see the Kubernetes default roles.

    For example, to bind the cluster-admin role, run the following command:

    kubectl create clusterrolebinding BINDING_NAME \
       --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount default:ACCOUNT_NAME

    Replace BINDING_NAME with the name of the cluster role binding for the service account.

Get the KSA's bearer token

To acquire the KSA's bearer token, run the following command:


kubectl apply -f - << __EOF__
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: "${SECRET_NAME}"
  annotations: "${KSA_NAME}"

until [[ $(kubectl get -o=jsonpath="{.data.token}" "secret/${SECRET_NAME}") ]]; do
  echo "waiting for token..." >&2;
  sleep 1;

kubectl get secret ${SECRET_NAME} -o jsonpath='{$.data.token}' | base64 --decode

Replace KSA_NAME with the name that you choose for the KSA.

From this command's output, copy the token and save it so that users can use the token to log in to the Google Cloud console.