Tutorial do Slack: comandos de barra (2a geração)

Neste tutorial, você aprenderá como usar o Cloud Functions para implementar um Slack Slash Command que pesquisa a API Google Knowledge Graph.


  • Criar um Slash Command no Slack.
  • Escrever e implantar um Cloud Function HTTP.
  • Pesquisar a API Google Knowledge Graph usando o Slash Command.


Neste documento, você usará os seguintes componentes faturáveis do Google Cloud:

  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Build
  • Artifact Registry
  • Cloud Logging

Veja detalhes em Preços do Cloud Functions.

Para gerar uma estimativa de custo baseada na projeção de uso deste tutorial, use a calculadora de preços. Novos usuários do Google Cloud podem estar qualificados para uma avaliação gratuita.

Antes de começar

  1. Faça login na sua conta do Google Cloud. Se você começou a usar o Google Cloud agora, crie uma conta para avaliar o desempenho de nossos produtos em situações reais. Clientes novos também recebem US$ 300 em créditos para executar, testar e implantar cargas de trabalho.
  2. No console do Google Cloud, na página do seletor de projetos, selecione ou crie um projeto do Google Cloud.

    Acessar o seletor de projetos

  3. Verifique se a cobrança está ativada para o seu projeto do Google Cloud.

  4. Ative as APIs Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, and Logging.

    Ative as APIs

  5. Instale a CLI do Google Cloud.
  6. Para inicializar a CLI gcloud, execute o seguinte comando:

    gcloud init
  7. No console do Google Cloud, na página do seletor de projetos, selecione ou crie um projeto do Google Cloud.

    Acessar o seletor de projetos

  8. Verifique se a cobrança está ativada para o seu projeto do Google Cloud.

  9. Ative as APIs Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, and Logging.

    Ative as APIs

  10. Instale a CLI do Google Cloud.
  11. Para inicializar a CLI gcloud, execute o seguinte comando:

    gcloud init
  12. Se a gcloud CLI já estiver instalada, atualize-a executando o seguinte comando:

    gcloud components update
  13. Prepare seu ambiente de desenvolvimento.

Como visualizar o fluxo de dados

O fluxo de dados no aplicativo de tutorial do Slack Slash Command envolve vários passos:

  1. O usuário executa o Slash Command /kg <search_query> em um canal Slack.
  2. O Slack envia o payload do comando ao endpoint do gatilho do Cloud Function.
  3. O Cloud Function envia uma solicitação com a consulta de pesquisa do usuário para a API Knowledge Graph.
  4. A API Knowledge Graph responde com todos os resultados encontrados.
  5. O Cloud Function formata a resposta em uma mensagem do Slack.
  6. O Cloud Function envia a mensagem de volta ao Slack.
  7. O usuário vê a resposta formatada no canal do Slack.

Isto pode ajudar a visualizar os passos:

Receber credenciais

Para implantar a função, você precisa de uma chave de API fornecida pelo Console do Google Cloud e de uma chave secreta de assinatura do Slack.

Onde encontrar a chave de API do Mapa de informações

Na página Credenciais do Console do Google Cloud, clique no botão Criar credenciais e selecione Chave de API. Lembre-se dessa chave, porque ela será incluída como parte do comando deploy. Essa chave é o que possibilita sua função a acessar a API Knowledge Graph.

Receber a chave secreta de assinatura do Slack

A chave secreta de assinatura do Slack também é necessária para implantar a função. Para receber a chave secreta de assinatura do Slack, crie o app Slack que hospedará o comando Slash do Slack. Esse aplicativo precisa estar associado a uma equipe do Slack em que você tenha permissões para instalar integrações.

  1. Acesse a página Seus aplicativos do Slack e clique em Criar novo aplicativo.

  2. Selecione Do zero.

  3. Forneça um nome para seu app e selecione um espaço de trabalho do Slack em que você tenha permissões para instalar integrações.

  4. Clique em Create App.

    O app é criado, e a tela muda para a página Informações básicas.

  5. Na página Informações básicas, copie e salve a chave secreta de assinatura do Slack.

  6. Salve as alterações.

Em seguida, você precisa receber o código-fonte e implantar a função. Depois de implantar a função, é preciso configurar o app Slack para integrá-la à função implantada, conforme descrito em Como configurar o aplicativo.

Como preparar a função

  1. Clone o repositório do app de amostra na máquina local:


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-docs-samples.git

    Outra alternativa é fazer o download da amostra como um arquivo ZIP e extraí-lo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples.git

    Outra alternativa é fazer o download da amostra como um arquivo ZIP e extraí-lo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/golang-samples.git

    Outra alternativa é fazer o download da amostra como um arquivo ZIP e extraí-lo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/java-docs-samples.git

    Outra alternativa é fazer o download da amostra como um arquivo ZIP e extraí-lo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dotnet-docs-samples.git

    Outra alternativa é fazer o download da amostra como um arquivo ZIP e extraí-lo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ruby-docs-samples.git

    Outra alternativa é fazer o download da amostra como um arquivo ZIP e extraí-lo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docs-samples.git

    Outra alternativa é fazer o download da amostra como um arquivo ZIP e extraí-lo.

  2. Altere para o diretório que contém o código de amostra do Cloud Functions:


    cd nodejs-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd python-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd golang-samples/functions/functionsv2/slack/


    cd java-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd dotnet-docs-samples/functions/slack/SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch/


    cd ruby-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd php-docs-samples/functions/slack_slash_command/

Como implantar a função

Para implantar a função executada quando você (ou o Slack) faz uma solicitação HTTP POST para o endpoint da função, execute o comando a seguir no diretório que contém o código da amostra (ou o arquivo pom.xml para Java):

Substitua YOUR_SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET pelo secret de assinatura fornecido pelo Slack na página Informações básicas da configuração do aplicativo e YOUR_KG_API_KEY pela chave da API Knowledge Graph criada anteriormente.

// LINT.IfChange(nodejs_version) // LINT.ThenChange(:nodejs_version_console_text) // LINT.IfChange(nodejs_version_console_text) // LINT.ThenChange(:nodejs_version) // LINT.IfChange(nodejs_version) // LINT.ThenChange(:nodejs_version_console_text) // LINT.IfChange(nodejs_version_console_text) // LINT.ThenChange(:nodejs_version)


gcloud functions deploy nodejs-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=nodejs20 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=kgSearch \
--trigger-http \

Use a flag --runtime para especificar o ID do ambiente de execução de uma versão do Node.js compatível a fim de executar a função.


gcloud functions deploy python-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=python312 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=kg_search \
--trigger-http \

Use a flag --runtime para especificar o ID do ambiente de execução de uma versão compatível do Python a fim de executar a função.


gcloud functions deploy go-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=go121 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=KGSearch \
--trigger-http \

Use a flag --runtime para especificar o ID do ambiente de execução de uma versão do Go compatível a fim de executar a função.


gcloud functions deploy java-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=java17 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=functions.SlackSlashCommand \
--memory=512MB \
--trigger-http \

Use a flag --runtime para especificar o ID do ambiente de execução de uma versão compatível do Java a fim de executar a função.


gcloud functions deploy csharp-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=dotnet6 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch.Function \
--trigger-http \

Use a flag --runtime para especificar o ID do ambiente de execução de uma versão do .NET compatível a fim de executar a função.


gcloud functions deploy ruby-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=ruby32 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=kg_search \
--trigger-http \

Use a flag --runtime para especificar o ID do ambiente de execução de uma versão compatível do Ruby a fim de executar a função.


gcloud functions deploy php-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=php82 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=receiveRequest \
--trigger-http \

Use a flag --runtime para especificar o ID do ambiente de execução de uma versão do PHP compatível a fim de executar a função.

Configurar o aplicativo

Depois que a função é implementada, você precisa criar um Slack Slash Command que envia a consulta para o Cloud Function toda vez que o comando for acionado:

  1. Volte para o app Slack criado acima.

  2. Selecione o app, acesse Comandos de barra e clique no botão Criar novo comando.

  3. Insira /kg como o nome do comando.

  4. No campo URL de solicitação, insira o URL da sua função.

    É possível copiar o URL na saída do comando deploy ou acessar a página Visão geral do Cloud Functions no console do Google Cloud. Clique na função para abra a página Detalhes da função e copie o URL dela.

  5. Digite uma breve descrição e clique em Salvar.

  6. Vá para Informações básicas.

  7. Clique em Instalar no espaço de trabalho e siga as instruções na tela para ativar o aplicativo no seu espaço de trabalho.

    Seu Slack Slash Command ficará on-line em breve.

Como entender o código

Como importar dependências

O aplicativo importa várias dependências para se comunicar com os serviços do Google Cloud Platform:


const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');
const google = require('@googleapis/kgsearch');
const {verifyRequestSignature} = require('@slack/events-api');

// Get a reference to the Knowledge Graph Search component
const kgsearch = google.kgsearch('v1');


import os

from flask import jsonify
import functions_framework
import googleapiclient.discovery
from slack.signature import SignatureVerifier

kgsearch = googleapiclient.discovery.build(
    "kgsearch", "v1", developerKey=os.environ["KG_API_KEY"], cache_discovery=False


package slack

import (


var (
	entitiesService *kgsearch.EntitiesService
	kgKey           string
	slackSecret     string

func setup(ctx context.Context) {
	kgKey = os.Getenv("KG_API_KEY")
	slackSecret = os.Getenv("SLACK_SECRET")

	if entitiesService == nil {
		kgService, err := kgsearch.NewService(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(kgKey))
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("kgsearch.NewService: %v", err)
		entitiesService = kgsearch.NewEntitiesService(kgService)


private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SlackSlashCommand.class.getName());
private static final String API_KEY = getenv("KG_API_KEY");
private static final String SLACK_SECRET = getenv("SLACK_SECRET");
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();

private final String apiKey;
private final Kgsearch kgClient;
private final SlackSignature.Verifier verifier;

public SlackSlashCommand() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  this(new SlackSignature.Verifier(new SlackSignature.Generator(SLACK_SECRET)));

SlackSlashCommand(SlackSignature.Verifier verifier) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  this(verifier, API_KEY);

SlackSlashCommand(SlackSignature.Verifier verifier, String apiKey)
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  this.verifier = verifier;
  this.apiKey = apiKey;
  this.kgClient = new Kgsearch.Builder(
      GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), new GsonFactory(), null).build();

// Avoid ungraceful deployment failures due to unset environment variables.
// If you get this warning you should redeploy with the variable set.
private static String getenv(String name) {
  String value = System.getenv(name);
  if (value == null) {
    logger.warning("Environment variable " + name + " was not set");
    value = "MISSING";
  return value;


using Google.Apis.Kgsearch.v1;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Cloud.Functions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System;

// Specify a startup class to use for dependency injection.
// This can also be specified on the function type.
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch.Startup))]

namespace SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch;

public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
    private static readonly TimeSpan SlackTimestampTolerance = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

    public override void ConfigureServices(WebHostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
        // These can come from an environment variable or a configuration file.
        string kgApiKey = context.Configuration["KG_API_KEY"];
        string slackSigningSecret = context.Configuration["SLACK_SECRET"];

        services.AddSingleton(new KgsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
            ApiKey = kgApiKey
        services.AddSingleton(new SlackRequestVerifier(slackSigningSecret, SlackTimestampTolerance));
        base.ConfigureServices(context, services);


require "functions_framework"
require "slack-ruby-client"
require "google/apis/kgsearch_v1"

# This block is executed during cold start, before the function begins
# handling requests. This is the recommended way to create shared resources
# and objects.
FunctionsFramework.on_startup do
  # Create a global handler object, configured with the environment-provided
  # API key and signing secret.
  kg_search = KGSearch.new kg_api_key:     ENV["KG_API_KEY"],
                           signing_secret: ENV["SLACK_SECRET"]
  set_global :kg_search, kg_search

# The KGSearch class implements the logic of validating and responding
# to requests. More methods of this class are shown below.
class KGSearch
  def initialize kg_api_key:, signing_secret:
    # Create the global client for the Knowledge Graph Search Service,
    # configuring it with your API key.
    @client = Google::Apis::KgsearchV1::KgsearchService.new
    @client.key = kg_api_key

    # Save signing secret for use by the signature validation method.
    @signing_secret = signing_secret


use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;

Como receber o webhook

A função a seguir é executada quando você ou o Slack fazem uma solicitação HTTP POST para o ponto de extremidade da função.


 * Receive a Slash Command request from Slack.
 * Trigger this function by creating a Slack slash command with the HTTP Trigger URL.
 * You can find the HTTP URL in the Cloud Console or using `gcloud functions describe`
 * @param {object} req Cloud Function request object.
 * @param {object} req.body The request payload.
 * @param {string} req.rawBody Raw request payload used to validate Slack's message signature.
 * @param {string} req.body.text The user's search query.
 * @param {object} res Cloud Function response object.
functions.http('kgSearch', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    if (req.method !== 'POST') {
      const error = new Error('Only POST requests are accepted');
      error.code = 405;
      throw error;

    if (!req.body.text) {
      const error = new Error('No text found in body.');
      error.code = 400;
      throw error;

    // Verify that this request came from Slack

    // Make the request to the Knowledge Graph Search API
    const response = await makeSearchRequest(req.body.text);

    // Send the formatted message back to Slack

    return Promise.resolve();
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(err.code || 500).send(err);
    return Promise.reject(err);


def kg_search(request):
    if request.method != "POST":
        return "Only POST requests are accepted", 405

    kg_search_response = make_search_request(request.form["text"])
    return jsonify(kg_search_response)


// Package slack is a Cloud Function which receives a query from
// a Slack command and responds with the KG API result.
package slack

import (


const (
	version                     = "v0"
	slackRequestTimestampHeader = "X-Slack-Request-Timestamp"
	slackSignatureHeader        = "X-Slack-Signature"

type Attachment struct {
	Color     string `json:"color"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	TitleLink string `json:"title_link"`
	Text      string `json:"text"`
	ImageURL  string `json:"image_url"`

// Message is the a Slack message event.
// see https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
type Message struct {
	ResponseType string       `json:"response_type"`
	Text         string       `json:"text"`
	Attachments  []Attachment `json:"attachments"`

func init() {
	functions.HTTP("KGSearch", kgSearch)

// kgSearch uses the Knowledge Graph API to search for a query provided
// by a Slack command.
func kgSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("failed to read body: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "could not read request body", http.StatusBadRequest)
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		http.Error(w, "Only POST requests are accepted", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
	formData, err := url.ParseQuery(string(bodyBytes))
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error: Failed to Parse Form: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "Couldn't parse form", http.StatusBadRequest)

	result, err := verifyWebHook(r, bodyBytes, slackSecret)
	if err != nil || !result {
		log.Printf("verifyWebhook failed: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "Failed to verify request signature", http.StatusBadRequest)

	if len(formData.Get("text")) == 0 {
		log.Printf("no search text found: %v", formData)
		http.Error(w, "search text was empty", http.StatusBadRequest)
	kgSearchResponse, err := makeSearchRequest(formData.Get("text"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("makeSearchRequest failed: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "makeSearchRequest failed", http.StatusInternalServerError)
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	if err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(kgSearchResponse); err != nil {
		http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal results: %v", err), 500)


 * Receive a Slash Command request from Slack.
 * @param request Cloud Function request object.
 * @param response Cloud Function response object.
 * @throws IOException if Knowledge Graph request fails
public void service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException {

  // Validate request
  if (!"POST".equals(request.getMethod())) {

  // reader can only be read once per request, so we preserve its contents
  String bodyString = request.getReader().lines().collect(Collectors.joining());

  // Slack sends requests as URL-encoded strings
  //   Java 11 doesn't have a standard library
  //   function for this, so do it manually
  Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>();
  for (String keyValuePair : bodyString.split("&")) {
    String[] keyAndValue = keyValuePair.split("=");
    if (keyAndValue.length == 2) {
      String key = keyAndValue[0];
      String value = keyAndValue[1];

      body.put(key, value);

  if (body == null || !body.containsKey("text")) {

  if (!isValidSlackWebhook(request, bodyString)) {

  String query = body.get("text");

  // Call knowledge graph API
  JsonObject kgResponse = searchKnowledgeGraph(query);

  // Format response to Slack
  // See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
  BufferedWriter writer = response.getWriter();

  writer.write(formatSlackMessage(kgResponse, query));



private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly KgsearchService _kgService;
private readonly SlackRequestVerifier _verifier;

public Function(ILogger<Function> logger, KgsearchService kgService, SlackRequestVerifier verifier) =>
    (_logger, _kgService, _verifier) = (logger, kgService, verifier);

public async Task HandleAsync(HttpContext context)
    var request = context.Request;
    var response = context.Response;

    // Validate request
    if (request.Method != "POST")
        _logger.LogWarning("Unexpected request method '{method}'", request.Method);
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed;

    if (!request.HasFormContentType)
        _logger.LogWarning("Unexpected content type '{contentType}'", request.ContentType);
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

    // We need to read the request body twice: once to validate the signature,
    // and once to read the form content. We copy it into a memory stream,
    // so that we can rewind it after reading.
    var bodyCopy = new MemoryStream();
    await request.Body.CopyToAsync(bodyCopy);
    request.Body = bodyCopy;
    bodyCopy.Position = 0;

    if (!_verifier.VerifyRequest(request, bodyCopy.ToArray()))
        _logger.LogWarning("Slack request verification failed");
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;

    var form = await request.ReadFormAsync();
    if (!form.TryGetValue("text", out var query))
        _logger.LogWarning("Slack request form did not contain a text element");
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

    var kgResponse = await SearchKnowledgeGraphAsync(query);
    string formattedResponse = FormatSlackMessage(kgResponse, query);
    response.ContentType = "application/json";
    await response.WriteAsync(formattedResponse);


# Handler for the function endpoint.
FunctionsFramework.http "kg_search" do |request|
  # Return early if the request is not a POST.
  unless request.post?
    return [405, {}, ["Only POST requests are accepted."]]

  # Access the global Knowledge Graph Search client
  kg_search = global :kg_search

  # Verify the request signature and return early if it failed.
  unless kg_search.signature_valid? request
    return [401, {}, ["Signature validation failed."]]

  # Query the Knowledge Graph and format a Slack message with the response.
  # This method returns a nested hash, which the Functions Framework will
  # convert to JSON automatically.
  kg_search.make_search_request request.params["text"]


 * Receive a Slash Command request from Slack.
function receiveRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
    // Validate request
    if ($request->getMethod() !== 'POST') {
        // [] = empty headers
        return new Response(405);

    // Parse incoming URL-encoded requests from Slack
    // (Slack requests use the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format)
    $bodyStr = $request->getBody();
    parse_str($bodyStr, $bodyParams);

    if (!isset($bodyParams['text'])) {
        // [] = empty headers
        return new Response(400);

    if (!isValidSlackWebhook($request, $bodyStr)) {
        // [] = empty headers
        return new Response(403);

    $query = $bodyParams['text'];

    // Call knowledge graph API
    $kgResponse = searchKnowledgeGraph($query);

    // Format response to Slack
    // See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
    $formatted_message = formatSlackMessage($kgResponse, $query);

    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],

A função a seguir autentica a solicitação recebida verificando o cabeçalho X-Slack-Signature fornecido pelo Slack:


 * Verify that the webhook request came from Slack.
 * @param {object} req Cloud Function request object.
 * @param {string} req.headers Headers Slack SDK uses to authenticate request.
 * @param {string} req.rawBody Raw body of webhook request to check signature against.
const verifyWebhook = req => {
  const signature = {
    signingSecret: process.env.SLACK_SECRET,
    requestSignature: req.headers['x-slack-signature'],
    requestTimestamp: req.headers['x-slack-request-timestamp'],
    body: req.rawBody,

  // This method throws an exception if an incoming request is invalid.


def verify_signature(request):
    request.get_data()  # Decodes received requests into request.data

    verifier = SignatureVerifier(os.environ["SLACK_SECRET"])

    if not verifier.is_valid_request(request.data, request.headers):
        raise ValueError("Invalid request/credentials.")


// verifyWebHook verifies the request signature.
// See https://api.slack.com/docs/verifying-requests-from-slack.
func verifyWebHook(r *http.Request, body []byte, slackSigningSecret string) (bool, error) {
	timeStamp := r.Header.Get(slackRequestTimestampHeader)
	slackSignature := r.Header.Get(slackSignatureHeader)

	t, err := strconv.ParseInt(timeStamp, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("strconv.ParseInt(%s): %w", timeStamp, err)

	if ageOk, age := checkTimestamp(t); !ageOk {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("checkTimestamp(%v): %v %v", t, ageOk, age)

	if timeStamp == "" || slackSignature == "" {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("timeStamp and/or signature headers were blank")

	baseString := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", version, timeStamp, body)

	signature := getSignature([]byte(baseString), []byte(slackSigningSecret))

	trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(slackSignature, fmt.Sprintf("%s=", version))
	signatureInHeader, err := hex.DecodeString(trimmed)

	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("hex.DecodeString(%v): %w", trimmed, err)

	return hmac.Equal(signature, signatureInHeader), nil

func getSignature(base []byte, secret []byte) []byte {
	h := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret)

	return h.Sum(nil)

// checkTimestamp allows requests time stamped less than 5 minutes ago.
func checkTimestamp(timeStamp int64) (bool, time.Duration) {
	t := time.Since(time.Unix(timeStamp, 0))

	return t.Minutes() <= 5, t


 * Verify that the webhook request came from Slack.
 * @param request Cloud Function request object in {@link HttpRequest} format.
 * @param requestBody Raw body of webhook request to check signature against.
 * @return true if the provided request came from Slack, false otherwise
boolean isValidSlackWebhook(HttpRequest request, String requestBody) {
  // Check for headers
  Optional<String> maybeTimestamp = request.getFirstHeader("X-Slack-Request-Timestamp");
  Optional<String> maybeSignature = request.getFirstHeader("X-Slack-Signature");
  if (!maybeTimestamp.isPresent() || !maybeSignature.isPresent()) {
    return false;

  Long nowInMs = ZonedDateTime.now().toInstant().toEpochMilli();

  return verifier.isValid(maybeTimestamp.get(), requestBody, maybeSignature.get(), nowInMs);


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch;

public class SlackRequestVerifier
    private const string Version = "v0";
    private const string SignaturePrefix = Version + "=";
    private static readonly byte[] VersionBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Version);
    private static readonly byte[] ColonBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(":");

    private readonly byte[] _signingKeyBytes;
    private readonly TimeSpan _timestampTolerance;

    public SlackRequestVerifier(string signingKey, TimeSpan timestampTolerance) =>
        (_signingKeyBytes, _timestampTolerance) =
        (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signingKey), timestampTolerance);

    /// <summary>
    /// Verifies a request signature with the given content, which would
    /// normally have been read from the request beforehand.
    /// </summary>
    public bool VerifyRequest(HttpRequest request, byte[] content)
        if (!request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Slack-Request-Timestamp", out var timestampHeader) ||
            !request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Slack-Signature", out var signatureHeader))
            return false;

        // Validate that the request isn't too old.
        if (!int.TryParse(timestampHeader, out var unixSeconds))
            return false;
        var timestamp = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unixSeconds);
        if (timestamp + _timestampTolerance < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)
            return false;

        // Hash the version:timestamp:content
        using var hmac = new HMACSHA256(_signingKeyBytes);
        byte[] hash = hmac.ComputeHash(content);
        void AddToHash(byte[] bytes) => hmac.TransformBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, null, 0);

        // Compare the resulting signature with the signature in the request.
        return CreateSignature(hash) == (string) signatureHeader;

    private const string Hex = "0123456789abcdef";
    private static string CreateSignature(byte[] hash)
        var builder = new StringBuilder(SignaturePrefix, SignaturePrefix.Length + hash.Length * 2);
        foreach (var b in hash)
            builder.Append(Hex[b >> 4]);
            builder.Append(Hex[b & 0xf]);
        return builder.ToString();


# slack-ruby-client expects a Rails-style request object with a "headers"
# method, but the Functions Framework provides only a Rack request.
# To avoid bringing in Rails as a dependency, we'll create a simple class
# that implements the "headers" method and delegates everything else back to
# the Rack request object.
require "delegate"
class RequestWithHeaders < SimpleDelegator
  def headers
    env.each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), result|
      if /^HTTP_(\w+)$/ =~ key
        header = Regexp.last_match(1).split("_").map(&:capitalize).join("-")
        result[header] = val

# This is a method of the KGSearch class.
# It determines whether the given request's signature is valid.
def signature_valid? request
  # Wrap the request with our class that provides the "headers" method.
  request = RequestWithHeaders.new request

  # Validate the request signature.
  slack_request = Slack::Events::Request.new request,
                                             signing_secret: @signing_secret


 * Verify that the webhook request came from Slack.
function isValidSlackWebhook(ServerRequestInterface $request): bool

    // Check for headers
    $timestamp = $request->getHeaderLine('X-Slack-Request-Timestamp');
    $signature = $request->getHeaderLine('X-Slack-Signature');
    if (!$timestamp || !$signature) {
        return false;

    // Compute signature
    $plaintext = sprintf('v0:%s:%s', $timestamp, $request->getBody());
    $hash = sprintf('v0=%s', hash_hmac('sha256', $plaintext, $SLACK_SECRET));

    return $hash === $signature;

Como consultar a API Knowledge Graph

A função a seguir envia uma solicitação com a consulta de pesquisa do usuário para a API Knowledge Graph:


 * Send the user's search query to the Knowledge Graph API.
 * @param {string} query The user's search query.
const makeSearchRequest = query => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        auth: process.env.KG_API_KEY,
        query: query,
        limit: 1,
      (err, response) => {
        if (err) {

        // Return a formatted message
        resolve(formatSlackMessage(query, response));


def make_search_request(query):
    req = kgsearch.entities().search(query=query, limit=1)
    res = req.execute()
    return format_slack_message(query, res)


func makeSearchRequest(query string) (*Message, error) {
	res, err := entitiesService.Search().Query(query).Limit(1).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return formatSlackMessage(query, res)


 * Send the user's search query to the Knowledge Graph API.
 * @param query The user's search query.
 * @return The Knowledge graph API results as a {@link JsonObject}.
 * @throws IOException if Knowledge Graph request fails
JsonObject searchKnowledgeGraph(String query) throws IOException {
  Kgsearch.Entities.Search kgRequest = kgClient.entities().search();

  return gson.fromJson(kgRequest.execute().toString(), JsonObject.class);


private async Task<SearchResponse> SearchKnowledgeGraphAsync(string query)
    _logger.LogInformation("Performing Knowledge Graph search for '{query}'", query);
    var request = _kgService.Entities.Search();
    request.Limit = 1;
    request.Query = query;
    return await request.ExecuteAsync();


# This is a method of the KGSearch class.
# It makes an API call to the Knowledge Graph Search Service, and formats
# a Slack message as a nested Hash object.
def make_search_request query
  response = @client.search_entities query: query, limit: 1
  format_slack_message query, response


 * Send the user's search query to the Knowledge Graph API.
function searchKnowledgeGraph(string $query): Google_Service_Kgsearch_SearchResponse
    $API_KEY = getenv('KG_API_KEY');

    $apiClient = new Google\Client();

    $service = new Google_Service_Kgsearch($apiClient);

    $params = ['query' => $query];

    $kgResults = $service->entities->search($params);

    return $kgResults;

Como formatar a mensagem do Slack

Por fim, a seguinte função exibe para o usuário o resultado do Knowledge Graph em uma mensagem do Slack ricamente formatada:


 * Format the Knowledge Graph API response into a richly formatted Slack message.
 * @param {string} query The user's search query.
 * @param {object} response The response from the Knowledge Graph API.
 * @returns {object} The formatted message.
const formatSlackMessage = (query, response) => {
  let entity;

  // Extract the first entity from the result list, if any
  if (
    response &&
    response.data &&
    response.data.itemListElement &&
    response.data.itemListElement.length > 0
  ) {
    entity = response.data.itemListElement[0].result;

  // Prepare a rich Slack message
  // See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
  const slackMessage = {
    response_type: 'in_channel',
    text: `Query: ${query}`,
    attachments: [],

  if (entity) {
    const attachment = {
      color: '#3367d6',
    if (entity.name) {
      attachment.title = entity.name;
      if (entity.description) {
        attachment.title = `${attachment.title}: ${entity.description}`;
    if (entity.detailedDescription) {
      if (entity.detailedDescription.url) {
        attachment.title_link = entity.detailedDescription.url;
      if (entity.detailedDescription.articleBody) {
        attachment.text = entity.detailedDescription.articleBody;
    if (entity.image && entity.image.contentUrl) {
      attachment.image_url = entity.image.contentUrl;
  } else {
      text: 'No results match your query...',

  return slackMessage;


def format_slack_message(query, response):
    entity = None
    if (
        and response.get("itemListElement") is not None
        and len(response["itemListElement"]) > 0
        entity = response["itemListElement"][0]["result"]

    message = {
        "response_type": "in_channel",
        "text": f"Query: {query}",
        "attachments": [],

    attachment = {}
    if entity:
        name = entity.get("name", "")
        description = entity.get("description", "")
        detailed_desc = entity.get("detailedDescription", {})
        url = detailed_desc.get("url")
        article = detailed_desc.get("articleBody")
        image_url = entity.get("image", {}).get("contentUrl")

        attachment["color"] = "#3367d6"
        if name and description:
            attachment["title"] = "{}: {}".format(entity["name"], entity["description"])
        elif name:
            attachment["title"] = name
        if url:
            attachment["title_link"] = url
        if article:
            attachment["text"] = article
        if image_url:
            attachment["image_url"] = image_url
        attachment["text"] = "No results match your query."

    return message


package slack

import (


type ItemList struct {
	Items []ItemListElement `json:"itemListElement"`
type ItemListElement struct {
	Result EntitySearchResult `json:"result"`
type EntitySearchResult struct {
	Name         string       `json:"name"`
	Description  string       `json:"description"`
	DetailedDesc DetailedDesc `json:"detailedDescription"`
	URL          string       `json:"url"`
	Image        Image
type DetailedDesc struct {
	ArticleBody string
	URL         string
type Image struct {
	ContentURL string

func formatSlackMessage(query string, response *kgsearch.SearchResponse) (*Message, error) {
	if response == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty response")

	if response.ItemListElement == nil || len(response.ItemListElement) == 0 {
		message := &Message{
			ResponseType: "in_channel",
			Text:         fmt.Sprintf("Query: %s", query),
			Attachments: []Attachment{
					Color: "#d6334b",
					Text:  "No results match your query.",
		return message, nil

	// The KnowledgeGraph API returns an empty interface. To make this more
	// useful, we convert it back to json, and unmarshal into specific types.
	jsonstring, err := response.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	r := &ItemList{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonstring, r); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal json: %w", err)
	result := r.Items[0].Result

	attach := Attachment{Color: "#3367d6"}
	attach.Title = result.Name
	attach.TitleLink = result.DetailedDesc.URL
	attach.Text = result.DetailedDesc.ArticleBody
	attach.ImageURL = result.Image.ContentURL

	message := &Message{
		ResponseType: "in_channel",
		Text:         fmt.Sprintf("Query: %s", query),
		Attachments:  []Attachment{attach},
	return message, nil


 * Helper method to copy properties between {@link JsonObject}s
void addPropertyIfPresent(
    JsonObject target, String targetName, JsonObject source, String sourceName) {
  if (source.has(sourceName)) {
    target.addProperty(targetName, source.get(sourceName).getAsString());

 * Format the Knowledge Graph API response into a richly formatted Slack message.
 * @param kgResponse The response from the Knowledge Graph API as a {@link JsonObject}.
 * @param query The user's search query.
 * @return The formatted Slack message as a JSON string.
String formatSlackMessage(JsonObject kgResponse, String query) {
  JsonObject attachmentJson = new JsonObject();

  JsonObject responseJson = new JsonObject();
  responseJson.addProperty("response_type", "in_channel");
  responseJson.addProperty("text", String.format("Query: %s", query));

  JsonArray entityList = kgResponse.getAsJsonArray("itemListElement");

  // Extract the first entity from the result list, if any
  if (entityList.size() == 0) {
    attachmentJson.addProperty("text", "No results match your query...");
    responseJson.add("attachments", attachmentJson);

    return gson.toJson(responseJson);

  JsonObject entity = entityList.get(0).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("result");

  // Construct Knowledge Graph response attachment
  String title = entity.get("name").getAsString();
  if (entity.has("description")) {
    title = String.format("%s: %s", title, entity.get("description").getAsString());
  attachmentJson.addProperty("title", title);

  if (entity.has("detailedDescription")) {
    JsonObject detailedDescJson = entity.getAsJsonObject("detailedDescription");
    addPropertyIfPresent(attachmentJson, "title_link", detailedDescJson, "url");
    addPropertyIfPresent(attachmentJson, "text", detailedDescJson, "articleBody");

  if (entity.has("image")) {
    JsonObject imageJson = entity.getAsJsonObject("image");
    addPropertyIfPresent(attachmentJson, "image_url", imageJson, "contentUrl");

  JsonArray attachmentList = new JsonArray();

  responseJson.add("attachments", attachmentList);

  return gson.toJson(responseJson);


private string FormatSlackMessage(SearchResponse kgResponse, string query)
    JObject attachment = new JObject();
    JObject response = new JObject();

    response["response_type"] = "in_channel";
    response["text"] = $"Query: {query}";

    var element = kgResponse.ItemListElement?.FirstOrDefault() as JObject;
    if (element is object && element.TryGetValue("result", out var entityToken) &&
        entityToken is JObject entity)
        string title = (string) entity["name"];
        if (entity.TryGetValue("description", out var description))
            title = $"{title}: {description}";
        attachment["title"] = title;
        if (entity.TryGetValue("detailedDescription", out var detailedDescriptionToken) &&
            detailedDescriptionToken is JObject detailedDescription)
            AddPropertyIfPresent(detailedDescription, "url", "title_link");
            AddPropertyIfPresent(detailedDescription, "articleBody", "text");
        if (entity.TryGetValue("image", out var imageToken) &&
            imageToken is JObject image)
            AddPropertyIfPresent(image, "contentUrl", "image_url");
        attachment["text"] = "No results match your query...";
    response["attachments"] = new JArray { attachment };
    return response.ToString();

    void AddPropertyIfPresent(JObject parent, string sourceProperty, string targetProperty)
        if (parent.TryGetValue(sourceProperty, out var propertyValue))
            attachment[targetProperty] = propertyValue;


# This is a method of the KGSearch class.
# It takes a raw SearchResponse from the Knowledge Graph Search Service,
# and formats a Slack message.
def format_slack_message query, response
  result = response.item_list_element&.first&.fetch "result", nil
  attachment =
    if result
      name = result.fetch "name", nil
      description = result.fetch "description", nil
      details = result.fetch "detailedDescription", {}
      { "title"      => name && description ? "#{name}: #{description}" : name,
        "title_link" => details.fetch("url", nil),
        "text"       => details.fetch("articleBody", nil),
        "image_url"  => result.fetch("image", nil)&.fetch("contentUrl", nil) }
      { "text" => "No results match your query." }
  { "response_type" => "in_channel",
    "text"          => "Query: #{query}",
    "attachments"   => [attachment.compact] }


 * Format the Knowledge Graph API response into a richly formatted Slack message.
function formatSlackMessage(Google_Service_Kgsearch_SearchResponse $kgResponse, string $query): string
    $responseJson = [
        'response_type' => 'in_channel',
        'text' => 'Query: ' . $query

    $entityList = $kgResponse['itemListElement'];

    // Extract the first entity from the result list, if any
    if (empty($entityList)) {
        $attachmentJson = ['text' => 'No results match your query...'];
        $responseJson['attachments'] = $attachmentJson;

        return json_encode($responseJson);

    $entity = $entityList[0]['result'];

    // Construct Knowledge Graph response attachment
    $title = $entity['name'];
    if (isset($entity['description'])) {
        $title = $title . ' ' . $entity['description'];
    $attachmentJson = ['title' => $title];

    if (isset($entity['detailedDescription'])) {
        $detailedDescJson = $entity['detailedDescription'];
        $attachmentJson = array_merge([
            'title_link' => $detailedDescJson[ 'url'],
            'text' => $detailedDescJson['articleBody'],
        ], $attachmentJson);

    if (isset($entity['image'])) {
        $imageJson = $entity['image'];
        $attachmentJson['image_url'] = $imageJson['contentUrl'];

    $responseJson['attachments'] = array($attachmentJson);

    return json_encode($responseJson);

Tempos limite da API Slack

A API do Slack espera que sua função responda dentro de 3 segundos após receber uma solicitação de webhook.

Os comandos deste tutorial, no geral, levam menos de 3 segundos para responder. Para comando de execução mais longa, recomendamos configurar uma função para pedidos push (incluindo seu response_url) para um tópico do Pub/Sub que atua como uma fila de tarefas.

Em seguida, crie uma segunda função acionada por Pub/Sub que processa essas tarefas e envia os resultados de volta para o response_url do Slack.

Como usar o comando Slash

  1. Quando a implantação da função for concluída, digite este comando no canal do Slack:

    /kg giraffe

    Você verá a entrada do Mapa de informações de "giraffe".

  2. Verifique os registros para ver a saída da execução da função:

    gcloud functions logs read --limit 100


Para evitar cobranças na sua conta do Google Cloud pelos recursos usados no tutorial, exclua o projeto que os contém ou mantenha o projeto e exclua os recursos individuais.

Excluir o projeto

O jeito mais fácil de evitar cobranças é excluindo o projeto que você criou para o tutorial.

Para excluir o projeto:

  1. No Console do Google Cloud, acesse a página Gerenciar recursos.

    Acessar "Gerenciar recursos"

  2. Na lista de projetos, selecione o projeto que você quer excluir e clique em Excluir .
  3. Na caixa de diálogo, digite o ID do projeto e clique em Encerrar para excluí-lo.

Como excluir o Cloud Function

Para excluir o Cloud Function implantado neste tutorial, execute o seguinte comando:


gcloud functions delete nodejs-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete python-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete go-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete java-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete csharp-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete ruby-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete php-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 

Também é possível excluir o Cloud Functions do Console do Google Cloud.