Tutorial su Slack - Comandi slash (2ª generazione)

Questo tutorial illustra l'utilizzo di Cloud Functions per implementare un comando slash di Slack che esegue ricerche nell'API Google Knowledge Graph.


  • Crea un comando slash in Slack.
  • Scrivi ed esegui il deployment di una funzione Cloud Functions HTTP.
  • Esegui una ricerca nell'API Google Knowledge Graph utilizzando il comando slash.


In questo documento utilizzi i seguenti componenti fatturabili di Google Cloud:

  • Cloud Functions
  • Cloud Build
  • Artifact Registry
  • Cloud Logging

Per maggiori dettagli, vedi i prezzi di Cloud Functions.

Per generare una stima dei costi in base all'utilizzo previsto, utilizza il Calcolatore prezzi. I nuovi Google Cloud utenti potrebbero avere diritto a una prova gratuita.

Prima di iniziare

  1. Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
  2. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  3. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  4. Enable the Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, and Logging APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  5. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  6. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  7. In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

    Go to project selector

  8. Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.

  9. Enable the Cloud Functions, Cloud Build, Artifact Registry, and Logging APIs.

    Enable the APIs

  10. Install the Google Cloud CLI.
  11. To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:

    gcloud init
  12. Se hai già installato gcloud CLI, aggiornalo eseguendo questo comando:

    gcloud components update
  13. Preparare l'ambiente di sviluppo.

Visualizzare il flusso di dati

Il flusso di dati nell'applicazione del tutorial per il comando slash di Slack prevede diversi passaggi:

  1. L'utente esegue il comando slash /kg <search_query> in un canale Slack.
  2. Slack invia il payload del comando all'endpoint di trigger della Cloud Function.
  3. La funzione Cloud Functions invia una richiesta con la query di ricerca dell'utente all'API Knowledge Graph.
  4. L'API Knowledge Graph risponde con qualsiasi risultato corrispondente.
  5. La funzione Cloud Functions formatta la risposta in un messaggio Slack.
  6. La funzione Cloud Functions restituisce il messaggio a Slack.
  7. L'utente vede la risposta formattata nel canale Slack.

Potrebbe essere utile visualizzare i passaggi:

Recupero delle credenziali in corso...

Per eseguire il deployment della funzione, sono necessari una chiave API fornita dalla console Google Cloud e un secret di firma Slack.

Recupero della chiave API Knowledge Graph

Nella pagina Credenziali della console Google Cloud, fai clic sul pulsante Crea credenziali e seleziona Chiave API. Ricorda questa chiave, perché la includerai nel comando deploy. Questa chiave consente alla funzione di accedere all'API Knowledge Graph.

Recupero del secret di firma di Slack

Devi avere il secret di firma Slack anche per eseguire il deployment della funzione. Per ottenere il secret di firma di Slack, crea l'app Slack che ospiterà il tuo comando slash di Slack. Questa app deve essere associata a un team Slack in cui disponi delle autorizzazioni per installare le integrazioni.

  1. Vai alla pagina Le tue app di Slack e fai clic su Crea nuova app.

  2. Scegli Da Scratch.

  3. Fornisci un nome per l'app e seleziona un'area di lavoro Slack in cui hai le autorizzazioni per installare le integrazioni.

  4. Fai clic su Create App (Crea app).

    L'app viene creata e il display mostra la pagina Informazioni di base.

  5. Nella pagina Informazioni di base, copia il secret di firma Slack e salvalo.

  6. Salva le modifiche.

Successivamente, devi recuperare il codice sorgente ed eseguire il deployment della funzione. Dopo aver eseguito il deployment della funzione, configurerai l'app Slack per integrarla con la funzione di cui è stato eseguito il deployment, come descritto in Configurazione dell'applicazione.

Preparazione della funzione

  1. Clona il repository dell'app di esempio sulla tua macchina locale:


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/nodejs-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/python-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/golang-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/java-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/dotnet-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/ruby-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.


    git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/php-docs-samples.git

    In alternativa, puoi scaricare l'esempio come file ZIP ed estrarlo.

  2. Passa alla directory che contiene il codice di esempio di Cloud Functions:


    cd nodejs-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd python-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd golang-samples/functions/functionsv2/slack/


    cd java-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd dotnet-docs-samples/functions/slack/SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch/


    cd ruby-docs-samples/functions/slack/


    cd php-docs-samples/functions/slack_slash_command/

Deployment della funzione

Per eseguire il deployment della funzione eseguita quando tu o Slack esegui una richiesta POST HTTP all'endpoint della funzione, esegui il comando seguente nella directory contenente il codice campione (o il file pom.xml per Java).

Sostituisci YOUR_SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET con il secret di firma fornito da Slack nella pagina Informazioni di base della configurazione dell'app e YOUR_KG_API_KEY con la chiave API Knowledge Graph che hai creato in precedenza.


gcloud functions deploy nodejs-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=nodejs20 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=kgSearch \
--trigger-http \

Utilizza il flag --runtime per specificare l'ID runtime di una versione di Node.js supportata per eseguire la funzione.


gcloud functions deploy python-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=python312 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=kg_search \
--trigger-http \

Utilizza il flag --runtime per specificare l'ID runtime di una versione Python supportata per eseguire la funzione.


gcloud functions deploy go-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=go121 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=KGSearch \
--trigger-http \

Utilizza il flag --runtime per specificare l'ID runtime di una versione Go supportata per eseguire la funzione.


gcloud functions deploy java-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=java17 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=functions.SlackSlashCommand \
--memory=512MB \
--trigger-http \

Utilizza il flag --runtime per specificare l'ID runtime di una versione Java supportata per eseguire la funzione.


gcloud functions deploy csharp-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=dotnet6 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch.Function \
--trigger-http \

Utilizza il flag --runtime per specificare l'ID runtime di una versione di .NET supportata per eseguire la funzione.


gcloud functions deploy ruby-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=ruby32 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=kg_search \
-trigger-http \

Utilizza il flag --runtime per specificare l'ID runtime di una versione Ruby supportata per l'esecuzione della funzione.


gcloud functions deploy php-slack-function \
--gen2 \
--runtime=php82 \
--region=REGION \
--source=. \
--entry-point=receiveRequest \
-trigger-http \

Utilizza il flag --runtime per specificare l'ID runtime di una versione PHP supportata per eseguire la funzione.

Configurazione dell'applicazione

Dopo il deployment della funzione, devi creare un comando slash che invii la query alla Cloud Function ogni volta che viene attivato il comando:

  1. Torna all'app Slack che hai creato sopra.

  2. Seleziona l'app, vai a Comandi Slack e fai clic sul pulsante Crea nuovo comando.

  3. Inserisci /kg come nome del comando.

  4. Nel campo Richiedi URL, inserisci l'URL della funzione.

    Puoi copiare l'URL dall'output comando deploy oppure andare alla pagina Panoramica di Cloud Functions nella console Google Cloud, fare clic sulla funzione per aprire la relativa pagina Dettagli funzione e copiare l'URL da lì.

  5. Inserisci una breve descrizione e fai clic su Salva.

  6. Vai a Informazioni di base.

  7. Fai clic su Installa in Workspace e segui le istruzioni sullo schermo per attivare l'applicazione per la tua area di lavoro.

    Il tuo comando slash di Slack dovrebbe essere online a breve.

Nozioni di base sul codice

Importazione delle dipendenze

L'applicazione deve importare diverse dipendenze per comunicare con i servizi Google Cloud Platform:


const functions = require('@google-cloud/functions-framework');
const google = require('@googleapis/kgsearch');
const {verifyRequestSignature} = require('@slack/events-api');

// Get a reference to the Knowledge Graph Search component
const kgsearch = google.kgsearch('v1');


import os

from flask import jsonify
import functions_framework
import googleapiclient.discovery
from slack.signature import SignatureVerifier

kgsearch = googleapiclient.discovery.build(
    "kgsearch", "v1", developerKey=os.environ["KG_API_KEY"], cache_discovery=False


package slack

import (


var (
	entitiesService *kgsearch.EntitiesService
	kgKey           string
	slackSecret     string

func setup(ctx context.Context) {
	kgKey = os.Getenv("KG_API_KEY")
	slackSecret = os.Getenv("SLACK_SECRET")

	if entitiesService == nil {
		kgService, err := kgsearch.NewService(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(kgKey))
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("kgsearch.NewService: %v", err)
		entitiesService = kgsearch.NewEntitiesService(kgService)


private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SlackSlashCommand.class.getName());
private static final String API_KEY = getenv("KG_API_KEY");
private static final String SLACK_SECRET = getenv("SLACK_SECRET");
private static final Gson gson = new Gson();

private final String apiKey;
private final Kgsearch kgClient;
private final SlackSignature.Verifier verifier;

public SlackSlashCommand() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  this(new SlackSignature.Verifier(new SlackSignature.Generator(SLACK_SECRET)));

SlackSlashCommand(SlackSignature.Verifier verifier) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  this(verifier, API_KEY);

SlackSlashCommand(SlackSignature.Verifier verifier, String apiKey)
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  this.verifier = verifier;
  this.apiKey = apiKey;
  this.kgClient = new Kgsearch.Builder(
      GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(), new GsonFactory(), null).build();

// Avoid ungraceful deployment failures due to unset environment variables.
// If you get this warning you should redeploy with the variable set.
private static String getenv(String name) {
  String value = System.getenv(name);
  if (value == null) {
    logger.warning("Environment variable " + name + " was not set");
    value = "MISSING";
  return value;


using Google.Apis.Kgsearch.v1;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Cloud.Functions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using System;

// Specify a startup class to use for dependency injection.
// This can also be specified on the function type.
[assembly: FunctionsStartup(typeof(SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch.Startup))]

namespace SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch;

public class Startup : FunctionsStartup
    private static readonly TimeSpan SlackTimestampTolerance = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);

    public override void ConfigureServices(WebHostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
        // These can come from an environment variable or a configuration file.
        string kgApiKey = context.Configuration["KG_API_KEY"];
        string slackSigningSecret = context.Configuration["SLACK_SECRET"];

        services.AddSingleton(new KgsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
            ApiKey = kgApiKey
        services.AddSingleton(new SlackRequestVerifier(slackSigningSecret, SlackTimestampTolerance));
        base.ConfigureServices(context, services);


require "functions_framework"
require "slack-ruby-client"
require "google/apis/kgsearch_v1"

# This block is executed during cold start, before the function begins
# handling requests. This is the recommended way to create shared resources
# and objects.
FunctionsFramework.on_startup do
  # Create a global handler object, configured with the environment-provided
  # API key and signing secret.
  kg_search = KGSearch.new kg_api_key:     ENV["KG_API_KEY"],
                           signing_secret: ENV["SLACK_SECRET"]
  set_global :kg_search, kg_search

# The KGSearch class implements the logic of validating and responding
# to requests. More methods of this class are shown below.
class KGSearch
  def initialize kg_api_key:, signing_secret:
    # Create the global client for the Knowledge Graph Search Service,
    # configuring it with your API key.
    @client = Google::Apis::KgsearchV1::KgsearchService.new
    @client.key = kg_api_key

    # Save signing secret for use by the signature validation method.
    @signing_secret = signing_secret


use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;

Ricezione del webhook

La seguente funzione viene eseguita quando tu o Slack esegui una richiesta POST HTTP all'endpoint della funzione:


 * Receive a Slash Command request from Slack.
 * Trigger this function by creating a Slack slash command with the HTTP Trigger URL.
 * You can find the HTTP URL in the Cloud Console or using `gcloud functions describe`
 * @param {object} req Cloud Function request object.
 * @param {object} req.body The request payload.
 * @param {string} req.rawBody Raw request payload used to validate Slack's message signature.
 * @param {string} req.body.text The user's search query.
 * @param {object} res Cloud Function response object.
functions.http('kgSearch', async (req, res) => {
  try {
    if (req.method !== 'POST') {
      const error = new Error('Only POST requests are accepted');
      error.code = 405;
      throw error;

    if (!req.body.text) {
      const error = new Error('No text found in body.');
      error.code = 400;
      throw error;

    // Verify that this request came from Slack

    // Make the request to the Knowledge Graph Search API
    const response = await makeSearchRequest(req.body.text);

    // Send the formatted message back to Slack

    return Promise.resolve();
  } catch (err) {
    res.status(err.code || 500).send(err);
    return Promise.reject(err);


def kg_search(request):
    if request.method != "POST":
        return "Only POST requests are accepted", 405

    kg_search_response = make_search_request(request.form["text"])
    return jsonify(kg_search_response)


// Package slack is a Cloud Function which receives a query from
// a Slack command and responds with the KG API result.
package slack

import (


const (
	version                     = "v0"
	slackRequestTimestampHeader = "X-Slack-Request-Timestamp"
	slackSignatureHeader        = "X-Slack-Signature"

type Attachment struct {
	Color     string `json:"color"`
	Title     string `json:"title"`
	TitleLink string `json:"title_link"`
	Text      string `json:"text"`
	ImageURL  string `json:"image_url"`

// Message is the a Slack message event.
// see https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
type Message struct {
	ResponseType string       `json:"response_type"`
	Text         string       `json:"text"`
	Attachments  []Attachment `json:"attachments"`

func init() {
	functions.HTTP("KGSearch", kgSearch)

// kgSearch uses the Knowledge Graph API to search for a query provided
// by a Slack command.
func kgSearch(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	bodyBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("failed to read body: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "could not read request body", http.StatusBadRequest)
	if r.Method != "POST" {
		http.Error(w, "Only POST requests are accepted", http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
	formData, err := url.ParseQuery(string(bodyBytes))
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error: Failed to Parse Form: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "Couldn't parse form", http.StatusBadRequest)

	result, err := verifyWebHook(r, bodyBytes, slackSecret)
	if err != nil || !result {
		log.Printf("verifyWebhook failed: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "Failed to verify request signature", http.StatusBadRequest)

	if len(formData.Get("text")) == 0 {
		log.Printf("no search text found: %v", formData)
		http.Error(w, "search text was empty", http.StatusBadRequest)
	kgSearchResponse, err := makeSearchRequest(formData.Get("text"))
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("makeSearchRequest failed: %v", err)
		http.Error(w, "makeSearchRequest failed", http.StatusInternalServerError)
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
	if err = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(kgSearchResponse); err != nil {
		http.Error(w, fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal results: %v", err), 500)


 * Receive a Slash Command request from Slack.
 * @param request Cloud Function request object.
 * @param response Cloud Function response object.
 * @throws IOException if Knowledge Graph request fails
public void service(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) throws IOException {

  // Validate request
  if (!"POST".equals(request.getMethod())) {

  // reader can only be read once per request, so we preserve its contents
  String bodyString = request.getReader().lines().collect(Collectors.joining());

  // Slack sends requests as URL-encoded strings
  //   Java 11 doesn't have a standard library
  //   function for this, so do it manually
  Map<String, String> body = new HashMap<>();
  for (String keyValuePair : bodyString.split("&")) {
    String[] keyAndValue = keyValuePair.split("=");
    if (keyAndValue.length == 2) {
      String key = keyAndValue[0];
      String value = keyAndValue[1];

      body.put(key, value);

  if (body == null || !body.containsKey("text")) {

  if (!isValidSlackWebhook(request, bodyString)) {

  String query = body.get("text");

  // Call knowledge graph API
  JsonObject kgResponse = searchKnowledgeGraph(query);

  // Format response to Slack
  // See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
  BufferedWriter writer = response.getWriter();

  writer.write(formatSlackMessage(kgResponse, query));



private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly KgsearchService _kgService;
private readonly SlackRequestVerifier _verifier;

public Function(ILogger<Function> logger, KgsearchService kgService, SlackRequestVerifier verifier) =>
    (_logger, _kgService, _verifier) = (logger, kgService, verifier);

public async Task HandleAsync(HttpContext context)
    var request = context.Request;
    var response = context.Response;

    // Validate request
    if (request.Method != "POST")
        _logger.LogWarning("Unexpected request method '{method}'", request.Method);
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed;

    if (!request.HasFormContentType)
        _logger.LogWarning("Unexpected content type '{contentType}'", request.ContentType);
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

    // We need to read the request body twice: once to validate the signature,
    // and once to read the form content. We copy it into a memory stream,
    // so that we can rewind it after reading.
    var bodyCopy = new MemoryStream();
    await request.Body.CopyToAsync(bodyCopy);
    request.Body = bodyCopy;
    bodyCopy.Position = 0;

    if (!_verifier.VerifyRequest(request, bodyCopy.ToArray()))
        _logger.LogWarning("Slack request verification failed");
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized;

    var form = await request.ReadFormAsync();
    if (!form.TryGetValue("text", out var query))
        _logger.LogWarning("Slack request form did not contain a text element");
        response.StatusCode = (int) HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;

    var kgResponse = await SearchKnowledgeGraphAsync(query);
    string formattedResponse = FormatSlackMessage(kgResponse, query);
    response.ContentType = "application/json";
    await response.WriteAsync(formattedResponse);


# Handler for the function endpoint.
FunctionsFramework.http "kg_search" do |request|
  # Return early if the request is not a POST.
  unless request.post?
    return [405, {}, ["Only POST requests are accepted."]]

  # Access the global Knowledge Graph Search client
  kg_search = global :kg_search

  # Verify the request signature and return early if it failed.
  unless kg_search.signature_valid? request
    return [401, {}, ["Signature validation failed."]]

  # Query the Knowledge Graph and format a Slack message with the response.
  # This method returns a nested hash, which the Functions Framework will
  # convert to JSON automatically.
  kg_search.make_search_request request.params["text"]


 * Receive a Slash Command request from Slack.
function receiveRequest(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
    // Validate request
    if ($request->getMethod() !== 'POST') {
        // [] = empty headers
        return new Response(405);

    // Parse incoming URL-encoded requests from Slack
    // (Slack requests use the "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" format)
    $bodyStr = $request->getBody();
    parse_str($bodyStr, $bodyParams);

    if (!isset($bodyParams['text'])) {
        // [] = empty headers
        return new Response(400);

    if (!isValidSlackWebhook($request, $bodyStr)) {
        // [] = empty headers
        return new Response(403);

    $query = $bodyParams['text'];

    // Call knowledge graph API
    $kgResponse = searchKnowledgeGraph($query);

    // Format response to Slack
    // See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
    $formatted_message = formatSlackMessage($kgResponse, $query);

    return new Response(
        ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],

La seguente funzione autentica la richiesta in entrata verificando l'intestazione X-Slack-Signature fornita da Slack:


 * Verify that the webhook request came from Slack.
 * @param {object} req Cloud Function request object.
 * @param {string} req.headers Headers Slack SDK uses to authenticate request.
 * @param {string} req.rawBody Raw body of webhook request to check signature against.
const verifyWebhook = req => {
  const signature = {
    signingSecret: process.env.SLACK_SECRET,
    requestSignature: req.headers['x-slack-signature'],
    requestTimestamp: req.headers['x-slack-request-timestamp'],
    body: req.rawBody,

  // This method throws an exception if an incoming request is invalid.


def verify_signature(request):
    request.get_data()  # Decodes received requests into request.data

    verifier = SignatureVerifier(os.environ["SLACK_SECRET"])

    if not verifier.is_valid_request(request.data, request.headers):
        raise ValueError("Invalid request/credentials.")


// verifyWebHook verifies the request signature.
// See https://api.slack.com/docs/verifying-requests-from-slack.
func verifyWebHook(r *http.Request, body []byte, slackSigningSecret string) (bool, error) {
	timeStamp := r.Header.Get(slackRequestTimestampHeader)
	slackSignature := r.Header.Get(slackSignatureHeader)

	t, err := strconv.ParseInt(timeStamp, 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("strconv.ParseInt(%s): %w", timeStamp, err)

	if ageOk, age := checkTimestamp(t); !ageOk {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("checkTimestamp(%v): %v %v", t, ageOk, age)

	if timeStamp == "" || slackSignature == "" {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("timeStamp and/or signature headers were blank")

	baseString := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%s", version, timeStamp, body)

	signature := getSignature([]byte(baseString), []byte(slackSigningSecret))

	trimmed := strings.TrimPrefix(slackSignature, fmt.Sprintf("%s=", version))
	signatureInHeader, err := hex.DecodeString(trimmed)

	if err != nil {
		return false, fmt.Errorf("hex.DecodeString(%v): %w", trimmed, err)

	return hmac.Equal(signature, signatureInHeader), nil

func getSignature(base []byte, secret []byte) []byte {
	h := hmac.New(sha256.New, secret)

	return h.Sum(nil)

// checkTimestamp allows requests time stamped less than 5 minutes ago.
func checkTimestamp(timeStamp int64) (bool, time.Duration) {
	t := time.Since(time.Unix(timeStamp, 0))

	return t.Minutes() <= 5, t


 * Verify that the webhook request came from Slack.
 * @param request Cloud Function request object in {@link HttpRequest} format.
 * @param requestBody Raw body of webhook request to check signature against.
 * @return true if the provided request came from Slack, false otherwise
boolean isValidSlackWebhook(HttpRequest request, String requestBody) {
  // Check for headers
  Optional<String> maybeTimestamp = request.getFirstHeader("X-Slack-Request-Timestamp");
  Optional<String> maybeSignature = request.getFirstHeader("X-Slack-Signature");
  if (!maybeTimestamp.isPresent() || !maybeSignature.isPresent()) {
    return false;

  Long nowInMs = ZonedDateTime.now().toInstant().toEpochMilli();

  return verifier.isValid(maybeTimestamp.get(), requestBody, maybeSignature.get(), nowInMs);


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using System;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;

namespace SlackKnowledgeGraphSearch;

public class SlackRequestVerifier
    private const string Version = "v0";
    private const string SignaturePrefix = Version + "=";
    private static readonly byte[] VersionBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Version);
    private static readonly byte[] ColonBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(":");

    private readonly byte[] _signingKeyBytes;
    private readonly TimeSpan _timestampTolerance;

    public SlackRequestVerifier(string signingKey, TimeSpan timestampTolerance) =>
        (_signingKeyBytes, _timestampTolerance) =
        (Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signingKey), timestampTolerance);

    /// <summary>
    /// Verifies a request signature with the given content, which would
    /// normally have been read from the request beforehand.
    /// </summary>
    public bool VerifyRequest(HttpRequest request, byte[] content)
        if (!request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Slack-Request-Timestamp", out var timestampHeader) ||
            !request.Headers.TryGetValue("X-Slack-Signature", out var signatureHeader))
            return false;

        // Validate that the request isn't too old.
        if (!int.TryParse(timestampHeader, out var unixSeconds))
            return false;
        var timestamp = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(unixSeconds);
        if (timestamp + _timestampTolerance < DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)
            return false;

        // Hash the version:timestamp:content
        using var hmac = new HMACSHA256(_signingKeyBytes);
        byte[] hash = hmac.ComputeHash(content);
        void AddToHash(byte[] bytes) => hmac.TransformBlock(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, null, 0);

        // Compare the resulting signature with the signature in the request.
        return CreateSignature(hash) == (string) signatureHeader;

    private const string Hex = "0123456789abcdef";
    private static string CreateSignature(byte[] hash)
        var builder = new StringBuilder(SignaturePrefix, SignaturePrefix.Length + hash.Length * 2);
        foreach (var b in hash)
            builder.Append(Hex[b >> 4]);
            builder.Append(Hex[b & 0xf]);
        return builder.ToString();


# slack-ruby-client expects a Rails-style request object with a "headers"
# method, but the Functions Framework provides only a Rack request.
# To avoid bringing in Rails as a dependency, we'll create a simple class
# that implements the "headers" method and delegates everything else back to
# the Rack request object.
require "delegate"
class RequestWithHeaders < SimpleDelegator
  def headers
    env.each_with_object({}) do |(key, val), result|
      if /^HTTP_(\w+)$/ =~ key
        header = Regexp.last_match(1).split("_").map(&:capitalize).join("-")
        result[header] = val

# This is a method of the KGSearch class.
# It determines whether the given request's signature is valid.
def signature_valid? request
  # Wrap the request with our class that provides the "headers" method.
  request = RequestWithHeaders.new request

  # Validate the request signature.
  slack_request = Slack::Events::Request.new request,
                                             signing_secret: @signing_secret


 * Verify that the webhook request came from Slack.
function isValidSlackWebhook(ServerRequestInterface $request): bool

    // Check for headers
    $timestamp = $request->getHeaderLine('X-Slack-Request-Timestamp');
    $signature = $request->getHeaderLine('X-Slack-Signature');
    if (!$timestamp || !$signature) {
        return false;

    // Compute signature
    $plaintext = sprintf('v0:%s:%s', $timestamp, $request->getBody());
    $hash = sprintf('v0=%s', hash_hmac('sha256', $plaintext, $SLACK_SECRET));

    return $hash === $signature;

Esecuzione di query sull'API Knowledge Graph

La seguente funzione invia una richiesta con la query di ricerca dell'utente all'API Knowledge Graph:


 * Send the user's search query to the Knowledge Graph API.
 * @param {string} query The user's search query.
const makeSearchRequest = query => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        auth: process.env.KG_API_KEY,
        query: query,
        limit: 1,
      (err, response) => {
        if (err) {

        // Return a formatted message
        resolve(formatSlackMessage(query, response));


def make_search_request(query):
    req = kgsearch.entities().search(query=query, limit=1)
    res = req.execute()
    return format_slack_message(query, res)


func makeSearchRequest(query string) (*Message, error) {
	res, err := entitiesService.Search().Query(query).Limit(1).Do()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return formatSlackMessage(query, res)


 * Send the user's search query to the Knowledge Graph API.
 * @param query The user's search query.
 * @return The Knowledge graph API results as a {@link JsonObject}.
 * @throws IOException if Knowledge Graph request fails
JsonObject searchKnowledgeGraph(String query) throws IOException {
  Kgsearch.Entities.Search kgRequest = kgClient.entities().search();

  return gson.fromJson(kgRequest.execute().toString(), JsonObject.class);


private async Task<SearchResponse> SearchKnowledgeGraphAsync(string query)
    _logger.LogInformation("Performing Knowledge Graph search for '{query}'", query);
    var request = _kgService.Entities.Search();
    request.Limit = 1;
    request.Query = query;
    return await request.ExecuteAsync();


# This is a method of the KGSearch class.
# It makes an API call to the Knowledge Graph Search Service, and formats
# a Slack message as a nested Hash object.
def make_search_request query
  response = @client.search_entities query: query, limit: 1
  format_slack_message query, response


 * Send the user's search query to the Knowledge Graph API.
function searchKnowledgeGraph(string $query): Google_Service_Kgsearch_SearchResponse
    $API_KEY = getenv('KG_API_KEY');

    $apiClient = new Google\Client();

    $service = new Google_Service_Kgsearch($apiClient);

    $params = ['query' => $query];

    $kgResults = $service->entities->search($params);

    return $kgResults;

Formattazione del messaggio Slack

Infine, la funzione seguente formatta il risultato del Knowledge Graph in un messaggio Slack con formattazione speciale che verrà mostrato all'utente:


 * Format the Knowledge Graph API response into a richly formatted Slack message.
 * @param {string} query The user's search query.
 * @param {object} response The response from the Knowledge Graph API.
 * @returns {object} The formatted message.
const formatSlackMessage = (query, response) => {
  let entity;

  // Extract the first entity from the result list, if any
  if (
    response &&
    response.data &&
    response.data.itemListElement &&
    response.data.itemListElement.length > 0
  ) {
    entity = response.data.itemListElement[0].result;

  // Prepare a rich Slack message
  // See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting
  const slackMessage = {
    response_type: 'in_channel',
    text: `Query: ${query}`,
    attachments: [],

  if (entity) {
    const attachment = {
      color: '#3367d6',
    if (entity.name) {
      attachment.title = entity.name;
      if (entity.description) {
        attachment.title = `${attachment.title}: ${entity.description}`;
    if (entity.detailedDescription) {
      if (entity.detailedDescription.url) {
        attachment.title_link = entity.detailedDescription.url;
      if (entity.detailedDescription.articleBody) {
        attachment.text = entity.detailedDescription.articleBody;
    if (entity.image && entity.image.contentUrl) {
      attachment.image_url = entity.image.contentUrl;
  } else {
      text: 'No results match your query...',

  return slackMessage;


def format_slack_message(query, response):
    entity = None
    if (
        and response.get("itemListElement") is not None
        and len(response["itemListElement"]) > 0
        entity = response["itemListElement"][0]["result"]

    message = {
        "response_type": "in_channel",
        "text": f"Query: {query}",
        "attachments": [],

    attachment = {}
    if entity:
        name = entity.get("name", "")
        description = entity.get("description", "")
        detailed_desc = entity.get("detailedDescription", {})
        url = detailed_desc.get("url")
        article = detailed_desc.get("articleBody")
        image_url = entity.get("image", {}).get("contentUrl")

        attachment["color"] = "#3367d6"
        if name and description:
            attachment["title"] = "{}: {}".format(entity["name"], entity["description"])
        elif name:
            attachment["title"] = name
        if url:
            attachment["title_link"] = url
        if article:
            attachment["text"] = article
        if image_url:
            attachment["image_url"] = image_url
        attachment["text"] = "No results match your query."

    return message


package slack

import (


type ItemList struct {
	Items []ItemListElement `json:"itemListElement"`
type ItemListElement struct {
	Result EntitySearchResult `json:"result"`
type EntitySearchResult struct {
	Name         string       `json:"name"`
	Description  string       `json:"description"`
	DetailedDesc DetailedDesc `json:"detailedDescription"`
	URL          string       `json:"url"`
	Image        Image
type DetailedDesc struct {
	ArticleBody string
	URL         string
type Image struct {
	ContentURL string

func formatSlackMessage(query string, response *kgsearch.SearchResponse) (*Message, error) {
	if response == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty response")

	if response.ItemListElement == nil || len(response.ItemListElement) == 0 {
		message := &Message{
			ResponseType: "in_channel",
			Text:         fmt.Sprintf("Query: %s", query),
			Attachments: []Attachment{
					Color: "#d6334b",
					Text:  "No results match your query.",
		return message, nil

	// The KnowledgeGraph API returns an empty interface. To make this more
	// useful, we convert it back to json, and unmarshal into specific types.
	jsonstring, err := response.MarshalJSON()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	r := &ItemList{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(jsonstring, r); err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal json: %w", err)
	result := r.Items[0].Result

	attach := Attachment{Color: "#3367d6"}
	attach.Title = result.Name
	attach.TitleLink = result.DetailedDesc.URL
	attach.Text = result.DetailedDesc.ArticleBody
	attach.ImageURL = result.Image.ContentURL

	message := &Message{
		ResponseType: "in_channel",
		Text:         fmt.Sprintf("Query: %s", query),
		Attachments:  []Attachment{attach},
	return message, nil


 * Helper method to copy properties between {@link JsonObject}s
void addPropertyIfPresent(
    JsonObject target, String targetName, JsonObject source, String sourceName) {
  if (source.has(sourceName)) {
    target.addProperty(targetName, source.get(sourceName).getAsString());

 * Format the Knowledge Graph API response into a richly formatted Slack message.
 * @param kgResponse The response from the Knowledge Graph API as a {@link JsonObject}.
 * @param query The user's search query.
 * @return The formatted Slack message as a JSON string.
String formatSlackMessage(JsonObject kgResponse, String query) {
  JsonObject attachmentJson = new JsonObject();

  JsonObject responseJson = new JsonObject();
  responseJson.addProperty("response_type", "in_channel");
  responseJson.addProperty("text", String.format("Query: %s", query));

  JsonArray entityList = kgResponse.getAsJsonArray("itemListElement");

  // Extract the first entity from the result list, if any
  if (entityList.size() == 0) {
    attachmentJson.addProperty("text", "No results match your query...");
    responseJson.add("attachments", attachmentJson);

    return gson.toJson(responseJson);

  JsonObject entity = entityList.get(0).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("result");

  // Construct Knowledge Graph response attachment
  String title = entity.get("name").getAsString();
  if (entity.has("description")) {
    title = String.format("%s: %s", title, entity.get("description").getAsString());
  attachmentJson.addProperty("title", title);

  if (entity.has("detailedDescription")) {
    JsonObject detailedDescJson = entity.getAsJsonObject("detailedDescription");
    addPropertyIfPresent(attachmentJson, "title_link", detailedDescJson, "url");
    addPropertyIfPresent(attachmentJson, "text", detailedDescJson, "articleBody");

  if (entity.has("image")) {
    JsonObject imageJson = entity.getAsJsonObject("image");
    addPropertyIfPresent(attachmentJson, "image_url", imageJson, "contentUrl");

  JsonArray attachmentList = new JsonArray();

  responseJson.add("attachments", attachmentList);

  return gson.toJson(responseJson);


private string FormatSlackMessage(SearchResponse kgResponse, string query)
    JObject attachment = new JObject();
    JObject response = new JObject();

    response["response_type"] = "in_channel";
    response["text"] = $"Query: {query}";

    var element = kgResponse.ItemListElement?.FirstOrDefault() as JObject;
    if (element is object && element.TryGetValue("result", out var entityToken) &&
        entityToken is JObject entity)
        string title = (string) entity["name"];
        if (entity.TryGetValue("description", out var description))
            title = $"{title}: {description}";
        attachment["title"] = title;
        if (entity.TryGetValue("detailedDescription", out var detailedDescriptionToken) &&
            detailedDescriptionToken is JObject detailedDescription)
            AddPropertyIfPresent(detailedDescription, "url", "title_link");
            AddPropertyIfPresent(detailedDescription, "articleBody", "text");
        if (entity.TryGetValue("image", out var imageToken) &&
            imageToken is JObject image)
            AddPropertyIfPresent(image, "contentUrl", "image_url");
        attachment["text"] = "No results match your query...";
    response["attachments"] = new JArray { attachment };
    return response.ToString();

    void AddPropertyIfPresent(JObject parent, string sourceProperty, string targetProperty)
        if (parent.TryGetValue(sourceProperty, out var propertyValue))
            attachment[targetProperty] = propertyValue;


# This is a method of the KGSearch class.
# It takes a raw SearchResponse from the Knowledge Graph Search Service,
# and formats a Slack message.
def format_slack_message query, response
  result = response.item_list_element&.first&.fetch "result", nil
  attachment =
    if result
      name = result.fetch "name", nil
      description = result.fetch "description", nil
      details = result.fetch "detailedDescription", {}
      { "title"      => name && description ? "#{name}: #{description}" : name,
        "title_link" => details.fetch("url", nil),
        "text"       => details.fetch("articleBody", nil),
        "image_url"  => result.fetch("image", nil)&.fetch("contentUrl", nil) }
      { "text" => "No results match your query." }
  { "response_type" => "in_channel",
    "text"          => "Query: #{query}",
    "attachments"   => [attachment.compact] }


 * Format the Knowledge Graph API response into a richly formatted Slack message.
function formatSlackMessage(Google_Service_Kgsearch_SearchResponse $kgResponse, string $query): string
    $responseJson = [
        'response_type' => 'in_channel',
        'text' => 'Query: ' . $query

    $entityList = $kgResponse['itemListElement'];

    // Extract the first entity from the result list, if any
    if (empty($entityList)) {
        $attachmentJson = ['text' => 'No results match your query...'];
        $responseJson['attachments'] = $attachmentJson;

        return json_encode($responseJson);

    $entity = $entityList[0]['result'];

    // Construct Knowledge Graph response attachment
    $title = $entity['name'];
    if (isset($entity['description'])) {
        $title = $title . ' ' . $entity['description'];
    $attachmentJson = ['title' => $title];

    if (isset($entity['detailedDescription'])) {
        $detailedDescJson = $entity['detailedDescription'];
        $attachmentJson = array_merge([
            'title_link' => $detailedDescJson[ 'url'],
            'text' => $detailedDescJson['articleBody'],
        ], $attachmentJson);

    if (isset($entity['image'])) {
        $imageJson = $entity['image'];
        $attachmentJson['image_url'] = $imageJson['contentUrl'];

    $responseJson['attachments'] = array($attachmentJson);

    return json_encode($responseJson);

Timeout API Slack

L'API Slack prevede che la funzione risponda entro 3 secondi dalla ricezione di una richiesta webhook.

Generalmente, la risposta dei comandi in questo tutorial richiede meno di 3 secondi. Per i comandi a lunga esecuzione, consigliamo di configurare una funzione per le richieste di push (incluso il campo response_url) in un argomento Pub/Sub che funge da coda di attività.

Quindi, puoi creare una seconda funzione attivata da Pub/Sub che elabora queste attività e invia i risultati al response_url di Slack.

Utilizzo del comando Barra

  1. Una volta completato il deployment della funzione, digita questo comando nel tuo canale Slack:

    /kg giraffe

    Dovresti visualizzare la voce "giraffe" del Knowledge Graph.

  2. Controlla i log per vedere l'output dell'esecuzione della funzione:

    gcloud functions logs read --limit 100

Esegui la pulizia

Per evitare che al tuo Account Google Cloud vengano addebitati costi relativi alle risorse utilizzate in questo tutorial, elimina il progetto che contiene le risorse oppure mantieni il progetto ed elimina le singole risorse.

Elimina il progetto

Il modo più semplice per eliminare la fatturazione è eliminare il progetto che hai creato per il tutorial.

Per eliminare il progetto:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.

    Go to Manage resources

  2. In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
  3. In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.

Eliminazione della Cloud Function

Per eliminare la Cloud Function di cui hai eseguito il deployment in questo tutorial, esegui questo comando:


gcloud functions delete nodejs-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete python-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete go-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete java-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete csharp-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete ruby-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 


gcloud functions delete php-slack-function --gen2 --region REGION 

Puoi anche eliminare Cloud Functions dalla console Google Cloud.