Manage functions

Functions created using the Cloud Functions v2 API (for example, by using gcloud functions, the REST API, or Terraform) can be managed with the Cloud Run Admin API as well as the Cloud Functions v2 API. For example, you can update an existing function using either gcloud functions or gcloud run commands:

  gcloud functions deploy FUNCTION_NAME" \
    --source= . \
gcloud run deploy FUNCTION_NAME" \
  --source= . \


The gcloud beta functions detach command lets you detach a Cloud Functions v2 function from its existing API environment. After you detach a function, you can only manage it using the Cloud Run Admin API. You might want to do this if your workloads need to stay within the API boundary for Assured Workloads, or to ensure that your workloads use the Cloud Run SKU.

Prepare your function for detach

When preparing to detach your function, consider the following:

  • The detach operation is not reversible.
  • The detach operation cannot be applied to Cloud Run functions (1st gen).
  • Familiarize yourself with how to deploy functions in Cloud Run using the Google Cloud console, Google Cloud CLI, and Terraform.
  • HTTP functions will retain their assigned URLs.
  • Triggers attached to event-driven functions will be retained.
  • Triggers cannot be managed through the API directly. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the trigger management guides for Eventarc or Pub/Sub.
  • Disabling retry on failure is not a supported feature on Cloud Run.
    • During the detach operation, Cloud Run functions modifies the triggers attached to functions configured with no retry on failure, to ensure that the underlying Pub/Sub topic makes a maximum of five delivery attempts. When the detach operation is completed, a dead letter queue topic stores the undelivered messages, which you can retrieve by creating a new subscription to the dead letter queue.
  • When a function is successfully detached, a new Cloud Run revision is created. Starting from that revision onwards, the function will be billed using the Cloud Run SKU.

Detach your Function

You can detach your function using the following command:

gcloud beta functions detach FUNCTION_NAME

Replace FUNCTION_NAME with the name of your function.