Control access with IAM

This page describes how you use Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles and permissions to control access to Error Reporting data in Google Cloud resources.


IAM permissions and roles determine your ability to access data through the Error Reporting API and the Google Cloud console.

To use Error Reporting within a Google Cloud resource, such as a Google Cloud project, folder, or organization, you must be granted an IAM role on that resource. This role must contain the appropriate permissions.

A role is a collection of permissions. You can't grant a principal permissions directly; instead, you grant them a role. When you grant a role to a principal, you grant them all the permissions that the role contains. You can grant multiple roles to the same principal.

Predefined roles

IAM provides predefined roles to give granular access to specific Google Cloud resources. Google Cloud creates and maintains these roles and automatically updates their permissions as necessary, such as when Error Reporting adds new features.

The following table lists the Error Reporting roles, the roles' titles, their descriptions, contained permissions, and the lowest-level resource type where the roles can be set. A particular role can be granted on this resource type or, in most cases, any type above it in the Google Cloud hierarchy.

To get a list of each individual permission contained in a role, see Getting the role metadata.

Role Permissions


Provides full access to Error Reporting data.

Lowest-level resources where you can grant this role:

  • Project


  • errorreporting.applications.list
  • errorreporting.errorEvents.create
  • errorreporting.errorEvents.delete
  • errorreporting.errorEvents.list
  • errorreporting.groupMetadata.get
  • errorreporting.groupMetadata.update
  • errorreporting.groups.list
  • logging.notificationRules.create
  • logging.notificationRules.delete
  • logging.notificationRules.get
  • logging.notificationRules.list
  • logging.notificationRules.update





Provides the permissions to read and write Error Reporting data, except for sending new error events.

Lowest-level resources where you can grant this role:

  • Project





  • errorreporting.groupMetadata.get
  • errorreporting.groupMetadata.update


  • logging.notificationRules.create
  • logging.notificationRules.delete
  • logging.notificationRules.get
  • logging.notificationRules.list
  • logging.notificationRules.update





Provides read-only access to Error Reporting data.

Lowest-level resources where you can grant this role:

  • Project












Provides the permissions to send error events to Error Reporting.

Lowest-level resources where you can grant this role:

  • Service Account


API permissions

Error Reporting API methods require specific IAM permissions. The following table lists and describes the permissions needed by the API methods.

Method Required permission(s) Description
deleteEvents errorreporting.errorEvents.delete Delete error events.
events.list errorreporting.errorEvents.list List error events. errorreporting.errorEvents.create Create or update error events.
groupStats.list errorreporting.groups.list List ErrorGroupStats.
groups.get errorreporting.groupMetadata.get Retrieve error group information.
  • errorreporting.groupMetadata.update
  • errorreporting.applications.list
  • Update and mute error group information.
    Change error resolution status.
  • List services and versions for a project.
  • Further considerations

    When deciding which permissions and roles apply to a principal's use cases, consider the following summary of Error Reporting activities and required permissions:

    Activities Required permissions
    Have read-only access to the Error Reporting Google Cloud console page. errorreporting.applications.list
    See group details in the Google Cloud console. Permissions for read-only access plus:
    Change metadata in the Google Cloud console. Change error resolution status, including muting errors. Permissions for read-only access plus:
    Delete errors in the Google Cloud console. Permissions for read-only access plus:
    Create errors (no Google Cloud console permissions needed). errorreporting.errorEvents.create
    Subscribe to notifications. Permissions for read-only access plus:

    Grant and manage roles

    You can grant and manage IAM roles using the Google Cloud console, the IAM API methods, or the Google Cloud CLI. For instructions on granting and managing roles, see Granting, changing, and revoking access.

    You can grant multiple roles to the same user. To get a list of the permissions contained in a role, see Getting the role metadata.

    If you're trying to access a Google Cloud resource and lack the necessary permissions, contact the user who is listed as the Owner for the resource.

    Custom roles

    To create a custom role with Error Reporting permissions, choose permissions from API permissions, then follow the instructions to create a custom role.

    Role change latency

    Error Reporting caches IAM permissions for 5 minutes, so it will take up to 5 minutes for a role change to become effective.